//------------------------------// // What Parents Do When The Kids Aren`t There // Story: A Beautiful Light From Within The Darkest Clouds // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// Chapter 7 Twilight Velvet sat on a beach chair drinking a PiƱa Colada. "The ocean looks so nice at this beach." "Night Light, Las Pegasus was great and I`m so happy that someone there new a great beach that was pretty close." Night Light looked at his wife and enjoyed how happy she was. "Dear, why don`t we go hiking in the woods tonight? We could also camp out if you want." Twilight loved this idea. "Yeah it will be great! We`ll have tons of fun!" "Let`s go back to the hotel after going swimming and pack up." Twilight loved how smart her husband was. "Great idea!" "Okay! We`re all ready Twilight! Let`s go!" "In a second! I`m still putting on bug spray!" Twilight stepped out of the bathroom looking like she`d hiked her whole life. She had work boots, a shirt that was good for the cold and outdoor activities, and some capris that are made for hiking. "You look great Twilight!" She batted her eyelashes and said "Stop it." playfully. "I`m tired! This hill is so tall." Night Light looked at his tired wife and said "We`ve only been walking for 10 minutes." Twilight felt embarrassed and went a little bit faster. "I see the perfect spot just up ahead!" "Yeah!" she shouted. "I mean um... yeah." The two of them ran the last 1/4 of a mile and put down their stuff. "I will go get wood. Twilight, you set up the tents." She nodded to her husband. The woods sure are dark. As he was walking he heard a rustling in the bushes. What was that?! He saw something move out of his peripheral vision. Now I`m scared. "Hello? Is anyone there?" "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" A blood curdling scream filled the air. Twilight was automatically concerned and frightened. "NIGHT LIGHT! NIGHT LIGHT!" She called out his name hoping that he would come back. After deciding that she`d waited long enough she ran in after him. "NIGHT LIGHT!" "Ttt- tw-twili..." She thought that she heard her dear husband and ran after the voice. "I`m coming!" She finally thought that she saw him. "Night Light!" She ran at full gallop and when she saw him she nearly fainted. He was bleeding and severely hurt. She knew that no matter what happened he couldn`t survive these injuries. "N-Night Light!" she cried out through her tears. "Y-you mm-usst g-go." he choked out. "No I`m not leaving you!" "GO!" he managed to shout. Suddenly, timber wolves came out and surrounded them. "S-save y-yours-self." She tried to run, but one of them snagged her. He pulled her closer with hunger in his eyes and blood in his teeth. "NOOOOOO!" rang out through the forest as her final words.