Everypony loves Twilight

by LankyLuna

Chapter 8

Twilight looked around at her friend's shocked faces.

"So, what do ya say, Twily?" Pinkie Pie piped up energetically.

"I-um-I" Twilight began.

"Hold on a second!" Rainbow dash shouted, standing upright on her bed, pointing at Pinkie. "You can't just go asking out Twilight without finding out if anypony else lo-like's her!"

"Wait, what? But, I don't like her..." Pinkie said, turning towards a open-mouthed Twilight "I love her." Pinkie said lovingly, making Twilight's mouth practically hit the floor.

Fluttershy started to cry, and ran out of the room, covering her face with her mane.

"Look what you did Pinkie!" Rainbow angrily yelled, staring bitterly into Pinkie's eyes.

"But I though I was supposed to tell the pony I love...when I...love-" Pinkie looked at Twilight, who was still in the same shocked position. "You don't love me back, do you?" Pinkie asked sadly, her frizzy mane flattening down, it's bright tint darkening.

Pinkie walked away dejectedly.

"P-Pinkie..." Was all that Twilight could manage.

Twilight looked at her remaining friends, noticing that Rarity must've left at some point.

Applejack and Rainbow looked at Twilight.

"YES!" Twilight shouted, running out of the hospital to find Pinkie.

"No..." Rainbow whispered sorrowfully, desperately reaching for the love of her life, who quickly disappeared.

Applejack felt like her heart was twisting violently in her chest. She tumbled down and covered her face with her hooves.

"What just happened?" Rainbow said, closing her tear filled eyes.

Pinkie walked home, her feelings crushed.

I guess Rainbow was right. Maybe I shouldn't express my feelings. Pinkie thought.

It'll only hurt me.

"Pinkie!" The sad mare heard from behind her. "Pinkie! wait for me!"

"Twilight?" Pinkie asked, turning around to see her favorite unicorn.

"Pinkie..." Twilight said, breathing heavily, slowing down to a stop. "I..." Pinkie put a hoof to Twilight's mouth, silencing her, and smiling through her tears.

"Twilight. Don't be sorry. I love you, and there's no way I would hold anything against you." Pinkie said, then turned around and kept on walking home.

"No, Pinkie. I-I want to be your special somepony!" Twilight didn't know why she instantly felt this way for her friend. But it just felt right...

"You what!?" Pinkie's eyes widened as her mane brightening and becoming frizzy again.

Pinkie ran back to Twilight, and hugged her tightly.

"I thought you hated me." Said Pinkie.

"Hate you? What gave you that idea?" Twilight said, hugging her new marefriend tightly.

"I love you Twilight."

"I know..."