//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: Tensions Grow // Story: Paradox in Equestria // by SPkon107 //------------------------------// Chapter Two: Tensions Grow Location: Airborne on the Pelican On board: Pelican 743/ Pelican 934 Date: November 19, 2555 Time: 10: 09 P.M The drop-ships flew over the forest Twilight was curious about how was the large metal object able to fly without any wings. On one was Spartan- 237, Spartan- 551, Spartan-617, Spartan- 427, Spartan- 157, and Spartan-123 along with the two Princesses, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, also the ship was carrying a Warthog with a mounted Gauss Cannon. On the other Pelican were Spartan- 314, Spartan- 211, Spartan-133, and Spartan-781 along with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Cadence and Shining Armor. 211 noticed a large object on the motion tracker. “Hey 314 check this out.” “What is it?” “We pick up something on the tracker.” the Spartan III sat on the co-pilot seat and observed the radar. “I see it…but what is it?” “I don’t know.” “I’ll contact the Commander. Keep your eyes peeled and be ready to take action.” “Understood.” 314 contacted Luke. “Commander.” It took a moment to answer. “Commander here.” “Sir we have picked up a large object following our tail what should we do?” “Well if you didn’t had those ponies then you might have engaged but…” 237 heard the voice of Celestia from the troop- bay. “237.” “Yeah.” “I want your team to go check it out while we continue making our way to the town.” “Understood but, what about the ponies.” “Protect them with your lives.” “Understood.” “You heard her now go.” 314 looked at 211 and he nodded at him as the ship turned direction 314 walked to the door-bay and he closed the door of the ship. Cadence asked. “Um…Spartan why did the ship turn direction?” “How do you that we changed course?” “I have wings I know.” “Ok…well our radar had picked up a large object and we’re going to check it out. “How big is the object?” “Bigger than a Wraith but smaller than a Phantom. Spartans ready your weapons.” The armored humans loaded there firearms and the ponies just looked at them.” 211 shouted from the cockpit. “Sir multiple life forms approaching our position! They seem to be the same thing that we found earlier.” “211 ready the gu…” the ship shook. The turret on the ship was shot. “211 what the fuck was that?!” “Some kind of…” he was cut off by a loud roar. Rainbow Dash recognized the roar. “DRAAAAAAAAAAAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!” “What?!” the ship shook again. 314 ran to the cockpit 211 was struggling to take down the oversize lizards but their fire breath wasn’t enough to melt the metal of the Pelican. “211 status!” “These things are firing fire balls at us but, they don’t seem to do much damage.” “Must be because of the ship’s alloy.” A dragon landed on top of the ship and it began to slam its claws on the Pelican. “Sir if that thing takes out one of our engines we’re…” the ship began to fall. 211 tried to make the Pelican land on its belly. As it landed the ship tore trees and bushes from its root until it made a stop near a lake. 314 said. “Is everyone okay.” He heard moaning. “I think that’s a yes.” He walked to the back. He turned on his headlamps the Spartans stood up like nothing has happened but the ponies had some difficulties. “CADENCE!” Shining Armor shouted as he saw his wife bleeding from the left side of her forehead.” “Shining I’m fine really.” “But you’re bleeding.” “Please I’ll be fine.” 314 walked to the young couple and he looked at Cadence’s injury. “She’ll be fine but, I need to treat the wound to prevent it from infecting. 133 you’re up.” He walked to them and 314 walked back to the cockpit. “211 status report.” “Ship’s dead and we only have enough life support of the ship to make one call.” “I’ll contact the Commander.” “Sending all power to the communicator.” Location: Airborne over Ponyville On board: Pelican 934 Date: November 19, 2555 Time: 10: 33 P.M Pelican 934 just entered the city the roar of the ship’s engines interrupted the sleeping residents. As the ship landed near Twilight’s home a call from Pelican 743. “Commander this is Spartan-314 do you copy?” “Commander here.” “Sir our Pelican is down I repeat eli…n is do…n “You’re braking up what happen.” “Dragons ha… aken…do…n our sh… we need an es…rt… sending you the corr…inates.” “Coordinates received.” “Hurry Comman…” a large roar cut him off and the signal died.” “314…Spartan what happened.” Nothing. The passengers had already walked inside Luke walked in last he had to crouch down due to the height of the door. Celestia said. “Is everything alright Commander?” “No. my team’s ship is down. I’m going to look for them. Jackie you’re with me on the hog. 617 you will take the Pelican for an escort when I com you.” “Understood sir.” “The rest of you stay here. Until I return.” The Commander walked outside and he was stopped by the group of angry pony residents. One threw him a rock and he fired his rifle in the air. BANG! –the sound of the gun forced the ponies in fear. Celestia ran outside “Commander what are you doing!?” “Scaring them.” He walked to the Pelican and he released the hog from the magnetic grappling hooks. Celestia walked up to him face to face. “How dare you scare my subjects like that? I’m sure that you do that to scare your people to contain order but here we do things differently.” “Well we may be different species but your ponies act a lot like humans.” He climbed on the hog. “Now if you would excuse me?” The motor of the ship roared Jackie joined him on the hog and the two entered into the forest. Location: Everfree Forest, Equestria Date: November 19, 2555 Time: 11: 01 P.M The Spartans used the door-bay, and one of the engines of the ship as cover to hold back the dragons that were attacking. 314 shouted. “Come on hold them back until the Commander finds us! 211 do we have any Spartan Lasers or Rocket Launchers!” “We have both!” 133 shouted. “Toss me a Laser!” as soon a 133 obtained the weapon he charged it up and he fired the crimson beam at one of the dragon’s head. The ponies who were taking refuge in the damaged Pelican witnessed the death of one of the dragons as the beam tore right into the lizard's skull and burning through the end. The lizard fell to the ground. Cadence looked at the corpse and then she fainted Shining caught her before she hit the ground. The stallion took his wife to the cockpit for safety. Rarity just ran to one end of the ship to puke. Rainbow said to Applejack. “Wh…what are they do?” “AH think that dragon is…dead.” “Dead so you’re telling me that they just killed a dragon!” “Yeah.” “Great just graaaah!” she took cover from a ball a flame that nearly burned her head off. “That was close. As I was saying we’re with some psychopathic killers.” “As much as ah agree with ya. You have to remember that they are soldiers.” “Look out.” The two mares took cover. 314 charged at one dragon. The beast swung its tail and then its arm the Spartan dodged both attack. On the third attack he grabbed onto the tail and he grabbed onto the spines to climb onto its head. On the head of the beast 314 shout 25 rounds in the skull the dragon died almost instantly. He regrouped with the team. “Only nine are left keep it up.” Location: Everfree Forest, Equestria Date: November 20, 2555 Time: 12: 58 A.M Luke and Jackie were diving to the coordinates that 314 has sent him. The path to the pelican may have been a mission for any wooden carriage but for the warthog this was no problem the vehicle shredded through the vegetation of the forest. The Spartans knew they were close when they heard gunfire. “We’re close Jackie take the gun.” “Yes sir.” She placed her Battle Rifle on her back and she back-flipped to the gun. She grabbed the gun-grip and she pulled her feet on the back. “Ready!” “Then hang on.” He contacted 617. “617 we’re ready for evac.” “Understood.” As the Commander made his way to his teammates the Spartans were pushed back to the inside of the Pelican. 781 said as he fired his last rocket from his Rocket Launcher. “314 we’re pinned back inside the Pelican we have to get these ponies out of here.” 314 responded. “I know that but the evac is t…” he stopped as he heard the familiar sound of w weapon. The Gauss round struck the one of the dragons in the back of the head as the lizard fell the hog jumped off a cliff Jackie continued to fire the turret. The hog landed in front of the last two lizards. They made their attacking pose. Luke counted down “3…2…1” missiles flew from the sky and attacked the dragons the ponies in the pelican covered their ears from the sound of the explosions. The dust cleared and the Pelican descended from the sky the door opened. 314 shouted from the damaged Pelican. “Ponies we have evac come on before more of those things show up!” the group of ponies ran to the Pelican and then the Spartans. The Commander walked to the cockpit. “617 get us out of here.” “Yes sir.” 617 locked onto the Warthog and he set course to Ponyville. Five minutes later The drop-ship landed next to the tree the ponies exited the ship first and into the house Twilight noticed Cadence’s injury. “Cadence!” she ran to her. “What happen?!” “Nothing Twilight I’m fine.” Twilight turned to the Commander. “What did you do to her?!” “Nothing if that’s your answer.” “Nothing she’s hurt and it’s your…” Shining Armor shouted. “Twilight!” she turned to her brother. “They didn’t do anything!” “But…” “That’s enough!” “O…ok.” It has been a long time since her brother has yelled at her not even when Twilight has pointed out that the importer Cadence was an imposter. Luke continued. “Captain it’s alright.” “Alright my sister is yelling at you when you saved our lives.” “Don’t worry about that. A mare yelling at me will don’t make me feel less of a Spartan.” “Still Commander one of your Spartans treated my wife’s wounds I owe you one.” “No you don’t it’s my job as a Spartan.” Celestia called from behind. “Commander.” Yes ma’am.” “What happen why do my ponies look so…scared?” Rarity responded. “BECAUSE THEY ARE MURDERS!” Celestia was shocked to what she has heard. “Wh…what?” “They killed a group of dragons!” the alicron turned to the Spartan. “What? You killed on my…land.” “We had to. Your ponies were in danger.” “I know but, you could have used other methods.” “Like what?” “I…I I I…” “Exactly. We had to do what we had to do.” “But…” she knew that it was pointless to consult with them. These humans have been fighting for almost three decades. Fighting is all they know what to do when they have to use it. “You are…right.” Twilight was shocked that the princess has given up so easily. “Princess.” “No Twilight. These humans have been scared by the acts of war. And even though their actions were against Equestrian Laws their actions saved your friends. So if they have to kill again then let it be. Only and only if it is necessary and for the right reason.” The Commander responded. “Don’t worry princess we know when to use our training when needed.” “Well I think we should get some rest. Now due to your size finding you a place to sleep will be hard.” Applejack answered. “They can use the barn.” Twilight said. “Um…AJ can I speak to you.” They walked to another room. “AJ what are you thinking they a killers think of what they are capable of doing.” “Twi they saved my life the least I can do is offer them a place to stay.” “Yes they did but they killed innocent creatures.” “Innocent? INNOCENT! Those lizards tried to killed us and they did what they thought what was the right thing to do. Twilight what if I was killed.” “I…I… I’m sorry it’s just that I’m worried about my friend that’s all. You guys mean a lot me.” “I know Twilight. I know.” “Just be careful ok.” “Ok.” The two regrouped with the crowd. “Ok let’s get going.” The Spartans followed Applejack to her farm. “Well here it is Sweet Apple Acres and here’s the farm. Make yourselves at home.” The mare walked out of the barn leaving the humans behind. “Spartans get some shut eyes we’ve had a wired day today.” Celestia had to return to Canterlot to inform her staff and her guards. Luna stayed behind to help the soldiers feel more comfortable Location: Ponyville, Equestria Date: November 20, 2555 Time: 9: 00 A.M Paradox Team has been awake since 6 in the morning Luna and Twilight met up with Applejack to speak with the Commander. The orange mare was bucking apples as she was picking up the apples that have landed on the ground she noticed the two mares walking up to her. “Howdy Twilight. Hello Princess.” Luna responded. “Please call me Luna.” Twilight continued. “Hi Applejack. Are our “guest” up yet.” “Yup they’re helping me take down some dead trees.” “Can you take me there?” “Of course. Right this way.” The Spartans were at a far end of the farm as they walked AJ was talking to her friend. “Now I will say this when they offered I tried to turn them down but, they said it’s the least they can do for letting them sleep here and well I offered them tools to cut down the trees but, they didn’t needed.” “What do you mean by that?” “Y’all see.” They walked over a hill. The Princess and the unicorn were shocked of what they were staring at. When Applejack said that they didn’t needed cutting tools she was serious. The Spartan tore down the trees with their bare hands pulling them out from the roots of the trees. The lavender mare shook her head and she walked to the Commander. “Commander-237.” “Yeah.” “May I speak with you for a moment?” “Sure.” “Ok follow me.” In a different part of the farm Twilight and the Princess need to speak with Luke. “So what’s the problem?” “I’ll let Princess Luna tell you.” Luna cleared her throat and she began. “Spartan we have a situation about your presents.” “Like.” “Like that your ship was visible enough to be seen in Vaporia and Mexicolt. The Ibex Empire and the Griffin Kingdom are two countries that we want to keep out of Equestria due to their thirst of imperialism. “Imperialism?” “Yes they thought that the ball of flame was a meteorite and they crossed the borders. We have a bad encountered but, the two countries didn’t like the situation.” “I still don’t follow how does this concern my team?” “Well my sister returned to Canterlot and she informed the staff and all of the Royal Guards about your presents and from the borderline of Equest and Griffin…well…” “Let me take a guess. Some dumbass mentioned us here.” “As much as I want you to be wrong... it's true.” The Commander placed his hand against his visor. “Forgive for saying this but, your sister is a complete dumbass.” Twilight shouted. “Hey don’t talk to Celestia like that!” “Just did. What are you going to do about it?” he turned his body to the mare. Terrified of his size she simply lowered her head. Luna continued. “Commander.” “Yeah.” “The reason that I am telling you is because I want you to be aware of the situation. And the Griffins have been known to be warriors and they have invaded lands.” “Compare to us they don’t stand a chance.” “I hope so.” “What do you mean by that?” “Commander we are…well the Ibex and the Griffins want to declare war on us if we don’t turn you in.” 237 slowly moved his hand towards his pistol. “My sister wants to prevent war and she’s considering it but, I think there is another way than turning you in. I know you are reaching for you weapon.” She said without looking down. “Sorry but, we’re not turning ourselves in.” “I know and I will not force you to. I will say this Commander.” “What?” “I recommend that you return to you ship and start repairing it.” “Now?” “Now.” The alicorn started to walk away. “Princess.” “Yes.” “Why are you telling me this?” “This is not your world Spartan. You and your team have been through a lot in your past. I think that you have had suffered enough.” She kept walking being followed by Twilight. Luke regrouped with his team. “Paradox grab your gear and report to the Pelican.” They looked at him wondering why. “Did I stutter?!” they reacted fast and they followed Luke back to the ship. They arrived at the ship as the team entered the Pelican Celestia arrived on a carriage followed by about 100 Pegasi guards. Luke knew what was going on he walked to the alicorn and she began to speak. “Commander-237 where are you going?” “Back to the Frigate.” “Your ship?” he nodded. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that I need you to accompany me to Canterlot at once.” “Why so you could turn us over to this Griffin and Ibex Empire.” She was shocked about his statement wondering how he found out she turned to her sister that was next to Cadence and Shining Armor. “You told him.” “Yes I did.” “Why.” “Sister you know better than this. These soldiers have been through enough. The best thing to do is to let them finish repairing their ship and let them leave out planet. They won’t be a threat anymore.” “Sister it’s too late. The Griffins have their troops positioned outside Canterlot Castle.” Luna just shook her head slowly and she said to the Commander. “Commander-237.” “Yes.” “Please leave as soon as you can.” The alicorn walked inside the tree. “You heard your sister we’re leaving rather you like it or not.” He turned just before he made his first step Celestia shot a concussion beam from her horn. The shield of Luke’s suit took all of the damage and with is Spartan speed he grabbed the alicorn by the neck. “UUGGHHH” Twilight shouted. “Princess Celestia!” the Royal Guard ready their weapons to take down Luke but, Paradox team formed a circle around the two with their weapons aimed at them. Luke lifted her off her hooves and he said. “Don’t you ever do that again. Do I make myself clear.” He released her. Coughing and gasping for air she stood up slowly and she said. “I can…not let you…” she placed his pistol on her head. “Watch me.” He turned his attention to his team.” Paradox on the shi…” he stopped as he heard a loud explosion coming from the city from the mountain-side. “What the hell was that?” “They have begun the invasion.” “Who?” “The Griffins.” “Well that’s your problem not mine. Paradox on the ship now.” He walked to the Pelican. Before he stepped foot. “So you’re going to leave the innocent to die.” He closed the door and he walked to the cockpit. Jackie said to him.” “Sir.” “What?” “She’s not the first who tried to take us to the enemy and she was doing for the right cause.” “Your point.” “My point is that they may not be humans but, they are still innocent lives in danger and who else to protect them.” The Commander stared the engines the ship ascended in the air. The sighed and he made course to Canterlot. “I won’t make the same mistake again.” The ponies looked Twilight ran to Celestia. “Princess are you ok?” “I’m fine Twilight but, I need you and your friends to meet me here at once.” “Right away.” Luna looked outside the window as the Pelican flew towards the city. Celestia walked in. “Luna why did you told them?” “You know your plan was the wrong thing to do.” “But we needed to preserve peace.” “Peace?” she turned to her sister. “They gave you 24 hours to turn them over and they attacked before the deadline. If you don’t mind I have a city to defend.” “Well talk about this some other time. Now we need to capture the Spartans.” “You are such a fool dear sister. I saw them making their way to Canterlot. “What? Why?” “They are protectors of the innocent why else would they go?” Location: Canterlot, Equestria Date: November 20, 2555 Time: 10: 16 A.M Luke was over the city he opened the door Spartans 617, 427, 157, and 781 were the first to drop into hell. The four noticed civilian ponies fleeing the city. Luke hover the ship near the main entrance of the city. The Royal Guards were forced back into the city thinking fast the Commander fired missiles through the main gate killing the enemy and collapsing the door. As the ship was positioned right on the outside of the city the Spartans jumped off the ship all but, 781 landed on their feet while 781 used his thrusters to smoothen his landing. 617 just shook his head showing that the new breed of Spartans are less efficient as the previous generations 617 shouted. “Spartans let’s show these bastards what's real warriors are!”