Split Personality

by Yukito

Part II

The next morning, Fluttershy mumbled in her sleep as she lay down on the sofa in her living room, a warm blanket wrapped over her body. The bed in her bedroom had been offered to her guest, Pride, who accepted it eagerly. “Mm… Harry, could you please pass the scones over? Oh, would you like some more tea, Angel Bunny?”

The smell of cinnamon waffles greeted her nose, and she stirred about on the couch. “That smells wonderful… I would love to try some. Thank you…” Fluttershy’s eyes opened slowly, and she let out a quiet, graceful yawn as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What? Is somepony using my kitchen?” she asked herself as she slowly climbed off of the couch, and to her hooves.

“Oh, you’re awake!” Fluttershy yelped and jumped back, hiding behind her couch as she peeked her head over it. She noticed Pride setting two plates and two glasses of orange juice onto her dining table. “Excellent timing! Breakfast will be ready in, oh, ten minutes?”

“B-Breakfast?” Fluttershy asked, before letting out a loud gasp and hovering in the air. “Oh, no! You’re the guest! It’s my job to make breakfast!”

Pride waved her hoof dismissively. “Maybe, but in this case, you may make an exception! For it is an honour, and a privilege, to be able to experience firsthoof, the wonderful culinary skills, of the Great, and Powerful, Trixiiiiie!” Fireworks shot out around Trixie as she struck a pose, startling Fluttershy and causing her to hide behind her couch again. “Relax. They’re only illusions! Totally no fire hazard whatsoever!”

“I-Is that right?” Fluttershy asked as she once again came out of hiding. “E-Even so, it really should be me that-”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie must insist, Fluttershy. Besides, it is already too late; the food is almost ready.”

“Well, I guess, if you’ve already put so much work into it, it would be rude to turn you down now…”

“If you like, consider it payment for allowing Trixie to stay here. Though personally, the Great and Powerful would have thought her mere presence to be payment enough…”

Fluttershy slowly began to make her way towards the kitchen. “What are you making, anyway? It smells like cinnamon waffles, but I’m pretty sure I was out of them.”

“Oh, that? Our guest had some food on her, and offered us some.”

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at that. “‘Guest’?” she asked, receiving only a nod from Pride, who was focused on setting up the table to look just right, which seemed to include everything being perfectly symmetrical.

“Not quite right… This plate should be a little to the left, and…”

Fluttershy decided to get to the bottom of this herself, and made her way towards the kitchen, where she assumed this ‘guest’ of theirs to currently be. And she was right. Standing before her now, was another Trixie, this one carefully reading from a book held in her magic, as she panicked over the breakfast being prepared.

“Oh dear. Is this right? I think it is, but knowing me, I’ve probably just messed it up. If only Pride were here…”

Fluttershy ran the seven Trixies from yesterday through her mind, as she tried to deduce which one it was that she was currently looking at. Smiling as she reached her conclusion, she approached the new Trixie to greet her. “Good morning, Envy,” she said, startling the blue mare and making her drop the book in her magic. “Oh my, terribly sorry.”

“N-No. I probably would have dropped it anyway. My magic isn’t really so great after all, Miss… Um… Butterfly?”

“Fluttershy,” the yellow mare corrected, still smiling at the Trixie standing before her.

“O-Oh, right. Sorry, I’m not really good with names and faces.”

“That’s quite alright. But, do you mind if I ask why you’re here?”

The blue mare’s face turned into a frown, and she looked down at the floor beneath her hooves. “I-I’m sorry. I guess, I’m not welcome here after all, huh?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, and she quickly shook her head. “Oh, no no no no! I didn’t mean it like that! I just meant, why are you here at my house, when I thought you were staying with Applejack?”

The Trixie looked up at the mare with a questioning look. “Staying at Applejack’s place? What do you-Oh! Oh, you must have me confused with another Trixie!” The blue mare laughed, confusing Fluttershy for a second, before stopping and giving the Pegasus a concerned look. “S-Sorry… was that too harsh?”

“Um… N-No… I’m just a little confused, that’s all.”

“Understandable. Even I am getting confused with all of the Trixies around. Oh! Not that I’m trying to put myself on a higher plane, or anything…”

“The table is set!” Pride shouted as she entered the kitchen. “The Great and Powerful Trixie, will now add the final touches to this breakfast! Prepare yourself, Fluttershy, for the most delicious meal you will ever taste in your entire life!”

“I can’t wait,” Fluttershy said, admittedly curious as to how this meal would taste.

“It won’t be that good,” the other Trixie said, causing Pride’s left eye to twitch.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is a master of the culinary arts!”

“We just know a bit about cooking. That’s all, really.”

Pride grit her teeth together, but kept her composure. After all, she wasn’t going to bring any sort of harm to another Trixie, no matter what. “… Well then, Fluttershy, why don’t you go and take a seat? The Great and Powerful Trixie will be with you shortly.”

Fluttershy looked between the two Trixies with a confused look on her face, before nodding and slowly trotting out of the kitchen. As she made her way towards the table, where there were now four placements (she suspected that the fourth placement was simply to uphold the symmetry), she couldn’t help but wonder to herself: ‘If that wasn’t Envy… then who?

The sound of her alarm clock ringing stirred Rainbow Dash out of her sleep, and prompted her to groan as she sluggishly lifted her head from her pillow, which was soaked in her drool, and flail her arm about blindly to her side, in search of the noisy object currently offending her ears.

“Where is it?” she asked herself weakly as she searched her bedside table for her clock.

“GAH! Shut that thing up, already!” The sound of an explosion startled the rainbow-maned mare, and caused her to jump out of her bed, and clutch onto the cloud ceiling above her. She noticed that the sound of the alarm had ceased, and looked down to see Trixie – or rather, ‘Wrath’ – and the charred remnants of her alarm clock on the floor, beside her bed. “Much better…”

“H-Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted, letting go of the ceiling and flying down to press her nose against Wrath’s, the two of them exchanged intense glares with the other. “What the hay?! That wasn’t your clock to break!”

“Well, if you had just shut it up sooner, then I wouldn’t have freaking broken it!” Wrath turned around and began to storm out of the room. “I’m taking you up on your offer last night; I’m helping myself to your fridge! After that, I’d appreciate it if you just stay out of my face!”

Rainbow Dash would have loved to just leave obnoxious mare all to herself. To just end the argument right now, before it escalated into exchanged kicks and blast of magical energy, and not have to listen to another word from Wrath’s mouth until Twilight came up with a solution. She would have loved to do that, but unfortunately, she had already made a decision last night.

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash called out, drawing Wrath’s attention.

“What?” Wrath asked, annoyance clear in her tone.

“After breakfast, there’s somewhere I wanna take you.” Wrath raised an eyebrow at that, and eyed the Pegasus suspiciously. “It won’t take long, and it’s something I think that you – or rather, Trixie – could really do with seeing.”

“What is it? And why should I care?”

“You’ll see when you get there. As for why you should care… well, it’s either this, or we go and visit the others. I’m sure Pinkie Pie would just love to spend some time with you. Or maybe we can go and see how Lust is doing.”

Wrath cringed at both suggestions, remembering full well how utterly crazy and insufferable the pink one was, and how disgusting and even more insufferable her sex-crazed other was. “… And what if I just want to stay here?”

“Then you’d be in trouble, since I have no intention of just hanging out here all day. And without me, you can’t get back down to the ground.”

Wrath growled at Rainbow Dash, who remained calm and straight-faced as she gave Wrath a stern look. Finally, the blue mare let out a disgruntled sigh. “Fine… If it’ll get you off my freaking back, I’ll go see whatever this so-called ‘important thing’ is.”

Rainbow Dash grinned, and gave Wrath’s shoulder a slight nudge, prompting the other mare to throw a kick towards Rainbow Dash’s face in response. It missed when Rainbow Dash, anticipating the attack, flew further up into the air, and gave the mare below her a smug look. “Good! Then, let’s go eat, and then we can leave!”

“Why are you so eager to leave?” Wrath asked, storming out of Rainbow Dash’s bedroom, with Rainbow Dash following behind her in the air.

“Because I want to get this over with as quickly as possible,” Rainbow Dash responded. “I want to show you this thing because of… certain reasons. But I certainly don’t want to have to spend more time with you than I have to!”

“… Good point,” Wrath said. “The first one you’ve made since we first met.”

“… I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Let’s just eat, go, and then never talk to each other ever again. Agreed?”

“Works for me.”

“WHY ARE WE IN A FREAKING FOREST?!” Wrath shouted as she pushed a few branches out of her face. “I thought you just wanted to show me something! Why does it have to be all the way out here?!”

“It’s just a little further ahead,” Rainbow Dash said, flying above Trixie at a leisurely pace. “What’s the big deal?”

“You can freaking fly! Of course you’re okay with it!”

“Quit your whining! We’re almost there.”

“I’m not whining! I’m ranting! There’s a difference! All these twigs and leaves in my hair! All the cuts and scrapes from these infernal branches! All the freaking bugs flying around! OW! Great! Now we’re moving past thorn bushes?! I better not be allergic to any of these flowers, or I swear I’m going to kick your ass!”

“We’re here,” Rainbow Dash said, doing her best to ignore Wrath’s ‘ranting’. Admittedly, she actually found it quite amusing. “There. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“I’M BLEEDING!” Wrath yelled, holding up her hoof to show the long cut caused by a recent branch. “Not so bad my flank! And what the hell is meant to be out here that’s so damn important?! All I see is a giant tree!”

“And that’s it!” Rainbow Dash declared, landing next to the large tree in question, which towered so high up into the air, that the top couldn’t even be seen by the two mares at it base. “This tree right here, is what I wanted to show you!”

“… What?” Wrath asked, her right eye twitching and her horn sparking up. “If this is a joke, I am not. A. MUSED!”

“Whoa, just calm down for a second!” Wrath’s horn remained lit, but she at least seemed to refrain from firing before Rainbow Dash could explain. “Alright, I’m gonna let you in on a secret, okay?”

“A secret?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Look, you’re not the only one who gets fed up of other ponies now and then. Heck, I’ve had my fair share of other ponies constantly giving me grief, and when I was a child, I had a very short fuse! But after enough scoldings from my folks, I realised that I needed a better way to vent out my frustrations, rather than just picking fights with everypony that pisses me off.

“That’s when I found this baby. This tree is a special one, y’know? It’s been around for over one thousand years, and in all that time, it has never changed! Not only that, but it’s tough, too! You can buck it all day long, and it won’t suffer a single scratch!” To demonstrate, Rainbow Dash flew a good distance away from the tree, and then charged at it with such high speed that any regular tree would have felled from the impact she caused. However, the tree remained completely undisturbed and, as Rainbow Dash had said, unscratched.

“This is my secret spot, where I come to vent out all my anger, and give this tree the beating I wish I could give some of the ponies that anger me. This tree has helped me through a lot of hard times…”

Wrath nodded, showing that she was following so far. “And? What does that have to do with me?” she asked, clearly growing impatient.

“Look, I know you’ve been through hard times. And, if you’re supposed to be Trixie’s anger in pony form, then that means she has a lot of anger pent up inside of her. Now, I’m not saying I like her or anything, but when I saw your face last night, I remembered how I used to look, whenever the older colts gave me a hard time for my reckless flying…

“I guess, what I’m trying to say, is that, I’ll let you use this spot, whenever you start to get worked up. It’s a good, quiet place to just chill out, and forget everything for a bit.” Wrath didn’t say anything. She just stared up at Rainbow Dash, examining the blue Pegasus closely, with a sceptical look on her face. “… And, about what Pride said yesterday, about having no friends to turn to? … I just want you to know, you shouldn’t be afraid of approaching Twilight, just ‘cause of us.”

“Who says I was afraid?!” Wrath shouted, aiming her horn and firing a blast of magical energy. Rainbow Dash blocked with her forelegs, but was surprised when she felt nothing at all. In fact, the beam had passed her completely, and struck the tree behind her. It was followed by two more blasts. “Damnit! Don’t pretend you care! Don’t pretend you give a damn about me! You’re just like the rest of them! You give me crap whenever I try to perform one of my shows! You hate me just for being who I am! You’re intolerant! Hateful! Horrible!” Every word was punctuated with another blast of magic from Wrath’s horn.

“Hey! Don’t go comparing me to those ponies that chased you out of their towns!”

“Why not?! What’s the difference?! Magic is my talent, and performing is my passion! Whether you simply heckle me during a show, or try to chase me out of your town before I can even perform, it’s all the same!”

Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip. “I didn’t know,” she muttered.

“WHO CARES?! Maybe, you should have thought before you acted!”

“And what about Rarity, huh?!” Rainbow Dash countered, stopping Wrath relentless attacks on the old tree. “Rarity is super sensitive about her looks! Sure, I’ve pulled a few pranks on her from time to time, but I’ve never gone so far as to make such a mess out of her mane! Not after I learned the first time just how much it hurts her feelings!”

“She asked for it!” Wrath shouted. “She insulted my magic! She tore up my curtain! She-”

“Even so, you still went too far!”

“I DIDN’T KNOW!” Wrath paused, and stared wide-eyed at the mare flying above her. After a moment of silence between the two, Wrath turned her head away with a huff.

“No. You didn’t. And if you had, what would you have done?”

“… If it was Trixie… I’d imagine she would have settled for ruining the dress that Rarity had just made, instead.”

“And you know what I would have done, if I knew how much performing meant to you? If I knew how much you hated ponies that interrupted your show?” Wrath didn’t respond. “I would’ve waited! I would’ve waited until after the show, before challenging you! I’ll admit I was wrong, but there are two sides to this, Trixie!”

“My name’s Wrath,” Wrath corrected.

“No, I’m talking to Trixie right now. Trixie, I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry I tried to ruin your show like that. And I’m sorry I’ve been kind of a jerk to you in the past…” Rainbow Dash waited a moment, but received no words back from Wrath. “Well? Don’t you have something to say, too?”

“I’m Wrath,” the Unicorn repeated. “Anything I say will only stem from Trixie’s anger. If you want to hear Trixie’s response, you’ll have to wait.” Rainbow Dash sighed, but nodded in understanding. “… But, I will say this: right now, my hate towards you isn’t quite as strong anymore. I think that might be a good thing… Thanks, Rainbow Dash. For at least trying to reach an understanding, rather than just judging me right away.”

Rainbow Dash blushed, and turned her head away. “I just don’t think it’s fair how you’ve been treated, is all. Okay, so you lied. Big deal! Daring Do is a work of fiction, but it’s still the most awesome story I’ve ever read! Definitely beats Twilight’s stories of visiting the Royal library, or Granny Smith’s tale of how she bought two apples for just one bit!”

“So you sympathise with Trixie, is that it?”

“… I hate bullies,” Rainbow Dash said, turning back to Wrath and landing on the ground. “Hate ‘em, hate ‘em, HATE ‘EM! And Trixie was being bullied all across Equestria! To tell you the truth, I had actually wanted to talk to her after the Alicorn Amulet was off! I wanted to show her this place sooner, since it was clear she had no idea how to deal with her problems. But after she ran off, and I couldn’t find her, I guess I just… kinda forgot.”

“… Deal with my problems… You mean, like this?” Wrath’s horn lit up again, and she blasted the tree behind Rainbow Dash one more time. As the light from the blast faded, Wrath shot the Pegasus a grin, which was returned by the recipient.

“That’s the spirit! Don’t let nopony get you down! And make sure that Trixie knows, she’s welcome here whenever she gets angry!”

“Hmph! You make no sense. A bitch one moment, then kind the next.”

Rainbow Dash scowled at the Unicorn’s harsh word. “Ponies are like that, y’know?”

“It pisses me off.” Wrath turned to the bushes behind her, her horn glowing up threateningly once more. “It also pisses me off when somepony follows my shadow! So come on out, before I set you on fire!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash looked at the same bushes that Wrath was focused on, and noticed them shuffling. She quickly landed onto the ground, and cast a harsh glare on whoever was following them. “Who’s there?! Come on out!”

“N-Now please, don’t do anything rash. I meant you no harm, I assure you.” A pony stepped out from the bushes, and both Wrath and Rainbow Dash gasped at what they saw. “And I didn’t follow you here. I simply tacked you down.”

“Trixie?!” Rainbow Dash asked, staring at the blue Unicorn mare standing in the bushes. “But… which one?”

“I don’t know,” Wrath said. “She doesn’t act like any of the others, that’s for sure.” Wrath raised her voice as she addressed the new Trixie. “Hey! What’s your name, and why do you look so much like Trixie?!”

Gluttony groaned as she ran the dish in her hooves under the hot water of the kitchen sink at Sugarcube Corner. “I’m hungryyyyy. When’s snack time?”

“You just ate,” Mr. Cake said. “We’ll be opening up soon, so I’d suggest that you hurry up, if you want to pay off your remaining debt as quickly as possible.”

“Can’t I just have one little piece of shortcake? Pleeeeease?”

“No,” Mr. Cake said sternly. “Those are for the customers. However, if you do a very good job today, I’ll think about giving you some of the leftovers after we close up shop. Deal?”

“… Ugh, fine.” Gluttony placed the now-washed dish on the rack beside the sink, and moved on to her final bowl. Her stomach roared loudly, causing her to groan even more. “I hate working… I prefer eating.

“Well, these fine ponies put a lot of work into the food that they make. If you just ate everything without paying, they would be the ones to suffer for it.”

Mr. Cake nodded his head, before stopping what he was doing and looking towards the entrance to the kitchen. “Who’s there? You can’t be here without-” He stopped when he saw who was there. It was Trixie. But, Trixie was just behind him! He looked behind himself, and saw that Trixie was still there, washing a bowl in the kitchen sink.

“Who are you?” Gluttony asked, finishing up her bowl and setting it on the rack beside the sink.

“You should show some restraint,” the new Trixie said. “Only take what you need, and not any more than that.”

Gluttony frowned, and approached the other Trixie. “Oh yeah? Well I need all those sweets, to sate my appetite! And what’s it to you, anyway? Who are you? Wrath? You look too calm to be her…”

“All I’m saying, is that you should consider those around you. It was un-thoughtful of you to eat all that food, and then attempt to run away without paying.”

“I asked you who you are. Answer me!”


Rarity sighed as she stirred a spoon in her tea slowly. It had been a good fifteen minutes since she mixed the milk into her tea, and the beverage had already grown cold, but Rarity hadn’t even noticed. She was too busy focusing on something else.

“Morning, Rarity,” Lust said as she descended the stairs of the boutique. She then proceeded to wrap her forelegs around the white mare, and rub the side of her face into Rarity’s mane. “That was quite a night we had, huh?”

“Y-Yes…” Rarity responded, squirming out of Lust’s hold and rising to her hooves. “Lust, dear, I need to step out for a moment. Would you mind waiting here?”

“Not at all. Just don’t take too long,” Lust said, winking and blowing a goodbye kiss to Rarity, who blushed and turned to exit her store. Once she was outside, Rarity let out a deep sigh.

“What have I done?” she asked herself, walking down the street with a guilty look on her face.

“Howdy there, Rarity!” Rarity’s ears perked up, and she looked up from the ground to face Applejack as she neared. “Y’all look pretty tired. Lust must’ve been a hoofful last night, huh?”

Rarity’s ears flattened against her head. “Yes… I guess you could say that…”

“Hey, how ‘bout we grab a couple of shakes from over there?” Applejack pointed towards a refreshment stand behind Rarity. “Ah’ve got one heck of a tale ta tell. Ya ain’t gonna believe-” Applejack noticed the frown on Rarity’s face as the white mare began to follow her. “… Looks like you’ve got something on yer mind, too. Wanna talk about it?”

Rarity shook her head. “N-No. Really, that’s quite alright.”

“Aw, c’mon now, Rarity. Y’know you can always count on yer friends when ye’re feelin’ down!”

“Really, Applejack, I-”

“Ah ain’t takin’ ‘no’ for an answer. Is it about Lust?” Rarity said nothing, but Applejack was able to read her facial expressions like an open book. “So that’s a ‘yes’… So ah guess she really was putting the moves on ya all night, then.” Rarity only nodded slowly. “Ah see… It must’ve been tiring, keepin’ her off of ya all night long.” Again, Rarity said nothing. “… You did keep her away, right?”

Finally, it was all too much for the dressmaker to bear. “I couldn’t help it! She got into my adult’s clothing line, and picked out the most perfect saddle that just made her look so… So…”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Y-Ya mean, you an’ her…”

“Nine times,” Rarity admitted with a blush. “Ten, if you count her last ‘gift’ to me at the end. Or would that just be nine-and-a-half? Ooh, that’s not the issue here! I’m so, so sorry, Applejack! I just couldn’t resist her any longer, and I-”

“Why’re ya apologising?” Applejack asked. “Ah mean, sure ah’m surprised, but it’s none of mah business who y’all sleep with.”

“Well, it’s just… a lady shouldn’t give in to such temptations, and I know you aren’t exactly a fan of Trixie’s. I just… didn’t want to disappoint you.”

Applejack placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Hun, now you listen closely here. While it’s true that ah didn’t exactly approve of Trixie comin’ in here an’ showin’ off like that, does not mean ah don’t like her. An’ quite frankly, the only thing ah’m disappointed ‘bout is that y’all will think that’s what kind of pony ah am.” Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but Applejack continued before she got the chance. “Furthermore, even if ah didn’t like her, yer love life ain’t none of mah business. Y’all can date a diamond dog or the changeling Queen, for all ah care. Ye’re mah friend, an’ ah’ll stand by whatever decision y’all make. ‘Cause that’s what friends do.”

Rarity simply stared at Applejack with two wide, sparkling eyes, her mouth agape as she felt moved by the farm pony’s words. “Applejack…”

“Still, ah didn’t take ya for the kind ta be taken in by a pretty face an’ a few seductive lines,” Applejack teased, causing Rarity to back away and blush. “Nine times, huh? Woo-hee! Ah think y’all better tell Pinkie Pie right away! It’s been a while since her last ‘new-found love’ party!”

Rarity shook her head sadly. “I-It isn’t love, Applejack… That’s actually what I feel the worst about.”

“And so you should!” a venomous voice called out, drawing both of the mares’ attentions towards its source. “How could you do such a thing?! The pony body is sacred, and you defiled it last night, without any hint of remorse?!”

Applejack frowned and stepped in to defend her friend. “An’ just which Trixie are you, huh?”

The Trixie stopped approaching the two mares, and gave them both hate-filled glares. “Mother Faust made all of us little ponies using her own heart and soul. To defile our bodies with such sinful acts is blasphemy against her! Those kinds of actions should only be performed between those who have sworn eternity together!”

The Trixie pointed a hoof at Rarity, who backed away with a whimper under the blue Unicorn’s glare. “And, to top it all off, you show no signs of remorse! No hints that you shall take responsibility for your actions! You slept with somepony who you don’t even love? Shame on you!”

“Hey!” another Trixie shouted, running up to the first one. “Who d’you think you are, deciding who she can and can’t sleep with like that? And I don’t care if she doesn’t love me! Like I said, there’s a chance that Trixie won’t love her! All that matters is we enjoyed ourselves, and let out a lot of stress! No harm done to anypony!”

“But there is harm! Harm to herself, and to the pony she does love!”

“Ah don’t see how it’s any of yer business what Rarity does behind closed doors, an’ ah would appreciate if ya didn’t try an’ make her feel guilty about it!”

“You’re siding with her? Are you serious?! She’s tainted her body with that heinous act last night! She’s unclean! Unholy! She’s-”

“That’s enough!” Applejack shouted, stomping the ground with her forehooves for emphasis. “Like ah said, who are y’all?!”

“… Hmph! My name is Chastity. I am a part of Trixie. Perhaps the only part that has yet to be broken by this world.”

Applejack raised a curious eyebrow at that. “What d’ya mean?”

“Don’t say it!” Lust shouted. “Pride would die of embarrassment if anypony found out! Not to mention me!”

“Say what?” Rarity asked, also curious.

Chastity gave a proud grin, and ignored Lust’s pleas. “Why, that Trixie’s body has remained untainted, despite the hell that she has lived!”

“… You mean-”

“Quite right!” Chastity interrupted. “Trixie Lulamoon is a virgin!” Lust slammed her forehooves into her face, and let out a muffled scream. “Or at least she was, until you happened. Though, maybe it doesn’t count, since it was only one aspect of Trixie.”

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock, and her mouth began to move on its own, but no words formed. Applejack decided to speak up instead. “That can’t be right. From the way Lust talked yesterday, it seemed like Trixie had-”

“An act,” Chastity said. “Pride wouldn’t allow ponies to know that Trixie is a twenty-three year old virgin. For what reason, I don’t know. That’s honestly the only thing she had going for her, after the rest of her had been corrupted by this world’s evil.”

“You mean… I was her first?” Rarity asked.

“Like I said, that doesn’t count! Lust is only one aspect of Trixie! Trixie’s body will still remain pure when she returns! You’ll see!”

“But… she was so good,” Rarity said, blushing as she realised what words had just escaped her lips. “I-I mean-”

“Trixie,” Lust started, removing her hooves from her face slightly, “Read a lot of books. And watched a lot of movies. She could never find somepony to spend her lonely nights with, so she had to satisfy herself most of the time. And in that time, she learned all the tricks to making a mare’s body feel good. I gained that knowledge from her.”

Applejack shot Chastity a slight grin. “Doesn’t look like she was so pure, after all.” Chastity growled at Applejack, but didn’t say anything in response. “Anyway, this reminds me: there was something ah wanted ta tell everypony, about this mornin’.”

“Oh?” Rarity asked.

“Well, we woke up this mornin’, and Envy wanted ta give apple buckin’ a go. However, when we got out ta the field…”

“There she is!” The group turned their attention towards the two new Trixies heading towards them. “Applejack, sorry we’re late! We got a little sidetracked.”

“Don’ worry ‘bout it! Ah was just about ta tell Rarity ‘bout our new guest… Wait, which Trixie am ah talkin’ to, right now?”

The Trixie that called out to Applejack offered a warm smile to the orange mare. “I’m Kindness. Envy here tried to take a balloon from a little filly in the town square, and I had to stop her, and teach her the value of being content with what she has.”

Envy sighed, and turned her head away from Kindness. “I want a balloon too… I almost had it, but you took it away from me…”

“Now, now. I know that things were hard for Trixie, but you’ve got to admit, they could be worse. We should just be thankful for the things that we have, like our magic.”

“I want stronger magic. I wonder if we could find the Alicorn Amulet again?”

“NO!” Applejack and Rarity shouted in unison. To their surprise, the other three Trixies shouted it, too.

“No!” Lust repeated. “Above all, that is the one thing we should never do!”

“For once, I agree with Lust!” Chastity said. “That amulet almost killed Trixie!”

“It did?” Applejack asked in surprise.

“Only in a sense,” Kindness explained. “If Trixie had never taken that off, she would have gained the power that she so desired… but it wouldn’t have been her. Just somepony that looks like her.”

Envy’s frown grew. “I don’t care. Just as long as I get that power I so desperately want…”

Lust sighed, and looked around for something. “It was Trixie’s desperation that made her seek out the amulet. But it was her anger and her jealousy that ultimately led her there, and compelled her to put it on.” Lust found something in the distance, and walked over to Envy. “Hey, Envy. Check out that neat ball over there.”

Envy looked over her shoulder, and found three little fillies playing with an orange ball, with yellow stars on it. “That’s a nice ball…”

“You want it?” Lust asked. “That’s a shame, ‘cause it’s theirs, not yours.”

Envy’s frown returned, and she sat down on her haunches. “I wish I had that ball…”

The other three Trixies sighed. Even if Kindness didn’t agree with Envy’s desire for material possessions, the fear that Envy might actually seek out the Alicorn Amulet completely overrode that part of her brain.

“So, let me get this straight,” Rarity said. “There are nine Trixies?”

“Fourteen,” a voice corrected. The voice belonged to Twilight Sparkle, who approached the six ponies with a book in her magic, accompanied by three more Trixies. “I knew there was something wrong! Eastern magic almost always revolves around the idea of ‘perfect balance’! It seemed odd that she would only be split into her ‘sinful aspects’!”

“Her what now?” Applejack asked.

“Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, Pride, Lust, and Sloth. Those are the ‘seven deadly sins’ of pony. But for each of these ‘sinful aspects’, there is a ‘heavenly aspect’, which, together, make up the ‘seven heavenly virtues’ of pony.”

“… Ah… don’t really follow,” Applejack admitted.

“So basically, there are seven more Trixies, each one mirroring the seven that we encountered yesterday?” Rarity asked, and Twilight nodded happily.

“That’s right! It seems that these other seven were teleported somewhere separate from the first seven when the spell went off. Possibly due to the spatial limitations, since Greed told me that the spell was performed in Trixie’s trailer.”

“Or the wreckage that it once was,” Lust said, rolling her eyes. “Fixing it was going to be the first thing she had all her clones do. So, there were more of us created, huh?”

“That’s right,” one of the Trixie said as she stepped forward. “We were surprised, too, when we had heard that seven other Trixies had been sighted on the train to Ponyville. So, we decided to hop on the next train and follow you all. Unfortunately, the next train was delayed until the following morning, due to an explosion on the tracks…”

“That was probably Wrath,” Envy said. “She threw one of Pride’s fireworks out of the window in a fit of rage, but it turned out to be one of the more powerful ones… She didn’t even ask if I wanted it,” she added with a pout.

The other Trixie nodded her head. “I see. Perhaps introductions are in order: my name is Charity, and this is-” Charity stopped when he noticed the three fillies from earlier sitting on the floor, looking rather depressed. “Excuse me.”

The rest of the group watched in confusion as she ran towards the three fillies. “Excuse me, my little ponies,” she called out, drawing the attention of the three depressed fillies. “What’s the matter? Why do you look so down?”

“We tried to get our Cutie Marks in hoofball,” the white one explained.

“But it was no good,” the orange one added.

The yellow one let out a depressed sigh. “D’ya have any idea for us to try next, Trixie?”

Charity’s ears twitched at the mention of her former self’s name. ‘So she’s met one of us? Or maybe the original…’ Charity smiled, and reach out a hoof to pat the yellow filly on the head. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find your Cutie Marks, just as long as you keep trying.” An idea formed in Charity’s head, and she huddled the fillies together to share it.

Meanwhile, Greed decided to introduce the other Trixie herself. “This is Diligence,” she said, and said pony stepped forward to greet Applejack and Rarity, the latter backing away and gagging when she got close enough to smell the stench coming off of this Trixie.

“What you smell there is the result of all of my hard work and exercise!” Diligence boasted, flexing her forehooves to show off her muscles. “Unlike that lazy ‘Sloth’ back in the library, I am actually willing to apply and make something of myself! I’m not going to just sit around when my entire future is at stake! I’m going to do my best, to erase those stories of the ursa minor from everypony’s minds!”

“I wish I had that kind of drive,” Envy said, tracing circles in the ground with her hoof.

“Hard work or not, I think a visit to the spa is most certainly in order!” Rarity said, holding a hoof to her nose.

“No time to lounge around in some pool of water! I’ve gotta get back to my jogging!” Diligence turned around and stretched her legs a bit. “Let me know when you’re ready to fix us!” she told Twilight.

“Actually,” the librarian began, “I am ready. I just need all fourteen of you here.”

Diligence clapped her forehooves together. “Great! Then I’ll go find them! You guys wait right here!”

“I think it would be best if we split up,” Twilight said. “Diligence, Gluttony should be over at Sugarcube Corner. Can you go and get her for me, please?”

“Sugarcube Corner! Got it!” Diligence began jogging on the spot, before turning to Twilight. “Which is where, exactly?”

Twilight pointed Diligence in the right direction, and the energetic mare was off soon afterwards. “Applejack, Rarity, could you two split up and find Wrath and Pride?”

“What about the other virtues?” Applejack asked.

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Kindness said. “When we got here, we heard from the locals about the other Trixies, and we were able to deduce who was staying with whom. We then split up and decided to seek out our opposites.”

Applejack put a hoof to her chin and nodded. “So in other words, we find those sins, an’ we find them virtues?”

“That’s about it,” Kindness confirmed.

“I’ll stay here with the Trixies we currently have gath-Wait! Where’s Charity?” Everypony turned to where Charity and the three fillies once were, but now found that they were gone. “Oh, great! Just great! Where could she have gone?”

“Knowing her, she’s out offering her services to anypony who looks like they need help,” Chastity said. “In other words, she could be anywhere.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “Applejack, you find Rainbow Dash, who should be with Wrath. Rarity, you go get Fluttershy and Pride. On the way, could you ask Spike to go and find Charity when you pass the library?”

The two mares nodded. “Will do, Twilight,” Applejack said.

“You can count on me!” Rarity said. “But, what about Sloth? What should we do with her?”

Twilight let out a groan. “We’ll need Rainbow Dash for that. I was going to carry her here with my magic, but I need to save it for the spell.”

“What about me?” Applejack asked. “Ah reckon ah’m plenty strong enough ta carry that mare here, all on mah own.”

“Trust me, she’s heavier than she looks.”

“Hey!” all of the Trixies gathered shouted in unison. Twilight winced and shied away from their glares. Lesson learned: never say that a mare is heavy whilst she can hear you. Especially not when there are five versions of that mare there at the same time.

“Temperance?” Pinkie Pie asked as she sat herself down opposite the two Trixies. “And there are six more of you still out there?”

The two Trixies nodded, though Temperance was more focused on Gluttony, who was indulging herself in Mrs. Cake’s generous treat after hearing her rumbling stomach. It was a rather large sponge cake, one that Gluttony had claimed for herself.

“Honestly, how can you just stuff your face like that?” Temperance asked. “Do you not give a single thought to the ones who had to make that for you, and all the work that they put into it?”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Mrs. Cake said as she entered the room. “I just can’t stand to see somepony so hungry, and from what I’ve been told, she can’t help but be hungry.”

“Wrong,” Temperance said. “Her appetite is the same as the rest of us. She just can’t help but pig out, even if it does bother the ponies around her.”

“This is great!” Pinkie Pie interrupted, drawing a confused look from the other three mares. “This is so super fantastic! I realised last night that I could have a party for all seven of you Trixies at once, but now, I can have a party for fourteen of you at once! This is just…” Pinkie Pie began to shake violently, a huge smile spread across her face.

“A-Are you okay?” Temperance asked, but as an answer, she only received Pinkie Pie suddenly exploding and shooting up into the air, smashing through the ceiling above her.

“Oh dear, not again!” Mrs. Cake said. “And we just had that repaired!”

“Does she do that often?” Gluttony asked through a mouthful of cake. “That doesn’t seem physically possible. I think Wrath would have a fit if she saw that.”

“Swallow before you speak,” Temperance said. “Just like I said: no regard for the ponies around you.”

“U-huh,” Gluttony responded through yet another mouthful of cake, completely ignoring the other Trixie. “Got any ice-cream to go with this cake?”

Temperance groaned and facehooved. “I pity Trixie, knowing that you influenced her more than me.”

“What did you expect? She was hungry.” Mrs. Cake’s ears twitched. “She had to indulge herself, ‘cause there was no guarantee of when she’d eat again.”

“At the cost of stealing food from others?”

“There you are!” The three mares turned to the room’s doorway, to find a third Trixie standing there, jogging on the spot.

“Honey,” Mr. Cake said as he followed after her. “There’s, um, another one here…”

“I can see that,” Mrs. Cake responded, watching as the third Trixie entered.

“Come on! Let’s go!” Diligence shouted.

“Go where?” Gluttony asked. “I’m eating!”

“Diligence? What’s up?”

“Twilight’s found a way to fix us!” Diligence replied cheerfully. “She’s waiting for us at the town square! Come on! Let’s go, let’s go!”

“After I finish eating!” Gluttony said, taking a huge slice of cake and shoving it into her mouth, making Temperance gag.

“Right now! Time’s awasting!” Suddenly, a pink blur fell down through the ceiling, and crashed down into the ground. “W-What the?”

“FOUR-TEEN PARTIES IN OOOOOONE!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she jumped out of the crater that she had made and pulled the three Trixies into a huge group hug. “BEST. DAY. EVER!”

“W-Where did she come from?!” Diligence asked.

“Don’t ask!” the other two Trixies replied in unison.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie, will now regale you with the story of how she once bested the dreaded harpy Queen in one-on-one combat!” Fluttershy clapped her forehooves as Pride struck a dramatic pose.

“Shouldn’t you ask before offering to tell her stories like that?” the other Trixie, sitting beside Fluttershy, asked.

“… Humility, was it?” The other Trixie nodded. “You know full well that the Great and Powerful Trixie thrives on ponies listening to the stories of her greatness, and regarding her with awe!”

“That’s not the point I was making. What if she-”

“I don’t mind,” Fluttershy insisted. “I enjoyed her stories last night. And besides, I’m used to always hearing stories of ‘awesomeness’ from Rainbow Dash, anyway.”

“There! She doesn’t mind! Now, as the Great and Powerful Trixie was saying-”

“But boasting about things you didn’t do? Is that really okay?”

Pride groaned, and took a deep breath. She then attempted to tell her story anyway, despite Humility’s interruptions. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has faced many great foes in her time. But few compare, to the terrifying Queen of the harpy race!”

“It was a scavenger, at best,” Humility pointed out.

“You are making it very hard for Trixie to love and tolerate you!” Pride shouted, pointing a hoof at Humility.

“Oh, maybe you shouldn’t do that, Humility,” Fluttershy said. “It’s not polite to interrupt ponies when they’re speaking.”

“… You’re right. I’m sorry,” Humility said, burying her face into her hooves.

Pride waited for a moment, and then continued. “Now, if we are quite done with all the interruptions-” A knock on the door cut her off. “Oh, for pony’s sake!”

“Oh, my,” Fluttershy said, rising to her hooves. “I wonder if that’s Twilight? Maybe she found a way to fix this whole mess.”

Pride’s ears twitched at the suggestion. “You really think so?”

Fluttershy opened the door, and was greeted to the sight of her friend Rarity. “Oh, Rarity. Good morning.”

“Good morning, Fluttershy. I don’t suppose that Pride is still here, is she?”

Fluttershy nodded. “She is, and you’ll never guess what happened earlier today.”

“Another Trixie came by and introduced herself as Pride’s opposite?”

Fluttershy stared at her friend in bewilderment. “Um, yes, actually. How did you know that?”

“Long story, I’ll tell you on the way. Twilight wants all Trixies to gather at the town square.”

Pride pushed Fluttershy aside and greeted Rarity with the biggest smile she could. “You mean she’s ready to put us all back together again?!” she asked excitedly.

“If she isn’t, that’s fine,” Humility added, earning a scowl from Pride. “If I can be of any help, just let me know.”

“Why, that’s rather generous, darl-”

“I don’t know if I’ll be of any use, but I’m always happy to lend a hoof.”

“Not of any use?!” Pride shouted. “The Great and Powerful Trixie, not of any use?! How dare you insult the Great and Powerful Trixie like…” Pride placed a hoof to her chest, and started to breath in-and-out heavily. “Deep breaths, Trixie. Deep breaths… She’s one of us… One of us…”

Rarity backed away nervously from the fuming Pride, feeling uneasy. “A-Anyway, maybe we should be making our way back to the town square?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has bested creatures of your worst nightmares with her superior magic!”


“The best Trixie could do was distract them from villages, then run away. Or just run away.”

“Darlings, maybe we should-”

“That is a lie! The Great and Powerful Trixie did not earn her title by running away from the slightest hint of danger!”

“Girls, really, we should-”

Trixie is the one that gave that title to herself.”

“And rightly so! After all, she-”

“GIRLS!” The two Trixies and Rarity jumped at the sound of Fluttershy’s raised voice, and turned to face the usually-timid Pegasus with a shocked looks. “This fighting isn’t going to get us anywhere! I understand that you have your differences, but being at each other’s throats all the time will accomplish nothing! And the longer you keep fighting here, the longer it will take to put all of you Trixies back together!”

“Well she’s the one who keeps trampling all over the Great and Powerful Trixie’s pride!” Pride shouted, pointing a hoof at Humility.

“You’re the one who dares to think you’re superior to everypony, or anypony, for that matter!”

“Because Trixie is!”

“Girls!” Fluttershy repeated, silencing the two Trixies. “You’re both a part of Trixie! You’re both aspects of her, and you belong together. Yes, you may be at opposite ends, and you may hold completely different beliefs. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t co-exist peacefully with each other. And like when you were once one, you have to put your ideals together, and reach a compromise. Otherwise, the ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie will never be able to become whole again.

“Now, are we going to get along on the way to the town square, or are we going to have to separate the two of you?” The two Trixies remained silent. “I’m waiting.”

Pride scoffed, and turned around to leave. “Whatever. The Great and Powerful Trixie is more than capable of putting up with this thing for a short while, if it means that Trixie Lulamoon can be revived.”

Humility lowered her head and huffed. “I don’t know if I can manage… but I can do my best. Is that alright?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “That’s fine. Now then, let’s be on our way, okay?”

The four mares left the house together, and began their journey to the town square. Pride decided to distance herself from Humility, but stayed walking close to Rarity. “You know,” she started, growing bored of the quietness of their journey, “You did a great job on this cape. Trixie was wondering if, when Trixie is whole again, she could make you her go to tailor.”

Rarity shot Pride a smug smile. “Well, naturally. I strive to make all of my creations as fabulous and stunning as I can. And your cape was, admittedly, rather fun to work on. Even if yesterday was supposed to be my day off.”

“… And?” Pride asked.

“Oh, right… I guess, it would be alright for you to pop in every now and then. Just as long as you’re willing to pay, this time.”

Pride pointed her nose into the air. “The Great and Powerful Trixie would have paid you handsomely for fixing her cape, had she any money on hoof!”

“… It’s amazing how you can say something like that with such an air of pride,” Rarity said. “Things haven’t been going well, if I recall correctly, have they?”

Pride shook her head. “But, it’s only a matter of time. The general public can’t keep lying to themselves forever! Soon, they will admit their love for Trixie’s shows, and will be practically begging her to perform for them!”

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. “Say, Pride? I have a suggestion.”

“… Trixie is listening.”

“Well, I was thinking, maybe I could support your shows for you.” Pride looked at Rarity with curiosity and interest. “Not that I doubt your ability to woo a crowd, of course,” Rarity quickly added. “But, sometimes, ponies like to judge by first appearances.”

Pride nodded. “Yes. Trixie noticed.”

“Well, my idea is this: I design some fabulous outfits for you, and maybe help you with a brand-new stage, too. Something that will really attract a crowd, and pique ponies’ interests. In return, you can advertise my boutique for me during your shows. That way, I’m not just giving you charity. It’s a business deal, one that benefits both sides.”

Pride thought about this for a second. “… Are you sure that will work?”

“What have you got lose?”

“Hmmm… Well, this is really a decision for Trixie herself. You will have to wait until she is whole again, before she is able to answer you.”

“Very well then. But just remember, darling, that if you ever need somepony to lend you a hoof, you can count on my support, at the very least.”

“And mine,” Fluttershy added, before quickly covering. “Um, I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have eavesdropped, but-”

“But, Rarity,” Humility said, “If that doesn’t work, and Trixie’s shows still go downhill, that’ll just mean that you lose out.” Humility shook her head. “I don’t know about Trixie as a whole, but I, personally, could never do that to somepony.”

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about me,” Rarity assured. “My business is doing quite well, so I won’t exactly suffer from a few lost bits.”

“It is?” Pride asked. “In a village where hardly anypony even wears clothes?”

“Well, I usually sell clothes for special occasions, which cost a lot anyway,” Rarity explained. “But I’ve also expanded to Canterlot, with the help of my friend Fancypants, and I’m currently working up a deal with a company in Manehatten to have my clothes line added to their stores.”

Pride grinned as she flicked her mane. “So, the Great and Powerful Trixie has not only had the pleasure of besting such an accomplished fashion designer, but also of having her work on Trixie’s cape?”

Rarity gave a slight frown at the reminder of their first encounter. “I thought we agreed to forget about that whole incident.”

“… Oh, right.” Pride gave a smug grin. “The Great and Powerful Trixie forgot about that, but she will try harder in the future!”

Rarity gave Pride a bewildered look, before turning to Fluttershy and Humility. “Is… Is she boasting about having forgotten something that happened only yesterday.”

Humility lowered her head in shame. “S-Sorry. I’m sure she didn’t mean to. These things just happen, you know?”

The rest of the walk was spent with Pride retelling the story of how Trixie once stumbled upon a velociraptor nest in the Everfree forest and survived, with Fluttershy pleading for Humility not to make matters worse. Thankfully, Humility was able to limit her outbursts to whispers into Fluttershy’s ears, detailing how the story actually took place, in contrast to Pride’s slight alterations of the truth. Fluttershy was surprised to hear that Trixie actually had survived a run in with such dangerous creatures, though not quite as gracefully as Pride described.

“Please, calm down!” A blast of magic frightened the Trixie hiding behind Rainbow Dash. “I just want to talk!” Another blast of magic silenced her, and Wrath took a threatening step forward.

“Cool it, Wrath!” Rainbow Dash said, looking behind her at the Trixie that was clearly doing her best to remain calm, and not look scared. “I think we should give her a chance!”

“There were seven of us created. Seven! And ‘Patience’ was not one of them! She’s a spy! That’s the only logical explanation!”

“But it’s true!” Patience protested. “Seven more of us were created at the same time! We were just as shocked as you to hear that there were more Trixies, but-” She was silenced by yet another blast of magic, this one a little too close for Rainbow Dash’s liking.

“Hey! What if she is a part of Trixie?! You’d be giving up any hopes of ever becoming whole again!”

“Whose side are you on?!” Wrath shouted. “Just when I thought you weren’t so bad! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you!”

“P-Please,” Patience pleaded, ducking behind Rainbow Dash when she saw Wrath’s horn starting to glow. “Can’t we please resolve this peacefully? How about if I let you tie me up?”

“I’m not Lust!” Wrath shouted. “I’m WRATH!”

“You’re a bonehead is what y’are!” Wrath turned around to see who the interloper was, but was only greeted to the sight of a rope flying towards her. The rope wrapped around her body, fell down to her forelegs, and then closed up, hogtying Wrath and making her fall onto the ground.

“Hey! What the hell’s the big idea?!”

Applejack emerged from behind some nearby bushes, the other end of the rope in her hooves. “Honestly. Ya jus’ really hate trustin’ ponies, don’tcha?”

“Trust?! Why should I trust anypony?! What has anypony ever done to earn my trust?!”

“Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What are you doing here?”


“Ah couldn’t find y’all anywhere, so ah figured ya might be here.”


“You mean, you knew about this place?” Applejack nodded. “N-No way! Y-You haven’t told anypony, right?”

“Sure haven’t. An’ don’t worry. Ah don’t plan ta tell any-HEY!” Applejack felt a tug on the rope, and looked over to Wrath to see Patience undoing the knot at the other end. “What’re ya doin’?! Are ya mad?!”

“This isn’t right,” Patience said. “She doesn’t deserve to have her movement restricted like this. I wanted to resolve our differences peacefully, not through force.”

“That’s admirable an’ all, but that mare was jus’ tryin’ ta kill ya only seconds ago!”

Patience finished freeing Wrath, and the angered mare teleported to her hooves, and immediately began to charge towards Applejack. “No! Don’t!” Patience shouted.

Wrath pounced towards Applejack, but was stopped by a purple aura pulling on her tail. “What the?!” She looked over her shoulder, and saw Patience casting a spell. “I knew it! I knew I should’ve killed you when I had the chance!”

“Please! Just… calm down…”


“Will you let me talk with you peacefully?”

“The hell I will! I’ll rip your freaking heart from your chest!”

Applejack raised a hoof and smacked Wrath across the face, startling the other three mares present. Wrath blinked a couple of times, before glaring and growling at the farm pony. “OH, YOU ARE SO DEAD!”

“Wrath, listen! Twilight’s found a way ta put all you Trixies back together.” Wrath stopped growling, and Applejack took that as a sign that she was still listening. “We need ta gather all fourteen of ya ta the town square.”

“Fourteen?” Rainbow Dash asked. “So, there really are seven more Trixies?”

Applejack nodded in confirmation. “That’s right, an’ Twilight says that all fourteen are needed before she can put y’all back together,” she told Wrath, who seemed to have calmed down somewhat.

“… Tch. Whatever.” She looked over her shoulder at Patience. “Hey! Let me go already!”

“You won’t attack anypony?” Patience asked.

“Not as long as you don’t piss me off!” Patience paused for a second, before nodding, and undoing her spell. Wrath dropped down to the ground, and let out an angry growl. “That better have not been on purpose…”

Rainbow Dash detected Wrath’s growing temper, and quickly intervened. “Wrath! The tree! Take out your anger on the tree!”

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” Wrath shouted, turning her head and firing blast after blast of magic at the giant tree beside her. After about half-a-minute of this, she had stopped her relentless attack, and took a deep breath. “… Though admittedly, it does work.”

Applejack, who had backed off a little bit from Wrath’s outburst, finally decided to break the silence that followed. “Uh… W-Well then, shall we?”

Nodding, the other three mares joined Applejack in walking back towards the town square of Ponyville.

“So, Patience,” Rainbow Dash started, keeping her voice down so that Wrath couldn’t hear her, “You seem a little easier to get along with than her. Are you really a part of Trixie?”

Patience nodded. “All seven ‘sinful aspects’ and ‘heavenly aspects’ exist within everypony, Rainbow Dash. Though, in what quantities, is determined by the environment in which they live. Since Trixie had grown up all alone, with the idea that it is her versus the world, she lost her patience at a rather young age. She was never taught how to control her anger, and so, she tended to lose her temper rather quickly. Especially as far as hecklers were concerned.”

“… You mean me, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Patience quickly shook her head. “I didn’t mean you specifically. But yes, you made Trixie’s enemy list the moment you interrupted her show that one time. Trixie’s shows were never particularly great to start with, but they were enough to get her by, and they made her happy. So, whenever she felt that her shows was under attack, like a protective mother protecting its young, she held nothing back. She had to defend her show, and make sure her hecklers would think twice before challenging her again.

“But just FYI, Rainbow Dash: Trixie’s patience started to return to her, after your friend Twilight Sparkle forgave her. That mare, she ignited what dim hope still remained with Trixie’s soul. And, just between you and me, I think that the two of you would have gotten along well, had you met under different circumstances.”

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head nervously. “Y-You think so?”

Patience nodded her head. “I have a favour to ask of you, since it seems that I’ll be gone soon.”

“Uh, sure. Fire away.”

“… When Trixie comes back, do you think… you could try to make peace with her?” Rainbow Dash looked at Patience questioningly. “You don’t have to be her friend or anything, but I would appreciate it if you at least… weren’t enemies. I think… it would do wonders for Trixie’s wellbeing. All that anger, it can’t be good for her. And I heard you speaking to Wrath earlier. I’m sure you’ve experienced something similar to Trixie’s predicament before.”

“… Yeah. I have,” Rainbow Dash said, images of her own dealings with bullies throughout school flashing through her mind. “Me, Gilda, and Fluttershy. It was the three of us against the world, is how it seemed. But, the three of us, whether it was due to stubborn pride, or just out of fear, we could never rely on each other for help. Yeah, I know a thing or two about what Trixie is going through.”

“So, will you please help her? Her pride would never allow her to ask you directly, but, maybe if you made the first move-”

Rainbow Dash cut patience off by raising a hoof to her face. “Don’t worry. You can count on me.”

Patience smiled. “Thank you. You’re really kind at heart, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, well, just keep it to yourself,” Rainbow Dash said, turning head away and flicking her mane. “I’ve got a reputation ta keep, y’know?”

“Don’t worry. You can count on me.”

At the town square, many curious ponies gather around as many copies of the same pony many of them recognised as ‘the Great and Powerful Trixie’, along with the purple mare that some recognised as the town’s librarian, gathered around a large circle drawn into the ground.

Twilight had managed to convince the mayor that it was an important magical ritual, and to keep the onlookers a safe distance away, in case something went wrong. That last bit did not go over well with the many Trixies.

“Well then,” Twilight said as she closed her book and levitated over to Rarity. “Is the circle done?”

“Almost,” Diligence said, using her magic to write incantations into the circle. Pride and Humility were also helping. “How many of us are here?”

Twilight raised a hoof and started to count. “… Nine, ten, eleven, twelve… Wait, we’re missing two of you.”

“WHAT?!” Wrath shouted. “Who?! Who the hell’s trying to screw things up?!” A hard stamp of her hoof caused many of the ponies near her to back away.

“Let’s see… we got Pride, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, and… Lust…” Chastity practically gagged as she spoke the last name. “And we have Humility, Diligence, Patience, Temperance, Kindness, and myself. So we’re missing Sloth and Charity.”

“Sloth’s at the library,” Twilight said. “Rainbow Dash should be getting her now. And Spike should be looking for Charity…”

“Iiiiincoming!” Twilight turned her head to see Rainbow Dash flying towards the group, carrying a limp, snoring Trixie in her forehooves. “Man, she’s heavy.”

“HEY!” all of the Trixies gathered, minus Sloth, shouted in unison.

“You wanna say that again?!” Wrath shouted, her horn lighting up threateningly.

“N-Now calm down!” Patience pleaded. “I’m sure she meant no harm by it! Right, Rainbow Dash?”

“U-Uh… yeah…” The twelve Trixies settled down, and Rainbow Dash let out a breath of relief. “What was that about?” she asked her friends.

“Never insult a lady’s weight,” Rarity explained, before turning her attention to Twilight. “Twilight, level with me. What are the chances of this actually working?”

“Pretty high, actually,” Twilight said, a smile on her face. “It’s actually not that complicated a spell. Providing my translations are right, and trust me, the vast majority of my time spent reading this spell was spent making sure they are, then everything should go off without a hitch!”

“An’ what if they aren’t right?” Applejack asked.

Twilight frowned at the suggestion that her translations were wrong, but answered the question anyway. “Well, like everything else to do with magic, the slightest variation can produce literally any result. If you don’t follow the spell by the book, anything could happen.”

“Circle’s done!” Diligence cheered, before running up to Twilight. “What next? C’mon, I’m ready for my next job!”

Pride examined the circle, and gave a pleased nod. “Yes. This circle will do most nicely. As expected of the Great and Powerful Trixie… s.”

“That’s great,” Wrath said, “But just one thing: WHERE THE HELL IS CHARITY?! We can’t start without her!”

“I wish I could’ve helped with the circle,” Envy said as she walked over to Twilight. “Hey, Twilight? Do you think I could perform the spell? I really want to…”

“Sorry, Envy,” Twilight said, “But the spell requires an outsider to cast it. The fourteen of you are to remain in the circle, whilst I put you all back together.”

“… I understand,” Envy said, before sighing and walking over to the circle. She sat down on her haunches, and began muttering something to herself in a depressed tone.

“ARGH!” Wrath shouted. “I swear, if she doesn’t come out RIGHT NOW, I am going to find her myself, beat her to a pulp, and DRAG HER HERE!”

“It seems there won’t be a need for that,” Kindness said as she pointed a hoof behind Wrath. “Because she’s right there.”

Everypony turned to see the nearby crowds disperse, and the final Trixie, accompanied by Spike (who was eating a rather large ice-cream cone), approached the group. “Hi guys. Sorry I’m late,” she said sheepishly.

“Where the hell were you?!” Wrath asked.

Spike rolled his eyes as he took a lick of his ice-cream.

“Ugh, where could she be?” Spike asked as he walked through the streets of Ponyville. “She could be literally anywhere!”

“Hey, have you heard of that mare going around helping ponies?” a random pony in the background asked.

“You mean that blue mare with the silver mane?” Spike stopped, and turned his head to face the two chatting mares. “The one accompanied by three little fillies?”

“That’s the one! She repaired my hat this morning! I was having trouble holding the needle, what with my hoof being all sore and all, and she used her magic to fix it up for me in a jiffy!”

“She helped me, too,” a new voice said, this one belonging to a stallion. “I fell down and dropped all of my shopping bags, but she passed by and offered to help me out. Those three fillies helped, too.”

“It’s so nice to see such generous ponies in this day and age.”

“You can say that again. I heard that they were on their way to the school.”

“The school?” Spike asked nopony in particular. “… Well, it’s the best lead I’ve got so far.” With a shrug, Spike set off in the direction of the schoolhouse. When he got there, however, he saw something that he was not expecting to see.

“Trixie,” Applebloom said, spitting out the paintbrush that she was just holding in her mouth, “Are y’all sure we can get our Cutie Marks in paintin’? Ah mean, we’ve already tried it once before.”

Spike noticed one of the Trixies standing next to Applebloom, with the other two crusaders also present. All four were repainting a part of the schoolhouse that had previously been defaced by graffiti. It was a part that ponies hardly ever saw, around the back, so the mayor decided not to spend money having it fixed up.

“Not painting, Apple Bloom. Helping others!” the Trixie, who Spike deduced was ‘Charity’, explained. “Helping others when they need help without being prompted! Have you ever tried that before?”

Sweetie Belle thought for a moment. “I… don’t think so…”

“But how is painting the schoolhouse helping anypony?” Scootaloo asked.

“How is it not? Eventually, somepony may decide that they want this place cleaned up, and that will cost them some money. But, by doing it ourselves, we are saving the both the effort, and the expenses of doing so!”

Spike raised an eyebrow. This was a part of Trixie? He didn’t want to have to spend more time on this than necessary, so he decided to walk over there and tell Charity the news.

“… Something I don’t think you’ll believe even if I told you,” Spike answered.

“Hey, that’s her!” a voice from the crowd called out. “Only… there are more of her…”

“Oh my gosh! That’s the mare that fixed my mane for me!”

“That’s the mare that put herself in harm’s way for me!”

As a few new passing ponies continued to shower Charity with praise, the blue mare slowly began to back away, beginning to feel uncomfortable. Fortunately for her, Pride was more than willing to take her place.

“Yes, that’s right! The Great, and Powerful Trixie, at your service!” Pride said, taking a few bows.

“You realise they’re not praising you, right?” Humility said.

“Silence,” Pride responded. “Trixie is Trixie. It doesn’t matter which aspect they’re praising, it’s all the same.”

“Well then,” Twilight began, walking towards the circle, “How about we all get this over with then? Or, did you guys want to say your goodbyes before leaving us?”

Pride shook her head. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has nothing to say now that she cannot say later!” Pride walked into the centre of the circle, followed by Wrath.

“Let’s just get this damn thing over with.”

“Hey, Wrath,” Rainbow Dash said, drawing Wrath’s attention. “… Remember my advice.”

“… Yeah, whatever.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, and then dropped Sloth into the centre of the circle. “OW!” Sloth shouted. “… I’d check if I’m bleeding, but it’s too much of a pain…”

Humility walked up to Twilight, and shuffled her hooves on the ground nervously. “I’m… sorry to have inconvenienced you so.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s fine. In fact, I’m glad that you Trixies relied on me for help.”

“You are?”

“Yeah. I mean, not relying on your friend got you in this mess in the first place. Maybe now, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of reaching out to me in the future?”

Humility blushed, and nodded. “I think that Trixie will probably take that lesson to heart. Thanks… friend.”

The two mares shared a quick hug, before Humility joined the other aspects in the centre of the circle. Diligence, Charity, and Patience all joined next, followed by Greed, after she had finished claiming one of Twilight’s saddlebags as her own.

“Don’t worry,” Gluttony said, chewing on a cupcake as she approached Twilight. “You’ll get ‘em back. Can’t say the same for this cupcake though.” Gluttony swallowed, and approached the centre of the circle.

Envy sighed as she sat in the circle with her ‘sisters’. “I kinda wish I was my own mare, and not just part of something greater… Maybe I can still get out of this.”

Kindness approached Envy, and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Now, now, Envy. Whilst it’s true that we’re just piece of something greater, without all of us, Trixie Lulamoon wouldn’t be whole.” She leaned down to look Envy in the eyes. “You may only be one aspect of her, but nopony can replace you. You are important, because you’re you, Envy.”


Wrath’s horn lit up, and she unleashed a binding spell to hold Envy onto the ground. “You’re not going anywhere, got that?!”

“Wrath!” Pride shouted.

“C-Can’t you just, trust her a little more?” Patience asked.

Applejack sighed and slammed a hoof into their face. “Anypony else find it kinda sad that she’s fighting what is essentially herself?”

“Well, we all have inner conflicts,” Twilight said. “This is just them given real form… But, maybe we’d better hurry things up.”

Temperance nodded, and approached the centre of circle. Lust approached Rainbow Dash and gave the Pegasus a quick smooch on the cheek, prompting her to bolt up into the air with a yelp.

“W-What the?!”

Lust giggled, and gave the startled Pegasus a wink. “See ya, Dashie. It’s a shame I couldn’t ‘rock your world’, like I said I would.”

Chastity smacked Lust on the back of her head, causing Lust to let out a loud cry of pain. “Moron! Don’t taint Rainbow Dash, too! Isn’t one of them enough for you?!”

“‘One of them’?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking over to Twilight, who simply shrugged in response. “But… wasn’t she staying with Rarity last night?” Realisation struck Rainbow Dash, and she turned to Rarity with a disbelieving look. “Y-You didn’t!”

“Can we please just get this over with?” Rarity asked, turning her head away in shame as Applejack wrapped a foreleg around the white mare to comfort her.

Chastity grabbed Lust by the ear, and began to drag her into the circle. “Come on, let’s go! Enjoy your freedom, Lust, because when Trixie’s whole again, you’ll be locked away for good!”

“Oh, you think so?” Lust asked in a teasing tone. “Well, we’ll see…”

As the final two Trixie entered the centre of the circle, Twilight gather her magic into her horn, and closed her eyes to concentrate.

“Alright, guys. Here we go…”

Trixie checked her reflection in the small mirror given to her by Rarity. “Trixie cannot remember the last time her coat has looked so clean,” she said, putting a hoof to her face to feel it. “And soft, too.”

Rarity smiled as she took her mirror back from Trixie. “Well, you can’t very well go out wearing such fine clothing with all that filth on your body, now could you?”

Trixie returned the smile. “Still, to even loan Trixie your bath… The Great and Powerful Trixie is in your debt.”

“Oh, not at all, darling,” Rarity said, before leaning forward to speak in a lower volume. “Um, consider it my apology.” Trixie gave her a questioning look. “… For… what I did with Lust.”

Trixie blushed as the memory hit her. “Oh. That… I-It’s fine. Really.”

Rarity shook her head. “It most certainly is not. That was your first time, wasn’t it? And… I’m sorry, but, there is somepony else that I-”

Trixie cut Rarity off by raising her hoof. “It’s fine,” she repeated. “Truth be told, Trixie… doesn’t know if she is ready for such a relationship yet, anyway.” The two shared an awkward silence for a moment, before Trixie decided to break it. “For what it’s worth, you were good.”

Rarity smiled nervously. “You were, too… But, what say we never speak of this again?”

“Deal,” Trixie said, and the two mares shook on it. She then looked past Rarity, at the five other mares that were seeing her off. “… Sorry, Pinkie Pie,” she started, walking towards the pink pony. “It looks like you won’t be having that party after all.”

“Oh, it’s fine,” Pinkie Pie assured her. “But, you could at least stay for your own party, right?” she asked with a pleading look, which Trixie had a little difficulty saying ‘no’ to.

“I’m sorry, Pinkie Pie, but the Great and Powerful Trixie wants to revive her career as quickly as possible…”

“It seems your ‘diligence’ is stronger than your ‘sloth’, huh?” Applejack joked.

“… You could say that,” Trixie responded. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has never been one to remain still for too long.”

Pinkie Pie frowned, and kicked the floor with a forehoof. “… But, you’ll come back for it, won’t you? Your party, I mean.”

Trixie nodded, brightening the pink mare’s mood. “Of course. After all, Trixie still needs to repay that bill that Gluttony worked up. By the way, thanks for getting your boss to give Trixie some time to work up the money.”

Pinkie Pie waved her hoof dismissively. “It’s fine! I knew I could trust your word!”

“Oh really?” Trixie asked. “And how is that? The Great and Powerful Trixie is, after all, a master of deception.”

“My Pinkie Sense told me!” Pinkie Pie explained.

“… Your what now?”

“Don’t ask,” Twilight said. “Just, trust me. It works.”

Trixie was still confused, but, after remembering her previous encounters with the pink mare, decided not to question it any further. “Very well then…” She then turned her attention to Applejack, and shuffled a hoof on the ground nervously as she tried to ask her the question she had been dreading to ask ever since she became whole again.

“Somethin’ on yer mind?” Applejack asked.

“… Trixie was just wondering… if she is still invited round your house, for Hearths Warming Eve…”

Applejack let out a light-hearted chuckle. “Well, at Sweet Apple Acres, we make decisions together. The others said ye’re welcome, so ye’re welcome.”

“‘The others’… I see…” Trixie felt a hoof on her shoulder, and looked up into Applejack’s eyes.

“An’ ah certainly wouldn’t mind ya droppin’ by for a visit sometime, either. Us Apples love ta make new friends, but so far, ah’ve only seen bits ‘n’ pieces of ya. Ah still haven’t had chance ta really get ta know ya.”

“Is that so? Well then, when the Great and Powerful Trixie returns, prepare yourself for many fascinating tales of her greatness!”

Applejack rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything. She simply laughed along with Trixie for a bit, before the showmare turned to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy… thanks for listening to Trixie, and for offering Trixie your kind words.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, thank you for all the interesting stories. You know, you should considering writing books.”

Trixie scoffed. “Writing is far too tedious a task for the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“Ah, there’s her ‘sloth’ in action,” Twilight said, laughing with her friends.

“Anyway,” Trixie continued, “Trixie will definitely have more stories to tell in the future. Perhaps, you would like to hear them, at some point?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’d love to. And good luck in your travels.”

“… Thanks.” Trixie then turned her attention to Rainbow Dash, but didn’t say anything. The two simply exchanged awkward stares, both remembering full well Lust’s actions. They then looked around nervously, before returning their gazes to each other, and finally, Rainbow Dash offered to say something.

“Um, you remember my advice, right?” Trixie nodded. “Cool…” Rainbow Dash extended a hoof towards Trixie. “Good luck, Trix. I’ll be rooting for ya.”

Trixie smiled, and bumped her hoof against the Pegasus’. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does not need ‘luck’, but she will accept it nonetheless.”

With five of her six farewells now out of the way, Trixie turned to her final farewell: Twilight Sparkle. The mare that had one upped her one year ago. The mare that had sent her life into a downward spiral, and compelled her to follow a path of darkness, almost leading her to lose herself to the alluring charm of the Alicorn Amulet.

The mare that had offered Trixie forgiveness for her actions. The mare that had offered Trixie the first bout of kindness she had ever received. The mare that had shown her than not all ponies are cruel, unfeeling monsters. The mare that had helped her, despite their past.

This mysterious mare, who made absolutely no sense. Trixie wanted to know more about her. To figure out how she worked. How she could offer Trixie that kind smile, after all they had been through in the past. This mysterious mare, who, just months ago, Trixie had despised above all else, and now, the mare that Trixie considered her first ever friend.

“Good luck, Trixie,” Twilight said, seeing that Trixie was having trouble forming her words. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay and rest up for a bit? I really don’t mind offering you a place to sleep.”

Trixie shook her head. “Thanks for the offer, but time waits for nopony! The Great and Powerful Trixie must… Okay, Trixie must ask, what is your deal, Twilight Sparkle?” Twilight seemed taken aback by that question. “How are you able to see Trixie as a friend, after she banished you for something that wasn’t even your fault? And after what she did to your friends?”

Twilight shook her head and sighed. “Trixie, it really isn’t so difficult to understand.”

“Are you calling me stupid, Twilight Sparkle?”

“No, no! Of course not!”

“Then hurry up and explain yourself!”

“… Well, you offered me your friendship. Really, I don’t see what the point of declining it would be. After all, isn’t it better to be friends with somepony, than be enemies with them?”


“See? Simple! And as for my friends, they’re big ponies, Trixie. They can handle themselves. And trust me, you wouldn’t be the first of my friends to have a disagreement with my other friends.”

Trixie turned to the other five mares, who all nodded in agreement. “Is that so… This ‘friendship’ stuff seemed so complicated at first, but you make it sound so easy.”

“I know what you mean,” Twilight said. “There was a time when, believe it or not, I would have got an ‘F’ on anything friendship related! I guess the only way to know what friendship is like, and become a good friend in the first place, is to experience it firsthoof.”

“… Well, thank you for being my friend, Twilight,” Trixie said, offering her hoof to the purple mare. However, Twilight didn’t take the hoofshake. Instead, she grabbed Trixie’s hoof, and pulled her into a hug. “W-What?”

“This is what friends do, Trixie,” Twilight said. “Lesson number one: group hugs are the best way to see a friend off!”

“‘Group hugs’?” As she feared, the other five were already in the air as she looked up, and had pounced the showmare in unison. “GAH! Can’t… breathe…”

After depriving the mare of enough oxygen, the six friends decided to let go, and give Trixie some room to breathe.

“Just remember, Trixie,” Twilight said, “That if things ever get too tough, if you ever need to just get away from it all, the Golden Oaks Library is always open to you.”

Trixie smiled, and lowered the brim of her hat to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. “Thanks for the offer, B.F.F.” Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will most definitely take you up on that if the situation arises, but let’s hope that it won’t come to that!”

The sound of the train pulling into the station caught the group’s attention, and signalled that it was time for Trixie to go. “Well then, for Trixie’s next spectacular trick, she will make a spectacular comeback! And, once she is back on top, she will make sure to give each of you her personal thanks!”

The six mares nodded, and each said their farewells as Trixie reared up onto her hind legs. They were startled by the sudden appearance of a smokescreen, and as the smoke dissipated, they could see the blue mare running towards the train station, a bouquet of flowers sitting on the ground where she used to be.

Twilight lifted the bouquet with her magic, and read the tag that was attached to it.

Thank you for being my friends. Even if I fail, I now know that it will not be the end. Because as long as I have friends to come back to, I still have a reason to keep going. To keep trying my hardest and to never let life get the best of me. And, I hope that you will all be there for me when things get rough… and in return, the Great and Powerful Trixie will offer her amazing talent to each of you. Whenever any of you are in need, just ask, and the Great and Powerful Trixie will be there for you! I am no longer alone… and that is all the motivation I need to keep going.

Friendship is magic… GAH! Too cheesy! Um… AH! No, you stupid quill! Don’t write that down!

And now, the Great and Powerful Trixie must bid you, adieu!