Fairy Tales From Equestria

by Princess Glitzy

Beauty & The Beast

Chapter 2
Twilight wakes up in an odd room. "Where am I?" She walks out the door and notices that see is in a mansion with many stairs and rooms. She walks back to her dresser and surprisingly it speaks.

"Twilight? Is that you?"

She looks at the dresser and says "Yes. Is that you Rarity? I`d know that voice anywhere."

"Yes! I seem to be... well, an armoire."

"I looked around and we seem to be in a mansion. Does this scenario remind you of anything?" She tried to nod, but couldn`t.

"Yes. I think this is Beauty & The Beast. My mother would read it to me when I was little. I might have seen the book on the night stand."

She ran to the night stand and snatched the book. "A book that I didn`t notice! This is getting really weird! Let`s take a look at the book." She opens it and a hologram shoots out.

"That was not the book I had when I was young!" The hologram showed a picture of Twilight and her friends.

"You ponies are going to be stuck in fairy tales. Your goal is to finish the fairy tale without losing or dying. You are in 'Beauty & The Beast'. You must make Discord fall in love with you. By completing this and not having him kill you you will move on and so will the rest of you. If any of the other five steps out of line and messes up the path of the main pony in each fairy tale the fairy tale will end and restart without the pony that messed up. One mistake and your dead. Dead here, dead in Equestria. Go!" The holograph ended and the book became the regular fairy tale.

Twilight opened the book and began reading. "Rarity I will go find the others and then begin my mission." Rarity once again tried to nod, but to no avail.

"Okay Twilight!"

"Fluttershy, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie!" she whisper shouted. She heard giggling coming from the kitchen.

"I am a cup!" she ran up to the cabinet and found a teacup and a teapot inside. "Hiya Twilight!" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Twilight." Fluttershy said softly.

"I need to find the others. We are in a fairy tale called 'Beauty & The Beast', I need to make Discord fall in love with me. If any of us deviate from the path we`re toast."

"We`ll become bread?!" Pinkie asked. Twilight sighed.

"No I just meant that we could die!" "Well why didn`t you just say that?" She turned to Fluttershy. "Make sure that she behaves."

"Yes." Twilight looked right at them and said "Do you know where AJ and RD are?" Fluttershy pointed her spout towards the library. "They are near the library."

"There is a library?!"

She ran to the library based on Fluttershy`s pointing and grabbed really good books. She started speed reading and had already finished two books by the time she remembered that she was looking for Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Is anypony here?" A little clock in the corner moved, as did a little candle.

"Twilight! What happened to us! One moment I am rainbow and the fastest pony in Equestria and then the next moment I am a candle!"

"I may be able to make you feel better." She uses a spell to light Rainbow Dash on fire.


"This is a fairy tale and I need to make Discord fall in love with me so we can move on to the next stage and get closer to leaving."

"Discord is here! Ah`ll buck `is behind to the moon if ah `af too!" Applejack hollered to Twilight.

"Hello Applejack! I will need you to not kick his behind because it could kill us." Applejack was stunned silent. "Both of you need to help me. Try to be kind and see if there is something you can do to speed up the process." She got rid of Rainbow Dash`s flame and then left.

She looked through all the rooms until she found one that seemed loud. She looked and inside Discord was snoring loudly while sleeping in his bed. Seeing him made her angry. She knew he was trouble, but she had to do it. She walked up to him and poked him with her hoof. He woke up and the first thing he saw were her beautiful, violet eyes.

He was at a loss for words. He chose to use his sarcasm. "Are your eyes okay?" he said in an joking, yet evil way.

"Yeah, but what I`m really worried about are yours." she said in the same tone as him. She was afraid that she had ruined everything until he chuckled.

"It`s funny that you said that because I`ve been meaning to tell you that my eyes have been acting strange lately." He grabbed his eyes and juggled them. "This isn`t normal, is it?"

She couldn`t help, but laugh. She full on belly laughed. He just stared in amazement as to how she could be so, so... pure hearted. "I- I`m sorry it`s just.. hahaha ... funny!"

"Thank you?" he said quizzically.

"Okay I`m good now. Do you want to do something?" What does something mean? "Would you like to hang out..." She quickly and quietly said "... or go on a date." He just barely caught the last part and it caused him to have a minor freak out.

Date? Hang out? With me? "Yes... to both." She kinda hoped that he hadn`t heard the last part, but knew that that was the goal. "We can have dinner together and do something outside now." he suggested shyly. Twilight nodded and decided to do something unthinkable.

She gulped and almost barfed, but had to hold it in. She quickly, yet swiftly walked up to him and kissed him. Surprisingly, it`s not that bad. It`s actually really... nice.

"That.. was magic." he soon realized that he had said that out loud.

"I`m not going to say it wasn`t, but this is magic." She used her horn to shine colors and glitter all over the room. She let her mind wonder and the rainbow/glitter formed a heart. She didn`t realize it, but somewhere her brain was thinking of Discord in a new light.

Does she already like me that much? How could anypony even consider liking... me. He was for the first time in his life, nervous. He reached out and hugged her. She suddenly felt warmth flood her body. It was nice.

Before she could stop herself she spoke the words "I think I am falling for a draconequus named Discord." He was stunned at first and then the same thing happened to him.

"I am too. Except I`m falling for a unicorn named Twilight." They looked at each other and this time it happened based on desire and not the fairy tale or anything. They kissed and like Discord said, it was 'magic'.

Twilight was brushing her mane and preparing for her date. "Um... my dear Twilight I for one love that you are finally brushing your mane like a proper mare should, but may I ask why?" She didn`t know what to tell Rarity, but she may as well put it all out there.

"My goal was to make Discord love me, but that doesn`t mean I can`t love him right?" Rarity was horrified and if she was a pony she would have walked right up to Twilight and shook her back to reality.

"Did I hear this right? Out of all the ponies in the wide, wide world of Equestria, you choose Discord! I can`t even call him a pony!" She got mad.

"He is a draconequus Rarity!" she snapped loudly. Discord had heard parts of what was said and what he heard brought joy to his once evil heart.

"Is it true? Do you love me?" She couldn`t say so for sure.

"I can almost say that I do. Let`s just see how dinner goes." He liked how charming she was.

"Well I must bid you ado." Twilight turned and stuck her tongue out at Rarity. She was so upset that she said something out of line based on her pure anger.

"Well it doesn`t matter because if everything goes well and we live, Discord won`t know what happened and I`m pretty sure that he wouldn`t like you if he wasn`t set up to. He likes Celestia anyways!" This brought tears to Twilight`s eyes.

"You don`t know that!"

"I am so sorry and I would hug you if I still had arms!" Luckily Twilight was a forgiving person and Rarity reaching out was enough to make her forgive her.

"I forgive you and I think that he may like me outside of this sleep realm."

"I didn`t mean it. He will fall in love with you again."

Don`t be nervous. It`s just dinner. Just dinner with draconequus of my dreams. "Okay I`m ready!" She walks downstairs and finds the dining room pretty quickly. This room is beautiful.

She notices that Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack were on the table. "Hey Pinkie Pie! Will Twilight have to drink from you?"

Pinkie thought about it for a second and the said "Dunno!" Twilight grabbed Fluttershy, said that she was sorry and then proceeded to pour some of the tea into Pinkie Pie. She began drinking and then grabbed a plate, utensils and a napkin.

She used her magic to move Rainbow Dash to the center of the tale, froze her there and then lit her up again. She then placed Fluttershy near Rainbow and ended with putting Applejack on the side table and freezing her there. Once she decided everything was set up she said that she was sorry again.

"It`s okay sugarcube!"

"It`s okay Twilight, it`s just that if I could move, this situation could be 20% cooler."

"I`m fine."

"This is so cool! It`s like a party!"

Twilight missed Rarity and was sad that she wasn`t here. She walked upstairs to Rarity and hugged the armoire. "Why hello Twilight! I`ve missed you guys. All I can do is look around. At least this room has a beautiful color scheme and style."

"Rarity, I don`t think magic can fix any of you right now and I certainly can`t bring you downstairs so you are going to have to stay up here." Twilight looked at Rarity with a frown on her face.

"It`s okay. Go see the others and Discord." Twilight nodded and then ran back to the dining room.

She sat down and waited. As she waited she chit chatted with the others. Once it was time Discord walked in. "Hi Discord!" she shouted a little too loudly.

"Hello Twilight!" he shouted back playfully. She blushed. "I would pull out your seat for you, but it appears that you`re already sitting." She laughed at his little pun.

"So, what are we eating?"

He thought about it and then said "Snow cones and bacon." She stared oddly at him.

"We aren`t really eating that are we?"

"Well not unless you consider that a meal." They laughed. He sat down at the other end of the long table and disliked her pouty face. "Do you want me to come over there?" She nodded.

He snapped his fingers and poofed over to the other side. She hugged him and put her face into his soft fur. They stayed that way for a while until he used his magic to whip up a fantastic veggie turkey and a yummy flower salad for them to eat. Twilight suddenly realized that she was starving.

She ate a lot and she ate it fast. Discord barely finished his first plate while Twilight helped herself to two and a half. He personally liked that she had an appetite, but it was still funny. He couldn`t help it, he needed to get out his laughs. He excused himself and then had himself a hardy laugh.

He decided to turn some bunnies into monsters and made a small cotton candy cloud. Then, he skated on some soap and decided that he was ready to go back in. She looked outside and saw chaos. She was mad, really mad. She lit on fire. She was furious that her Discord had done something evil.

He was extremely scared and at that moment she realized that she might have messed it up. She fell down and started wailing. I don`t want all of us to die! Discord snapped his fingers and fixed the chaos.

Her mood changes really fast. "I just like to let off some steam sometimes. I won`t do it again if you don`t want me too."

She stared at him and said "I don`t want you to change who you are entirely. You don`t do it often so it`s okay as long as you fix everything once you`re done. I love who you are." Without realizing it she had technically said that she loved him.

"I love you too." and with those words the whole world froze except for the main six. Everypony became a pony again and the whole mansion and the stuff inside disappeared and became an empty black space. A hologram showed up on the wall.

"You have completed stage one. The rest of this story is not necessary. You will move on to stage two. The next book will be next to you Rainbow Dash." The whole room lit up and then everything went black.