Flare's Descent to Madness

by tasteless trash

Flare's Fight To Victory II

Flare woke up to a pony knocking at his door. He called out; "Thanks!" to the pony. He got up off his bed. He put on his armor, and headed out. The streets at night were bare of any action, and as Flare walked down, lightning cracked, very far in the distance.
He arrived at a barn. He looked at the apples. They would be so easy to steal... Flare sighed, knowing he was to get in for the element and get out. Suddenly, a pony entered the barn. He slipped in behind the pony, after changing into a human and transforming his necklace to sword form.
He realized it was Applejack, the holder of the element of honesty. Flare slunk behind her, but suddenly the pony reared up on her front legs, and bucked Flare dead in the stomach. Flare flew at a post, and slammed into it. He fell on the ground, multiple shards of the cracked pole in his back.
He got up and pulled the shards out. He grunted, and ran again. He dodged the hooves this time, but as he was about to grab the element, he was smacked with a hoof.
He went tumbling forward, and fell on the, thankfully, soft ground. He got up. The pony dashed towards him at an incredible rate. He tried to dodge, but the pony managed to hit his leg. He fell, and climbed up again, hoping to be ready this time.
Flare pulled out his crossbow. Flare loaded on a bolt. He barely missed the charging pony. He aimed, and as the pony stopped, he shot.
It made it's mark, not on Applejack, but the element. It hit the wall with the element hanging on it. As the pony attempted to retrieve it, Flare also dashed towards it. He kicked the pony, and it fell a bit. Flare snatched the element.
As he took it, he was hit in the legs. He fell back, the pony on top of him. He rolled, and the pony was under him. He was back under in a moment, with another roll. He kicked away, and ran towards the door. Suddenly, he was flung forward, and flew out the door and on his knees. He tried to get up, but the pony hit him again.
Flare fell on his face. He lay there, as his muscles ached as much as his head. He was rolled over. The pony was on top of him, in the darkness. She put her hoof on his chest.
Flare grabbed the hoof, and pushed it away. He once again struggled up. He got up, and dodged the hurtling pony. Flare ran into the trees. He slipped on an apple lying on the ground.
Flare rolled to avoid the pony again. She dashed by. Flare jumped up. He started to climb a tree. The pony pulled him back down. He grabbed dust and threw it in the pony's eyes. He dodged behind a tree, and quickly morphed his sword into a necklace.
Flare changed into a frog, hoping to avoid any more fighting. The pony looked around. "Dagnabit!" The pony trudged away. As soon as she left, Flare changed back. He sighed and looked at his new element.
As he started his trudge home in pony form, Flare chewed on an apple. Suddenly, he ran into a pony. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Flare apologized. He realized it was Lyra.
"Oh, no, I apologize. Say, do you know the way to the hotel?" Flare nodded.
"Yeah, I'm actually headed there now."
"Thank you! I need to meet a friend there." She followed him to the hotel.
"Well, goodbye." Flare went up to his room. He looked over his four elements. Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and now Honesty. Flare fell on his bed. He had splinters in his back, bruises, and cuts all over, luckily none on his face.