//------------------------------// // A rare flutter of the heart // Story: A Flutter Of The Heart // by JPTrixie-Fan //------------------------------// The heart of a mare is a fragile thing, but no heart more so than that of the yellow Pegasus with the pink mane. “… and then Prince Sabre leant closer to Princess Aurora… and… and… ” The timid mare blushed and cut herself off, she’d been reading a romance fantasy she had borrowed from her friend Twilight. Now, she had never been one for ponytales, but for some reason this one had caught her eye. Forcing herself to keep reading Fluttershy finished the last page, her heart pounding with each word until she reached the last sentence. “Their muzzles touched and the prince and the princess galloped away into the sunset…” Then out of the blue a knock came at her door almost scaring the yellow mare out of her fur; with haste and out of habit Fluttershy hid the novel and went to answer the door, cracking it open at first to see who was visiting her. Through the gap stood a very well groomed white unicorn mare with a purple mane carrying a saddlebag filled with fabrics; it was at that moment Fluttershy realised she was supposed to model a new dress design for her fashionista friend Rarity who was currently stood outside her cottage door. “Oh Rarity, I’m sorry… I just got so wrapped up in my... Ermmm…” Fluttershy blushed lightly and opened the door for friend. “Oh it’s quite alright darling, Sweetie Belle was messing around in my fashion laboratory and I couldn’t find any of the fabrics for my latest design. Still, at least she didn’t defile my masterful sketch.” The white mare stated while removing her bags and placing her glasses on her nose. “Now darling, if you’ll stay still so I can begin my art it will be over in a flash.” “Oh… ok.” Fluttershy stood like a statue as Rarity’s magic set to work. First, draping a white silk over the mare’s back Rarity began to snip and sew until it fit her friend’s form; normally the white unicorn would work on a ponnequin, but lately she found herself wanting to work with the beautiful yellow Pegasus more and more, it was almost like she felt drawn to her. *** After a couple of hours of precise stitching the ensemble was complete and Rarity was very happy to show it off, placing a large mirror infront of her friend she prompted Fluttershy to turn so she could see every angle of the new outfit for herself. In truth Fluttershy thought the dress was gorgeous and couldn’t stop looking at it in the mirror, her mind began to wander and she began to imagine she was a Princess like in the story which caused her cheeks to become covered in a light blush. “Soooooo, what do you think dear?” “Oh Rarity it’s beautiful! Who’s the lucky mare that this is for?” the shy mare asked, her usual timid nature overpowered by the beauty this dress radiated; adding to that the fact she felt more confident today it almost seemed like Fluttershy was an entirely different pony. She felt sexy. It was a whole new sensation for the yellow mare and she liked it. The white mare smiled sneakily “If you like it so much, then It’s yours darling.” “Oh no… no I couldn’t Rarity, it’s too beautiful and won’t somepony else be expecting it?” Timidness recaptured Fluttershy as she protested, but Rarity had made the outfit with the intention of giving it to her anyway; the unicorn had simply gotten bored and wanted an excuse to dress up her friend. “It’s not a problem; I was only practicing with this design anyway so please enjoy it.” “Err... Um… Is … Is there any way I can repay you?” The shy mare asked looking nervously at the floor. “Well, now you mention it, could you drop by the boutique at midnight tonight?” Rarity replied which caused her yellow companion to look at her confused for a moment. “Darling please don’t look like that, it’s simply so you can review the newest design I have. Now please go out and enjoy your new ensemble.” “Oh thank you so much!” the yellow mare cheered and left her cottage to enjoy the dress; after the timid mare had exited Rarity noticed the poorly hidden fantasy novel under her sofa and giggled to herself. “A prince charming hmmm…” *** The streets were unusually crowded for this time of day, it must have been because it was hearts and hooves day she thought not letting it bother her. Fluttershy strode confidently around the market, everywhere she went heads turned and all eyes were on her. “Oh no… why… why are they staring at me. Did I do something wrong?” She wondered no longer paying attention to her surroundings; it was at that moment her face met the soft blue fur of a large earth pony. “Oh my I’m… so… sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and… um…” she stuttered for a moment “Oh my…” The stallion that she had bumped into was very handsome; he had a regal blue fur and a flowing white mane with a broken heart cutie mark. “No it’s my fault, I assure you.” The stallion leant closer causing Fluttershy to lose her confidence and hide behind her mane. “What… um… what’s wrong?” the timid mare asked still hiding behind her long pink mane. “Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just never seen such a beautiful mare before.” “R… Really?” she asked as her confident façade returned and she emerged from behind her mane. “Yes really, you’re gorgeous miss…?” “Um… my name is… Fluttershy…” The stallion grabbed her hoof and begged her to accompany him around Ponyville, but she shook her head. “But… but I don’t even know your name…” she backed away slightly, but he followed. “Of course, how rude of me. My name is Cupid Heartbreak. Now Miss Fluttershy will you accompany me?” The yellow Pegasus looked around for an excuse, but it was no use; no matter how she tried she couldn’t find a reason to not go with him and so after a few moments of silence she agreed with a small nod. *** The day had been very fun for the shy mare, she’d been all over Ponyville with the dashing stallion; first to sugarcube corner for a romantic milkshake and then to the cinema where they watched a light romantic comedy. It was at the dandelion restaurant where the couple had decided to sit for a meal and watch the sun go down. “Oh it’s so beautiful Cupid… Cupid?” Fluttershy turned to face her companion, who was now facing away from her. “Um? Cupid?” she asked trying to grab his attention, it was then she noticed that he was staring at a table with two prettier mares and clearly he had forgotten all about her. “Oh yeah sorry Miss erm… Flustershy, I just have to go to the bathroom.” He said getting up to head to the bathroom and leaving the yellow mare at her seat. Fluttershy didn’t know what to do, does she sit there and wait for him knowing he probably didn’t care for her or does she leave and possibly make the stallion mad at her? Fluttershy hadn’t had a stallion friend, she hadn’t even kissed a colt before and now she was on a date with a stallion that was looking at every other mare he saw. “Maybe I’m not pretty enough.” she thought looking out of the window, before she knew it an hour had passed and her stallion companion hadn’t returned. It was then she noticed him with the pretty mares outside and she knew she’d been ditched. Doing the only thing she knew Fluttershy paid for her meal and trotted home crying as she went. “I really thought he liked me, maybe I was just a fool to think anypony would love me.” She thought aloud as her tears fell down and stained her dress. “I've even ruined Rarity’s beautiful dress. Oh Fluttershy you’re such a fool…” *** She had only just stopped crying when she arrived back at her cottage; it was twenty minutes past eleven, but before she went inside a thought dawned upon her. She was supposed to visit Rarity at midnight and so she turned around heading back towards the town centre, towards the Carousal Boutique where her friend was waiting. *** The town’s clock tower struck midnight as Fluttershy approached the boutique, but all the lights were out. “Maybe she went to bed, should I knock or…” the mare fussed going back and forth between knocking and leaving. She fretted for several minutes, but ultimately decided to knock; after all Rarity did ask her to come by. She knocked at the door and at first there was no answer. “I guess she went to…” the yellow mare was interrupted by a late reply. “Let yourself in darling. The door’s open.” The voice beckoned Fluttershy inside and she timidly entered. “Rarity?” she quizzed “it’s so dark, where are you?” the yellow Pegasus mare inquired becoming a little scared by the darkness. “Please come a little closer dear I’m having trouble finding the light switch.” Rarity giggled in her usual ladylike fashion, Fluttershy laughed quietly and stepped further into the shop. Suddenly the room lit up and Fluttershy found herself stood in an exact recreation of the castle in her book, complete with the bed and even a fake window that appeared to overlook a mountain top with a dragon in the far background. The mare’s heart pounded as she noticed a slender pony in the corner of the room, the pony was wearing a maroon red cape with bright silver armour adorned with ornate rubies and gems. They were stunning. The yellow mare’s heart began to pound harder as the armoured pony drew closer and started to remove their helmet. “Who are you? Where’s Rarity?” Fluttershy asked in a half panicked half excited manner, but before she could get another word out a hoof pressed against her muzzle and she was silenced. Fluttershy closed her eyes expecting something bad to happen but instead the mysterious prince charming lifted off their helmet to reveal their perfectly groomed mane and pure white coat. Suddenly Fluttershy felt a sweet sensation cross her muzzle as the pony in front of her pressed against her lips, opening her eyes the timid yellow mare found herself being kissed by a beautiful white unicorn; her cheeks became hot and turned a deep crimson. She didn’t know what to do, she was being kissed and by Rarity of all ponies. She thought she should stop, but it felt too good; the sensation of being kissed was intoxicating and she felt herself kissing back. Rarity grinned and broke kiss leaving Fluttershy gasping for breath and leaning in attempting to recapture Rarity's lips to kiss her once more, but once again her muzzle was halted by the white mare’s hoof as Rarity picked up a rose between her teeth and placed it behind the yellow mare’s ear. “Tonight darling I’ll be your prince charming.” She smiled once again and leant in kissing her companion passionately, stifling Fluttershy’s moans and letting only one sentence escape as she pushed her ‘princess’ to the bed. “Rarity be my special somepony…” The End