//------------------------------// // Chapter XVII: The Kidnap // Story: Heart Of Fire: You'll Be In My Heart // by Music Brush //------------------------------// CHAPTER XVII: THE KIDNAP Blazing and Chocolate were laying on the new king sized bed in their room fast asleep, Blazing's frolegs wrapped around Chocolate as her back was against his stomach. The alarm clock went of at six o'clock, waking them up to a brand new day. Blazing reached over his fianceé and shut the alarm off. He started to pull his hoof back when it was snatched by her own holy hoof. "No you don't." She said, keeping his foreleg wrapped around her. He smiled at this as she turned her head to face him, a proud smile on her own face as she reached up to kiss him. He welcomed her kiss as it reminded him of the night before. A moment they wanted to save untill after they were married, but the mood was perfect and their feelings were overwelming, making the outcome inevitable. When she pulled away from him, he tightened his forlegs around her. "Good morning, sweetheart." He said. "Good morning, shmoopy doo." She replied, earning an annoyed sigh filled with a deep blush in his cheeks. She adopted the new pet name a few days ago and although she did not use it regularly she loved the reaction she got from him when she did. He reached down and kissed her again this time she refused to let him go, wrapping a hoof around the back of his head to keep their lips locked untill she was satisfied. He pulled away from her lips, looking her in the eye with a proud smile. "Two more weeks, my love. Two weeks." She slid her hoof over his cheek. "And every moment of waighting is agonizing." She said, steeling one more kiss from him. Everything for their wedding was ready exept for one thing, her dress and his suit, and that is what today was for. They did not have to leave for at least another hour, so they stayed locked in each others forelegs for the next fifteen minutes before getting up and ready to go to the Carousel Boutique. ~~~ "No!" Rarity snapped. "I will not allowed you to see your bride in her dress before your big day." "Rarity, aren't you over reacting?" Blazing asked. "Over reacting? Don't you know it's bad luck to see your bride in her dress before the wedding?" Rarity asked. Blazing was about to speek up but Rarity raised a hoof. " Not another word. Please, wait in the other room untill I am done." Blazing looked to Chocolate for some back up. "I think you should wait, honey. I want to see the surprise on your face." Blazing sighed as he dropped his head in defeat then looked over to Rarity with a serious look. "You be gentle with my wife." He said, then turned and trotted off into the next room, the curtains closed behind him. Rarity turned to face Chocolate, her horn glowing and her red reading glasses placed perfectly on the bridge of her nose as a note pad and pen levitated in front of her. "Now, what shall it be, darling? The traditional white, or did the two of you have something else in mind?" "Actualy, Blazing and I were thinking of something yellow." Chocolate answered. "To match his coat and my mane." Rarity looked up from her pad in a slight shock. As if reading her next question, Chocolate said. "Blazing thought of it." Rarity's eyes shot open wide. "Iddeeeaaaa!" She sing-songed as she levitated rolls of cloth and other fabric tools. A tape measure wraped itself around Chocolate's waist, hooves and various other places as Rarity wrote down the measurements on her pad. After a while of cutting, sewing and adjusting Rarity stepped back from Chocolate with a satisfied smile on her face. The dress fit perfectly on Chocolate. It was yellow, like she asked, with white lining, a frilled drape and a long vaile with flowers and her mane was done up in a bun much like Fluttershy's when she posed for Photo Finish. Chocolate looked at her reflectiin in the mirror, tears streaming down her face as she admired the fashionista's work. "Oh, Rarity..." she said through slight sobs. "... it's beautiful!" She turned and embraced Rarity in a hug. Rarity let Chocolate enjoy her new dress for a minute before taking it off so she could store it for later. When the dress was put away Rarity opened the curtains to find Blazing looking out the window on the other side of the room. He turned to them then grabbed a yellow suit and held it up to be seen. "How's this suit?" He asked. Rarity came up to look at the suit. It was yellow like his coat, wich Rarity noted. It had two tails, a whit button up shirt and there was an orange bowtie. "I think the button shirt should be orange, too." He added. "Blazing, I am surprised on your tast in fashion." She said with a look of approval at his choice. "But you do need a larger size." Blazing did have a muscular build, his daily exercise, flying and active history helped with that. Rarity's horn lit up and the measuring tape flew around him while the suite he was holding flew out of his grasp and onto a rack perfectly. Rarity made all the necessary measurements of Blazing's physique as she took down notes on her pad then smiled up at him. "Okay, darling," she said, "everything will be ready for you when your wedding day arrives." "Thank you, Rarity." Blazing and Chocolate said in unison. The two gave Rarity a hug before heading out of the boutique to spend the rest of the day together. Blazing and Chocolate left the Boutique with smiles on their faces, thanking Rarity for her hard work. Now it was time for lunch. They trotted happily down the road, greeted by everypony that saw them. They arrived at a restaurant Twilight recommended, ordered some simple sandwiches and enjoyed their meal. When they finished their meal they simply went on a joy flight over the town and in the clouds. Their flight lasted for the rest of the day before they flew back home. [cente]~~~ Chocolate found herself alone in the dark void that her mother placed her mind in two times before yet again. She looked around, filled with annoyance and anger, to find her mother but saw no sign of her. "Unless you need my help again, I would like to get back to my fianceé!" She called. Then she saw the dark form of her mother walking toward her. She glared at her mother waiting for her to speak. "Well?" "Your words hurt me, my child," Chrysalis said, her voice dark and cold, "but this has to come to an end." "What the hell are you talking about?!" Chocolate asked. "It is time for you to come home. No more of this love for the stallion." Chrysalis said. "I thought I made it clear, I'm not going back." Chocolate counted. "You have no choice, my daughter. Your subjects need you." Chrysalis began to vanish in the myst. Chocolate called out to her, but she was soon engulfed in the same myst. She found herself back in the bathroom, two changelings standing on either side of her. They grabbed her by the hooves and dragged her toward the window. She struggled to break free, but these changelings were strong, stronger then she was, wich was not right. What's going on? She asked herself. When she could not breack free of their hold she let out with all her vocal strength, "BLAZING!!!" ~~~ Blazing was sitting on the couch in the livingroom waiting for Chocolate to come back from upstairs. She had been up there for a few minutes before he started to get a little worried. He got to his feet and began to walk toward the stairs and heard something that made his heart stop. "BLAZING!!!" Blazing bolted up the stairs and busted down the door to the bathroom just in time to see two changelings carrying Chocolate out the window. "Chocolate!" He screamed as he ran to catch them, but he was too late. He poked his head out the window as the changlings flew toward the Everfree Forest. He jumped out the window and flew after them and he was not going to stop until he got his fianceé back.