Team Stable 2

by FrostyDawn

A Mercenary's Promise

The following morning, a group of people walked up the foggy mountain, past Canterlot. The group consisted of the six girls, and the remaining four mercenaries. A solemn silence hung over them. The Heavy tugged a carriage behind him, carrying a large wooden box, holding the Medic's body. On the way up the mountain, Fluttershy seemed the most upset. She whimpered with sobs ever since she witnessed the Medic's death last night. The Engineer seemed conflicted as well. Again, when someone respawned, their remains slowly faded away into nothing. And yet, they were tugging the Medic up the mountain right now. The Engie considered this to just be some anomaly in this world, but he might just be convincing himself that.

The group reached a high spot on the mountain, and three figures stood, awaiting them. The first was a perfect definition of the word radiant. She was a tall, tan woman. Her hair was long and flowed in the wind, glimmering a pale green and light blue, covering one of her eyes. She wore a flowing white dress, with a golden sun emblazoned on the chest. She also wore a crown that shined, even in the cloudy atmosphere. A large pair of white, feathery wings were folded behind her.

Another woman stood beside her. She was a little shorter, and younger than the woman in white. Her skin was paler, and her hair consisted of shades of dark blue, and was held from her eyes by a black tiara. Her dress was in the same style of the older woman, but was colored in more dark blues, with a crescent moon shape on the dress. She also had a pair of wings, but they were smaller, and colored the same shade of dark blue.

The last figure was a complete oddball. It was a man, a little taller than the white woman. His face was slightly wrinkled and his eyes were an unnatural yellow. He had black, almost villainous hair, with a stripe of white across his head and gray sideburns paired with a goatee. This man seemed very asymmetrical. His right arm was covered in what looked like a bronze armor, while his left arm looked dried and burnt, wrapped in a white cloth. He wore a gray-green vest, where a black tie was tucked underneath. He wore a pair of tuxedo pants, with only one dress shoe. His left foot had a big boot that added more weight than it needed. Over his shoulders, he wore a cape, half like a fur coat, the other like a tattered black sail torn from a ship.

"Princess Celestia." Twilight said, kneeling before the white woman. The other girls bowed, and the mercenaries soon caught on, bowing too.

"Twilight Sparkle. I am sorry to hear what happened to your friend. Although he was here a short time, he seemed very important to you." Celestia spoke. Her voice was commanding and authoritative, yet motherly and demure.

"Isn't that right, Fluttershy?" The mis-matched man asked.

Fluttershy raised her head to him, fighting back more tears. "Yes..." she whimpered.

"Discord, you know how sensitive Fluttershy is. Give her a break." The younger woman said.

"As you command, Princess Luna." Discord replied sarcastically.

Celestia glared at the other two. "Enough." She turned back to the girls. "And who are these? Newcomers?" she asked, referring to the mercenaries.

The Sniper looked up to her. "Uh... that's right, yer majesty!" he said, trying his best not to insult a princess.

"They're good friends of the doctor." Rarity added. "Until..."

"Until he was backstabbed by a no good, two-timing-!" The Engineer said, but Applejack put her hand on his shoulder, insisting he shouldn't finish that sentence.

"I understand. He was unjustly betrayed, and we shall make his death known." Celestia said. She waved her hand, which glowed a light orange. The coffin lifted from the carriage, and hovered over a spot on the ground. As the casket lowered, the dirt underneath it moved out of the way, being repeled so the box would fit into a hole in the earth. Once the casket was secure, the dirt filled the hole again, sealing it away.

"Now... I heard you are from a different world than ours?" Luna asked, curious.

"да. It is true." The Heavy said. The princesses and Discord exchanged a few looks, then nodded.

"Well, there might be a way to help you four." Discord said, stroking his goatee.

"Can you bring Medic back?" Scout asked excitedly.

"No. There is no magic to revive the dead. But we could bring you back to where you came." Celestia replied.

The REDs mumbled amongst themselves, before turning back. "Alright. Ah guess we'd be on our way." The Engie said, bracing for anything to happen.

The three rulers raised their hands, emitting a glowing energy starting to cover the mercenaries.

The Engie nodded, tipping his hardhat. "See ya'll around." He said, before they dissolved into thin air.



"Mission begins in sixty seconds..." The Administrator spoke above them. The Engineer looked around. They were in the RED Dustbowl base, holding a shotgun in his hands. Around him were eight other mercenaries. Eight. Including the Medic. The REDs rushed out, excited to be back and start fighting again.

The Medic and Engie stayed behind, curious.


"Hello, Engineer. I guess I'm doomed to fight und die forever." The Medic said, pessimistic.

"Doc, look. We're both men of science. So, between battles, what do you say?"

"Zay to vhat?"

"We look for a way back to... uh..." The Engie muttered, trying to remember the name.


"Equestria, right. We could use our war funding. Fight a way to control the glitch. The glitch that sent us there in the first place."

"Mission begins in thirty seconds..."

The Medic scratched his chin. After a little thought, he nodded and held out his hand. "I'm in. Ve'll be zhere in no time." He said.

The Engie shook his hand, and smiled. "Alright, Sawbones. Let's take Dustbowl back first." He said. The Engie picked up a red metal box, carrying it over his shoulder. "Ya know, I bet those gals are finding a way to reach us right now."

The Medic smirked, and prepared for his return to Equestria.