//------------------------------// // A very pony place // Story: Resilient Spirits // by Kipakuta //------------------------------// "So. When should I walk you two back to the Chateau?" Starsong asked Cheerilee and Toola. The two looked to each-other, then to Starsong. "Walk? Starsong, vous AVES ailes." the pink unicorn pointed with a hoof. "Oui, mais j'ai besoin de mes deux chers amis le vent qui me soulève." The purple pegasus replied with a grin." Toola Roola and Cheerilee shared a look of surprise and confusion. "What? You didn't think we could grow up around you, and not pick up some of your lingo? Filly give me SOME credit." Laughing, the three of them trotted off together. The pink earth pony turned to face the remaining group. "This is so exciting, I haven't even been here ten minutes and I've already met several ponies and made some amazing friends. At that rate I'll know every pony in town by the end of the week. Ooh!! I gotta go unpack my stuff bye." She grabbed a rolling cart, and ran off to follow Mr Cake. "Pinkie Pie, you are so.....random." Rainbow Dash stated. Rarity, Big Macintosh, and Fluttershy nodded in agreement. After watching the train load up and depart, Rarity turned to the two pegasi. "Have either of you acquired a place of residency yet? I could offer my services as an interior decorator." Dash and Fluttershy looked to each-other. "Thanks but no thanks." Rainbow replied. "I have my own plans if-when I get my own place." "But you don't have a place now." Rarity mused. "Have you checked the list of available homes?" "Yeah, all that's available is a loft at the library." Rainbow replied. "Starsong was supposed to help me with getting housing, but she took off." Dash snorted. "I'm sure she'll come to her senses in a few hours." Rarity replied, as she escorted the two pegasi out of the station. "I do have a guest bedroom available. My little sister uses it whenever she visits, but she's not here today." Rainbow Dash looked to Fluttershy. "You mind sharing a room for one night?" Fluttershy shook her head. Rainbow turned to Rarity again. "I guess we're your guests then. So where's your space?" "Right down this lane." Rarity pointed towards a large, two-story building. - - - A few blocks away, Mr Cake lead Pinkie Pie up to the third story of his bakery. "This is the room I set aside for you, as you can see, I had it cleaned up, and brought in a bed for you." Pinkie set her luggage next to the stair railing. "I'm sure I can find stuff to spruce it up. make it more like a party fun room." The pink mare stated. "Ooh, and I can learn the layout of the town while I'm out looking for bedroom type stuff." Mr Cake grinned. "Well, I have to get back to the station and help Big Macintosh, but I'll be back this evening. Mrs Cake can help you in the meantime. She's the mare we met downstairs" "The one running the counter?" "That's her." Mr Cake replied before heading back downstairs. Pinkie followed then greeted Mrs Cake. "Chef Pinkie Pie reporting for duty, Ma'am." She gave a salute. Mrs Cake lead Pinkie into the kitchen of Sugarcube corner. "As you can see, we have the sink, fridge, counters and mixing supplies on the left side of the room; the cooling tables, pots, pans, and holders on the right side; and the oven in the middle of the back wall. That door over there leads to the pantry where we keep the dry ingredients. This table on the left side of the door is for holding special orders for catering. And on your immediate right is the filing cabinet. Recipes are kept in the bottom drawer " She pulled open the drawer to show her. Pinkie trotted over to the mixing table, then looked to Mrs Cake. "So what's my first task?" "This is about the time that we start making dough for this evening's pot pies." Pinkie washed her hooves, took a bowl and some measuring cups, then headed over to the pantry. "Pot pies, got it." Mrs Cake chuckled, setting a packet of pie recipes on a counter. "Alright, I'll be running the register. Call me if you need anything." "Okie Dokie Loki" - - - A mile away, Cheerilee, Starsong and Toola Roola entered a long wooden building that was built alongside the river. "I could really use this, considering that's been about four years since I've had a Drackish bath." Cheerilee stated. The mares paid the clerk attending the counter, then entered the locker room. They undressed, selected their lockers, took the folded towels that were inside, stored their clothes, then turned the keys before taking them. Each key had a rubber band looped through a hole in the head, enabling a pony to keep the key close at hoof. "Shall we get the works, or just a standard scrub?" Toola Roola asked. "I think you two deserve the works." Starsong replied. They stepped into the main hallway then into the shower room across from the locker room. Here, wooden pallets were placed on the concrete to prevent ponies from stepping in the pools of water that sometimes formed around the drains. Towels were placed on metal racks that conducted heat from an enclosed flame. After a quick shower of warm water, they took their towels and headed into a room next to the showers. Here, a dozen ponies wearing towels around their waists were waiting for customers. A few were busy practicing their techniques on coworkers. The trio selected their tables, spread their towels over the wooden surfaces, then sprawled out. The attendants assigned to those tables set to work. After offering a selection of scented soaps and shampoos, they used textured cloth hoof-covers to rub the chosen concoctions into the mare's manes and pelts, rubbing vigorously. Starsong's attendant used a bamboo switch to scrub her wings, eliciting a sigh of contentment from the pegasus. Once they had been covered down to their ankles, the trio returned to the shower room to rinse off. They returned to the scrub room. Their frogs were massaged, hooves filed, Starsong's wings were given a dry scrub, and Toola Roola's horn was rubbed with a textured cloth soaked with a scented oil of her choosing. They tipped their attendants, then took their towels and headed back across the hall, into the room next to the lockers. A large shallow square pool took up most of the room. The trio placed their towels on a heated rock, then settled into the water which was fed by a boiler. Steam issued from copper pipes set in alcoves along the bottom of each wall, keeping the room humid. "So..." Starsong began. "What happened over the last four years?" "Other than what we mentioned in our letters?" Toola Roola replied. "I wanna hear everything." - - - "Is it really that bad?" Rarity called up to the blue pegasus on her roof. "It's all frilly and frou-frou!" Rainbow Dash called back. "No way I'm sleeping in there!" "Fluttershy doesn't mind." Rarity replied. "Now you come down this instant!" "I'd rather sleep on a cloud." Fluttershy leaned over and whispered something in Rarity's ear. The unicorn smiled, then looked up to Rainbow Dash. "Have you talked to the Mayor about setting up a cloud house?" Rainbow Dash perked her ears. "They'd allow that? Why haven't I seen any around here then?" Rarity tapped her chin. "I'm not familiar with the intricacies of pegasus regulations, but aren't they supposed to have a barracks for the weather force?" "Yeah, but they have more weather-ponies than rooms. Some pegasi have had to rent apartments because there aren't enough units to go around." "Oh, there you all are." A beige earth pony trotted over to Rarity and Fluttershy. "I must apologize for the mix-up. One of my assistants found this in the back of the folder in the back of the drawer." She presented a dusty sheet of paper to Rarity. The unicorn took it with an aura of magic and read it over. Fluttershy peered over the unicorn's shoulder. "It seems that the housing market has opened up." Rarity mused. "There's a run-down hovel at the outside edge of town, next to the Everfree forest." "Next to the forest?" Dash flew down to join the group. "There's a large risk of forest predators. That's why it was abandoned." The mayor explained "Sounds like my kind of place." Dash said smugly. "Let's go take a look." A short walk later, the four ponies were looking at something that resembled a tree growing from the shell of a house. Birds and squirrels were prancing about in the upper reaches while mice, chipmunks and a couple of beavers were lazing about the outside of the walls. Fluttershy's eyes seemed to light up as she grinned widely. Rainbow Dash blanched. "I'll take my chances in Rarity's guest room." She deadpanned. "It's a bit of a fixer-upper." The mayor began. "I'll schedule pest control and a building inspector tomorrow. Once that's taken care of, you'll have to get a home loan so you can move in. So it'll be about a week." "How about if we skip the pest control." Fluttershy said quietly. "I'll take it as is." "Pardon?" The mayor looked to Fluttershy. "I think she wants to keep the pests." Rainbow stated. "She loves animals." "But they make such a mess, all that fur and stuff getting everywhere. And their table manners are atrocious." Rarity added. "And the place looks like it could collapse at any moment. I certainly would not force a pony to live in such squalor." "Iwantit." Fluttershy exclaimed in an audible tone. "That is, if it's ok with you, Miss Mayor." The Mayor hooved a rolled scroll and a set of keys to Fluttershy. "Normally we'd go through the correct process, but this property's been abandoned for so long. Hopefully you can get the loan before the end of the week. You do that and I'll overlook the squatting." "You're not actually going to spend the night here, are you?" Rarity asked Fluttershy. In response, the yellow pegasus unlocked the door and entered. = = = Pinkie Pie was up before sunrise. Recipes were tacked to a bulletin board next to the kitchen entrance. Pinkie would keep going from station to station, making sure that each recipe was prepared according to the formula. She would also take the finished pastries from the oven and set them aside to cool, and bring the cooled products out to the front counter where the Cakes would stock them. Around dawn, the bell over the entrance rang announcing that customers had arrived. "Good morning folks." Mr Cake greeted. "What can I get for you today?" "Coffee." A violet earth pony grumbled. "And I want it black." Mrs Cake poured the coffee from one of four pots that had been set up for the morning customers. "There you go Berry." Mrs Cake said, hooving her the cup. Berry tossed a bit on the counter then took the mug and shuffled over to an empty booth. The next pony in line stepped forward. "I'll have a croissant, coffee and a paper." She stated. Mr Cake reached into the display case and took one of the croissants, bagged it, and placed it on a tray. Mrs Cake added a cup of coffee, a packet of creamer, two packets of sugar, and a wooden stirring stick. The magenta earth pony added a rolled up newspaper that she had taken from a stack in front of the counter. "That'll be four bits, Cheerilee." Mr Cake said. Cheerilee counted out the money and passed it to Mr Cake, before taking her tray to an empty seat. The last pony in line was an elderly light gray stallion. "I'd like a breakfast tea and an onion scone, please." He spoke in a raspy voice. "You know we don't make onion scones, Oatmeal." Mrs Cake replied. Oatmeal sighed. "But I really like onions: Onion soup, onion bread, onion pizza. If they made onion jelly beans, I'd buy a pound every day." "Onion jelly beans?" Pinkie Pie slammed open the kitchen doors. "Oatmeal, are you crazy?!" Berry winced and cradled her head in her front legs. Everypony else looked to Pinkie Pie, started by her outburst. Oatmeal stammered for a moment. Mr Cake quickly grabbed an onion bagel and placed it on the tray along with a cup of hot water, a teabag, sugar packets, and wooden stirrer. "There you go, best I can do. Two bits." "Your new baker might have a point." Oatmeal conceded. "Not every flavor is good as a bean." He took his tray and walked to the outside patio. - - - Rarity walked over to the single-wide bed and gently nudged the occupant. "This is your 6:30 wake-up call." She stated firmly. "You are to have breakfast, then report in at the office of the Weather Bureau at 7:00. Breakfast has already been prepared." Rainbow Dash pulled the blanket tighter around herself. "I don't suppose I could have breakfast in bed." She griped. Rarity's eye twitched. "You are just like my sister's friend." She snapped. "That Scootaloo's a bad influence on her, I tell you." The unicorn turned and held a hoof to her poll. "That pegasus filly is simply incorrigible. Did you know that I've had to replace Sweetie Belle's bed because Scootaloo encouraged her to use it as a trampoline?" Rainbow Dash sat up. "Really? You mean like this?" She threw the covers aside and started hopping on the bed. "Yes, stop that. Stop that at once!" Rarity grumbled. "Ok, fine! You may have your breakfast in bed if you cease bouncing." Rainbow Dash did a partial flip and landed on her back. Rarity left, then returned a minute later. Beside her inside a cyan aura, levitated a tray with a bowl of yogurt, a plate of fruit tarts, and a mug of cappuccino. "Now that's more like it." Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Rarity brought the tray over to her. She grabbed it and placed it on her lap. "Now, there is a proper way to hold your spoon-" Rarity began. Rainbow Dash picked up the bowl and slurped down the yogurt. "Honestly now!" The unicorn snapped. Rainbow Dash finished most of the yogurt then licked the bowl clean. "Just try not to get crumbs on the sheets-" The pegasus began chomping the tarts, dipping them in the cappuccino to soften them. "...when you eat the tarts..." Rarity sighed. "I do hope that you find a new home today. I don't think I could take another morning of this." "Sorry Rarity, gotta fly." Dash guzzled the cappuccino, then set the tray aside before running out the door. Rarity glanced to the bed. There were pastry flakes and splatters of fruit paste and cappuccino scattered about the sheets and blanket. "Might as well get started on the laundry." Rarity said as she began removing the covers from the bed. - - - Toola Roola and Jasper stepped into a wood-paneled den. Across the room, a green unicorn stallion with a red and black striped mane and tail was seated at a large wooden desk. Sitting in a tall-backed upholstered chair against the left wall, was a blue earth pony stallion, with a red mane and tail. In front of the desk was a padded stool. "Please have a seat." The unicorn said. Toola Roola moved over to the stool and settled on it. Jasper leaned against the wall next to the door frame. "What are your plans for the rest of your life?" The unicorn asked. "I was thinking of helping with the family business." Toola Roola replied. "Managing the farms, the hotel and casino." The unicorn held up a hoof. "Then I expect you to work. You may be my daughter, but I won't allow you to sit around like some pampered noble's brat." "Yes father, I understand." Toola Roola replied. "Good. Now, I have not hid from you what the family business involves. You asked me directly and I told you." Toola Roola nodded. "I remember that." The green unicorn motioned with his hooves. "Good. Here's how you can start. Ponyville had a few new arrivals yesterday." "I've met them. Pinkie Pie was on the train that Cheerilee and I rode back, and Starsong seems to have befriended Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy." "Good. Go back to them. Find out what they need, and if there's anything we can provide them with." "Is that all?" "That is up to you. You can stop at three business partners, or you can try to find more. I'm starting you in Ponyville as an associate." Toola Roola gasped. "You really mean that? Oh thank you Papa! Thank you thank you thank you!" She leapt over the desk and hugged the stallion. The blue earth pony leapt to his hooves, but stopped when he realized that Toola Roola wasn't a threat. Jasper chuckled. - - - Applejack stepped outside of the house and saw a pink-maned yellow pegasus playing with her collie pup. As the earth pony trotted over, the pegasus noticed her and stopped her activity. "Good Morning Applejack. Winona was just telling me about how much she likes it here." "Howdy there Fluttershy." Applejack took one of Fluttershy's hooves and shook warmly "I hope yer well rested, cause we got some 'peckerbirds nesting in the trees over in the east field. "Oh my." Fluttershy took her hoof and held it to her mouth. "I'll go talk to them. East you said?" "That's right." Applejack pointed. "See if ya can get them to head on back to White tail woods." "Leave it to me, Miss Jack." "Please, jus' call me A.J. Jack sounds too stallion-y" Winona gave a whimper as Fluttershy departed. "It's ok Winona, she'll be back." Applejack patted the dog. Winona yipped. An elderly green mare trotted up alongside Applejack. "What a nice young mare." She began. "Quiet, well mannered, and hard working. If only more ponies were like her." "Is Bloom up yet? I gotta take her over to th' school to get registered." Applejack turned and headed inside. Inside the house, Apple Bloom was resting on a rug and listening to a show on the large radio in the family den. Applejack entered the room. "Apple Bloom?" The yellow earth pony filly turned to her sister. "I don't wanna go to school." "We already talked 'bout this." Applejack trotted over. "You gotta be in folhengarten so you can make some friends." "I'll go but I won't like it." Applejack stroked the filly's red mane. "Bloom, I met one of the teachers there. Cheerilee. Kind of a reddish-purple mare. Smiling flowers cutie mark." Apple Bloom stood up. "She nice?" Applejack grinned. "I promise ya that she is. Get this. Ya know that popular book series they got out right now? She's read it already." "Already? But it only came out last week." "She enjoys readin', so ya'all already got somethin' in common." Applejack coaxed her sister to follow. "School's gonna be great if ya jus' give it a chance." - - - "As I was goin' over, the Condermara mountains."A purple pegasus sang, while shaping some of the clouds above the center of Ponyville. "I met with Captain Feather, and her money she was counting." A blue pegasus joined in, working on other clouds." Starsong grinned to her companion. "I first produced my crossbow." "Then produced my rapier." Rainbow Dash added with a smirk. "I said. 'Stand and deliver!'" Starsong called. "For she were, a bold deciever!" They bumped hooves and sang the chorus together. "Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da. Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o. There's whiskey in the jar." "You're pretty good." Starsong replied. "Ever been to the Griffon Kingdom?" "I know a bird." Rainbow Dash replied with a chuckle. "She taught me several of their traditional ballads." Starsong smirked. "That one's kind of dear to my heart." "Oh? You like griffons?" "That too, but I kind of feel a kinship with brigands like the one on the song." Starsong sighed. "It may be idle fantasy, but I enjoy stories about highwaymares, frontier bowslingers, and wandering samurai." "Huh. I never really thought much about history." Rainbow Dash rubbed around one of her ears. "Barely passed in high school." Starsong reclined on one of the clouds. "The music's fun too." She played a short ditty on her harmonica. "I prefer things with a more modern flavor." Rainbow Dash replied. "Who knows? In a hundred years ponies might look at our current culture and build a romantic mythology around it." Starsong chuckled. "And there will still be that one pony that goes. 'I'm more into modern society.'" "The future is something I can look forward to." Dash replied smugly. "I'm gonna be a Wonderbolt. As soon as I get settled, I'm gonna work on my moves and train everyday." Starsong looked over. "Oh, right, I forgot to mention that there's a shortage of housing." "I found that out." Rainbow snarked. "I had to sleep with Rarity." Starsong burst into laughter. "Shut uuup. I meant that I had to sleep in her guest room. It's not like we shared the bed or anything." Starsong calmed down enough to talk. "But she would, though. She'd give you the mane off her head if you needed it." Rainbow Dash pictured Rarity without her mane, then guffawed. Starsong joined in. Several minutes later, Rainbow Dash looked over. "But seriously though. After work, I'm gonna stop at the bank and get a loan for a cloud house." "Don't." Starsong replied. "I know where you'll get a better deal." "Really?" Dash jumped to her hooves. "I'm listening." Starsong pointed to the west. "There's a mansion about a mile that way. You go there and you ask for a private meeting with Mr LaRoulette. When you get in his office, you tell him exactly what you need. If you want a cloud house, you'll get a cloud house. If you just want the loan, you'll get exactly the amount you ask for." "I hear talking, but I don't hear clouds being shaped!" A mustard-yellow pegasus called up from the ground below. "Well, back to the grind." Dash stated before making an adjustment to the cloud. - - - The bell above the door rang as a red earth-pony stallion entered. "Oh, Hello Mr Apple." A yellow earth pony cantered over. "You here for a pick-up or a delivery?" "Please, Jus call me Big Macintosh. Mr Apple was my pa." The stallion replied. "An' It's both this time." "So what can I get for you today?" Mr Cake waved a hoof in front of a display case. Big Macintosh examined the selection, then pointed to a cinnamon-dusted fruit-filled turnover pastry. Mr Cake took the pastry and placed it on a warming tray. "I'll just heat that up for you while you make your delivery, ok? And before I forget." Mr Cake slid a clipboard over to Big Macintosh. "Our new chef is making everypony fill this out." Big Macintosh looked over the top sheet of a paper stack. There was a four column grid that was partly filled in. The columns were labled 'Name,' 'Favorite color,' 'Favorite flavor,' and 'Birthday.' Taking the attached pen, The earth pony began writing entries for himself, his sisters, and their grandmother. When he finished, he hooved the clipboard back to Mr Cake. "Thank you." Mr Cake said. "Now, you need any help bringing in the stock?" "Nope." Big Macintosh replied. He headed outside then returned a few seconds later, carrying a large basket of apples on his back. He headed into the kitchen, where Pinkie Pie was dashing from station to station. The pink pony was busy mixing several batches of batter, while managing to keep an eye on the pastries baking in the oven. Several timers were set up on one table, and whenever one dinged, Pinkie zipped over to the oven, and somehow managed to find just the right tray to pull out before placing a new one in. Big Mac was in the middle of setting the basket on the floor next to the door frame, when Pinkie popped up in front of him. "Hi there, thanks for the delivery of apples. I was worried that we were gonna run out cause of the rush this morning where somepony needed a tray of apple muffins for an important meeting at the school and I got up at five this morning to prepare them all but Mr Cake assured me that we'd be getting a delivery today and here you are, oh did you fill out the survey yet? I wanna get to know everypony and I thought the best way to do that would be to ask them what flavors and colors they liked so I could-" One of the timers dinged, and Pinkie darted to the oven with a pair of tongs in her mouth. She took one of the trays out, placed it on one end of the cooling table, then took trays from the other end and headed to the front counter. Big Macintosh took advantage of her distraction, and tried to sneak out. He was just a few steps away from the door when Pinkie appeared before him again. "-Make a special treat just for them on their birthdays." She held out a paper bag. "Here's your cinnamon apple turnover, Big Macintosh." The red stallion took the bag with some hesitation, then placed a bit on Pinkie's upheld frog. "Thank you for shopping at Sugarcube corner and you have a super duper day now." She zipped back into the kitchen. Big Macintosh shook his head and chuckled. {She certainly is a lively one.} He thought as he returned to his cart. He hooked it to his harness then headed to his next destination. {That special birthday treat thing is a good idea though.} - - - Rainbow Dash and Starsong were each eating a small salad outside of the Weather bureau when a Light pink unicorn with a pink, yellow and orange mane trotted over. She was accompanied by a bipedal canine with dull red fur. "What the hay is that?" Rainbow Dash pointed at the canine with her salad fork. "This is Jasper. He's my assistant." The unicorn replied. Rainbow Dash slowly circled around Jasper, eyeing him warily while Starsong smirked. "Never seen a Diamond Dog before?" "I've seen 'em." Dash replied. "Just never seen one that wasn't hostile." Jasper nodded. "Most of my kind are rather territorial. I simply define my territory differently." "What do you mean?" Jasper placed a hand on the unicorn's back. "This is mine." He pointed to Starsong. "And that is mine." "And he doesn't like others messing with his stuff." Starsong added. "Makes him angry, you won't like him when he's angry." Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously. "Soooo. What brings you around here, Toola?" "I wish to offer my services to you." Toola Roola replied. "Since you are new in town, you might need some help with getting settled in." Starsong clapped her hooves together. "Aha, so your dad's letting you in the business." "What business?" Dash looked from Toola to Starsong then back to Toola. "Or is this the set up to some ridiculous prank?" "This is no trick." Toola Roola assured her. "She's looking for a cloud house." Starsong said. "I told her that your father could get her a deal on the permit and product." "I can take care of the permit for you." Toola Roola said to Rainbow Dash. "I can supply the materials so you can build your house for your own tastes. However, I don't do this for free." "Here we go. The catch, the fine print." Rainbow Dash snarked, crossing her front legs together. "I know how much a weatherpony makes." Toola Roola began. "And I think that -B- 150 a month, for five years is a fair price." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "That's half of what the banks charge, and half of their payment period. Toola, you got yourself a deal!" They shook hooves. "I'm glad we could do business together." Toola Roola replied. "Is there anything else I can help you with?" "Well Fluttershy needs a loan for her shack." "I will negotiate with her next." Toola Roola replied. "Right now, I'm dealing with you." "Think you could get me into the Wonderbolts?" Toola Roola shook her head. "I can't shortcut their entrance exam, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to saddle them with an unskilled recruit." "Who're you calling unskilled? I got skills!" Rainbow Dash flared her wings. "Didn't you tell me that you still needed to train and design your moves." Starsong added. "Training equipment for stunt flying." Toola Roola wrote in a notebook. "And I think that's it." Rainbow Dash tapped her chin. "If I think of anything, I'll ask ya." "I'd be happy to have you as a repeat customer." Toola Roola grinned. "Now, where can I find Fluttershy?" "She's probably over at Sweet Apple Acres." Starsong pointed. "Applejack asked her to manage the critters." "Alright, I'll go pay them a visit." Toola Roola replied. She began trotting along the road. "Come along Jasper." "And now you're mine." Jasper whispered in Rainbow Dash's ear, before following after his boss. Rainbow Dash gulped.