The Great and Powerful Fuu

by Makitk

It's a Kind of Magic

And that all was.. twenty years ago? Thirty? Time moves so fast in Equestria.. And then there was the whole ordeal with.. er.. oh, right. Getting ahead of myself.

The doctor helped Trixie recover, clearly. I mean, when I woke up again I was the one lying in the bed, and Trixie was rummaging around through some cupboards, her horn glowing as she moved things around. She seemed to be doing ok, apart from a bandage around her midsection, and at least a whole lot more energetic than before.

I tried to move and found a weight settle around my neck. I blinked and looked down, but it took some tilting of my head to get even a glimpse of the collar. It seemed like leather.. or the cartoon equivalent of it. "Fuu?" I whistled through my unusable lips, then groaned as I realized my ability to speak was taken away again.

"Oh, you're awake?" Trixie offered, lifting her head up and looking in my direction while an assortment of kitchenware hovered around her. I nodded, reaching a hoof up to my collar. "Oh, that? That's just so you don't go running off again like last night." Trixie remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Trixie was doing fine on her own. The Great and Powerfu.." she winced and the light on her horn died out for a second, making the kitchenware drop to the floor around her. She needed a few breaths to push herself up in her proud stance again and a light blush showed on her cheeks. "Hrm.. well.. if you hadn't hit Trixie she wouldn't have needed a doctor in the first place. So don't expect a thank you." she huffed, returning her attention to the kitchenware.

I sighed and dropped my head on the pillow, idly feeling the collar with my left forehoof. A collar to keep me from running away from her.. it was almost like I was an animal. Or one of those creepy goth kids. "But you are an animal." my thoughts returned to me, and I shook my head at them. "You're a pony. A unicorn at that. You have hooves, a tail, fur, even if it's all cartoonish." my thoughts continued, and I closed my eyes while letting out a whimper. The sound of items dropping on the sink reached my ears and the soft clip-clop of Trixie walking nearer the bed followed.

"What's the matter, Fuu?" she asked, and I thought I detected a genuine undertone of worry in her voice. I felt my mouth change and moved my jaw a little before looking up from the pillow again straight into Trixie's purple eyes.

"I get that I hit you." I started, and Trixie nodded as that air of superiority that usually clung to her like a second coat returned, "And I get that you felt that punishment was necessary.." Another nod. "But how did I.. how did.. I.." I frowned at myself. I could form these questions, couldn't I? "How in Princess Celestia's name did you even get to my world? How did you get me here? Why am I suddenly a pony? Why am I a FEMALE pony at that? Why am I a filly?? I don't even have a cutiemark! Do I?" Did I? I quickly looked at my bare flank and shook my head at it. "No, see? I don't even have a cutiemark. What's up with that? And now I'm suddenly a unicorn? So I need to learn magic.. I don't even believe in magic! You bring me here, expect me to make tea for you? I.. I don't think I even got the blunt end of the shock yet. It all seems to just.. it.. Why does it all feel so natural? I wake up and I'm a pony. I don't think about having been a human. I think about being a pony. Only when I start to think about it, start remembering, I suddenly realize that this is not normal!"

"Done?" Trixie wondered, and I opened my mouth to continue, then shut it again and frowned at her. I needed a deep breath to calm down a little before I could answer her.

"Maybe.. What's with you changing my mouth all the time? One moment I can talk, the next I can't.. it's a bit annoying." I sighed, reaching up to wipe a hair from my face. "I mean.. I.. I just don't get all this."

"Well.." Trixie started, sitting herself down on the floor (after using her magic to move a pillow under her butt), and looking up at me on the bed. "Most of your questions are easy to answer: Magic. I AM the Great and Powerful Trixie, after all." she offered. I had to clench my teeth together to not bring up the Ursa Minor she couldn't defeat in the show.. "Magic brought me to your world, magic brought us back to Equestria, magic turned you into a filly, magic made you grow younger, magic made all of it happen. At least, it would be one explanation. The gender change.. maybe you always wanted to be a girl? Same goes for the age regression. Clearly you had a bad childhood you're trying to do over."

How did she.. "How did you.."

"Don't make me silence you again, Fuu." Trixie warned, and I shut up on my own. "About that.. You -are- here to be punished for hitting the Great and Powe.. powerful.." she coughed and reached with a hoof to her side.

"Are you sure you should be out of bed?" I wondered, but she cast a glance at me that could melt ice from a hundred paces and I shut up again.

"I'm doing fine. Just a minor setback. I'll live." Trixie muttered, using her magic to bring a glass of water to her lips and drinking half of it before continuing; "As I said.. You are here to be punished. That means you're Trixie's stagehand from now on. You'll help Trixie with her magic shows and you will be quiet while doing so."

I found myself nodding softly to the idea, but stopped as I did. "You don't need to silence me with magic to do that.." I mumbled, and immediately regretted it as she did just that.

"Clearly Trixie does. You just won't keep quiet. Now, as part of your punishment has you help Trixie with her magic, you'll have to learn magic from me. Aren't you the lucky filly?" she offered, taking another sip of her drink while I was unable to respond.

"Fuu.." I sighed, dropping my head to the pillow again. So this was my punishment then? Being a filly in Trixie's care, having to help Trixie with magic.. and for how long? Would she insist I made tea for her again? Be her.. houseslave? That's it, isn't it? I suddenly realized it. Trixie is just basically using me as a slave! Collar around my neck, ordering me around, taking away my ability to inform anypony else of my plight.. I felt a lone tear run down my cheek at the realization.

In the days that followed, I had to help Trixie a lot since she was still weakened from the car running her down. Correction; from MY car running her down. No matter how old we get.. heh..

I got a crashcourse in using magic as a unicorn, found out even unicorns use their mouth to hold things from time to time, which is an impossible feat if your mouth is changed to only allow whistling, and had my first experiences with correct toilet use as a filly.. Yeah, don't ask.

About three days after I found myself whisked away to Equestria, there was a sound of thunder in the sky and I looked up to see the rings of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom expand outwards. It was a beautiful sight to see. Really, did I mention how beautiful Equestria is yet? You have.. NO idea. Really.. If you're out there reading this, watching the series.. it's so much better in real life.. The colors are so vibrant, the sounds and smells.. I found myself sitting on the grass just staring at the world around me when I should've gotten Trixie some apples from the nearby farm.

The other ponies are so nice.. Met up with the ponies at Sweet Apple Acres after Trixie allowed me to talk again, and don't think I didn't see Granny Smith dropping an extra apple in my bag.. Avoided meeting Pinkie Pie so far.. don't want a repeat of when Twilight wandered into Ponyville. I mean, Pinkie? New pony? Right.. this filly is kind of glad she hasn't found out about her yet.

Er, yeah.. I mean.. it took a few days.. Trixie's explanation was.. well.. it lead to a conclusion.

I'm not making sense am I?

Ok, let me try again. After Trixie's explanation, and after my realization of what my new role in life was.. in my new life.. in Equestria, we kind of spent the day with Trixie constantly telling me where to find things, what to do, what was expected of me.. Kind of what I had expected.

Second day, I was told to make tea again. Fudged it up of course. Still wasn't in control of my magic. Narrowly avoided dropping the hot kettle on the floor, but Trixie helped out a bit to make sure there were no accidents.

Third day I was sent out to go get apples from Sweet Apple Acres. Our wagon is set up a few miles away, and it's a bit of a hike to get around the orchard to the front of it, and then Rainbow Dash did her Sonic Rainboom and distracted me enough to make me realize how beautiful the world around me was. I spent most of the afternoon just sitting in the grass and looking around me taking it all in. Trixie was not amused. She had been meaning to do something with the apples, I'm sure.. and when I came home when it got dark, without them, steam was coming from her ears from how mad she was.

So of course the next day I was sent out for apples again. No sonic rainboom, so I actually made it. Big Macintosh and Applejack were running around in the orchard, I noticed from a distance, but.. er.. the other one.. the little one.. Gods, I'm a little one.. Every pony is taller than me! Except for Apple Bloom, that is. Granny Smith kept saying what a cute filly I was and how dedicated I must be going to get a bucket of apples all by myself and.. well. She gave me an extra apple.

Took a while to get the bucket of apples home, but Trixie was, for once, satisfied with my work. I don't know why, but when she said I did a good job on it it made my heart flutter.

We made an apple pie with the apples. Or tried to, really. Neither Trixie nor I are good cooks.. it came out burnt and a total mess. We ate it, of course, Trixie wouldn't have it any other way. The Great and Powerful Trixie could not fail at anything, after all.. If you bit around the burnt parts it didn't taste all that bad.

Now I know I woke up in Trixie's bed once.. but that was the only time I slept in it. She must've moved me to it to defy the doctor's wishes that she stay in it, but after that it was all over. She dropped a collection of pillows on the floor and decided that that was my bed now. It's just three pillows, really.. but it's comfy enough, I guess. A small filly like me could easily fit beside Trixie in the bed, but I've not dared bring it up yet.

So yeah, the first week was largely uneventful. I mean, Trixie was healing and I.. was trying to figure out how to fit in. And that whole magic deal was getting to me as well. On the fifth day Trixie told me to balance a paper cup on a needle. No kidding. She put a needle in the dirt in front of the wagon and put a paper cup on it. It started to fall over immediately, of course, but she balanced it with her magic.

"Now you take over, Fuu." she told me, and I started to focus on the cup while my horn started to glow. "Now Trixie is going to let go, and you'll have to balance it on your own." Trixie offered, and I noticed the cup wobbling more and more as she pulled away. "Keep focus, Fuu!" Trixie chided, and I did my best to counter the wobbling. I did ok until Trixie's horn stopped glowing and she told me I was keeping the cup balanced all by myself. The feeling of pride I felt overwrote my focus and the cup launched from the needle, hitting Trixie right in the face.

"Fuu..." I whistled through my useless lips, dropping my face to the ground and covering it with my forehooves.

"Again. And try to not hit Trixie this time.." Trixie sighed, putting the cup back on the needle and staring at me.

I sat up again and returned to trying to focus.. but the trick was more difficult than you would expect, really. I mean.. it would start to wobble one way and I'd try to correct it. But then it would wobble the other way and I had to correct it again. I just kept correcting and correcting and correcting the wobbling.. and hadn't even noticed that Trixie had left.

After a while of just trying to correct the incessant wobbling of the cup, I jumped up as another cup moved right in my view. A filled one, containing some sweet smelling lemonade. It broke my concentration, and the cup on the needle went flying off, straight into Trixie's face, of course..

"Fuu... And just when Trixie brought you some lemonade for having done such a good job.." Trixie sighed, putting the two cups of lemonade down on the grass and moving the needle back to the sewing kit it came from.

I found my lips returning to normal and dipped my head down to take a sip from the lemonade, noticing that the day had passed from morning into midday and the sun was high in the sky with only a few clouds to mar the day's beauty.

"Tsk.. use your magic, silly filly." Trixie sighed, lifting her own cup to her lips while looking out over the fields.

I stared down at my cup, then snorted softly. "And splash the contents all over you?"

Trixie glanced sideways at me and smirked. "Good call."

I smiled and ducked my head down again, taking a hold of the cup with my teeth and using them to lift it up so I could empty it. That done, I dropped it to the grass again and let out a happy sigh. "I got my moments.."

"Curious." I heard say beside me, and I tilted my head towards Trixie. "The shock of your transformation, the move to Equestria.. now this.. You seem to take it all very well indeed."

I shrugged and rolled on my side. "What else can I do? Panic? Run around like some crazy pony?" Trixie kept looking sideways at me, sipping from her lemonade. "And what with you basically hovering over me giving me things to do, I can't really focus on my problems."

"Well, you are Trixie's stagehand. Of course Trixie would give you things to do." Trixie remarked, putting her empty cup down beside her.

I sighed and dropped my head on my hooves. "There you go saying that again. I don't know how you came up with that idea, but clearly I don't know enough magic to be a good stagehand.."

"And that's why Trixie teaches you, Fuu." Trixie smiled, leaning in to give me a soft pat on my mane.

So yeah, that was most of my first week. In the weeks that followed I was taught more and more about magic until the day Trixie's bandages could come off. We both went to the hospital together, leaving the wagon where it stood. We stopped for a couple of apples over at the Sweet Apple Acres, where I found myself embarrassed by the question of Apple Bloom if I would come to school when it started again the following Monday. I looked over at Trixie who shrugged as if saying we'd talk about it later.

As we turned away from the farm Trixie had me balance both apples in the air to further my understanding of magic, which went ok until Scootaloo came rushing past on her scooter. If Trixie hadn't stopped them, both apples would've hit her right on the nose. I don't know why, but everytime something goes wrong with my magic, it tries to hit Trixie on the nose..

Anyway, I was whistling again with my apple hovering around my head since I couldn't bite into it, until we arrived at the hospital. Trixie went in and ordered me to stay out, but at least gave me back my normal mouth so I could eat my apple while waiting. The similarities between my waiting outside for Trixie to come back and a dog back home waiting for their master didn't go past me and I mused on it while eating the apple one nibble at a time.

I guess Trixie was my master in a way.. Collar, constantly demanding things, basically forcing me to stay near her unless she was sending me out for errands.. I finished up with my apple and sat down on a nearby bench to watch the going-ons in Ponyville. A lot more ponies seemed to live here than was apparent in the show. The buildings just seemed to stretch out as far as the eye could see. And this was supposed to be a "-ville"? I started to get worried about what the bigger towns would look like. If I ever got to see them. We'd been parked in the same place for the past month, after all.

And then the dreaded event happened that I had been trying to avoid. A pink flash moved from behind a building to stand behind a lamppost. I had to sigh to myself as the lamppost didn't hide Pinkie nearly as much as she might have thought. From the lamppost to hiding behind a cart that was being wheeled down Manestreet, from the cart to a nearby bush, then.. nothing. I blinked, tilting my head a bit as I was sure there was no way out of that bush unless I could've spotted it, but then the paper end of a party horn hit the back of my head and subsequently sounded out loudly in my ears! I fell forwards, reaching for my ears with my forehooves, while Pinkie jumped up and over the bench and jumped around me rattling off..

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie and I never saw you before, and if I never saw you before, that means you're new! Cause I know everypony, and I mean EVERYPONY in Ponyville! And if you're new I'll bet you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends! And if you don't have any friends, that'd make me so sad.. Soooooooooo.." She offered, bouncing around and staring at me intently.

I chanced pushing up to look up at Pinkie's HUUUUGE smile, and then her saddlebags popped open sending balloons up to the sky and confetti raining down around us. "Er.." I blinked, and Pinkie moved in a bit closer.

"Yes? Yes? Yes?!?" she asked, some confetti flying off of her mane towards me.

"I'm with Trixie..?" I offered, blushing lightly. "My name's Fuu.."

Pinkie drew a looooooong breath, looking shocked, but then blinked and sat her butt down. "Trixie? I don't think I know a Trixie? I know a few tricks, though. Good for parties. I have a Tuba? Trixie.."

"The Great and Powerful...?" I offered, but Pinkie held up a hoof to my lips.

"Nono, don't tell. I know EVERYPONY in Ponyville. Let's see, I know a Twilight, Time, Toffee, Tree, Tropical.."

I perked up. "You know a tree?" I repeated, and Pinkie nodded so heavily I thought her head would come off.

"I know a lot of trees! Like this one, and this one.. and this one.." she exclaimed, moving from one tree to another and poking each with a hoof.

"Er.." I started again, but the doors to the hospital opened and Trixie came wandering out, oblivious to the danger that was an overexcited Pinkie Pie.

"Fuu?" Trixie offered, and Pinkie's eyes widened to double their size.

"Oh, you know her??" she exclaimed, starting to bounce around Trixie and me in a reverse 8-shape. "I don't know her, but she says her name is Fuu. I know EVERYPONY in Ponyville, I.." and then it hit her. "OOOH! I don't know you either!! That must mean you're new and if you're new, you do.."

"Come along, Fuu." Trixie huffed, leaving Pinkie standing in place blinking a bit as she was ignored.

"Hey now, that's not nice.." Pinkie sighed, but quickly grinned up again as she started to bounce after us. "You know, if you're new to Ponyville, I cou.."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie has been in Ponyville before." Trixie sighed, rolling her eyes.

"That's what I tried to explain, but you can't get a word in with her.." I offered to Trixie, nuzzling up to her flank while we were walking. Pinkie was a bit much right now.

"You have been? You were? How could Pinkie not have noticed?? My Pinkie sense must be off!" Pinkie gasped, falling over on the grass and starting to ramble on the ramifications of her not having noticed. For example, we had no friends, would've been very sad all the time, had no parties.. I dunno.. it all turned into a blur as we started to get some distance between her and us.

"Fuu?" Trixie started, glancing back to check Pinkie wasn't following us anymore, then back to me.

"Yes miss Trixie?" I offered, glancing up.

"You're going to school coming Monday." Trixie decided, then focused on the road ahead again.

" erm.. ok?" I stammered, blinking to myself. I'd seen the school come by a few times in the episodes.. but to actually go there? "Erm.. will Apple Bloom and the others be there as well?"

Trixie frowned at my question. "I think so. Does it matter?"

Only that I thought the filly was one of the cutest in the whole series.. I could hardly contain my blushing every time I bumped into her when I went to get apples. "No miss Trixie.."

"Good. Let's get some more apples. Trixie wants to try making that apple pie work for once." Trixie smiled, starting on the path past the farm.