//------------------------------// // The Choice Is Yours To Make... // Story: Welcome To Eternity // by SCP Pinkamena //------------------------------// Welcome To Eternity By: SCP Pinkamena Princess Twilight Sparkle, was at the Canterlot Castle cleaning off the makeup and tearing off her dress. With a heavy sigh, she flopped down onto the bed and smiled. She was a princess. She still couldn't believe it but every time she looked in the mirror, she saw them. Wings. Her wings. With an excited giggle, she turned over to stare at the night sky outside the balcony. With heavy eyelids, she smiled one more time. "I... I can't believe, me out of all ponies, would become a princess... Although, saying 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' doesn't really have a nice ring to it..." She said thinking about changing her name into something more fitting. 'Maybe Princess Daybreak? No, don't want to steal Celestia's job. How about Princess Aurora? I like it, but maybe-' "Princess..." A low, deep, raspy voice called from beyond the door. She jumped from her bed and looked around to see nothing. Thinking her mind was playing tricks on her, she went back to thinking up names for herself. After about three minutes, she had successfully came up with a total of fifty names, and so far she was sticking with Princess Aurora. Her eyelids, now feeling as though cinder blocks were trying to pull them down, she lied her head down and then fell into a deep sleep. ________________________ Twilight opened her eyes to find that, for some reason, was back into the realm where she first became an Alicorn. White and blue wisps where flying around like before, only this time accompanied by golden wisps. She looked at the memories fly past, some from her time in Ponyville, others in her time in Canterlot, her brother's wedding, and the defeat of Discord. She smiled at the good times, until one memory caught her off guard. A memory of Rainbow Dash when she was filly flew by, along with Rarity, Applejack, and all her friends. She... couldn't understand the reason she was seeing other memories. She walked farther out in the void, and stopped at one memory that made her jaw drop. "P-P-Princess Celestia...as a filly?!" She said incredulously. She was astounded by the fact she was watching her mentor as a filly, and to make it even more of a blow, her sister was right there with her. "But... but I don't understand!" She said still watching memories of other ponies fly by. She failed to notice, however, a certain Draconequus' memories fly by. She stared in wonderment as all the lives of ponies past in front of her. "Amazing... isn't it? The raspy voice from before said to her. She yelped and turned around to see a very elderly Draconequus. He looked at her with blue and green eyes, his left arm, a monkey's arm, was holding a VERY thick book, while his right arm, a dragons claw, held a fairly large quill. He smiled at her, his teeth were a mix of pony teeth and dragon teeth, as if he could eat both meat and plants. "Hello... my name is Disorder... but you may call me Eternity..." He said with a raspy voice, as if he hadn't had a drink of water in years. Twilight looked at him, his features as if they were withered and ancient, his mane and tail fluff, were in need of a dire cut, and face was wrinkled. "H-how could there be another Draconequus? I thought Discord was the only one!" She said to him, who in response, laughed. "My son up to no good again eh?" He said his voice was slightly nostalgic. He snapped his claw and two chairs popped in existence. "Please.... sit," He said and Twilight sat down in front of him. He snapped his claw again, and an Organ Piano appeared next to him and he began to play. Twilight listened to the wonderfully beautiful, yet somewhat dark tone coming from the large instrument. It was as if he was playing to the love that stole his heart, tell her to come back. When he finished, he had a sad look on his face. "Tell me, you know what this is?" He said gesturing toward the instrument. She nodded. "An Organ, sir," She replied earning a chuckle from the Draconequus. "Drop the formalities my dear, no need to be courteous," He said with a smile, that quickly turned to a frown. "Listen to me now, and listen well. What I am about to tell you will make change about how you look at things, He said, causing her to perk at attention. "You are a princess now... I know this not only because of the obvious detail, but because I've seen it happen already... Thirty-five millennium ago if I remember correctly, He said scratching his bread. She stared wide eyed. Thirty-five thousand years ago, he's known it would happen. "But how did you know about that-" "SILENCE!!!" He roared his voice echoing of the void. She shrunk back at the pure energy that came from his voice. He cleared his throat and began again. While you might find this as a blessing, It is in fact a curse..." He said, his face dead serious. She looked at the green and blue eyes before he looked again. Being immortal is a curse... I know this all to well... My wife was mortal... A pony. I took the form of one when I met her... I fell in love almost instantly, then after a while she got impregnated with my son, Discord. When he had been birthed, and she found out who I was, she didn't scram and she didn't run away in the middle of the night... she stayed by my side... until she died in my arms, He said rubbing his eyes. "When she died, I took Discord and hid him for about ten years, teaching him how to read, write... the basics. Well when he was old enough, he began looking at mares... no, oogling would be the more appropriate term. Well he married a pony too, Sunny Days. He said gauging Twilight's reaction. "This unicorn saw Discord as a lover, and nothing else. Only problem was, he was immortal, she was not. So he took her and her sister and made them immortal. Alicorns, He said. Twilight started piecing the story together. She looked at him and took a shaky breath. "Celestia and Luna... were never Alicorns to begin with?" She asked and Eternity nodded. "How? Why did they turn into Alicorns?" Eternity scowled. "Were you not listening, mare? I told you Discord turned them into immortals!" He roared then took a deep breath. But of course... there is always a price to pay, do you know what they gave up, mare?" He asked and she shook her head. Their ability to grow old, to die of hunger, and of thirst. To die of suffocation, and dislocation," He said. She watched her once friends die after years of being immortal. Finally she couldn't take it. When she demanded Discord to mortal again, he refused. So if she couldn't be aloud to die, then he wouldn't be aloud to walk among the earth, so with the elements in hoof, she encased him in stone, sealing him off from the world, He said, telling the tale. Twilight was more than entranced by the story, to hear that Celestia once was like her, that she loved Discord at one point, to know that Discord turned her immortal... to know her friends died and yet she continued to live... "Why are you tell me this, Eternity?" She asked. He looked down at her with a sad smile. "I'm telling you this story so you know what will happen, since you are immortal and all..." He told her. She stood up from her chair and walked over to him, angry. "No! I will not sit by and watch my friends die!" She screamed at him. The rage in his eyes grew, and he stood up from his chair too grabbing her neck. "Listen to me! Immortality is a curse! It brings nothing but anger, suffering, and sorrow! I thought you were smart!" He said, throwing her down onto the voids' floor. She coughed as she processed what had been said to her. He was right. Her friends would die, and then she would have no one left. A tear left her eye as she looked up at him. "Change me back..." She whispered. He looked down at her form. I can't... "Change me back!" "I CAN'T!!!" He roared, his voice once again echoing of the void. That didn't phase Twilight, she got up and ran towards him. beating her hooves against his chest. "Change me back! Change me bahack..." She cried into his chest. He looked down at her, and gave her a hug. He shush her crying, and shared his own tears as well. He dried her tears and his own before looking down at her. "Twilight..." "Yes?" Welcome... welcome to eternity... The End