//------------------------------// // Trials of the Night - Pt. 4 // Story: How I became an Equestrian // by Raybony //------------------------------// Back at the castle, the normal silent in the air broken by the sound of cracking stone. In the dark throne room, the Nightmare was squeezing hard the arm rests of the throne that he was sitting on, it still made him wonder why would some stupid ponies would need arm rests when they always have their hooves on the ground. He was looking at the crystal orb which showed him the ponies gathered around his old creator, consoling him from the retell of his old nightmares. While the scene brought some amusement to him, he was still mad at seeing not only that the stupid Hydra had failed to stop them, but also seeing his creator still alive after that big of a fall. "That stupid human, why is he still alive after all of this? He was eaten whole by a giant wolf, trampled over by a oversize lion, crushed under a prehistoric lizard and fell from nearly 80 feet. How much does it take to kill this pest? He ranted over the incredible odds that his creator had gone through. The orb now showed the ponies starting to head off, they were now a couple of minutes away from reaching him and if that legend had the slight less change to come true, he would do anything to either eliminate his creator or one of the other ponies. I don't have much time, I need to find a way to stop them, but how? my best beasts have already being used. He pondered out loud, looking around trying to find some sign, some clue that told him what to do. The only thing present were the old raged flags of the princesses that hung off the walls. His mind stopped thinking as he just realize that he still had one more beast to play, no, two beasts, and he was a fool for not thinking this before. A small grin started to appear on his nuzzle as he extended his other claw out, two new spheres of light appearing before moving towards the orb and sinking in. I hope you are prepare this time Luis, because there is nothing you can do to defeat this two. The image on the orb changed to show a dark section of the forest, the moonlight that seeped through the foliage making glint something metal like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were back on the track now, the castle was now only a couple of minutes away from now. I was now limping along as I rested my good arm around Fluttershy's neck. Having to now wear an improvised splint on my bad arm, Twilight told me that it wasn't a good idea to recast a healing spell more than once every couple of hours, saying something about bone and magic not being too stable on a really direct approach. I trusted her word for it, as I still don't have a very good understanding on the actual magic. We have been walking for some time now in silence, since I told them about what I have been through in the past. They seemed like they wanted to say something to me, trying to reassure me about everything, making me take my mind off the issue. But they couldn't think of anything to say as they were still unsure about the whole thing. The silence was broken when Rainbow Dash spoke. "Hey guys look, we are here." I looked at the direction she was referring to, and sure enough I could see the small clear patch that made room for the rope bridge. "Is it me or those it look even less stable than last time?" Pinkie said as she went ahead to inspect the bridge that we would use to cross the gap between. "It is quite old Pinkie, it still amazes me that it has remain here for all this centuries." Twilight said "Can we cut the talking and go to the other side already? I'm tired of waiting around." Dash was at the front of the bridge waiting for everyone else to follow. We really didn't want make Dash more impatient than she already was, and to avoid any more complaints we went to the bridge. We were about set our hooves on the wooden boards of the bridge a strong gust started blowing. the wind so strong that I had to close my eyes and put my arm in front of me. "Hey, who turn on the wind?" Pinkie said as she tried to fight against the strong wind. "This wind isn't normal, somepony is casting it." Twilight said as she was lowered on the ground, avoiding as much wind as possible from dragging her form. "Well we know who is doing it, so bring it on ugly, throw us the best you got." Rainbow Pinkie then stop struggling against the wind, or rather stop moving at all as her tail was twitching like crazy. "Twitchy twitch twitchy." She screamed out loud for all of us to hear against the strong winds. We all looked up, knowing what that pinkie sense meant. In the sky we could see a bright ball of energy flying towards us, with us unable to move because of the wind. "Dash." I said with a deadpan tone as best as I could while shouting. "Y-Yeah?" "Sometimes, I hate you." I manage to yell at her before the energy ball hit us, sending us flying away with the wind, away from the castle and back into the forest. The whole world was spinning around as I flew through the air, I could see the girls screaming and dash trying hard to regain her balance in the air. I looked down, or at least where I though down was, and saw that we were about to land in a small clearing, a little bit off from the path that we have taken. "Hang on everypony." I heard Twilight yell and saw her horn shine. In a flash we were surrounded by a bubble shield of magenta magic. When we hit the ground I was surprise to feel like I was in a bouncing house, it felt like the air around was absorbing the impact and was slowing me down. Twilight then released her magic and the shield disappeared, I was fortunate enough to have Twilight catch me in mid air, so my broken arm didn't get any more damage than it was. "Everypony alright?" We all nodded at Twilight's question, which her sigh with relief. "I hope you weren't planing on visiting the master? He is busy right now trying to conquer this land." Came a feminine voice out of the shadows, you could feel the mocking grin in her voice. "Who is it? Show yourself." Rainbow yelled to the darkness around, wanting to already kick the flank of whoever the voice belonged to. "My, my, and here I was expecting better from my subjects." The voice said followed by a mocking laugh. "Twilight, I'm sacred." Fluttershy was shaking next to me, shrinking in size at the situation at hand/hoof. I tried my best at calming her by rapping an arm around her, which work a little as she started to shake less. "I believe that punishment is due to them dear sister" Came a new voice. And when it said that, my blood froze over. I knew who the voices belonged to and I'm sure the girls knew too, their faces in a fit of shock and terror. "I believe you're right Luna" The voice that I recognize as Celestia's spoke up, and from the shadows her form creeped out. The moonlight shinning off the surface of her royal garments, which seemed to be of a darker shade than usual, and her eyes as black as the ones of the other creatures that we encountered on our way here. "So which of our subjects do you wish to punish?" From where Celestia came from, Luna appeared now, everything about her was the same, only that the stars of her mane were missing, her eyes the same as Celestia's and she wore a evil grin. She looked directly at us, deciding which one of us she would punish with all of her might. "I think I'll be taking this three." Her horn started shinning and my vision changed to a more bluish shade before I felt myself rising to the air. Looking to my sides I saw Applejack and Rainbow being levitated on by Luna's magic, both of them trying to fight against her grip. "I guess that leaves me with my student and the rest of her friends." Celestia spoke as her horn started to shine too. The shape of a sword started forming in the air and soon the sword that I had seen on my dream was floating in front of Celestia. Only this one was the color of Onyx and the tunes that adorn the blade were a bloody red. And were the shield of Equestria was engraved, was the head of a black wolf, the eyes were like rubies that seemed to have a shine of their own. "Have fun Luna." In an instant I was sent flying towards the far side of the clearing. Where I smash to the side of a tree and fell to the ground, fortunately I didn't land on top of my broken arm, but it still sent a flash of pain when I hit the ground. I tried to stand up again but then I felt pressure on my neck pinning me down, I cracked my eyes open to see Luna looking directly at me, her horn shone and two cutlass form out of her magic. "You will be the first to know what happens when you try to stop the master." She rose her swords high in the air. But before she could even thrust them down, a rainbow blur smash right to her side, sending her a few meters to the side. "Not on my watch." Rainbow said while fuming a puff of steam out of her nostrils. "You dare fight back against your ruler?" Luna was now looking at Rainbow with anger in her eyes. "Ye aren' awr princess, ye are jus a plain ol' illusion cast by that nightmare." Applejack said from my side, having recovered from being toss across by Luna. Luna just started laughing at AJ's statement like it was some kind of joke. "What's so funny?" Rainbow was eyeing Luna carefully, in case she decided to just jump at us when our guard was a bit down. "Hahahaha, you really believe that we are just mere illusions?" She lowered her swords a bit, making it clear that she wasn't going to fight yet. "We are more than that, we are created from the actual magic energy that our master has collected from its victims. Haven't you though why didn't he summon a dragon from the very beginning, a Ursa Major or even a minor? Why didn't he create this 'shadows' as he likes to refer to us, since the moment he arrived here?" "Because he was injured. At least I think so." I wasn't sure if it was because of that. I had injured him really bad on that realm between my dreams and the real world, but maybe it was something else all together. "Although it is true that he was injured when he got free, it is not the main reason. He needs a life, a base if you wish." When she mentioned the part about the life I got worried about our safety. "He lacks the magic that humans have to imagine and create, so the only way for him to summon any shadows for him to command he -" "Needs the actual pony? Ah still don't get it, that still makes ya a mere illusion." Applejack pointed out, still at the ready in case of Luna attacking. "That is the good part. Because he cannot create anything, he has to use something that already exists. So tell me, how can I be here if he cannot create me? I have to come from somewhere, but where?" She was now looking me directly at me, looking at me like I knew the answer. Which I did. "No, you can't be Luna." Both Rainbow and Applejack looked at me, their eyes open in shock at what I said. "She isn't like this at all, you can't be her." "But I am." Both Applejack and Rainbow looked towards Luna again, this time with fear. "And let me tell you now. Whatever you do to me, the Luna that you know also feels it." She raised her swords again, and she was grinning at us evilly, now that she knew that we would hold back against her. "Let's see if you dare hurt me now." She started walking towards us slowly. We could just stare there frozen in fear, not knowing what to do to stop her. If we attacked her we would hurt the actual Luna that we know, but if didn't do anything we would be killed. I looked towards where Twilight and the others were. Celestia was striking a shield spell that Twilight had cast around her and the other. Each hit made the whole shield to faze in and out, Twilight struggling to keep the shield up, Rarity pouring magic of her own into the shield as well. Pinkie was standing behind them, going around inside the shield trying to figure out what to do, that or she was so scare that she was doing a Rarity from when she got her hair turn green. And Fluttershy was curled up into a ball, crying her eyes out as she was terrified at was happening. But I could see in her eyes that she wasn't scared about Celestia trying to kill her. She was scared about losing all of us. I'm not sure how I knew, but I was right, she didn't want anything to happen to anyone, not her friends or me. That was all I needed to stand up to Luna. I slowly stood up, shifting my weight to my good hoof to avoid any displeasure from my broken one. Luna noticed me immediatly showing a mocking. "So what do you wish, a quick or slow death? I myself would prefer a slow one, its so much fun to see you beg for mercy." I didn't respond, instead I focused my sight to Luna's spell, analyzing the type of magic that she was using and the way she was shaping it. I closed my eyes trying to picture the spell as my own, I could feel a tingling sensation going through my body all the way to my horn, as I tried to cast the spell. "Luis, what are you doing?" Rainbow said, I'm sure she was confused at my action. When the spell about ready I opened my eyes looking at Luna, who also wore a look of confusion and curiosity. I then felt an intense pain go through my head, nearly making my concentration over the spell I was trying to cast. Just as expected. I remember when Twilight was teaching me about magic and how to use. She explained to me about the principle of an magic spell, that they all came to be from trial and error. Because of the complexity of some spells scrolls were created by the unicorns that first cast the spell, as a way to improve. But one bit about all of this that stuck out the most for me was how many others tried to steal the credit from the unicorns, by observing the caster and the spell in action one could decipher the structure of it and could try to replicate it, only that this had its risks. You could be lucky and copy the spell perfectly, but because you are going by what you think is right you could make a mistake. The spell could be too weak and not form at all, or it could be too powerful and do damage to the caster and its surroundings. And sometimes you could generate the spell but in a more unstable form, which tends to affect with the magic of the user. This is normally causes a headache and in some cases migraines as a way to tell the user to stop casting, as it could cause some serious damage both physically and mentally. But I didn't care about those, if I wanted to defend my friends then I had to endured it. I had already suffer going inside a timberwolf, being smash by a manticore, nearly crushed by a Hydra and survived a long fall from a cliff. a little pain was nothing. I open my eyes to see in front of me a small blade. It wasn't outstanding in any way, it was about half a meter long, was double edged and it seemed to by less sharp than most blades. There was some runes going along the blade, shining dimly with a red aura, while the whole blade levitated on my red magic field. I looked towards Luna again with her giving me a soft glare. "If you think I'm just gonna sit down and let a monster rule all of this world, then I have news for you." I moved into something of a battle stance, the weight of my body going a bit to my bad hoof. "I'll fight for this world safety or die trying before that even happens. I don't care if you really are Luna, if we stop now then everyone will fall upon darkness. So if you can hear me Luna, I'm sorry for hurting you." Luna flinched a bit, holding a hoof to her fore head muttering something under her breath before regaining her posture. "As you wish, but you can't win against me, I'm an alicorn and you a mere unicorn that barely even knows any magic." Just then a lasso flew straight to Luna and wrapped itself on Luna's horn, before being tugged violently and made Luna's face crash to the ground. I followed the rope to see Applejack holding the lasso on her mouth, her face bored a look of determination. "If ya think fer one moment thatwe are just gonna sit aroun' while you try and get yerself killed, then ya are gravely mistaken." She said as she pulled free the other end of her lasso under Luna's still buried face. "She's right, you have been risking your life all night for us, this time we are sticking together to the end." She said with a smallsmirk. "Besides, I'm the Element of Loyalty, it wouldn't be Loyal to let my friends fight alone. Plus with me at your side she is easy as apple pie." There she goes again, inflating her ego even more. "You dare attack me? You will all be strike down by my wrath." Luna said getting up from the ground, spitting some dirt that manage to get into her mouth. "Bring it on copy, lets see you handling me when I'm at top speed." Rainbow Dash launched herself towards Luna. But before she could connect, Luna dissipated into a dark mist and out of our view. "Hey that's no fair, come on coward face me coward, I can take you down without my wings." "If you insist." I watched in horror as Luna's mist appeared right behind Rainbow, and with a swift move from her hooves hit Rainbow right on the union where the wings connect to her back. Making Rainbow scream in agony as both her wings went limp and she crashed to the ground. "Rainbow! Ya just messed with the bull, nao ya are getting the horns." Applejack started galloping towards Luna who was flying in the air now. Applejack was spinning her lasso in the air with her tail, building momentum before sending it right towards Luna. Only for the whole lasso to be enveloped in Luna's magic change direction towards Applejack. She didn't have time to react as the ring of the lasso fell on her neck and tighten around her, while the rest of the rope twisted around her body until she was securely tied up so she couldn't move at all. "I'll deal with you two after I get rid of the other pest." Luna said with venom in her voice as she said the last part. She came towards me, summoning her blades again, ready to strike me down. I tried to back away, but my broken hoof wouldn't let me go back more than a few centimeters at a time. When Luna was about three meters from me, she lounged at me with both of her swords raised up to cut me down. By reflex I raised the blade that I still had casting, and when both stroked each other I felt a wave of extreme pain go through my head. It felt like someone had hit my bare brain with a baseball bat with spikes on it. "It hurts doesn't it? it takes years to master this spell so you don't feel anything when your blade hits something." She said before striking the blade again, even harder than last time making me fall to my knees. "And I had more than enough time to use it." I looked up to her, glaring at her for the way she was mocking me. "I'm nngh...not done yet." I said as another wave from the spell instability stroked me again. "No, but you will be now." She rose her swords again and delivered a hard blow. I used all of the strength that I had to raised my sword and block it. But when it hit, my blade was cut and I was sent flying back to smash towards a tree. But the moment my sword broke I was flooded with a wave of pain that should have made me go unconscious. In all my live I had never experience such amount of pain, it was like my mind was a glass cup, for it just to be shattered by a high pitch noise and for it to keep going, making every glass shard to vibrate in pain. I tried to get up, knowing that if I laid there Luna would just kill me. But I was stop by a hard stomp of a hoof in my chest. Luna was looking at me now with a look of victory on her face. "Any last words before it all ends." She had her swords positioned to strike my neck, like a executioner would. I couldn't think clearly, my head was still screaming in pain from the sword breaking and I couldn't think of what to do now. I looked behind Luna to see Applejack struggling hard to get free from the rope, and Rainbow was unconscious on the ground from the pain that she had experience and hitting her head o a rock on the ground. I looked back towards where the others and Celestia were. I could see now that Pinkie had stopped running inside the shield and was now aiming her party cannon towards Celestia. I could see small holes appear around the shield as needles from Rarity charged with either her explosive or electric magic to come out and try to hit Celestia. Who simply swatted the charged needles away with her sword. Twilight looked really drain, at least now she didn't have to pour so much magic into the shield as Celestia was being kept busy by Rarity's needles. But she was still struggling to keep the shield up. I looked towards Fluttershy, who was looking at me, terror and sadness was on her face, as she knew that I was about to be killed by Luna. I finally looked back a t Luna, still waiting for my answer to be told. All of this was happening too fast, we were so close to getting to the castle and fight my nightmare, we could save Equestria and try to free the ones that were captured by my nightmare. And now I was about to be killed by my favorite Princess. "This is great, I'm about to get killed by my favorite princess. This. is. so. PERFECT!" I don't know why I said that, but I guess the brony side of me just wanted to get that out. As a way to let Luna know I though she was better than Celestia. So I closed my eyes and waited for the end. And waited, and waited. But after a few seconds I knew that there was something weird going on. I slowly opened my eyes, still scared of having a blade being thrust into my body. But when I opened them I saw the blade was still raised in the executioner style, and Luna had her eyes wide open in shock, it was hard to tell by them being totally black and not having any iris. "Wh-what did you say" Luna spoke, this time sounding soft. I just stare at her, not sure what she meant. which she responded by moving her face to be an inch away from my face with a frown and placing her blade against my neck. "What did you say about me?" She shouted this time with frustration on her voice. I didn't want to question why she wanted to know, so I decided to just tell her. "I-I said you are my f-f-favorite Princess." After that I just stared at her, and she had her eyes opened wide again. I lay there with Luna still holding me in place, it started to get awkward after a bit, Luna was about to kill me but stopped when I said she was my favorite princess? Well I was glad that I was still alive anyways. "YEEEESSSSS! I win. Celestia owns me 1000 bits." Luna said suddenly, getting off me and getting rid of her magic blades. And just then she started to do a silly dance while standing on her two hind legs and moving her front hooves back and forth in front of her in a circular motion. All the while saying 'Go Luna, Go Luna' over and over again. If I was in some kind of manga world I sure I would be sweat dropping at the scene. After some time I decided to risk talk to Luna, seeing as she was not trying to kill me anymore. "Luna, is that you?" Luna stopped her victory dance and looked in my direction, giving me a smile. "Yes I am, why would you ask such an unusual question?" She then opened her eyes in shock. "I-I was trying to k-k-kill you. I-I..." She was shaking in fear now, the idea that she was responsible for the death of someone by her hands was just unthinkable. "Luna is ok, you weren't yourself, you were being control." I looked at her eyes and saw that they had loose a bit of the black that indicated that they were under my nightmares control. "I think you just broke from it for a bit, so with don't have much time before you are under the nightmares control again." "Scuse me, but can somepony get me out of this here rope?" I heard the voice of Applejack calling out, I totally forgot that she had been tied up. Luna walked to Applejack, I got nervous when I saw her summon a blade, but relax when I saw she was using it to cut the rope. After Applejack was set free she went to where Rainbow was laying, "Luna, what did ya do to Rainbow? she hasn' waken up for a long time." "I'm sorry, but I dislocated her wings to prevent her from flying for the rest of the fight. I still can't believe I could do all of this, I'm really a monster." "Wha' in tarnations are ya talking about? ya ain no monster, is that nightmare that was usin' ya." She said as she was now relocating Rainbows wings back in place. Putting back the first wing was all it took to make Rainbow wake up again. "ARRRGH, What the hay AJ?!? Are you trying to kill me?" "Sorry sugarcube, but yer wings were dislocated and ah needed to put 'em back in place. Now get ready while I do the other one." Rainbow nodded and in one move her other wing was put in place, while Rainbow held back a cry of pain. "Ok guys, we don't have long before Luna looses control of herself again, so we need to get Celestia off the others." I said, as I came limping towards where the others were. "Let me help, I can get my sisters attention while all of you get to the castle." Luna offered as she started to summon her magic blades. She then held her head as a headache pass through, her eyes now had gone a bit darker, but she was still in control of her actions. "Are you sure Luna? We don't want you to get hurt because of us." "I'm sure, this way I can buy you some time. And don't worry, I'm just a projection of my body I won't disappear if she delivers a killing blow." "Ok then, get ready to act when that shield drops." They all nodded in confirmation and I turned to where Twilight and the others were. Celestia was now back at striking the shield with all her might. I looked at Fluttershy who was looking at me pleased that I was safe. I tried to tell her to make Twilight drop her shield at my signal, which it seems she understood as she went to Twilight and whispered something in her ear. Twilight looked in our direction and was relieved to see all of us fine, she mouthed something that I understood as ready. I nodded to her and raised a hoof, I waited until the perfect moment when Celestia would strike the shield and have to recover. The moment came when I saw part of the shield in front of Celestia open and Pinkie fired her party cannon, sending a cannon ball right towards Celestia. That was when I shouted 'GO' and Luna rocketed towards Celestia as she was pushed back a bit by the cannon ball as she shielded from it. Celestia was too busy to see Luna coming at her that when she did she was thrown through the air, but she recovered quickly and skidded to a hold. "What do you think you are doing? We are suppose to kill this pests, not each other." Celestia said a she glared daggers towards Luna. "Silence, I'm no longer under the chain of command of these beast, and I won't allow you to harm anypony." She made herself go to a defensive stance, making clear that she was going to follow her word. "So you say, but once I'm finish with you or the master gets a hold of you again then there will be nothing stopping from doing what I want." Celestia said with a evil smirk spread across her nuzzle. "Good luck catching them before they reach the castle then." Luna smirked as Celestia now noticed that the other ponies were being enveloped on a blue magic aura, and this one was a teleportation spell. "NO, I won't allow you." Before I could see what happened next, I was surrounded by a bright light and then I found myself in front of the bridge that connected to the castle. "Quick, get to the other side, we don't know how much time we got." Twilight yelled as she quickly crossed the bridge. In the other side of the tree line I could see bright lights and booms going off. I felt a tug from behind me and saw that Fluttershy was hurrying me to cross the bridge. Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight were already at the other side, and Rainbow and Applejack wee in front of us. When we were about half way through the bridge I heard a screeching scream, as I looked back I saw a black mist like the other creatures from before pass right above our heads and go to the top of the castle. "I don't like the look of these." I said as I tried to hurry along the bridge. Just when I was about to set foot in the other side I feel a strong tug in my tail and I'm dragged back to the middle of the bridge. "Not so fast my little pony. I was sent to kill you and I intend to do so." I hear the voice of Celestia from behind me. When I turn around I couldn't believe what I saw. Celestia was covered in scorch marks and gashes all over her body, her armor was dented and broken in different sections. But what was more noticeable was that one of her wings had been cut across, rendering it useless. And her horn appear to have been cracked across, but it was still able to use magic. She had her sword summon and ready to impale me. I took a step back and the board under me broke off, making me nearly fall to my doom. I couldn't see the bottom and I sure wish I was able to fly if I fell down. I looked up and saw Celestia steeping on the bridge, coming closer to the middle where I stood. I wouldn't be able to make it back in time to the other side where the girls were, so we could cut the bridge and make Celestia fall. And there was no way I could beat Celestia in a duel, so that left one option. I try to summon again my blade, this time it was easier as I was able to alter it to have a more desirable result, but it still sent a small wave of pain to my head, and I was sure I was gonna feel pain when I hit something with the sword. "Do you really think that you can beat me? I defeated Luna and she is an alicorn, what makes you think you have a chance?" "Girls, get ready to catch." I shouted to make sure they could hear me. The girls were confused by what Luis had said. "Ready to catch, what is he talking about?" Rainbow looking at the unicorn on the bridge as he was wrapping a leg to one of the ropes and raising the blade that he hold slightly. Just then she realize what he meant by catch and the rest of the girls knew too. "Oh by Celestia, is he nuts?" "He's no nuts." Pinkie said to answer Rainbows question. "he's crazy." "I don't have a chance against you Celestia." I said which made her grin slightly. "But I don't need to. And I'm sorry." I raised my sword higher and proceeded to bring it down to cut the rope of the bridge. Only it was stop by Celestia's sword before it even touched it. The impact of my sword against Celestia's was enough to send me to my knees, still weak from the last time I tried to use the sword against Luna. "Did you really think I didn't notice your stupid attempt from the beginning? Well I did, and now prepare to die." I saw Celestia raising her sword and was positioned to be planted in my chest. But before she could thrust it forward I saw Fluttershy slamming against Celestias head, making her loose balance for a moment. Long enough for me to take my blade and slice through the rope, which made my head feel like it was been scratch by sandpaper. I then felt the sensation of falling, the bridge giving in and snapping off, making it unusable and letting the ponies that were on top to fall. Those being Celestia and me. But I didn't fall for long as I felt a pair of hooves wrap against me and start raising me up. I looked down to see the form of Celestia falling through the mist that was collected at the bottom, with her being unable to fly she could only scream in rage as she fell. Fluttershy managed to put me on the ground where the others were waiting, glad to see me I was ok. Then we heard a loud roar of anger coming from the top of the castle. Looking up I saw the dark mist like the others, going towards the same tower as before. "Well this is it then? We finally arrived." I said as I examined the whole castle from up close, it was even bigger in person than it was when I watched it on the show. "It is. And are you really going to fight it? after all that you have been through?" Twilight said from behind. "Yes, yes I will." I said without hesitation. I heard her sigh deeply, but I didn't turn around, I knew that she didn't want me to risk myself anymore after all I've been through. "Of course you are." She said in a deadpan tone. I started walking towards the main doors of the castle. but I stopped when something hit me on the back of the head, making me fall quickly unconscious. The last thing I manged to see was Twilight holding a large tree branch on her magic. Then black.