//------------------------------// // Or Rather, The Rainbow Hijacked Me // Story: Metamorphosis? The Story of Another Human Turned Pony. // by Daaberlicious //------------------------------// Ever broke a rib? Maybe 10? Or perhaps a femur bone? You know, the bone that when the doctor asks you about how much it hurts, you have every right to say 10 on a scale of 1 to 10? Good. We're on the same page here. After that huge fall, I still didn't break anything. See, this is why I can't actually be cool. I never had a cast that I could lie about, saying I got it saving a cute girl from an evil fire-breathing tiger, or something. The gator underneath me probably broke horribly. I heard SOMETHING crunch. Hmm. Crunchy gator? Those things should be tougher than ponies, shouldn't they? I looked up. It wasn't 20 feet, but rather 5 feet. The sharp rocks were just pebbles, and the frothy river? It was a frothy creek. I can't explain the gator. It just died. And I'm honestly a little sad for the poor thing. Probably was picked on in school and had no friends, and here I come and kill it, somehow. "Oh good. It's alive." The Alligator reared up on it's hind legs and pivoted it's huge head towards me. "Wait. That's bad, isn't it?" It's eyes narrowed at me. Any moron would have bolted at that moment. However, I'm no mere moron. I happen to be foolish, and I punched that gator right in the face before running. Except, I never got to run, because it had my hand hoof in it's claw before it even made contact. I'm certain my face scrunched up in anticipation for whatever mutilation I was about to suffer. "Why did you punch me, little pony?" Pwing! My eyes shot back open in disbelief. "You can TALK?" "No. You just understand me, That's all." True to it's strange logic, I heard a low rumble accompany the things it "said". "So why'd you do it?" "Yeah, uh, I think I did it because I was terrified beyond all reason. Just kinda sorta peeing my pants." "You are not wearing pants." "Oh... It's an expression." *Hrrrrrrr...* This rumble did not have any word meaning behind it, but managed to convey a bit of frustration. "What was that about?" "It's just that every single pony I come across wants to avoid me, not ask me how my day was." "Well, I'm certain you know why. Gators-" *Grrrrrrr.* Offended tone. Oops. Better watch how I say it. "Sorry. Alligators don't really do much by pony standards. They usually just sit around in some nice pool and chill, kinda waiting for some poor beastie to come up and take a drink, then snagging them and drowning them in the water and shredding them to bits! You can see why we don't talk much, yes?" "But... We don't eat Ponies, do we?" "Actually, never seen you in the show. Couldn't tell you." An awkward pause as the alligator cocked an eyebrow. "Could you like, grip my hood instead or something? This is starting to hurt... What kind of things do you eat, anyway?" "Timber Wolves. I'm a vegan." It informed me, accommodating to my comfort by switching grip to the scruff of my hoodie. "Oh, okay. So how was your day?" The alligator scratched it's chin thoughtfully. "Very relaxed. As you said, I like to 'chill' in this creek here. The currents can be quite hypnotizing." I looked down briefly at the creek, and almost lost myself in the current patterns. "Then you fell and fixed my back problems (hence the crunch in case you were concerned), got up, and had the gull to tell me I was better off dead." "Better for me! You don't understand the possibility of being eaten here, do you?" "And I'm telling you, I wouldn't eat anypony." "Okay! Okay! Nice gator!" I got a light slap on the muzzle. "If you're going to say any part of it, say all of it. None of your 'gator' stuff." "Alright. Fine. Alligator." "Good." It smiled and dropped me in the creek bed before laying down again. "...So... Where am I?" "I thought you knew, what with the way you said it." "No, that was an educated guess that it was the Everfree. I could be in some other place for what I know. ...Where am I?" "The Everfree." "That's so cliche..." I said, although a huge shiver ran down my spine when the alligator said it. "What's wrong?" "I'MGONNADIE." The huge reptile put a comforting arm around my shoulder. "Oh, none of that, little pony. I got your back! We can get you out of the Everfree without a single misaligned hair in your mane." I stared. And stared. And blinked. And stared again. And thought. And all that thinking told me it was probably okay. So that's what I said. "Okay". In no time at all, I was merrily, and quite literally trotting my way out of the Everfree, escorted by an alligator bodyguard. On the way towards the traditionally recognized entrance of the forest of which is ever free, the alligator informed me of his gender (thoughtful of him, as alligators aren't very sexually dimorphic), and of his name, or rather, the thing everyone calls him. This thing, being Mr. Alligator, was first put into use by Fluttershy, his only pony acquaintance and friend until now. She also happened to be a frequent subject of his. No surprise, since he described her as a sort of guardian angel, or "The sweetest thing ever to associate with an alligator". My unexpected reptile companion and I were making good time through the forest, what with him scaring away every last scary thing that tried to scare me, when I suddenly plopped down on my face and fell asleep. Thinking back, it was weird... I didn't feel sleepy until right at that moment. The sun shone warmly on my face as my eyes slowly obeyed the command to open. They revealed a pleasant blur of warm and cheerful colors. Coupled with the encompassing warmth in my lower body, the overall sensation made me dead certain I did not want to get up. This bed was, quite simply, too good to get out of. Of course, my bed always feels like that, I thought to myself. Just the way I like it. Just then, I heard a soft knock on the door. Hmm. Dad must want me to stop sleeping the day away. In my hurry to get out of bed so as to stop sleeping the day away, I tripped on my own hooves, fell out of someone else's bed and got rather tangled up in it's sheets, bashing my head hard against the pleasantly colored wooden floor. However, the resulting confusion from this wasn't what set me into terror once again. A tiny little squeak rang out on the other side of the door, two seconds prior to Fluttershy's abrupt burst into the room. She came in and examined my poor head with the well practiced skill of a doctor, all the while desperately apologizing like a sincerely, terribly, horribly sorry six-year-old girl. Once my eyes stopped rolling in their sockets, they shot open as my mind made the connection. Fluttershy. Her bed. Ponyville. Equestira. Okay, so much for the it was all dream theory. I need to scream now. ...And scream I did. In my high pitched, young boy-ish scream that sounds funny to someone who usually sounds 18. You can't blame me, can you?