//------------------------------// // Cinderella // Story: Fairy Tales From Equestria // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// Chapter 4 Pinkie Pie woke up and jumped out of bed. She looked at everything in her room and touched anything she saw. "What`s this? What`s this?" She had tons of fun and then she saw a book on her night stand. "Ooooh! A book! Maybe it`s about cupcakes!" She opened the book and a hologram shot out. "Pinkie Pie, your job is to make the prince fall in love with you and don`t get caught by your family." She read the book and then ran down the stairs. She saw Nightmare Moon in the kitchen, but she wasn`t wearing her armor. "Hey Nightmare Moon!" She turned to her. "You shall not call me by that name. You shall address me as 'Madam Luna'." Why is she mad at me? Maybe I should ask if she needs me to do anything for her to make her feel better. "Do you need me to do anything for you?" asked Pinkie Pie energetically. "Yes, here`s a list." Chores •Mow the lawn •Do the dishes •Prepare dinner for the week •Vacuum the carpet •Dust the whole house •Clean the chimney •Mop the floors •Organize the bedrooms •Clean the toilets •Do the laundry "Okie dokie lokie!" She ran out of the room and started on the list. She had gotten down to mopping the floor after and hour and a half. Gilda walked in while she was mopping the kitchen. "Hey Gilda!" "What`s up Stinky Pie?!" She kicked the mop bucket full of dirty water. "Oops!" "It`s okay! Also, my name is Pinkie Pie, not Stinky Pie, but if you prefer that then it`s okay." Gilda didn`t like that Pinkie Pie wasn`t getting upset. "I`m going to tell mom that you spilled this whole bucket!" She told her mother and Nightmare Moon stormed in. "Pinkamina Diane Pie, why would you do that?!" "I`m sorry, I must have hit it. In order to make you happy I will make you cupcakes too!" She sighed at Pinkie Pie`s happiness. "Just get to work step daughter." Pinkie nodded and went to work. She cleaned the floors again. Once she was done she moved on and finished the rest of the chores. She then proceeded to make cupcakes. She made four dozen, but kept one dozen for herself, and decorated all of them perfectly. She into madam Luna`s room and gave her the cupcakes. "I finished the chores and I made you cupcakes to make you happy again!" "I do not like cupcakes!" She used her magic to throw every cupcake at Pinkie Pie. She was covered in frosting, but that did not bother her. She licked it all off quickly. "Yummy!" Nightmare Moon stormed out of the room. Pinkie was confused as to how somepony could hate cupcakes. Pinkie Pie was busy cooking dinner when she heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? She hopped over to the door and opened it. "Hi! What`s up?!" she shouted cheerfully. To her surprise Derpy was there, but she wasn`t surprised that she brought mail. "The prince would like to cordially invite everypony here to the royal ball." "There is a party?!" Derpy nodded, handed her the letter and then flew away to invite the other guests. She ran to inform her family about the ball. She saw Gilda and ran up to her. "Here! It`s a letter about a ball! The royal family will be there!" Gilda was so happy. I will finally get the prince to fall in love with me! I`ll be rich! I could buy skateboards, pranking supplies and things that are awesome! "Mother! Mother!" She flew towards madam Luna and gave her the letter. "Finally! This is our chance to be rich!" They danced happily and Pinkie Pie loved happily dancing so she joined in. Their excitement soon turned to annoyance after Pinkie started dancing too."Sorry, but you cannot attend. You will be busy cleaning." Pinkie`s hair went flat. "But- but... I just cleaned and it`s a PARTY!" Pinkie Pie said with extreme sadness in her voice. The two of them started flipping random things and throwing food. Gilda kicked the dirty water bucket for the second time that day and Nightmare Moon poured a trash bag on the floor. "Oh sorry, but it seems that the house is a mess!" They laughed evilly and talked about what they would wear. Pinkie continued cooking and thought about what it would be like to go to a party instead of doing chores. Gilda was wearing a beautiful, red dress with rubies and black boots. Madam Luna was wearing a dark blue gown with a diamond necklace and dark grey shoes with metal designs. They both looked gorgeous, but Pinkie was sad that she could not go. "Bye!" Pinkie shouted. "Goodbye." They left and laughed at how Pinkie can`t come. "I wish I could go." After she said that Twilight appeared. "TWILIGHT!" she shouted ecstatically. Her hair returned to its usual curly style. "Hey! I am your fairy god mother in this story." "Cool!" Twilight smiled at Pinkie. "You will need to look good so Rarity has made you a dress!" Twilight`s horn glowed and very soon after Rarity appeared right in front of her. "Here is your gown!" It was white with rainbow hearts and glitter. It was lined with pink sparkles and was perfect. She then handed her some light pink flats with diamonds. "This is the BEST OUTFIT EVER!" Rarity was proud of her work. "You look will need to make sure that your family doesn`t recognize you so I will do your make up and hair so you look totally different... and pretty!" Rarity ushered her into the bathroom to do her make up. Twilight used magic to create an epic carriage with padded seating. She also teleported Spitfire and Soarin to fly it. Once she decided that her fairy godmother duties had been fulfilled she returned inside to see how Pinkie Pie looked. "Rarity you have done a great job on her outfit. She looks beautiful and civilized!" "This is some of my best work!" They smiled and jumped excitedly. "Okay Pinkie, your carriage is ready!" She hopped happily through the door and saw the best carriage ever. "Awesome! Bye guys! Oh, wait I have one thing that I need to get." She ran inside, grabbed her extra box of cupcakes and jumped back into the carriage. "BYE!" "Goodbye Pinkie Pie!" "You have to get married! Your father and I had to at your age and you will too!" "Mom, I haven`t met the right mare yet!" She sighed at her stubborn son. "We can throw a ball! You might meet somepony special at a large royal party. We could invite every mare in the kingdom! Will you at least agree to this?" "Yes mother." She smiled. "Good because we already sent out the invitations." He was mad. "Mom!" She grinned. "Wow! This is as cool as the Grand Galloping Galla!" Her sudden shout surprised the fancy guests. She saw the prince and ran up to him. "Hiya!" Princess Celestia and the king stared at the odd pink mare talking to their son. "I brought cupcakes! Want one? They`re the best cupcakes in all of Equestria!" She is different than any mare I`ve ever met and she`s very energetic. "Umm, yes?" "Hey what`s your name? Prince... ?" He was shocked that she didn`t know. "I am Prince Caramel." Her eyes lit up. "Do you taste like caramel?" She walked up to him and kissed him. "Not really, but still cool!" Ummmmm... Princess Celestia could not believe her eyes. In a matter of seconds she had embarrassed him, insulted his status, kissed him and turned him into a complete buffoon. "Cupcake now?" He nodded. She handed him the cupcake and watched with anticipation to see what he thought of it. "This is a very good cupcake!" She felt sad. "Good?" She started to tear up and her hair lost its style and went straight. He felt very bad even though he had no clue what had gotten her so upset. He looked at her beautiful face and kissed her. Her hair regained the style that Rarity did so carefully and a smile returned to her face. "So you didn`t think the cupcake was amazingly fantastic and epically cool?" "I did." he responded kindly. "Yeah!" She hopped up and down around the room. She is... odd and that`s refreshing. "Would you like to dance?" She thought about it. "Nah. I wanna par-tay!" She scooted the performers off the stage and grabbed Vinyl Scratch from the audience. "Play an awesome song!" She used her magic to conjure up a DJ station and began to play some rockin' tunes. Pinkie ran to him, picked him up and brought him to the side of the room. She pulled a pin the tail on the pony game out of nowhere and put it up on the wall. "Your turn!" She handed him a tail and spun him. I`m confused. "Okay." She puts a blindfold on his eyes and he tries. It ends up on the pony`s neck. She took off the blindfold and showed him how terrible he did. "You suck at this game." "Did you just tell a prince that he 'sucks' at something?" She looked at him confusedly. "Well duh! You did! Let`s move on!" She pulled him to the center and started dancing. She looked at how awkward he was dancing. She walked behind him, pulled him close and showed him what to do. She is touching me. "Hey, I heard you have to get married by the end of the week." He nearly choked. "How did you know that?!" She was confused. "I can read auras and based on yours I can tell, also this party full of mares and your parents are checking out every one to make sure they are suited for you and that kind of tells you what`s happening. Not to mention that I can tell that you keep comparing me to your future bride and also you`re very conflicted and not ready." She got all... that from my aura and this party? "You are right in all ways." She smiled at him. She looked into his light blue eyes and knew then and there that he was more than just one of her best friends. She kissed him, but this time it was different, there was passion. She ran to Celestia and whispered to her "I want to marry your son so he will always have some fun in his life." Princess Celestia hugged her and said "I hope you do." She ran back to Caramel and hugged him. It was 12:00 AM by the time Pinkie Pie was too tired to go on. "Goodbye! I`m really tired! You can keep the cupcakes!" and with that Pinkie ran outside and called Twilight`s name. She suddenly appeared with the carriage. "So how did it go?" "I like him and I think he likes me back!" Twilight pulled the carriage back to Pinkie`s 'home'. Twilight let Pinkie out and then realized that she didn`t know if her 'family' was home yet. "Pinkie, I will teleport you into your room. Your family might already be home and they think that you`re asleep so you will need you to avoid making noise." Pinkie Pie nodded. "Good morning Madam Luna!" She looked tiredly at her and then suddenly shouted. "You dare wake me from my slumber! I went to bed at 12:00 AM and it`s 7:00 AM! Pinkamina Diane Pie, you are not allowed to leave this house for the next WEEK!" "I`m sorry, also, it`s okay, there are tons of fun things to do indoors!" Nightmare Moon pointed towards the door and then pulled the blanket back up over her head. I`m guessing that means 'Get out'. She runs out of the room and bumps into Gilda. "You`re up? Madam Luna isn`t up yet and you probably went to bed around the same time." "Yes dweeb, I am up already. I had a hard time sleeping because my chance at love and money is gone. He fell in love with some beautiful pink mare!" Pinkie Pie felt sad. "I bet you`ll find somepony or somegriffin who loves you and maybe they`ll be rich like you wanted!" Gilda felt happy and reassured of having an awesome future, but she couldn`t let her know. "Probably, I`m wicked awesome, it really doesn`t matter what you say because I know that." Pinkie looked at her quizzically. "But you said 'my chance at love and money-" "I know what I said!" Pinkie walked away sadly. "Mother I haven`t been able to sleep! I don`t know where she is! I don`t even know her name! She could be anywhere in the kingdom and what if she moved! What if she changes her mind and no longer likes me?!" Celestia laughed at how freaked out and nervous her son was. "We`ll find her." "How?" She looked at him reassuringly. "We could go door to door seeing who fits one of her traits or you might know what she looks like and you could just look at every mare!" "She makes great cupcakes! Every mare could try to make cupcakes and whomever`s cupcakes taste like those I can assume is them! If multiple cupcakes taste like them I can meet with them and narrow it down to the one girl!" Celestia nodded and sent for a royal guard. "Royal guards, go alert all mares in Equestria that they need to make cupcakes for the prince. Then, Caramel you will need to try these cupcakes and choose which one is the one." Caramel hugged Celestia and then walked into the other room and proceeded to try and draw a picture of the pink mare so he wouldn`t forget her look. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Gilda opens the door. "Thanks... there isn`t really a way to make fun of Derpy is there?" Derpy nodded and handed her the letter. Gilda tore it open and looked at the letter. "Cupcakes? You`ve got to be kidding me!" She ran to her mother and handed her the letter. She skimmed it. "Cupcakes?! I HATE cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie snatched the letter and read it. "CUPCAKES! YEAH!!!" She ran into the kitchen and prepared the kitchen for cupcake baking. "Ummm... you weren`t at the party so I can`t be you so no cupcakes." said Gilda. Pinkie Pie ran upstairs with tears in her eyes. If I can`t make cupcakes, he won`t know that it`s me! She desperately calls for Twilight. "FAIRY GODMOTHER! TWILIGHT!" Twilight appeared suddenly. "Here is your own kitchen!" She pointed to a kitchen that was about four feet tall. "That`s too small silly!" Twilight sighed. "I have to shrink you down first!" "Ohhh!" Twilight shrunk Pinkie down to about 1.5 ft tall. "Awesome!" Twilight waited on Pinkie`s bed while reading a good book. Pinkie started right away. "Put dry ingredients in the bowl, mix with the wet ingredients and put it in the oven~!" "Catchy Pinkie." Twilight says sarcastically. "I know right!" Twilight continues her reading. Pinkie places her vanilla, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes into the oven. Once they are ready, she takes them out and grabs the decorating materials. Pinkie takes the cupcakes out of the pan and then begins decorating them with rainbow colors, many sprinkles and tasty candies/goodies. Pinkie tastes one and decides that they are perfect. While Pinkie is baking. "I thought that you knew how to make cupcakes!" shouted Gilda. "Do not speak to me in that tone!" Gilda rolled her eyes. (Let`s just say that they don`t know how to bake... at all) "Awwh! This sucks! Let`s just give up! He`ll know I`m not a pony and you`re twice his age!" She sighed. "You`re right." "Okay I will turn you and your cupcakes back to the right size." Her horn glowed and Pinkie grew. "YEAH! I`M THE RIGHT SIZE AGAIN!" Pinkie put her cupcakes on the shelf and hugged Twilight. "Can I keep the kitchen?" Twilight nodded and then said goodbye. "Bye!" "Bye!" "Royal guards, I have not seen her anywhere! This is the last town, she has to be here!" He walks up to Pinkie`s house. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Gilda and Madam Luna open the door. "OH MY GOSH! PRINCE CARAMEL IS HERE!" shouted the two of them in unison. He looked at them. A griffin and a mare twice my age or older. "Do any other mares live here?" Pinkie ran down the stairs with her cupcakes. "Yes there is!" "Go back upstairs you nuisance!" Pinkie was hurt, but she wouldn`t let them get her down. She handed him one of each cupcake. He looked at the detail and then ate a little bit of each. He looked at her and compared her to the girl at the ball. She has the same colors and the cupcakes are spot on, but her mane and face are a little different. "You seem to fit the description, but I`m not sure that it was you." "She wasn`t even there!" Pinkie was very hurt and upset. "Yes I was!" She ran up to the prince and kissed him. He could feel the spark between them. "It is you. I have two things to say. I love you and will you marry me?" "Yes!" and with that the world went black. The main six stood in the blackness. "Twilight I love him, now I`m sure of it. I need him to love me in the real world. I don`t care if he`s a prince!" Twilight smiled. "You will get him and I will get Discord. I know everything will work out!" Rainbow dash added by saying "So far I`m the only one who didn`t fall in love!" They all laughed, but the conversation ended when the holograph appeared. "You have completed the mission. The next fairy tale will begin and if anything goes wrong then that pony will be terminated. Applejack, the book will be next to your bed." The room gets bright and then turns dark, the next story will begin.