//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Perspective // Story: Dirt // by SomethingForThePain //------------------------------// In all honesty, I really don’t know what to say to her. The walk back to Jessamy’s shop is fairly silent, mostly on my part, I think. Oh my, my head is swimming. It feels like a tiny pony is running laps all around my brain and past my eyes faster than Pinkie Pie could bake me a cake. I simply don’t understand it, can’t comprehend it. Why is my body reacting like- like this around Applejack? I don’t get it; can’t grasp the concept of it. The air is practically freezing off my mane, but I feel like my blood is boiling. My heartbeat is shockingly fast, nothing like the normal rhythmic thumping. My hooves are sweaty, my chest is tightening, and my breaths are sharp. All this, but for what reason? I don’t feel scared, or angry, or anxious. In fact, I feel safe. I feel safe right here with her, with her strong forearms and oh, her deep emerald eyes are calling me and… Sweet Celestia, have I gone mad? What’s up with Rar’, I wonder? She’s acting a bit uh.. what’s the word? Twilight taught me this one… Oh yeah! Standoffish. Rar’s bein’ standoffish. I don’t get it. Did I do somethin’ wrong? Do I smell? Nah, I don’t smell. I wonder if she’s alright, though. She’s carrying herself a bit.. different. Poor gal has been workin’ awful hard as of late. Awful… hard... Sweet apple pie, that mare is somethin’ beautiful.. Why she keeps her head stuck in those romance books, I’ll never know. She could probably have any stallion that she wanted, if she wanted to, that is. What’s going on in her head? It’s driving me up a wall, I tell ya. We’ve finally arrived at the shop, thank Celestia. Jessamy greeted me with a hug, like she always does. I hugged her back, and flashed her a smile. “So, how was the tour?” she asked as she shut the door behind us, flipping the ‘Open’ sign around to the ‘Closed’ side. “Oh, it was all great fun. I’ve missed Canterlot, and it’s nice to be here when Equestria isn’t in imminent danger.” The both of us shared a bit of a laugh at that, but it was true for the most part. I hardly have anytime to take a vacation, what with work and Sweetie Belle and the whole saving-Equestria-and-Ponyville thing. Jessamy then turned to where Applejack was, probably realizing that she was there just now. For some reason, that angered me. Without thinking about it, I loathed her and her cardinal irises. “And how about you, Applejack? Did you find Canterlot to your liking?” The mare in question had been gazing at one of the windows, at what, I couldn’t tell you. There was something that wasn’t quite right about her, something that I couldn’t put my hoof on. I could see it in those beautiful emerald eyes and oh my, I did it again. At the sound of Jessamy’s voice, she turned to face her. “I’m mighty sorry. I got a bit distracted, I s’pose. Canterlot was gorgeous, and I’m glad I got to see it this time o’ year.” After that, she just went back to looking out the window. What in the- “Well that’s, uhm, nice. I must say, Canterlot is beautiful in the winter.” Damn Jessamy, interrupting my thoughts. “On to business, then?” Oh, that’s right. I have things to do. “Yes, of course. I take it you found everything alright? No problems, I’m hoping?” “Indeed I did, and without the least bit of trouble. But it did take a while to get it properly organized and sorted. I have it all laid out nice and neat for you in the back. Care to help me fetch it?” I gave another longing glance back at Applejack, but she didn’t seem to notice. She was still there, standing and gazing at something that I couldn’t see on my own. I do hope I don’t have worry all over my face. Smile, dear! And change your tone, for Celestia’s sake! “Why, of course!” “Come along, then.” Jessamy walked through the door leading to the storage room, and I followed shortly behind her. I feel.. sad. I feel sad because she’s something that isn’t exactly happy. I can’t even look her in the eye, so the window will do just fine. After a while, Jess and Rar’ finally come out of the back room. Jeez, they’re carrying a big box of heavy-lookin’ stuff and I can see them straining and struggling with it, even though they’re both using their magic. They put it down in the center of the room, huffing and puffing like Granny Smith does when she attempts to plow. I feel bad that I couldn’t be of much help to them. After catching her breath, Rarity pulls out a huuuuuge sack of bits from her satchel and puts it on the counter like it’s nothin’. “I think this will cover it all, Jezzy.” Jessamy just nods her head, not even bothering to count the money. She just knows. How can anypony just know things? How can you know something without mulling over it and thinkin’ about it all the time? How is that even possible? It must be nice, though. I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, thinking, but I know it must’ve been a while. I heard the two of them yapping their gums, and the sun has gone down, and the street lights are coming on. The change of lighting probably gave the two of ‘em a hint. “Oh my, look at the time! We really should get going, Jezzy.” Yup. Definitely been a while. Rarity and Jess hug for a while, and let go of each other. “It’s so good that I got to see you again, Rarikins. Do come back soon, but please, call first!” Jessamy has already opened the door, and Rarity is picking up the box with her magic and levitating outside. I’m right behind her. “And it was nice to meet you too, Applejack.” She gives me a genuine enough looking smile. “It was nice to meet you too, Ms.Fits. Have a nice night.” I turn to walk away, but she’s grabbing hold of my hoof what in the- “No hug?” She started to pout jokingly before I pulled her in and wrapped my forearms around her. “We should stay and touch too, you know. Here’s my card.” She slips a small scarlet paper in my hoof with her number on it. “Off you go!” I gave her a wave. The door shut up tight behind me, and we start walking again. I was worried before, but now I am extremely worried about Applejack. She hasn’t said a word in over an hour. Did I say something I shouldn’t have? What could I have possibly done? And what was that hug with Jessamy about? Did she say something to her? So help me Princess I will end her If she said anything out of line. Happy thoughts, Rarity, happy thoughts. Canterlot is lit up very nicely, which admittedly is making me a bit homesick. In Ponyville, you can see the stars very clearly on a night like this one. It’s completely different here. It’s like the entire city is a huge night-light. Oh feathers, this box is getting heavy and my magic is running on ‘E’. Applejack must’ve picked up on this. “I can carry that, if you like. Really, it isn’t much trouble. No use putting yourself in the hospital over it.” “Oh, that would be most delightful. Thank you.” I put the box down on the ground, and she pulls out a long rope from her satchel. Why she has a rope in the first place, I don’t know, and I chose not to question it at this point in time. I manage to hold the box up long enough to put it on her back and tie the rope over it and around her waist. I feel like I could collapse and just sleep for enternity, but I know I can’t very well do that. That was all the conversation that we managed to have until we arrived at the train station. Caboose was where we saw him last, standing at the entrance of the train. He noticed the box right away, and being the southern gentleman he is, could stand to see a mare holding something heavy. “Oh, put that heavy old thing down. I’ll have someone to take it and put it in the luggage cart for you.” Better them than us. “Thank you kindly, Mr.Caboose.” Feeling a bit more recharged, I was able to untie Applejack and put the box on the ground without collapsing. A proud moment indeed. “Oh, it’s my pleasure. I’ll be sure to personally make sure it gets safely onboard myself. And here are your keys again. You do remember where your room is, don’t you?” “Why yes, of course.” I took the small ring of keys from him, bid him a good evening, and entered the train with Applejack following behind me. We remembered our way fairly easily, for we simply had to continue to go straight until we reached the very last cart with the large doors. We turned the key in the lock and stepped inside. Applejack immediately retreated to the far corner of the room on the sofa, where she had been earlier. I did the same, and hopped on top of the bed I had slept on, which had been made neat and tidy since I had last seen it. As tired as I was, I didn’t feel like sleeping just yet. The ride back home was very awkward. For me, at least. There was an odd feeling of tension that went hoof n’ hoof with the silence hanging in the air, and I sure as sugar wasn’t going to be the one to break it. It was late by the time we arrived, and we were plum tuckered out. A nice stallion had offered to carry our load back to the boutique for us, but I politely declined. I wanted to do it myself. Besides, it would give me another reason to walk Rarity home. It was a labor of love, believe you me. I’m fairly certain that Applebloom weighs less than the contents of the gosh darn apple-pickin’ box, but I wasn’t about to complain about it in front of Rarity. We made it into the boutique, so I can finally set this box down. The living room floor should be just fine. I’ll sort it all the stuff in there out in the morn’ when I come back here. Now if I could just relax for a bit.. “Applejack, I’ve just recalled that we have to attend to our younger sisters. They’re in the care of Twilight, after all. Hopefully they haven’t done too much damage ‘crusading’ about the library.” “Oh, that’s about right, ain’t it?” Twilight is usually our go-to mare for foal-sitting. But I’ll admit it, I’m a bit cross about the matter, considering I’ve been walking for hours on end. But I don’t have much say in the matter, do I? One, I have to get Applebloom before Granny Smith gets mighty cross with me, and two, I am determined to walk Rarity home. Don’t ask me why, because I can’t give you a straight answer. We’ve gone and left again, and we’re on the twenty minute walk to the library, even though it’s getting later. That’s the good thing about Ponyville though, isn’t it? Not being afraid of walking around at night. Ponies scarcely lock their door ‘round these parts. Oh gosh, we’re finally here. I could keel over from walking so much. It’s about ten, I think. Looks about right to me. Rarity knocked on the door, and almost immediately, Twilight poked her purple head out and shushed us. "Sorry girls. They're already asleep, but come on in." Man, are we glad to be warm again. In the middle of the room, there was a giant pillow fort, and two sleepy fillies were cuddled up next to each other in a mix of white, yellow, pink, purple, and red. I tell ya, I don’t think I have the heart to wake them. “Twilight, dear, do you mind keeping them until tomorrow?” Neither did Rar’, apparently. “Oh, of course not!” Twilight must’ve realized that she was a bit loud, because she turned the volume down a notch before she started talkin’ again. “I mean, of course not. It’s a bit late, anyway. Another few hours won’t be much of a bother. I’m sure you two have work that could get done in the meantime. Nothing like a good all-nighter to get things done, as I always say!” Heck, I can’t very well argue with her. And ah sure ain’t about to.