//------------------------------// // The Nightmare (prologue) // Story: O.M.G.S. // by Zlalapa123 //------------------------------// I was walking down a hallway that was as dark as night and demon red eyes glaring at me at all directions. I noitice a door was made of steel and somehow felt pain and miserie from behind it. The door open a crack and my mouth opened to scream but nothing came out, I fainted, awake - "Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed with all my might. My Mom and Dad came running in, " We heard somepony screaming, are you ok?", "it was me and I had a nightmare" I replied, "oh sweetie" my mom said in cutsy-wousy voice, and I have no idea how I don't get mad at that. 2 days later - "It's been two days since the night and it going to be worst because tomorrow is the first day of school! noooo! I screamed in my head, " good bye sweet joy of life in ever lasting sorrows, misery, saddling, horrors, terrible, shadow of-", "are you going to kept thinking speak, or can we the readers the next chapter, sis", said the little pegasi filly next to me, "readers, next chapter, and how did you... ugh! never mind, disco dice", "Loki okie doky" she said trotting off, " her and that fourth wall breaking" I thought, "hey! I heard that" she yelled.