
by Zlalapa123

Pinkie, Singie, Princess Celestia

"This dream it's back but I'm noticing more the last time" I thought, the walls and lockers were cover by green goo and the red eyes were fallowing me as I was walking down the hallway, but when I reach the door I felt that pain and miseries again my legs stop fallowing my directions and started to walk towards the door, no mater what I did my legs wouldn't listen, I started to sweat and the door opened a crack, then a fog came out, like last time I fainted.


My eyes shot open, but when I look around I was on a bus in a bed, "Hi yay, I Pinkie Pie, and would you mind if I sat down next to you? the pink pony [mare] asked, " um, sure, why not." I replied nervously, Pinkie Pie sat down and looked at me in a weird way, "um... what are you looking at?" I ask her, " you name silly" She replied, " oh, my name is Spotsinger" I answer calmly.

We kept on talking all the way to my school, O.M.G.S., "come on Pinkie " I said as got out of the bus, " okie doky loki" pinkie said, she remind a little too much of my sister. " Are you going to the party, Singie?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Wait there's a PARTY!!!!" I yelled, everypony was staring at me, It was creepy.

We walked to the door, there stand a purple unicorn and PRINCESS CELESTIA!!!!! We aproach the unicorn and Princess, the alicorn notice me and walked over with the unicorn, " Ah, so you must be SpotSinger, your parents aform me of your uqine powers." the Alicorn said, "also I'm hoping you can help my faithful student here, twilight sparkle." pointing a wing at the unicorn, and then wispher to me " she some help with friend making",me and Pinkie bowed and headed to the unicorn, " Oh one thing, here your room numbers" Princess Celestia said magicly handing us a peice of paper. So we headed to our room, ponyville hall, harmony 7.