//------------------------------// // Blue Onto Green // Story: Light in the Shadows // by Shadowbot739 //------------------------------// “I can’t believe they let me come. I’m still a stranger, why are they so trusting” I thought. “Accel, are you alright? you haven’t said a word since we got on” Fluttershy asked, who happens to be sitting across from me. “I just worry about Daisho, I don’t like leaving him with strangers” “Spike will take good care of him” Twilight said from across the aisle. “Lookie its Canterlot” Pinkie’s voice appeared from nowhere. “Impressive, though you should’ve seen Silvermoon back before the first Scourge invasion” I said, then suddenly face hoofed. “Sure, and tell them about the second invasion of the Burning Legion...oh boy they would be doomed if that happened here”. “What's the Scourge?” Applejack asked. “Think of the worse thing you ever seen, then multiply it thousands of times” I responded. “How can something be that bad?” Twilight asked. “Don’t even...” I stood up, and harden my voice, “It is one of the worse things to come along in ten thousand years, I know what I’m talking about, I’ve fought it”. “You spoke of it as another invasion came along” “There was a second, and it still exist, but luckily it is being kept dormant as much it can be”. I sighed, “stop worrying about that horrid thing, we’re here anyway”. “Why haven’t we heard about such a thing if its so dangerous?” Twilight asked me with concern. “To keep mass panic from happening, so I suggest you to keep this to yourself” I walked towards the door then turned around, “I’m going to explore a bit, you might not see me again”, I gave a casual salute and ran out the door. After running for 5 minutes straight, I finally decided to actually look around. The buildings were fit for the rich, and I see many ponies warring formal looking cloths. “Looks like I found myself in one of them filthy rich cities, should've guess by the name”. “Hey you” a voice came from a nearby alley. I walked to the alley and saw a hooded figure, “If this some sad attempt to mug me, I’d recommend you not to try or you’ll be the one being mugged”. The hooded figure chucked a little, “not only looking like it, you have an attitude to back it up”. The figure motioned me closer, “I got a potential job you might be interested in”. "Why I've finally found somepony that isn’t all law following, other then breaking the natural...ah forget it”. Walking closer, I lowered my voice “it depends on restrictions and reasons behind it”. “First I ask you something, are you handy at getting past tight security?” “From that line I can already have some guess what this might involve: spying, thievery, kidnapping, or perhaps assassination” “I’ve met others who can guess my intentions quickly but confidence lacking, when I tell them where and who” “Long as the location is actually possible to get in and out of, my restrictions fall into the reasons why. I don’t go against high priority targets for the sake of it, nor do I kidnap”. “I can take care of getting in for you, but thou must succeed and escape, for I cannot save you then without risking my position” “Just spit out the target, and the intel I need” “I want you to kill Prince Blueblood, for he does nothing other than insult my people and think anypony that isn’t royalty as dirt” “Now that is quite a target, and your wording really makes me wonder, are you royalty as well?” “I will not lie to you, but this will be the greater good” “Sounds like corruption to me” “I can tell you have a connection to the shadows, I have not seen a connection in a pony for a long time.” “I only met one other that even seems to know of this, though she claims that they all have slowly disappeared a thousand years ago. How bout this, I’ll do the deed but, you have to tell me who you are, after I escape”. “The fact that I am royalty, and you only ask for who I am as a reward and nothing else, is not what I expected” “I don’t do this for the money, I do it for the thrill” I responded, “now cut to the chase, what time?” “Now would be best. I will teleport you inside of his room, so I recommend you to be ready. The patrols should be less during the day” “Aww dang, I like a bigger challenge” “One last thing, do whatever necessary to escape but no killing or I WILL get you imprisoned” “Eh, I try to avoid killing anything innocent anyhow” I replied while pulling out a mask that completed my armor, “good thing I had the foresight to make this”. “Prepare yourself” the hooded figure said as a bright light suddenly flashed before my eyes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What sort of filthy ape are you?” a voice came from behind me. “Looks like I can’t hold form under teleportation, good thing my armor changed with the rest of me”, I turned around and saw a white Stallion than gave a little chuckle. “Oh, I’m no ape, I am your end”. “GUA...” I kicked him in the face, “I don’t need you to be doing that, there only needs to be one death here” “That's what guards are for, to throw their pathetic life away in protecting royalty” "and there is a good reason why you are pathetic" "Your the one who is Pathetic, to resort to such a low act as this, there are reasons why you people belong in the dirt and Filth" "A lowly act for a for a spoiled and rotten royal, I will enjoy this" "No, I am the one who will enjoy seeing you in shackles" “How do you want me to do this, the painful way or the more painful way?” “How bout GUA...” I kicked him in the face once more, “I was wondering if you could die with some honor, my answer is clear now”. “I’ll double what they are paying you!” Blueblood desperately “I don’t believe you can double zero” I punched Blueblood in the stomach “this is for justice” “I done nothing wrong” “Maybe nothing against the law, but doing nothing but bring harm to all around you, that calls for some sort of action. The only thing I’ll regret is not being able to do this sooner” “GUAR...” I punched him the gut, then brought my dagger up into his jaw. Blueblood fell to the floor bleeding, “Looks like you bleed red, how bout we see you bleed green”. I quickly applied my most lethal poison to my double pronged dagger ‘Crux of the Apocalypse’ then drove it into Blueblood’s neck. Then the door suddenly opened. “Prince Blueblood, are you all.....” The guard noticed me, “YOU! Put down your weapons NOW” “Really?” I face-palmed, “that's all you got?” “Surrender yourself now or I will take action” “Let me think about it” I slashed at the guard’s legs, making a deep cut in his leg. Jumping over the guard I ran out into the hallway. “Stop..Ahhhaugh” The guard cried out. Continuing my run, I wrapped the shadows around me. The hallway was long, with tall glass windows, and little guards. Of what guards I did see, clearly did not noticed me. “Soon this place will be on high alert, need to find an exit soon”. As on cue I spotted an opening to the outside, but I also saw Celestia near it. Hoping that the princess could not see me, I ran as fast I could, passing her and out the opening. Well that is what I tried before she somehow ripped me out of stealth and held me in place with her magic. “What are you doing here?” Celestia asked me. Without bothering to give an answer, I forced her magic off of me, and gave a polite kick to the head. The kick didn’t knock her out as I wanted, but it did daze her, giving me the time to get out the door and a good head start. A few screams and punches later, I finally got to the train station. Noticing that the train was starting to leave, I gave the last bit of energy I had to make a leap to the end of the train. “Phew, didn’t think I’d make it this time” I said while pulling off my mask. “I think I heard something back here” said Rainbow Dash’s voice from behind the door. “Nuts, need to risk transforming, even with the last of my energy depleted”. I focused onto transforming back, managing to get my armor to convert with me just in time. The door opened with Rainbow Dash behind it, “you look like you been running” “I” taking in a deep breath “was, almost... missed train”