//------------------------------// // Dashie, Twi, and me // Story: O.M.G.S. // by Zlalapa123 //------------------------------// When we got to our room we fond a cyan colored pegasi (mare) with rainbow colored mane (that strangely looks like princess Celestia) and twilight from before, "Umm.... Hello" I asked, twilight looked up, " Hey, aren't you the pony who was talking to Princess Celestia?" she asked, well that got the other pegasi looking, "um... yes" I replied, " can you do magic" the unicorn asked, I nodded and flapped my wings, they started glowing with a purple aura and Pinkie Pie was floating with the same purple aura that came from my wings. When my wings stop glowing pinkie fall down to the floor, "That was AWSOME, Singie!" Pinkie yelled making me blush slightly, " So you CAN do magic, but can you fly?" The cyan pegasi asked, again I nodded, jumped and flaped my wing, but they didn't glow insted I was flying! "Well I'm Rainbow Dash" the cyan pegasi, "I'm SpotSinger and this is Pinke Pie" I introduced, " well I should get get going, see ya singie" she chuckle slightly, " yeah see ya dash-IE", "what did you just call me" she snarled, "Dash-IE" I pronounce, " it a nick name, don't you know" and then it began.. "EGGHEAD" "FEATHER BRAIND" "GEEK" "AIRHEAD" "NERD" "PUNK" "YOU COME AT ME WITH YOUR SHOT" " SURE THING LOS-ER" "STOP IT" shouted twilight, "your making pinkie pie cry" she said concerned, pinkie pie was watch in horror as her friends fighting, her mane was deflated and dark, and her coat was dull pink, "sorry for insulting you Dash" I apologize, " oh horse apples, I sorry for overreacting, friends" "friend" we bro hoofed and pinkie was back to normal bouncing about, and Dash flew out to clear the sky, Twi went check on the buffet menu for the summer sun celebration and had to go to some pony called FlutterShy for music.