//------------------------------// // Quarantine Period, Part 4: The Case of Twilight Sparkle Versus Ponyville // Story: The Two Deaths of Fluttershy // by Draco Dei //------------------------------// Twilight's horn glowed, and she winked to just inside the front door. Swiftly she cast another spell. A bubble of glowing energy surged from the library shoving the front ranks of the armed crowd back a few paces. "What are you doing?" Celestia's personal student yelled angrily as she burst through the door. There was a moment of silence and then several voices burst out at once. "Protecting our..." "What you shoulda..." "Look, you have obviously been entranced by..." "Staking..." "Protecting our..." "QUIET!" Twilight thundered from inside the force-field protecting the library, her voice once again magically amplified. "I'm not really sure, just saw...," a blue-coated straggler trailed off. "Now then! Mayor Mare, are you here?" "Yes." came a voice from the second rank, as the rest of the people in the library, minus Fluttershy, exited. Rainbow Dash began to circle the tree, Applejack took up position on Twilight's left, Rarity reared onto her hind legs in a martial arts stance on her right, and Pinkie Pie was looking very concerned as she swiveled her party cannon back and forth behind them pausing briefly at each clear line of fire. Spike hopped up on Twilight's back, clenching his fists. Big Macintosh came last, and simply closed the door behind him, then planted his hooves in front of it hard enough that the nearest of the townsponies could feel the trembles in the ground. "Good. Now then I..." "What's the big idea you featherbrains?!" Rainbow Dash yelled from about three pony lengths up, and eight lengths counter-clockwise around the library from Twilight's position. "Rainbow Dash, be quiet, I got this! Actually, now that I think of it, you and AJ should check around and look for open windows or intruders." Dash crossed her front legs, and settled for staring at the crowd pugnaciously for a few seconds. She zipped around the tree a few times looking at and through the windows. Finally she darted back in through the window she had exited though. "Now then... Mayor Mare. Would you care to explain this?" "As per section 34 of the... no, wait... oh just read it yourself..." Mayor Mare said, then opened up Castle's Complete Curriculum to Civic Containment and Control: Vampires to a page she had bookmarked and pressed it against the large forcefield surrounding the library. Twilight read the page carefully. Maybe I am mis-remembering and there is a loophole... "Could you turn to the next page?" She read that one too. "Now back two." No luck. She really does have the right to override military authority in such a case if she feels that the citizens of her town are under threat. Still, it is just a reference guide; maybe there will be something in the actual law, she thought. She looked around then pointed to one of the nightguards. "You there, are you in charge of this operation?" "My name is Staff Sargent Breaking Hoof, and while I am in charge of overseeing the interests of Princess Luna in the matter of Miss Softwing I am decidedly NOT in charge of this posse, and, in fact, my ponies are here to keep things as peaceable as possible, nothing more. We do not answer to Ms Mare, and I have stated my opposition to this action previously, and am doing so here again." said Breaking Hoof, saluting Twilight while hovering at attention above the crowd just outside the forcefield. Twilight returned the salute, although not very well. Well, that is a break for us, she thought, and then looked around. Yeah, his troops aren't carrying any torches and... she lit her horn ...the spells on their spears that cause them to rip sideways to avoid vital organs and major blood-vessels are still intact... of course, I'm not sure how those would function against a vampire anyway, let alone Fluttershy's new strain of undeath. "This is impolite, ill-considered, impulsive, and illogical," Twilight fumed at Mayor Mare. "I know you think so, but we have to assume that your judgment has been corrupted by Fluttershy." "Yeah! You dang brainwashed-" shouted Caramel. "Quiet!" interrupted Twilight and the mayor simultaneously. The mayor straightened the collar of her beaver-suit in lieu of the cravat she wasn't actually wearing at the moment. "Now then. I am asking you to surrender Fluttershy for staking, transportation, and revival inside a suitable facility. We have ash stakes. Completely painless. You could even do it yourself if you would prefer." "Unacceptable. Besides which, doesn't the fact that Celestia gave me that requisition for blood prove that she felt the situation was well under control?" "I'm sure that all signs pointed to it being under control at that time. But since Rarity handed me this particular volume and told me that it would have the solution in it, I have to consider that as a subconscious cry for help from an entranced individual." "Uuuugh... you are CRAZY! Look, this is all just a big mistake. Everyone please please please just go back to what you were doing," begged an exasperated Twilight. "Yeah! Or do I hafta-", began Dash raising one forehoof threateningly, having returned from checking the house-tree a few seconds earlier. "Rainbow Dash," interjected Twilight. She did not turn to Rainbow Dash, nor did she raise her voice, but her tone was made of pure steel. "We all want to protect Fluttershy. Let me try this first, then if it doesn't work... well, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Remember when you had to decide between Cloudsdale and Ponyville?" "Yeah, but, that wasn't any real choice, I mean Discord woulda done worse to Cloudsdale than just tear it apart. Besides, clouds are easy to rebuild. I woulda figured that out in another few seconds, but then his mind-whammy... you know all this," she said as Twilight finally bent her neck around to look at her. "Yes, yes, I do Dash. I was just using it as an example." Twilight turned back to the Mayor. "I'm sorry, but we can't do that. Please, don't make me have to...," Mayor Mare gestured to the mob duly authorized posse that stretched away from her on both sides around the library. "I think that can be avoided." said Twilight. "Spike, bring me volumes thirty-four, forty-two, and one-thirty-two of The Laws of Equestria." Spike did so, barely having to duck to keep his spikes from brushing Big Macintosh's belly. This is bad, this is really really really bad. thought Twilight. No. I can do this. It is just like any other research project. I've got this. At least I think I've got this... come on Twilight, take your time, they can't get in without losing moral ground. "Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Rarity. "I- I'll tell you if there is. I know you don't write your own sales contracts, so... I'll tell you if I need anything. Princess Celestia had me study legal theory for some reason. Never explained why. Just said that I 'might need it some day'. Everypony, just stand guard while Spike and I do our thing. I'll tell you if I need Pinkie to find something for me or some help interpreting things. Just... be here for me. This isn't easy for me." Six books later. One hundred and twenty eight pages later. Two-thousand four-hundred and twelve words later. (Approximately ninety seven minutes): "Spike... bring me volume one." said Twilight, a catch in her voice. Spike caught the sadness in her tone, but turned to go without question. "And... and a bookmark," said Twilight, planning ahead even in this dark hour. Spike returned with the book and bookmark, "Here you go." "Thank you. Now... now go put everything else away, then go down into the basement, and don't come out until I tell you. This is going to be our last chance to get them to just go away." "No way, not this time. I'm here with you, or I'm upstairs as a rear-guard. Or is rear guard what you meant?" "No... I... Okay Number One Assistant, rear guard it is." Twilight said. I can't afford to show disunity in my side by arguing with him. Spike nodded and went back inside. Twilight was just opening her mouth to begin reading from the book in front of her when he poked his head out. "Do you want the door open, locked, or just shut?" "Just shut will do nicely, thank you." "Ok, be careful Twilight." Twilight nodded and raised the book up in her telekinesis in front of her, the words blurred slightly before her as the barest beginning of tears fogged her vision. No... I have to remember what Shiny says 'Act properly at all times, so you will weep fewer tears for the enemy. Weep for the costs to the enemy only after the battle, so you will weep fewer tears for your friends and allies.' Naturally, he was quoting from The Field Manual for Psychological Survival but that doesn't make it any less true, especially he would have sent me a copy of the changes if he had changed it once he had the authority. she cleared her mind of the distraction she glanced back at the rest of her friends who were defending the library said "You all need to listen carefully to this, too." She turned to her other friends and began to read. "Be it known that, as no system of recorded laws may perfectly anticipate all possible developments, but where as consistency of governance is essential to a well-ordered society, all other laws, convictions and sentences, both civil and criminal, orders, directives, and all other authority to be found in the governance of Equestria, other than the words of a ruling princess on a particular matter that said princess shall be properly informed of, shall be subject to being overturned, amended, pardoned or dismissed as needed on a case by case by a majority of the ruling princesses of Equestia. As such, all persons in Equestria shall act with their best judgment when they feel that the governance of Equestria may be in error due to the unique qualities of a situation that were not clearly understood by those engaged in such acts of governance, rather than in accordance with such acts of governance, relying on the dictates of their own conscience until such time as the ruling princesses of Equestria or an individual that the personage performing acts that would otherwise be illegal, insubordinate, or disorderly trusts can review the particular situation." Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to say something, but remembered what Twilight had said earlier about this being "her thing". She settled for scratching her head while exchanging a confused look with Applejack. The mayor's eyes dropped, and she looked down at the dark brown feet of her costume, as she considered this. She dragged her hooves through the dirt, not pawing at the ground, but simply nervously scuffing them. About half a minute passed before she raised her head again. Finally Dash couldn't take it any longer. "What does all that mean anyway?" Twilight opened her mouth, but a snow-white hoof pressed to her lips. "I may not write my contracts, but I can explain them to my clients, and I know how to read well enough avoid getting scammed. Understanding may be your forte, but I think you had better allow me to explain to our... shorter attention span friends." It was a sign of Twilight's fear that she simply nodded, instead of defending her 'right to lecture'. "Basically, it means that not even the Princesses can think of everything in advance, so the laws can't cover everything. Sometimes one must simply do the correct thing, and then let the law figure itself out later." But Mayor Mare spoke "A sacred principle of Equestrian Law, and yet often invoked by those acting in error, however pure their hearts might be. We must still consider your judgment clouded by the unfortunate Miss Softwing. I'm asking you kindly to allow her to be transported to an appropriate location. Please! Nopony here wants a fight, but it seems like we are headed that way." Twilight wilted before the prospect of such a thing. After a few moments, she gathered herself and looked up at the Mayor with moist eyes. "No." she said quietly. "I won't let you hurt her. Better you all suffer than she does. Because she didn't do anything wrong and is not dangerous." Small bolts of lightning began to crackle along the forcefield surrounding the library. I'll keep the amperage low and expand slowly. If anypony on the front rank falls over I... kill the lightning but keep expanding it? No, I should probably- "Miss Twilight!" barked Breaking Hoof. "Yeah?" growled Twilight, not taking her eyes off of the mayor. "I believe I have an alternative solution that would avoid violence... well, meaningful violence," Breaking Hoof said. "I'm listening," said Twilight. "Its very simple. Your friends stand down, and you kill the lightning. If you can hold a simple shield against all of the civilians here by yourself for... oh, let's say two minutes? Then they will agree to hold position until word can be received from the diarchs, and provide whatever supplies you wish for the duration of the siege. If anypony gets through your shield in those two minutes, then none of you resist as my troops take everyone but you into custody. You contain Fluttershy for a nice train-ride to Canterlot Mental hospital. No stakes involved." Twilight considered this, then dropped out of her ready stance, "Everypony hold still." she said "Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity, follow me." "How are we supposed to hold still and follow you? That doesn't make sense," asked Pinkie. "Argh! Everybody outside this forcefield hold still! That clear enough?" "Yep-a-roony!" "Now wait just a second!" objected Mayor Mare. "I'll explain in more detail, but I need it to remain a strict secret, even from the bearers themselves," said Breaking Hoof authoritatively. "Very well then, explain Staff Sargent." He swept the mayor up in his forehooves and headed straight up.. The four ponies took a slow tour around the library as Dash continued her patrol at about 120 RPM. Twilight would pause every few steps and point a forehoof towards various ponies in turn. Let's see: Average depth, four non-pegasi. Circumference, approximately forty-five pony-lengths. Twenty-four pegasi. the scholar thought to herself. "Pinkie, how many of the unicorns you see out there have horn-talents that are related to lifting objects heavier than a pony, or producing energy?" "Producing energy? There are unicorns that can produce energy? I should make double-extra sure to invite them to my next party..." Pinkie bubbled, before she made a connection that made her slightly peeved. "Hey," she continued darkly, "have they been holding out on me?" "I mean energy as in thermal, electrical, rotational, or linear... that is to say: unicorns that can make fire or lightning or spin stuff really fast, throw stuff really hard, or make a light bright enough to hurt someone's eyes." Pinkie consulted her internal 'rolodex' of 'every pony in Ponyville'. "Twenty six? Can you arcweld with your horn Spot Weld?" she said pointing to a steel-grey unicorn mare with light red hair. "I... well-" said Spot Weld before her husband, Turret Lathe, elbowed her. "Probably best not to tell them more than they already know." he said. "Never mind, I can work around it." replied Twilight. If I reshape the top to be more conical that should deflect any heavy objects the pegasi decide to drop... I'll just allow lightning through since the magical lightning rod should hold against anything that the pegasi can... no, best to take no chances. "Rainbow Dash! Check the lightning rods, there should be four of them." "Yes ma'am!" replied the licensed meteorology worker. Of course, I'll have to protect myself from lightning and blunt trauma. "I'm going inside with Rainbow Dash. Can I get your word that no attempts at entry will be made while I confer?" The posse ponies pondered this proposal, but none of them seemed willing to speak up. Meanwhile, three hundred hooves above the highest other pegasus: "Do I have your oath of secrecy?" asked Breaking Hoof. "I... that is... yes," said Mayor Mare, wondering if their altitude qualified as 'duress'. Breaking Hoof looked around one last time for anypony who might overhear them, then brought his muzzle to her right ear and whispered softly. "I'll make this simple for you Madam Mayor. You have a pretty good sized group of ponies there, but they are all actual civilians. Inside that library are six heroes of the realm, who have dealt with threats that make your little posse look like school-yard foals. And that isn't counting the baby dragon, who, I have it on good authority, has been taking lessons on how to only give first degree burns and avoid the eyes and nose, and the stallion who at one point dragged a house with only a small reduction in his rate of progress. You don't stand a chance, and this little test will amply demonstrate that. The only reason I am telling you this here, rather than shouting it at you in front of your constituents, is that the Diarchs don't want them getting swelled heads, as that could maybe interfere with the virtues that allow them to operate this nation's most powerful defense." He pulled his head back. "In fact, that problem is the ONLY reason I am resisting the temptation to increase the duration of the test to ten minutes, because two minutes is an insult to her abilities." he growled at her. "Let's continue this on the ground," said a poker-faced mayor. They landed, and the Mayor addressed the crowd, "Based on what I have heard, I recommend we go along with Breaking Hoof's proposal. However, I'm going to leave it up to you, the people. Take a moment to confer with those around you and then we can try to see what the consensus is. If that doesn't produce a clear result, then we can put it to a vote of hooves." "Excuse me, but again, might I have your oath you will not attempt entry or any such thing if we go inside to discuss this?" interjected Twilight. "Naturally, provided the duration is not excessive," said the mayor. Several Minutes later: "The aye's have it!" pronounce Mayor Mare. The defenders inside the library had already agreed to Breaking Hoof's terms. "Staff Sargent Breaking Hoof, if you would give us a countdown and then time the... confrontation?" "I believe the term you are looking for is 'contest of arms'." explained Breaking Hoof then he addressed the crowd, "By the ancient traditions, you all have thirty minutes to gather any supplies you might need. You have my word that I shall enforce the contest of arms, so you need not worry about these heroes trying to escape." "Still, perhaps better if those of you who have fewer preparations to make take it in shifts. Names A through M first fifteen minutes, N through Z last fifteen minutes. Just in case the good officers need a little help." added the mayor. I smell politics MAYBE. No need to take a risk we don't have to. "Spike, bring me this year's edition of 'The Codes of Modern Chivalry'. I want to brush up on the rules," Twilight said, her eyes scanning the crowd as she pondered her neighbor's abilities. Thirty Minutes Later: Breaking Hoof began the count-down. "Ten!" Carrot Cake gulped nervously, shuffling his hooves on his side of the barrel that he and his beloved had retrieved from Pinkie's room. "Nine!" Aloe, Lotus, and their husbands, stopped shaking up their drink bottles full of super-concentrated Poison Joke cure and unscrewed the lids. "Eight!" Spot Weld lowered her metal mask into position. A half-section of pipe floated before her ready to block the eye-destroying light away from her allies. "Seven!" Bulk Biceps strained for just a little bit more altitude against a boulder that out-massed him three to one. "Six!" Zecora stared at the green powder in her hoof and considered which illusions would best distract Twilight. "Five!" Torch Song gave one last toot on the pitch-pipe that represented one side of the range that Lyra thought might be the resonant frequency of the shield, and they raised the megaphones to their lips. "Four!" An earthpony named Dark Earth unscrewed the lid from a bottle of super-concentrated bleach. "Three!" Scootaloo revved her wings and focused her whole being on the ramp in front of her. I'll save you from Fluttershy's hypnotism! I'll save you both! she thought. "Two!" A small flame appeared in front of an itinerant chimney-sweep who had elected to dress as a charcoal briquette rather than try to remove the last stubborn traces of soot from his coat. Kindling and logs were piled in front of him. "One!" Many other ponies crouched down, facing away from the shield and prepared to buck it. "Duel!" ThumpWooshThumpThumpspooshThumpBuzzzzzzzThump LAAAAAAAAAAAA Twilight took in the actual attacks, comparing them against the preliminary analyses she had formed while watching the townsfolk return from gathering their supplies and selecting from her counter-strategies. This was one test she intended to get an A+ on... well, even more-so than usual. Chemical and alchemical assaults would appear to be negligible, although that is only a preliminary observation. Good thing Zecora didn't have time to get to her hut and back, let alone mix up anything specifically for the occasion. I'm sure she can manage a contact anti-magic potion of some sort or another. Huh... her eyes are glowing... can't guess the effect. Note to self: Ask her about it after current crisis resolved. Ooops! Wow, that was close with the lightning! Almost made me lose active control of the shield! Come on Twilight! Keep it together! Even if you had been stunned the shield probably would have held up. Better increase the conductivity a tad though. That supply of clouds shouldn't last them longer than another eighteen seconds if they continue firing at this rate... Ah, a feint to distract me from the boulder coming through the clouds. Whoops! Almost didn't form a lip fast enough to keep it from skidding into the crowd. Slide it down gently. There I go. Has Spot Weld noticed that the part of the shield she is working is still an insulator? Better drop the opacity a tad just to be sure her horn is still in the right place. Better check the back too... Oh dear... I do hope the Cakes are bluffing... those barrel-hoops could form some nasty shrapnel. Fuse looks long enough though so if everypony else with line of effect to it started moving for cover about 15 seconds before they lit it, that should be enough of a safety margin. Better keep an eye on it. There may be gawkers at some window who could get a sliver of glass in their eye because they weren't part of the posse and didn't know what to expect... like most of the foals. At least the Cakes are far enough away from the fire that that chimney sweep built. Oh... no! I've lost already! How did that green pony get through?! Oh, Fluttershy, I'm sorry... I've failed you... Wait... where did he go? Ah... right... green! And there is Zecora standing next to a tiny hole she managed to dig. Better dust-proof the shield... Wish I had prioritized asking Pinkie how much gunpowder she had on hoof... still somepony else might have some for all I know, so it wouldn't have been a sure thing. They are trying to dig there way in over here. Good thing they are outside the drip-line of the tree or they would be hurting its roots... even more fortunate that they aren't anywhere near the water and sewer lines. Wonder if that is just probability or if they planned it that way? In any case, extending the shield into the ground is easy enough, a few rocks, but nothing I can't part easily enough. There is Allie Way. Oh dear, I don't think those bowling balls will be much use after this, but I can't risk softening the shield. The weather ponies are coating the shield in fog... that will make everypony's job harder, both mine and their's. Hope they don't hurt themselves getting in each other's ways. Sight is useless for the moment, except near that fire. Time for other senses. Eyes closed. Ears swiveling, don't try to lock onto any one sound, hear everything, especially the softer stuff. Thump from near the explosive charge. Probably another barrel of gunpowder. Shore up the shield, but I don't hear the fuse. Better stay near it just in case. Can't afford to patrol. Link shield to body at a three hundred to one ratio for kinetic, five hundred to one for electrical, and a thousand to one for thermal. There is the warm spot from from Spot Weld's torch on my left flank, and that tingle like a rain made of sparks must be the lightning bolts. No pattern to it, so probably no coordinated assault. Oof! I felt that, like a buck from Applebloom... or at least Scootaloo, had some sharpness to it, like scrabbling claws. Eyes open for just a second... yeah, that is the back end of a cart full of scrap metal. They must have managed to put the harnesses on backwards so they could ram load-first... why didn't I hear it? Oh, I only heard one singer. The other must have been using a hush-spell targeted on the cart itself. Nothing like a cough to ruin a dramatic caesura in a musical piece, so it makes sense they would know it. Oh, there is the fuse! I guess we really are near the end after all... they are clearing the fog... good gracious, that is a lot of barrels! And from the opposite side... no mistaking that buzz... Scootaloo!?! She could be hurt by arcing debris when this detonates... so could some of the ponies who think that half an inch of wood counts as hard cover against something this big! Drop most of the shield, except for just enough integrity to make it look like it is at full strength. Cut the shield to body link. Give Scootaloo a soft area to hit. Wrap the explosives in an open topped truncated cone with the narrow end downward. Three times the height of the tree? Better make it five! Harder! Harder!! Soften it just enough for toughness. Start laying on weak disks above it along the length of the cone. Better cap the bottom with a hemisphere sliced through the dirt... Here it comes...!!! BOOM!!!!