//------------------------------// // Snow White // Story: Fairy Tales From Equestria // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// Chapter 7 Fluttershy woke up in a comfortable bed, but was immediately concerned. Where is the music?! The chirps, squeaks, barks! Where are my animals?! The birdies and critters always wake me up by singing or making sounds! She got up out of bed and saw a book on her nightstand. Oh, yes, the story. Um... yay? She picked it up and opened it. A hologram shot out. "Oh my!" she thought she shouted, but actually spoke the way normal ponies do. I wonder what my story will be like? Fun, sad... romantic? "Your goal is to defeat your evil stepmother. She is Follow the rules and everypony is safe. Go!" She began reading the book and automatically loved it. Animals, dwarfs, flowers, outdoors... yay! She set down the book and then went outside. She picked flowers and put one in her mane. She played with butterflies and critters. A little bird whistled to her humming. They all harmonized and made wonderful music. Fluttershy went back inside and got a picnic basket ready. This is going to be a great afternoon. Or at least she thought. A sudden shout caused Fluttershy to cringe and take cover under the table. She couldn`t tell what it said, but it was mad. "FLUTTERSHY! GET IN HERE NOW! YOU HAVE CHORES TO DO!" Fluttershy remembered the voice, but didn`t know who it belonged to. It`s definitely a mare. She sounds mean. Trixie, Queen Chrysalis, Shadow Bolts leader... wait Shadow Bolts leader. Suddenly it dawned on her. "Shadow bolts. The mare is...is...is... N-Nightmare Moon!" She desperately grabbed for her neck, but knew that even if she did have the element on, it wouldn`t help because it was about friendship. You can`t have friendship with one pony. "FLUTTERSHY!" shouted Nightmare Moon. She galloped in the direction of the voice. She ended up in the living room. "Finally! It`s not good to keep a queen waiting!" Queen? "You have chores! Here is your list you imbecile!" I might be easily scared, shy and quiet, but Fluttershy is not, I repeat not STUPID! Her lessons from Iron Will took over her. "I AM NOT STUPID! YOU ARE EVIL, MEAN, RUDE AND I`LL SAY IT AGAIN... EVIL!" Fluttershy meant every word, but she still felt really bad. "I mean... um... sorry. I`ll go do my chores." She whispered and then grabbed the list of chores. Nightmare Moon was just about ready to kill her, but she got what she wanted and she made her stepdaughter mad so she was ultimately happy. The two ponies left the room. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who`s the fairest of them all?" The mirror processed what Nightmare Moon said. "Queen Luna, you are still the fairest of them all." She smiled wickedly. "Was there ever any doubt?" She walked out of her room and went on to continue her day. Fluttershy swept the floor and sighed. I could have been having a picnic with my animal friends, but instead I`m sweeping. No, don`t get upset Fluttershy, be happy! Hey! Singing makes me happy! She started singing softly. "Greatest pet in the world for me~ Let the games begin~!" Soon a phoenix flew in the window. "Oh my gosh! A phoenix! I`ve only seen a few of you up close!" Fluttershy said happily. The bird sat on the table and looked at Fluttershy. It wants me to do something. She looked at it and she thought that it might be dancing. Why would you dance if there`s no music? Oh, music. She wants me to sing! "She`s trying hard doing what she can~ Won`t you try, just give it a chance~ You might find that you start to understand~!" The phoenix smiled and flew up onto Fluttershy`s shoulder. She finished sweeping and then cleaned the dishes. The phoenix put the dishes away for her. "I will name you Tia, after Princess Celestia." The bird flew around the room and then once again continued helping Fluttershy. She moved on and did more chores with her new friend. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who`s the fairest of them all?" The mirror once again processed her question and then said "Fluttershyisthefairestoneofthemall." She couldn`t tell what he said. "Hmmm?" "Fluttershy is the fairest of them all." Nightmare Moon thought she misheard again. "You didn`t say that it`s Fluttershy, right?" "R-Right." She looked at the guilty mirror. "LIES!" She punches the mirror with all her might, but it doesn`t break because it`s magic. "She cannot be the fairest in the land! I will stop it! I`m the best! I`m in power! I AM QUEEN!" She then started laughing evilly. The mirror was scared. I`m a mirror and she still scares me. I hope Fluttershy will be okay. Also, I hope Queen Luna doesn`t do something that she`ll regret. "My lead huntsman Rainbow Dash, I have something important for you." I`m the lead huntsman! Too bad that it`s for Nightmare Moon. "You will need to lure Fluttershy into the forest and then kill her. Bring me proof that you killed her." What?! K-Kill Fluttershy! "I-I can`t do that!" Nightmare Moon grimaced at her. "You can and you will. Now go!" She shoved a knife in Rainbow`s hoof and sent her off. I have to kill Fluttershy. If I don`t do what I`m told, I will die. I will have to figure out whether or not it`s worth it at the forest. She allowed herself to cry softly. Somepony will die. I finally finished my chores. Yay! Fluttershy grabbed her picnic basket and ran outside. She ran to the clearing right before you enter the forest. There was a little pond there too. She decided that this was the perfect spot. "Ahahahaha~!" she sang. The birds, critters, bugs and other animals gathered around. "Hello friends! Come enjoy a nice meal!" She took out a very large salad, trail mix, some bread, apples and a cake she had baked earlier. They all ate happily. When they were done,the animals played while Fluttershy watched. I love hanging out with my animal friends! She hugged them and then decided that she might take a brisk walk through the forest. She had just put one hoof into the forest when a blue blur flew by. It spun and then hit a tree. Fluttershy got closer and then saw that there was some rainbow hair. "Rainbow Dash!" She pulled Rainbow out of the tree and hugged her. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" Rainbow nodded. "Y-yes." Fluttershy knew something was up. "Are you okay Dashie?" Rainbow looked at her. I want to tell you everything and see what you think! What would I say? I`m going to kill you or I will die, what should I do? "I`m fine, let`s walk." They started walking, but it was hardly enjoyable because Fluttershy was scared of everything. "Ah! What was that?!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "A leaf." Fluttershy blushed. "Oh." Rainbow grabbed the knife from her pocket of her huntsmen uniform and looked at Fluttershy. She saw the knife and flew up. "Wha- why?! Knives equal danger!" Fluttershy looked frantically into Rainbow Dashes eyes. "I- I have to... k-kill you. The queen sent me." Fluttershy fell back onto the ground. She started hyperventilating. "I have to kill you or I will die! I have to choose what to do! She expects you to be dead!" Fluttershy processed this. "I can.." She didn`t know what to say. Rainbow sensed her fear and sadness. She grabbed Fluttershy, held her in a tight embrace and then said the perfect plan in one simple word. "Run." She flew away as fast as she could. She flew faster than her regular wing power. "Wait!" Fluttershy stopped short and looked at Rainbow. "If you die out there, you die in real life, don`t hurt yourself. I`ll say I killed you and give her some guts and stuff. I can get that from the animals." Fluttershy gasped. "...animals?" Rainbow Dash frowned and looked at her. The look in her eyes says 'I`m doing what I have to do'. Fluttershy flew away and didn`t look back. It`s so dark and scary out here. I think I saw a few timberwolves. I better be careful. She walks a little farther, but was so deep in thought that she tripped and fell. "Ah!" She looked around and saw that nopony was there. Phew. Fluttershy looked up and saw a small cottage. This sorta looks like my house back home. She knocks on the door, but hears no response. "Hello?" She pushes on the door and it opens. "Um... hello." Still no reply. She walks in and sees that nopony is home. She sees a large table with food on it and grabs some. "This isn`t kind at all." She puts the meat down, but then her stomach growls loudly. "Well, maybe just a little bit." She grabs a tiny bit from each plate. She was just beginning to walk to the door when she yawned. "I`m so tired... maybe I could sleep here." She flies upstairs and then walks into the bathroom. "Umm... nope." She walks up to the next door and opens it. She notices that the room has seven beds. "That explains why there were so many place settings. Seven ponies much live here. I should probably leave." She turns to leave, but collapses. She has walked for many miles to get here. "I should sleep, but what if I anger them or they come home, see me and I startle them. What if they tell Celestia?! She could banish me to somewhere. She could also put me in a dungeon! What if she puts me in a dungeon at the place she banishes me too?!" Fluttershy decided to leave, but once again fell and she could hear the bad calling loudly. I am so tired. She laid down on a bed and fell asleep very soon. Oh, Celestia forgive me. Seven little fillies walked into their cottage. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Babs Seed, Ruby Pinch, Sunny Daze and Tootsie Flute sat down at their dining table. "Hey! Who took my food?!" shouted Scootaloo. She glared at Sunny Daze. "I bet that it was you!" Sunny got mad. "Have you noticed that everypony is missing food! Somepony came in our house and took our food!" Scootaloo felt stupid. She got up and bonked her head on the wall. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle jumped up from her seat and made a mad dash to the stairs. "I hear somepony!" Ruby Pinch rolled her eyes. "We are ponies. And we`re talking." Applebloom frowned at Ruby. "Ah bet that she was talkin` `bout hearing somepony upstairs! Not down here!" Tootsie Flute stood up and shouted. "STOP IT! LET`S GO UPSTAIRS AND BEAT UP THE PONY WHO STOLE OUR STUFF! BICKERING DOESN`T SOLVE ANYTHING!" Everypony calmed down, said their sorrys and ran upstairs. Fluttershy was sleeping so deeply that she hadn`t heard the ponies downstairs. She did however wake up when said ponies barged into the bedroom preparing for battle. "Why are you little fillies here?! It`s much too dangerous in the woods!" The fillies were a little bit more aggravated. "One, we`re full grown mares, just small!" said Babs. "Two, you er the one who ran into a strangers home!" Applebloom stated in an agitated tone. "Three, YOU SNUCK INTO OUR HOME, STOLE OUR FOOD AND SLEPT IN OUR BEDS!" shouted Scootaloo. They sound like full grown mares! Then, suddenly, she realized that Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Babs Seed had their cutie marks. They`re not lying! "Umm... I- I... sorry." she said quietly. She got off the bed and prepared to leave. Ruby put her hoof out in a way that says 'Stop'. Fluttershy stopped and looked down at the 'mares'. Sunny Daze cleared her throat and then said "You can`t leave until you tell us why." Fluttershy stared at her with confusion. "Why what?" Sweetie Belle sighed. "Do I have to spell it our for you?! Why are you in the forest? Why did you break into our house? Why did you eat our food? Why did you sleep in our beds? Why do you look familiar?" Fluttershy sorted her answers and quickly responded shyly. "No. I was going to be murdered. I thought it was vacant... and cozy. I was starving. I walked many miles to get here. I`m not sure, but I`m a princess." I think I am at least. They processed this and then Applebloom said "Okay! You can stay! As long as you clean for us, cook our food and take care of us." Fluttershy was very grateful. "That sounds great!" She started singing happily and then jumped back into bed and slept some more. The ponies left the room quietly and tried to figure out if that really just happened. "She`s dead." Rainbow Dash said sadly. "Perfect, PERFECT!" She hopped up and down like a little filly, but quickly collected herself. "Show me proof." Rainbow dash handed her some animal guts and blood in a bag. Queen Luna inspected it thoroughly. "The guts are smaller than I would have thought, but you have all this blood and I can clearly tell that you are sad." She sent her off and Rainbow Dash couldn`t help, but think of Fluttershy. I hope Fluttershy`s okay and that 'she`s dead' is not true. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who`s the fairest of them all?" "Fluttershy." Anger flooded over her. "THAT IMBECILE HAS DECEIVED ME! FLUTTERSHY MUST DIE! YOU CAN`T SEND A HUNTSMAN TO DO A QUEEN`S JOB!" She stormed out of the room and devised an evil plan. Fluttershy had been with the 'mares' for about a week and she loved it there and she loved hanging out with them. They had played outside everyday and would play with the animals around their home. She cooked and cleaned happily for them. "Hello Fluttershy! We should go in the pond today!" said Sunny Daze excitedly. Fluttershy smiled at her and said "That sounds fun! Yay!" She tried to sound loud, but it came out like a normal pony would speak. They gathered up the others and ran/flew/teleported outside. "Last pony to the pond is a Cranky Doodle Donkey!" shouted Babs Seed. The went as fast as they could and Scootaloo won due to her love of speed. "CANNON BALL~!" sang Sweetie Belle loudly. She jumped into the pool and the others followed. By the end of the cannon balls, Fluttershy was drenched in water. "I`m going to get you for this!" Fluttershy whisper screamed. She used her wing to shoot large amounts of water at her friends. "Good one!" shouted Ruby Pinch. Tootsie Flute whistled for her. "Umm... thanks." Fluttershy whispered while blushing due to the sudden attention to her. All of them joined in a big group hug. They swam a little bit more and then went back to their cottage. This was a fun day. Queen Luna placed an apple into a black cauldron filled with a green liquid. "Fluttershy, Fluttershy in the forest. You will die sooner than you think." She picked up the poisoned apple and put it on top of a basket full of other apples. "You bite the apple and I stay the fairest of them all. This is MY happy ending! Screw that yellow coated pony!" She stomped her hoof down on the ground in anger/excitement. "AH HA HA HA HA!!" She laughed evilly. This will be a fun day. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Who could that be? Fluttershy opened the door and saw an old mare. "Would you like an apple missy?" asked the old mare. Fluttershy beamed. "Yes! I mean um... yes... I would like an apple." The old mare placed an apple in Fluttershy`s hoof. She gladly took a bite. "Mmmmm..." I- I feel dizzy. The world spun around her and then everything went black. Queen Luna used her magic to transform back into her normal form. "AH HA HA HA HA! FLUTTERSHY IS NO LONGER A PROBLEM TO ME! I AM THE FAIREST MARE IN THE LAND!" "Hey, where`s Fluttershy?" asked Scootaloo. "I don`t know." said Tootsie Flute. Sweetie Belle grabbed both of them. "We don`t know where Fluttershy is! THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING!" Babs Seed looked at her and said "You sound a lot like your older sister Rarity." Sweetie Belle was both offended and flattered. She thought about what to say and then decided that one word would be easier. "Meh." "Shut up everypony, we must find Fluttershy!" said Sunny Daze. They ran around the house and then decided to look outside. They looked around the house and then spotted her laying down under a tree. "Fluttershy~!" sang Sweetie Belle. They all ran over to her, but were very surprised with what they found. "I- IS SHE D- DEAD?!" shouted Apple Bloom frantically. She put her head to Fluttershy`s chest and then heaved a sigh of relief. "She`s alive, I can hear her heart beating. She`s probably in a coma. Wait... SHE`S PROBABLY IN A COMA!" She started hyperventilating. Scootaloo slapped her. "CALM DOWN! I know this sucks, but we need to remain calm!" They grabbed Fluttershy and lugged her back into teh cottage and set her down on the couch. Apple Bloom began building a case to keep Fluttershy in while she slept due to her skills in building and decorating. Babs Seed helped her. "Poor Fluttershy." They finished the case and then decorated it with flowers. They placed Fluttershy inside and then said they`re goodbyes just incase she didn`t wake up or died during the coma. They were all crying hysterically when they heard the sound of a pony coming towards them. They braced for something evil, but instead appeared a prince. "Hello, I am Prince Time Turner. I was taking a walk through the forest and then I stumbled too deep into the forest and ended up here." He stepped closer and saw that there was a beautiful mare inside a glass case. "Who is this delightful mare?" Scootaloo stepped forward and then said "Her name is Fluttershy and she is in a.. c- coma. We think that it had to do with that wretched queen." He looked sympathetically at them and then said "I would have loved to meet her. May I see her?" They nodded and removed the cover. Prince Time Turner looked at Fluttershy`s soft yellow coat and the wave of her pink mane. "She`s... gorgeous." He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. Her eye began to open and a smile grew on her face. "Hey." she said softly. "Hello." They smiled at each other and the kissed again. "I know this is fast, but will you... ya know... be my queen?" Married?! I just met him! I just woke up from a coma! I haven`t gone on a date with him yet! ...he`s handsome. What does that have to do with anything! Stupid brain. "Yes." Where did that come from?! Well, he is a prince. She smiled and then hugged him. Then, the world went black and the main six once again gathered in the center of the blackness. "Yay! I made it through the story! ...oh... we have to pass the next course. Boo!" said Fluttershy. They all group hugged and prepared for what lies ahead. A hologram appeared and said "Your final story will be a battle of good versus bad. You will have to defeat your evilest foes and survive. If you make it through than you will go back to your normal life. GO!" the world disappeared and the hardest story begins.