We Rule the Night

by Solar Flare

Chapter 5, Unrest

Chapter 5: Unrest

Applejack nervously paced back and forth in front of the hospital. It had been at least an hour since Big Mac had been admitted, but to her, it seemed like days.

Finally, the door slid open and Nurse Redheart stepped outside. Applejack ran up to her.

“Is he okay?” She asked frantically.

Redheart took off her nurse’s cap and dabbed at her forehead. “He’s gonna be alright, but he won’t be back to work for a long time. Half his ribs on his right side are broken and he has some minor internal injuries. He’s lucky; a smaller pony wouldn’t have survived that.”

Applejack breathed a sigh of relief.

“That being said,” Redheart continued, “Whoever this Redstar pony is, something about him isn’t natural. Macintosh is the strongest stallion I know, nopony should have been able to send him sprawling like that. You don’t suppose that nonsense about Nightmare Moon…?”

Applejack took off her hat with a somber look. “A couple days ago, Princess Celestia asked me and my friends to check out somethin’ over in the old lands. She seemed to reckon there was some folks to do with Nightmare Moon.”

“Is that why some of your friends weren’t at the town meeting?”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow went trottin’ off. I thought they was chasing pony-tails, but I ain’t so sure now.”

Redheart sighed and so did AJ.


Spike wished he could at least send Twilight a letter, telling her what happened. Of course, the only pony he could send letters to was Princess Celestia.

He supposed that would have to do.

Spike quickly assembled a quill, ink and scroll and scribbled down a letter recanting the day’s events, the strange pony, the odd news he had brought with him, and what had happened to AJ’s brother.

He opened a window, took a deep breath and blew a few embers of green fire on the scroll. It disappeared in a puff of smoke and blew away.

Spike stood there for a couple minutes, awaiting a letter back. He felt it in his stomach and belched, another scroll appearing in the resulting fire.

He opened it and read.

I thank you for taking the time to write to me about the events that transpired in Ponyville.
I do not recognize the name Redstar, and it may be an alias, but whoever he may be, he must be brought to justice.
If what he says is true, then this is grim news. If you find a way to send a letter to Twilight, please do so. I need to speak with her soon.
Your Princess,

Spike sighed, thought for a moment and scribbled down another letter. He blew it out the same window and patiently waited.

Before he knew it, he burped up the same letter, gave it a quick glance, and breathed fire on it again.

He knew what he was trying to do, but it wasn’t working. Every time he sent the letter, the princess returned it.

It wasn’t for her, but Spike hoped it’s intended recipient would get it before it was too late.


Twilight felt herself being gruffly shaken awake. She opened her eyes. All around her, he friends were being woken as well, in the same room that Chancellor Butterscotch had put them in the night before.

“Get up, unicorn, come on, the Chancellor wants a word with you.” The mare that had woken Twilight said, a note of distaste in her voice.

“Alright, I’m moving. You don’t have to be so rude.” Rarity complained from across the room.

Hood was already up and had his cape on and Elderberry and Solar Flare stood beside him, looking displeased. Clearly they had been woken in a similar manner.

The pony attempting to wake Rainbow Dash seemed to be having problems doing so. Twilight roused Rainbow and the all were escorted back into the main room of the long hall, where Chancellor Butterscotch waited for them.

Without exchanging greetings, Butterscotch began to speak.

“I’ve given it some thought, Equestrians. While I may know nothing of the cult which you have spoken of, perhaps the leaders of the other tribes will. So, I will send my best diplomats with you to speak with them. If we can come to an understanding about these, er… Wendegos, then perhaps we may finally be able to stop this blizzard, and you may be able to find what it is you seek.”

Twilight bowed respectfully. “Thank you. It’s a great thing you’re doing, for yourselves, and for Equestria.”

Butterscotch introduced Twilight to her diplomats, and they spent some time discussing the best way to approach the tribes. The pegasi, they decided, would be the most difficult.

Wintergreen, one of the earth pony diplomats explained. “We aren’t at war with either of the other tribes, but the pegasi almost act like we are. They are temperamental, and their leader, Commander Northwind, is highly unpredictable.

“The only way I could see attempting to contact the pegasi is to send one of you,” He indicated Solar Flare and Rainbow Dash, “ahead to speak with them.”

Solar and Rainbow exchanged glances.

“As for the unicorns, they should prove more approachable. While they may tend to be a bit arrogant, they may be persuaded to listen to us.”

“Then we should probably talk to the pegasi first. If we prove to the unicorns that we made peace with Commander Northwind, then they’ll most likely give us a chance, if only to make themselves look like the bigger ponies.”

“Then it’s decided. We can leave at once if you’d like, it should only take a few hours walk to reach the Pegasus tribe.”

Twilight and her friends agreed, bundled themselves in some rustic fur clothes that had been provided (much to Rarity’s distaste) and set off into the cold again.


Spike belched once more, marking the return on his letter again. He was growing endlessly frustrated. The princess must have returned his letter two dozen times now. His stomach hurt from all the effort and he decided to take a break.

He would check on AJ and Macintosh he decided, and trotted out of the library, the scroll still gripped in his claw.

The town had resumed its usual pace, the shopkeepers and cart workers dealing with customers, but Spike could almost feel the tension in the air.

As he passed Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie called him inside. He entered to find Fluttershy and AJ there as well.

“Applejack! How’s Big Macintosh doing?” He asked.

“Nurse says he’ll make it, but he’s in a bad way. Big Mac’s tough though, he’ll push through.”

“I’m gonna throw him a great big get well party as soon as he’s out of the hospital!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Then we’re gonna find that mean old meany pants Redstar, and- hey, what’s that?”

She pointed at the scroll Spike was still carrying.

“I’ve been trying to send this to Twilight all day. I can never get the magic right and it goes to the princess.” Spike explained.

“It’s great that you would try to help Spike, I wish there was some way we could help…” Fluttershy said glumly.

“I’ll get it right eventually. So, uh, do you guys think there was anything to what Redstar was saying?”

“I hope not! I mean, Nightmare Moon is like the meanest pony ever!” Pinkie cried. “I mean, I know Princess Luna isn’t mean, even if she is a little scary, but Nightmare Moon really is mean!”

“We beat her once, if we have to, we can beat her again.” Applejack said with determination.

“Oh, I wish we wouldn’t have to, I mean, I wish we could just talk to her, and maybe she would listen to us?” Fluttershy said quietly.

“I kinda doubt it, sugarcube.”

Spike looked at the ground. He missed his friends who had left. He missed Twilight, who would know what to do in a time like this. He missed Rainbow Dash, who wouldn’t be afraid of anything, even if Nightmare Moon walked right up to Ponyville. Despite himself, he missed Rarity the most. Just having her around made him feel stronger, in case he needed to fight for her, like he did against the diamond dogs.


Celestia and Luna were alone in the throne room, and the room was sealed magically to prevent eavesdroppers.

“Don’t you think this seems a bit… Prepared?” Luna asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, we get reports from the old lands, which we practically never got before, send out some of the ponies who are in tune with the elements of harmony, and then we start getting letters from all over Equestria about black ponies talking about Nightmare Moon. That seems an odd chain of coincidences.”

Celestia thought about it for a long time. Luna was right. While it seemed impossible that Nightmare Moon could have returned to Equestria without her knowledge, nothing should be rules out.

Even at that, then where could she have possibly been? Nowhere seemed likely, and it would have been impossible for her to simply appear out of thin air. She would have needed help.

“Big sister?”

“Yes, Luna?”

“This is my fault isn’t it?”

Celestia looked at Luna. Her little sister looked on the verge of tears. Even though she was thousands of years old and a princess of the greatest nation in the world, she was still practically a filly. The life of an alicorn was strange, and Luna had had a singularly difficult one.

“Of course not, little sister. How could it be your fault?”

“Well, I mean, it was my pettiness that caused Nightmare Moon to exist in the first place. If I had just been patient and learned to love myself like you loved me, then none of this would be happening. You… Aren’t still mad at me are you?”

Celestia laid her neck across her sister’s. “I was never mad at you Luna.”

The two royal sisters were silent for a long time.


Redstar slowed down as he ascended toward the stone ruin deep in the Everfree Forest. Although now, it was less of a ruin. Ponies of all kinds labored to rebuild the ancient palace. Redstar swooped down through a hole in the roof and landed gracefully before his mistress.

She looked at him with a mix of pity and distaste. His snout was shattered, but he ignored it and bowed before his queen, ever-faithful.

“I take it you were met with opposition.”

“Minimal, your majesty. I was able to convince the ponies of Ponyville that descent was not something we would tolerate.”

“You have done well, Redstar.”

“With all due respect your majesty, why do we bide time? Surely your inevitable defeat of the sun tyrant will prove our power to Equestria?”

Nightmare Moon looked at the sky. It was midday, although one couldn’t tell from the ever present blanket of clouds above the Everfree Forest. “We are not ready. My power grows every day as I drain the magic from this place. The creatures of the Everfree Forest make good allies, but we need more ponies. We are sure to be met with resistance at first and we need an army to maintain. Celestia’s greatest folly was in that she never built one.”

“You are truly a genius and a wonder, your majesty.” Redstar said, his voice thick due to his broken nose.

“I know, I know. Now, go get that snout fixed. I can’t have the leader of my army talking like a mule.”

Redstar thanked her and flew off. Despite the throbbing pain in his face, he was pleased. His mistress was growing in power, the strange creatures of Everfree had grown to like her, and soon, they would march on Equestria.

All was going better than he could have hoped for.

He remembered back, two years before, when this plan had started to form in his mind.


All of Canterlot and most of Equestria was present at Princess Luna’s return. The great evil that had turned their day to night had been vanquished, Celestia had been returned safely and her little sister could finally take her rightful place.

However, one pony, a muscular red earth pony watched with a quiet anger. He had wanted the night. He had seen it coming. He knew Nightmare Moon would return at the Summer Sun celebration, to plunge the world into eternal night.

He had wanted this. He had wanted this ever since he read about it, predicted it and prepare for it.

He had poured himself into researching crops that grow without the sun. He had researched how a pony could get their supply of the vitamins the sun provided and how the could survive without the sun.

And now, all his hard work was for naught. He glared at the six young upstarts who had defeated Nightmare Moon, who he had been so excited to finally see on the balcony in town hall in Ponyville.

He quietly left and walked for a long time. He walked, and walked until he finally reached the edge of the Everfree Forest. And then he walked some more.

He found his way down a steep cliff that looked like it had only recently suffered a landslide. He crept past a sleeping manticore, not wanting to awake the feared beast. He stopped once to speak with a friendly and flamboyant sea serpent and then continued to walk. Finally, he reached a rickety old rope bridge and crossed carefully.

Once across, he discovered the ruins of what was once an enormous palace. We walked inside carefully, wary of falling bricks.

A huge monolith decorated the center of what was once the throne room. He inspected it for a while and then continued to explore the ruin, climbing a spiraling stone staircase. At the top, he discovered another, smaller throne room.

The air was ripe with magic. It made him feel good, even though he wasn’t a unicorn. At the other end of the room, he found something.

Tattered strips of blue cloth were scattered around the floor. He nudged one with his hoof and felt a strange thrill run through him. A voice whispered something in his mind.

I need your help…

The stallion frantically looked about. He was utterly alone. He nudged one of the cloth strips again and the voice once again whispered to him.

My crown was stolen from me again.

It was clear to him now that the voice was coming from the cloth. He was a little scared, but placed his hoof over the cloth and held it, the strange affecting every fiber of his being.
You want to help me, I know it. You are a good pony, a smart pony. I have a task for you. Gather likeminded ponies. Bring them to me, and I will tell them what they must do. Avoid detection. If the sun tyrant discovers our plans, all will be lost.

It was clear to him now. The voice he was hearing was Nightmare Moon. She was speaking to him, and she wanted his help. A shiver ran through him, a pleasant one.

All his study and preparation would not have gone to waste. He had his chance now, to help his queen back to Equestria. A maniacal grin crossed his face.

Then and there he devised a plan. Under a new name he would work. Bramble Thornhoof no longer existed. He would spread rumors that he had been eaten by an Ursa in the Everfree Forest. From now on, he would call himself Redstar.

When he got home to Hoofington, he cropped his long mane off and dyed it from pale yellow to brown. He used red dye to hide his cutie mark, a bundle of wheat, and then dyed a new pattern on his flank. A pitch black star.

He made himself a black, hooded cloak. Then, he began his work. He traveled across Equestria, sending any ponies who would listen to the palace in the Everfree Forest. He couldn’t know how many would make it through the treacherous place, but he hoped that Nightmare Moon would guide them unto her.

He returned to that place. Dozens of ponies were inside. They had built their own community inside.

Nightmare Moon’s disembodied voice spoke to him, and he relayed her words to his new followers. They obeyed his every word.

Redstar’s plan was intricate, and took much time to prepare. Rumors were spread that somepony was trying to cause trouble in the old lands. It was the perfect plan.

It finally came to a head when Nightmare Moon was raised. And here they were. The apex was drawing close.


“You are traiters to your very kind.” Commander Northwind snarled. He was a bulky grey Pegasus and he wore his ceremonial armor wherever he went. Now, he floated just above the ground in a war room, two Equestria pegasi before him, proposing some insane peace treaty.

“No, we’re not! What would be worse, making friends with the earth ponies and unicorns, or dying from the cold and hunger?” Solar Flare shot back with equal ferocity.

“The pegasi have survived this long on our own merits. We do not need help from those half-witted dirt crawlers and stuck-up magical freaks.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. Arguing with Commander Northwind was like trying to put rain back into a cloud.

“In Equestria we all survive because we work together! Without any of the three kinds of ponies then our homeland would still be a frozen wasteland like this one!” Solar Flare shouted. He was somewhat surprised Northwind hadn’t commanded them to leave yet, but they weren’t getting anywhere regardless.

“Well that is wonderful for you. But this is not Equestria. We don’t solve our problems with words, we solve them with steel. If we wanted peace, we would have it!” Northwind shouted, slamming a hoof down on the table.

“Making peace with war. How does that even make sense?” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“If your ancestors hadn’t abandoned their tribe, you would have grown up understanding how.”

Solar Flare was ready to rip his mane out. Northwind was, without doubt, the single most stubborn pony he had ever had to deal with.

“So what exactly are we supposed to tell Chancellor Butterscotch?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Tell her that if she wants peace, she will have to earn it. I have no respect for peace-lovers. The pegasi were, are, and always shall be ponies of war.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to say something else, but Solar Flare nudged her with his hoof.

“Let’s just go. There’s no dealing with this one.” The two flew quietly from the room.

As they approached the great door to the castle, another armored pegasi blocked their path. This one was older than Northwind and his chin and snout were coated with stubble.

“What now?” Solar Flare demanded, his patience worn thin.

“Calm, friend. I only wish to speak with you.” The pony said. His voice was calm and level.

“About what? Northwind already said you guys had nothing to offer us.” Rainbow Dash said.

The pony looked from side to side, as if searching for eavesdroppers. “He was wrong. He might not be willing to help, but I am. And my comrades will be as well.” He said in a hushed tone.

“Who are you?”

“My name is commander Windtrot. If you’ll come with me, I can explain everything somewhere safe.”

Rainbow Dash and Solar Flare exchanged glances, but followed Windtrot. He seemed trustworthy enough.

Windtrot led them to another war room. There, a map of the old lands was laid across the table, with blue, red and brown flags scattered across it. Solar Flare gave it a quick glance then returned his attention to their host.

“I listened in on your conversation with Northwind.” Windtrot began, gazing out a frosted over window.

“Wasn’t much of a conversation.” Rainbow Dash said quietly.

“Indeed. Northwind is known for his hatred for the other tribes, it was a foal’s errand attempting to negotiate with him.”

“You brought us here to tell us something, so spill it. Our friends are freezing their hooves off waiting for us.”

“I know, I know. As I said, Northwind won’t help you. This is fact. But my companions and I know about the founding of Equestria. We know about the wendegos, the fire of friendship, the alicorns, everything. This blizzard has been raging for three thousand years, due in no small part to Northwind’s ancestors and their thoughtless hate and distrust.”

“You can help us?!” Solar Flare asked, excited. This was good, even if Northwind was a foal, maybe Windtrot would be enough.

“Yes. I want this blizzard to end. We have found ways to survive, but mere survival is hardly a pleasant prospect. Ending a feud this great is not easily done. I will need the support of both Chancellor Butterscotch and Queen Silver Hoof. Butterscotch’s aid is secured, but Silver Hoof is equally important.”

“We were going to talk to her next.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Then I will begin preparations.”

Solar Flare waved a hoof. “Wait a second. Preparations for what?”

Windtrot gave him a questioning look. “You don’t expect Northwind to simply bend his knee and declare the war over? No. I’m afraid that for a war to end, a war will have to be fought.”

“Wait, wait, this is exactly what we’re trying to prevent! We can’t just attack anyone who doesn’t agree with us! That’s how this all started!” Rainbow Dash cried.

“True. But sometimes things must end the way they began. You underestimate me, young mare, and you underestimate the “companions” of which I speak. Unrest had been rampant amongst the pegasi for a long, long time. We never had much motivation to fight Northwind, as the other tribes were no friends to the rebels. Now that you are here, we have all that we need.”

Solar Flare considered it. “This isn’t what we came here for…”

“Maybe not, but these ponies need our help. We have a chance to stop this blizzard forever, and what would it make us to just leave them?” Rainbow argued.

Windtrot said nothing, but continued to gaze out the window.

“Let’s go talk to the others. Then we can figure out what to do.”

The two pegasi flew from the room without another word to Windtrot.

On their way out, they passed a soldier pony near the door, who gave them a strange look and then flew away.