Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special)

by thelastprime

Chapter 8

Jasper, Nevada...

It was around late afternoon, as Jack Darby had just finished his shift at KO Drive Through, the fast food joint he works at. He hadn't been able to focus too well at his job, be regardless still did it the best he could anyway.
As he began to walk towards his bicycle, the only other form of transportation before Arcee came into his life, a familiar ambulance pulled up to the parking lot where Jack's bike was resting. It was Ratchet.

But both the driver side door, and passenger door opened, and two people exited. Two people Jack knew, one was Agent Fowler, the other, his mother, June Darby, a nurse.

"Mom? Agent Fowler?" Jack asked in surprised.

"Hi honey, I finished my shift early at the hospital, and decided to come by right as you got off." June replied as she hugged her son. "Are you doing alright? I know this situation has been rough on you all."

"I'll be fine mom, but yeah, I'm still worried about Arcee and the other bots. It's been nearly 3 days now since they disappeared." Jack responded.

"Don't worry son," Agent Fowler said to the teen, "If I know Prime, he's probably doing everything he can to fix this issue, where ever he is."

"Indeed Agent Fowler." Ratchet added, still in vehicle form. "I have no doubt the others are in good hands with Optimus, though it's Wheeljack's brashness, and Smokescreen's inexperience I'm truly worried about. I WILL find them, rest assured."

"Truth be told, I'm worried about Arcee as well." June replied, "Like Jack said, she's become family."

"Mom?" Jack said in surprise.

"What? Oh right, you don't know about this, but Arcee and I have bonded pretty well while you were either at work, or at school. Whenever she would be in the garage and not fighting Decepticons, she and I would sometimes have some 'girl talk'. It's actually really nice to have another woman around to chat with when I'm home by myself." June said, then gave a wink.

Jack simply eyed his mother, with a puzzled look.

"I just hope you can find a way to get them back here soon, Ratchet." Fowler said to the Autobot medic.

"I, will do my best, and I will not give up until they are located." Ratchet said, as the three humans look on at the Autobot.

It has been several days since the Autobots arrived to the world of Equestria, and since then, thanks to Princess Celestia's welcome ceremony at Canterlot, the Autobots have become publically known to the entire kingdom. Princess Celestia had recommended that Optimus and his team stay in the nearby town of Ponyville. While the rest of the Bots accepted the offer, Wheeljack opted to stay with the Jackhammer still deep in the Everfree forest. He claimed it still needed repairs, which he wasn't lying, but at the same time, he wasn't much for crowds. Everywhere the Autobots went, they were hounded by the locals, asking them questions, and treating them like celebrities. As for Optimus himself, he and Twilight Sparkle would make daily trips to the Canterlot Library to research a way for them to return home.

As Smokescreen and Pinkie Pie walked down the street of Ponyville, they began discuss on a party to welcome the Bots to Equestria.

"THIS WILL BE THE BEST PARTY EVER!" Pinkie squealed as she hopped next to Smokescreen.

"Sounds like a lot of fun Pinkie. I love parties!" Smokescreen responded. "Well maybe not Optimus, Primes usually don't party."

"Aww, that's sad." Pinkie responded, "But I'm gonna make it extra special, that even Optimus will love it!"

"I'm sure you will." Smokescreen said, "Now let's see what this town has to offer!"

"We'll have Streamers and Cake and...Oh Wait a minute. Do robots eat cake?" Pinkie asked

"No, we kinda don't, sorry." Smokescreen answered.

"OH! Well...I'll see if we have any motor oil!" Pinkie giggled.

"I prefer Energon." Smokescreen responded.

"OKIE DOKIE LOKIE!" Pinkie beamed.

Smokescreen and Pinkie continued down their path to the party supply store, while only a couple of blocks away, Applejack had invited Bulkhead to accompany her to the market place to find some tools, supplies, and fertilizer for the farm. Being that he was one of the biggest, Bulkhead was certainly proving himself quite an inconvinience for all the pony shoppers and merchants.
Every where at the market place you'd hear "YIKES!" or "WATCH IT!" or "CRUNCH" or" MY KART!"

"Oops. Sorry, My Bad, Sorry again!" stammered Bulkhead as he fumbled around clumsily about, trying to stay out of everybody...or pony's way....He was having trouble with the terminology. He had brought a new meaning to his job as an Autobot "Wrecker." Applejack smiled slightly, as it was kind of funny to watch each time Bulkhead had one of his accidents.

"Don't you worry about it partner, They'll get over it. After all, ya didn't mean to do it." Applejack reassured the Wrecker.

The duo stopped by a melon cart and saw an old lady mare checking all the melons.

"Say, some melons would be mighty fine." Applejack said, as she began to tap, poke, and prod at some.

"Uhh, what are you doing AJ?" Bulkhead asked.

"Well You have to be picky this time of year if you want a ripe melon!" Applejack told them.

"Ripe one's are the good ones?" Bulkhead asked.

"There's nothing more tasty then a ripe melon! Well, maybe a ripe Red Delicious Apple, but that's beside the point." Applejack replied.

"How do you know if they're ripe or not?" asked Bulkhead.

"The soft shells!" Applejack answered.

With that Bulkhead picked up the whole cart, gently pressed ALL the melons. But even gently was enough to squash ALL of them. Melon juice sprayed everywhere.

"SAY! These Are ALL Good!" Bulkhead happily stated.

But then he saw the damage he had caused and all the angry stares directed at him.

"Scrap......" Bulkhead muttered. "I am SO DUMB!"

"Aw, don't be so hard on yourself big guy." Applejack reassured him.

After apologizes were made, Bulkhead glumly strode out of the market place with Applejack on his shoulder. Applejack eyed her new friend with sympathy. He didn't mean to cause such a mess. But then Applejack had an idea.

"I Got It!" How's about helping me over at the Farm?"

"Heh, I'll see what I can do AJ." Bulkhead said sheepishly.

Over at the front yard of Carousel Boutique, Arcee was put in a rather strange spot, as Rarity had her wrapped in a tape measure.
She was planning on giving the female Autobot a complete makeover, and a dress, much to Arcee's reluctance.

"Listen," Arcee said to the fashion unicorn, "I'm not exactly a glamour girl."

"Oh but you are so abolutely LOVELY my dear." Rarity responded, which Arcee couldn't help but feel slightly flattered.

"Now then, time for your makeup." The fashionista stated as she began levitating several items such as lipstick, eyeshadow, and powdered blush up to Arcee's face.

"Oh no...." Arcee muttered, as Rarity began applying makeup to her metal face.

Just as Rarity began working her magic, Smokescreen and Pinkie Pie happened to walk by and see the commotion.

"Ha, so what's going on here?" Smokescreen stated, as he watched Arcee's treatment, barely able to contain his laughter.

"Not now kid." Arcee seethed under her breath, as Rarity continued to work.

"Didn't take you for a dressup doll Cee." Smokescreen teased, as Pinkie Pie also giggled.

"If I hear another peep out of you, you'll be the first race car in Equestria with a permanent limp, got that?" Arcee threatened.

"Hey, lighten up, I'm just playing around. I mean, come on, you actually don't look that bad. In fact, you look kinda cute." Smokescreen said.

"You.... think so?" Arcee asked.

"Of course!" Pinkie Pie chimed in. "Your face looks like a parrot exploded on it, then exploded AGAIN!"

At this point, Smokescreen couldn't keep it together anymore, and began having uncontrollable fits of laughter.

"THAT'S IT!" Arcee yelled, "I'm kicking your Tailpipe all they way back to Iacon!"

"You gotta catch me first!" Smokescreen laughed as he transforms into his race car mode, as Pinkie hops into the driver seat, and he roars off.

"Oh who needs them anyway," Rarity said, "Let us continue."

Suddenly, a blue blur zipped by and landed in front of both Rarity and Arcee. Rainbow Dash stood panting in front of the duo.

"Dash?" Arcee asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"Arcee quick!" Rainbow Dash called out, "There's an emergency, I need your help."

"What kind of emergency?" Rarity asked also with a concerned look on her face.

"No time to explain! Arcee, you gotta come with me, NOW!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"But, I'm not finished with her makeover." Rarity complained.

"No time, we gotta go!" Rainbow Dash said again as she flies off toward the distance.

"Sorry Rarity, but duty calls." Arcee said as she transforms into her motorcycle form, and speeds off after Dash. "Hang on Dash, I'm right behind you."

After driving several miles out into a wooded area, Arcee sees Rainbow Dash land in an open meadow.

"Ok Dash, what's the emergency?" Arcee asked, as she transforms into robot mode.

"No emergency," Rainbow replied with a smirk on her face, "I just needed to get you away from Rarity. You didn't exactly look like you were having a good time being all dolled up. Believe me, I know that feeling."

Arcee looked at Rainbow Dash with a cocked brow.

"Well, that wasn't very nice." Arcee stated, "Heh, thanks kid. Good to know you have my back." She then smiled at the pony.

"Hey, no problem." Dash said as she flies up to Arcee's eye level. "So now that we're here, you wanna race?"

"I don't have any other plans, sure. Just be warned, I don't think you know what you're in store for." Arcee replied. She then transforms into her vehicle mode.

"That's the spirit." Rainbow Dash said as she readied herself.

"First one back to Ponyville is the winner." Dash said, "Ready, set.....GO!"

They take off at high speeds back towards Ponyville. At first the race had them neck and neck, until Arcee hits her overdrive, and takes the lead.

"Say, you're not bad, but no way you're beating me! I'm the fastest flier in all of Equestria." Rainbow Dash stated, as she suddenly inched forward towards the bot.

"Pretty impressive stuff Dash." Arcee said as she sees Rainbow Dash catch up to her in her side view mirrors. "Petal to the Metal!"

Arcee then shifts into a higher gear, and speeds off again.

"Oh no you don't!" Rainbow Dash says, as she soars over Arcee, then in a massive burst of speed, she jets forward, and suddenly, there seemed like an explosion.

A rainbow colored explosion suddenly propels Rainbow Dash forward with incredible lightning speed, as Arcee suddenly comes to a stop, transforms, and looks up at the sky, her jaw wide open.

Rainbow Dash then lands right next to Arcee, who was still in shock.

"Ha, you should see the look you have on your face right now." Dash laughed.

"How, wha? How did you do that? WHAT WAS THAT?" Arcee asked dumbfounded.

"That, my friend, is the Sonic Rainboom. It's a rainbow colored sonic boom which I'm the only one capable of pulling off. Guess I win. I mean, breaking the sound barrier and all."

"Interesting. I had no idea a flesh being like you can pull off something like that." Arcee said, still amazed at what had transpired.

"Don't take it personally, I trained hard to pull that off. It's not easy." Rainbow Dash explained.

"You're really something kid." Arcee said while smiling. "Your attitude reminds me, of an old friend of mine."

"Oh? who?" Dash asked.

"Cliffjumper. You're kind of like him. Brash, Bold, Confident, and never backed down from any challenge." Arcee explained.
"And like your pink friend, he was quite the chatterbox."

"He sounds really cool. So when do I get to meet him?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Arcee's attitude then changed to that of sadness.

"Are you ok?" Rainbow looked on with concern.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought up Cliff. It's a bit of a touchy subject." Arcee answered.

"Why not? Isn't he your friend? It's always a good thing to remember your friends." Rainbow Dash said.

"Something bad happened to him. Starscream happened." Arcee told the pegasus, "Starscream is a dangerous Decepticon, and formerly Megatron's second in command. Cliff was captured by the Cons, and murdered in cold blood by Scream's hands."

Rainbow Dash gasped, then looked at Arcee with sympathetic eyes.

"Oh no, Arcee, I... I'm so sorry to hear about that. And I'm really sorry to bring up a subject that brought you so much pain."

"It's alright kid. I learned sometimes talking about it helps with the recovery of loss." Arcee stated to the pegasus.

Rainbow Dash smiled at her new friend, as they begin to make their way back to Ponyville.

In the outskirts of Ponyville, by Fluttershy's cottage, Bumblebee and Fluttershy were taking a stroll through the meadow.

"Here Bumblebee," Fluttershy said to the bot, "take some of these seeds and sprinkle them over the plain."

Bumblebee replied with his electronic blips, and did as she said. He then sees different types of birds fly down from the trees as they began eating the seeds.

"That's right, eat up my feathered friends." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Here take these," Fluttershy said, as she places a number of acorns and nuts into Bee's hand.

"Kneel down a bit." She instructed, as Bee did so.

Before he knew it, several squirrels had climbed onto Bumblebee's hand and began to eat the nuts and acorns.

"Aww, I think they like you." Fluttershy said.

Bumblebee blipped and bleeped in his Cybertronian language.

"Of course, Bumblebee." Fluttershy responded to him, "You ARE getting rather good at this. It's always nice to make new friends."

After they had finished feeding Fluttershy's animals, Bumblebee looked at the direction of Ponyville. Ever since he and the others got there, he couldn't help but feel homesick while walking through the small town. It reminded him too much of Jasper, Nevada. Both were rural small towns in a backwater area. He began thinking about Raf, and how worried his human friend must be about him.

"Bumblebee? Are you alright?" Fluttershy's voice broke the Autobot's daze.

Bumblebee responded with his electronic tone.

"Oh, I see, you miss your home, and your friends don't you?"

Bumblebee nodded, with a sad look in his eye.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Twilight will find a way to send you home."

Then Fluttershy had a sad look on her face once she realized what she was saying.

Bumblebee also noticed this too, as he also began to feel a certain sadness. He had become rather close to the pony, much like his bond with Raf, saying goodbye to her will be just as hard.

"Let's not dwell on that right now." Fluttershy said, "And enjoy our time together."

Bumblebee bleeped in agreement.

"So tell me about your friend back home."

Bumblebee gave another electronic beep.

"His name is Raf? So what kind of pony is he? A pegasus like me? or a unicorn, or an earth pony?"

Bumblebee simply shook his head, and gave another electronic response.

"Oh so he's not a pony, well, is he a griffon, or a minotaur? or maybe he's a donkey, or mule."

Bumblebee thought it was about time to tell Fluttershy about who and what humans were.

In Canterlot....

Optimus Prime and Twilight Sparkle had spent some time now researching the royal library. Fortunately, the halls of the library were large enough for Optimus to fit in, as he and Twilight flipped through a number of books in the Star-Swirl the Bearded section.

"Hmm, this Star-Swirl the Bearded seems to be a well respected individual in your history." Optimus stated.

"Yes, indeed he is." Twilight responded, "If it weren't for him, modern unicorn magic probably wouldn't exist. We owe a lot to his studies."

"Very interesting." Optimus said back to the young alicorn, "His demeanor and research reminds me very much of my own mentor, Alpha Trion."

"Who's that?" Twilight asked.

"Alpha Trion was the one of the wisest, and oldest Cybertronians to ever exist, as well as one of the original Thirteen Primes of Cybertron. He was in charge of the Iacon Hall of records, the great library of my world. Much like this establishment here. The similarities are astonishing."

"Sounds wonderful. This Alpha Trion must have been a great Autobot."

"Indeed he was." Optimus answered, "He personally took me under his wing, before I became a Prime."

"Before you became a Prime? I don't understand." Twilight said with puzzlement.

"I was not always the leader of the Autobots. I was once Alpha Trion's apprentice, as an archivist. I studied under him for many millenia, long before the great war started on our world. It was during the great Golden Age of peace on Cybertron. Much how like your world is now." Optimus stated.

He couldn't help but admire the beauty, tranquility, and peace Equestria has to offer.

"How I wish such peace your world has, can be returned to Cybertron. However, Megatron and his Decepticons have made that impossible."

"I'm sorry to hear. It must have been awful to live through and fight in a war. I can't begin to imagine how that's like." Twilight Sparkle sadly stated. "So you were a librarian? I find that facinating. I guess we're not all that different you and I."

"No, I suppose not." Optimus said, with a smile to Twilight.

Hearing this, Twilight's admiration for Optimus increased.

"So what happened to Alpha Trion?" Twilight asked.

"I do not know his ultimate fate after the war broke out. Though I wished I did." Optimus responded.

Twilight could hear the sorrow in his voice. She felt great sympathy for him. She couldn't bear the thought of losing any of her friends in Ponyville, or losing her teacher, Princess Celestia.

"I'll do my best to help you Optimus. We'll find the spell to return you home." Twilight stated, "Though, a part of me wishes that you can stay here with us."

"I understand your feelings. I too wish I can stay in such a tranquil world, but we have our responsibilites back on Earth. We must protect humankind from Megatron."

"Well, our world also has it's evils. Before Princess Luna was redeemed, she was once known as Nightmare Moon. She tried to cover the entire world in darkness, until we used the Elements of Harmony on her and purged the evil from her heart. Now she's one of our dearest friends, and a great co-ruler of Equestria."

"As I have read in your archives, young Twilight." Optimus stated. "it is indeed a fascinating story."

"And there's also Discord, the spirit of Disharmony and Chaos. His magic nearly turned Equestria upside down, and corrupted each of my friends. Granted he seemed more like a prankster and jokester with his antics, such as making cotton candy clouds that rained chocolate milk, making ponies act out of character, and turning street into soap, but he was still a serious threat. I too was affected by his magic. He turned my friends and I against each other so that the Elements of Harmony would be rendered useless. It wasn't until that I remembered the Magic of Friendship, that I was able to cure myself, and the others. We finally confronted Discord, and the Elements were able to turn him to stone. Later, Princess Celestia believed Discord could be rehabilitated, and had us release him from his stone prison. But he quickly went back to his old antics again. However, thanks to Fluttershy showing Discord the true meaning of friendship, he's reformed now.... Somewhat at least."

Twilight took a breather, then continued to tell the stories of the other villains of Equestria. Optimus couldn't help but feel that this Discord, seemed similar to Unicron, another being of Chaos, but more whimsical.

"There are also bad ponies, such as the evil King Sombra. Long ago, he once enslaved the Crystal Empire and forced the citizens to live in misery. Before his first defeat by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, he placed a curse upon the Empire that made it disappear for a thousand years. When the Crystal Empire returned, so did King Sombra, as he tried to conquer the land again. It wasn't until we retrieved the Crystal Heart that Sombra was finally destroyed for good."

As Optimus listened to Twilight's tale, he couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy, as this.... King Sombra... somewhat reminded him of Megatron.

"There's also Sunset Shimmer, a unicorn who was also once Princess Celestia's student. However, she became disgruntled, and stole the Element of Magic. She took it through a magical mirror that led to an alternate universe. Sunset Shimmer tried to use it to control the inhabitants of the mirror world, and use them to take over Equestria. The stolen powers of the crown turned her into a demonic creature, and you wouldn't BELIEVE what I had to go through to stop her, and retrieve my element..... Fortunately, I ran into that world's counterparts of my friends, and using the spirit of the Elements of Harmony, we were able to defeat Sunset Shimmer, and purge the dark magic from her
Thankfully, our other parallel counterparts from that world showed her what it means to have friends, and she too was redeemed."

Twilight took another break and sipped some tea, as the Autobot leader was glad to hear that another being was reformed from past misdeeds. Hearing about a mirror that grants access to an alternate universe also made Optimus slightly curious.

"Finally, there's Queen Chrysalis, the changeling queen. She impersonated Princess Cadance during her wedding to Shining Armor. She feeds off of love, and tried to use my brother's love for Cadance to empower herself. It was enough power to beat Princess Celestia, and her army nearly conquered all of Canterlot. Thankfully, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance love for each other unleashed a powerful spell that repelled Chrysalis and her invading army away to parts unknown. Not long after, she stirred up trouble again by replacing the population of Ponyville with Changeling dopplegangers, and kidnapped Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. We had to travel to the Changeling Kingdom in order to rescue them. It was a long journey that tested our mettle, and friendships, as Chrysalis sent Changelings to impersonate my friends, and myself in an attempt to drive us apart. Not to mention all of the predators we had to go against on the way. Finally we reached her castle, but we still had puzzles and riddles to solve before reaching our goal. Unfortunately, the others were captured, and I had to face Chrysalis on my own. Chrysalis held my friends hostage and threatened to drain their love if I didn't join her and become her pupil. At the time, I nearly gave up, and accepted her terms. But as soon as the Secretariat Comet passed by our world, it amplified my own magic. After a long magical duel, I was able to defeat her, and trap her within her own castle walls. But as you know, she has recently returned. I take it you remember the Queen all too well from the battle you had with her in the Everfree Forest...."

Optimus nodded, as he remembered his encounter with the vile witch in the Everfree Forest just a few days ago.

"Evil exists on all worlds, no matter how peaceful they can be. It is the natural balance of the universe, like it or not." Optimus stated, "But it is also our responsibility to make the correct choices in life."

"I understand." she replied, "And it's also our responsibility to safeguard and protect our home from the said evil."

Twilight then sipped her tea again. She then addresses the Autobot leader with her own questions.

"How about Earth?" She asked. " While I've already heard about the story of Cybertron, regarding Megatron, and his Decepticons, what's your new home like?"

"Planet Earth, is an organic based planet, much like your home of Equestria." Optimus explained, "It is home to a race of sentient hominids called humans."

"Hominids? As in apes? Very interesting." Twilight stated as she continued to listen to Optimus' explaination. "They sound like the natives who live in the alternate universe through the magic mirror."

"Yes, and while the humans are a highly intelligent race with advanced technology, they are still unaware of the existance of other worldly beings amongst their population. We keep ourselves hidden, and live as robots in disguise, as not to start a panic. While most humans try to live peaceful lives, there are some however, that have been corrupt with power, and fell to evil intentions."

"I see," Twilight replied as she listened, "Very much like King Sombra, or Queen Chrysalis."

"Indeed, my young friend. One in particular, was Colonel Leland Bishop, also known as Silas. Silas was a ruthless human male who wished to overthrow the current established government when he became disgruntled after his discharge from the military. He formed a terrorist organization called MECH. Silas and MECH would steal the most advanced and innovative technology available to further his plans for world domination. His ideals were very much like Megatron himself. Eventually, Silas became aware of our existance, and attempted to dissect us to learn about Cybertronian physiology. Soon, he was able to build his own makeshift Cybertronian, based off of my image. But thanks to our own human allies, we were able to thwart his diabolical schemes."

"That's horrible." Twilight said after hearing the tale. "I'm glad you were able to stop him."

"While some humans, like certain Cybertronians, are capable of evil deeds, that does not mean that we will condemn their kind because of the actions of a few. Humanity is still considered a young race, and are by no means perfect. While Humankind may be susceptible to darker intentions such as crime, violence, and war, they also have the potential and capacity to do heroic feats, for a greater good. I have witnessed their traits for compassion, courage, honor, justice, humility, and love. To me, we are all the same, be it a Cybertonian, a Pony, or a Human. All sentient beings, are equal, and deserve peace."

"If they're anything like the people of the mirror dimension, then I know exactly what you're talking about. I guess in a way, we really AREN'T all that different." Twilight beamed at the Prime. "I would love to visit Earth some day."

"And I personally, would welcome you to our new home." Optimus replied to her.

Twilight then notices Optimus' uneasiness in what he was about to address next.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"The story I am about to tell you next, is not a pleasant one. It involves a great evil. There is great force of darkness that lies in the very core Planet Earth. Unicron, the Chaos Bringer." The Autobot explained.

"Unicron, the Chaos Bringer? As in another spirit of Disharmony and Chaos, like Discord?" Twilight asked.

"No, unlike your Discord, Unicron is the ultimate evil. In the beginning, there was Primus, and there was Unicron.
One the incarnation of creation, the other of destruction. For eons, Primus and Unicron battled. The balance of power shifted between them more times than could be counted. Only by creating, The Thirteen, the original Primes who proceeded me, was Primus finally able to defeat Unicron, and cast him out. Primus became the very core of our planet, Cybertron, creating life through the Well of the Allspark, while Unicron drifted through the cosmos aimlessly. Eventually due to gravitational force, debris from space gathered around the slumbering Titan, forming Planet Earth."

Hearing this, Twilight's eyes widen.

"You mean this, Unicron, IS Planet Earth?! But what if he awakens? What will happen to the humans?" She asked in concern.

"We have already faced against Unicron during a planetary alignment in their solar system. The magnetic and gravitational fields awoken the Lord of Chaos. Causing the planet to mutate, as massive storm systems began to plague it's inhabitants. During the conflict, it was the one time in many millenia, that Megatron and I joined forces once again to stop Unicron's uprising. Megatron only wanted Unicron destroyed, so that he can conquer Earth in his own way. The battle was fierce, but thanks to Megatron's temporary alliance, we were able to reach the very spark of the Chaos Bringer. There, I unleashed the power of the Matrix of Leadership, to stop the evil force once and for all."

The young alicorn princess was awestruck by his story.

"The Matrix of Leadership?" She asked.

"An artifact of the Primes. It is Primus' very essence, and what grants me the power of being a Prime. Only those worthy to lead, and with a pure spark, are chosen to be it's vessel."

Optimus then opens his chest compartment, and shows her, a glowing golden orb at the center.

"It's, beautiful!" Twilight beamed as she stared upon the Matrix.

"Yes, the power of the Matrix I believe, is similar to your Elements of Harmony. Important relics used to safeguard our respective worlds." Optimus explained as he closes his chest compartment.

"Earth and Cybertron are inexplictably linked to one another. Two halves of one whole. Primus and Unicron. It is all the more reason why we must stop Megatron from conquering the planet. Not just to protect the innocent lives that reside there, but to also never allow the Decepticons to harness the power of Unicron." Optimus said.

"That's, pretty deep." Twilight responded, slightly at a loss for words.

Twilight smiled at Optimus. She couldn't help but feel an overwhelming respect for him. His gentle nature, and selfless need to protect others, as well as his sage like wisdom made Twilight feel as if he were a second teacher and mentor to her. The very similarities she had with him also made her feel closer to the Autobot, as if he were like a father figure.

"I'm glad to have met someone like you, Optimus." She said happily, and with great reverence. Twilight then begins to feel very tired. She had been researching with the Autobot all day.

"As am I, to have met you, Princess Twilight." Optimus said to the young princess, " I only hope, that Earth has not fallen already. We have been away for far too long. There is no telling what Megatron may have done in our absence." He then notices, Twilight had nodded off, and fallen asleep.

"Hmm, it has indeed been a long day for you, my little friend." Optimus said, as he looks at her.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." A new voice said from behind him.

"Not at all, your royal highness." Optimus replied.

"Please, no need for formalities, call me Celestia." The princess addressed the Autobot leader.

"Very well, Celestia." Optimus responded, "To what do I owe the Honor?"

"I have found the book and Luna is researching it as we speak. If all goes well, We should be sending you home fairly soon." Princess Celestia replied.

Her voice took on a sad tone after that last part. Optimus had to admit for so short of time, strong bonds had been made with these special beings.

"Your Majesty." Optimus began. " I would once again like to thank you for your generosity and kindness during our stay here. You have been a most benevolent host and a wise ruler and your disciples have been most loyal and helpful to us."

Princess Celestia was touched.

"Thank you so very much Optimus. It has been an honor having you and your brave soldiers visit us. Truth is..I will be sad to see you go. Our kingdom has been much, well, livelier since your arrival. You have also opened our minds about the aspect of the existance of other worlds and lifeforms not just through the dimensional mirror."

"I have heard word of this mirror which grants access to an alternate universe. Where does it lead?" Optimus asked, curious about the artifact.

"Only Twilight knows. Perhaps you should ask her some time." Celestia replied back.

She then looked at her sleeping student.

"Thank you for being so kind to my ponies. Especially Twilight. If I'm not careful, you may replace me as her mentor and teacher." Celestia joked.

Optimus gave a smile at the White Alicorn Princess.

"And I believe that by her helping you return to your home, will also help her in honing her skills in being a princess. She only recently became an Alicorn and was coronated. It was her destiny."

"Her destiny?" Optimus asked.

"Twilight is not meant to live an ordinary life. She was destined for greatness in her future. She has since reached her ascension by becoming a Princess, much like myself, my sister, and Cadence. I'm sure you have a very similar story of how you became a leader yourself. Maybe you should tell us some time. Both Twilight and I, would love to hear it." Celestia then winked at him.

"Perhaps." Optimus replied back to Celestia. His voice then took a more sorrowful tone. "Though, it is not a happy tale of how I became a Prime...."

"I see... I apologize if I brought up any painful memories then." Celestia said hearing the pain and sadness in his voice. She felt a tinge of guilt for bringing up the subject, and heartbreak for the Autobot, after hearing his earlier story of what had befallen his homeworld of Cybertron.

"It is, quite alright, Princess." the Autobot reassured her. He then gives Celesia a warm smile, showing that he was not at all offended, and that he genuinely enjoyed her company. Celestia felt relief, and joy wash over her. She too, greatly enjoyed his company, and felt great respect for Optimus, as he too was a leader who cared for those under his watch. Like Twilight, she too, would greatly miss him and the other Bots once they returned to Earth.

Both Optimus and Princess Celestia then take another look at the sleeping Twilight Sparkle.

"I will return her home to Ponyville." Optimus stated, as he gently scooped up Twilight in his hand, being careful not to wake her.

"Have a safe journey home. I bid you both a good evening." Celestia responded, as she slowly walked out of the room.

Little do any of the Bot or Ponies know, Soundwave, in his military drone form, had been flying over Ponyville, spying on the activities of the Autobots. He had recorded the day's events, and is now on his way back to The Nemesis, to report his findings back to his master, Megatron.