//------------------------------// // CDC: Ancillary Concerns // Story: 255: The Aegis Collection // by AegisExemplar //------------------------------// Ancile sighed, staring up at the sky. She could have been staring down at the ground from a cloud, but, while she wasn’t an earth pony anymore, she still enjoyed the feel of the grass on her back. Hers was an unusual case, to put it mildly. Weird would probably be much more accurate. She was, in fact, a native of the space that the Cross-Dimensional Cafe occupied. Whatever this world was in the big scheme of things, she had no alternate selves on other worlds. She was ‘born,’ so to speak, when this place’s Aegis Exemplar had been turned female thanks to a lab explosion. She had been splintered off when he had been cured, her poor head absolutely empty of anything that was specifically ‘Aegis” in origin. It had been hard on her, but thanks in no small part to her ‘brother’ Aegis, her good friend Ocean Breeze, and her ‘father’ Cloudhammer, nevermind all the other friends she had made since, she had finally begun to find her place in the world. Of course, in the world of the CDC, that had included brushes with geomagicka addiction,  foalizer, masculinity, species changing, and Summerlands knew what else; she’d lost track at this point. Through those means (and especially Ocean Breeze’s alchemical concoctions) Ancile had shed the ill-fitting earth pony form and found her peace as a pegasus, like her father. The thought of which brought her back to a minor predicament of her own; two, in fact. She was still a poor flier at best, and, in her thoughts, the big one: anything that was ‘Aegis’ had left her, including his cutie mark. Ancile was an adult blank flank, like a lot of those ‘newfoals’ so many visitors to the CDC kept talking about. She was beginning to get impatient about the whole thing. She wanted her cutie mark, and she wanted it- Ancile’s thoughts were interrupted as a number of doorways appeared in the field surrounding the CDC. New visitors. Ancile hopped up, stretched her wings, and trotted over to greet the newcomers.