//------------------------------// // The only chapter // Story: Pained fight // by UlisiesAbrimwell //------------------------------// Blake Grimfeather, a mercenary with twin pistols, the fallen ash and snow looked to his partner, Gilda "G" the griffin, she was with him on this mission to get a dragon out of Griffin territory, they found this beast and the next five minutes of Grimfeather's life were hell in the snowy winds, the Dragon roared and breathed fire, the fire was a brilliant blue. Gilda was hit with a mass of flames and started to fall. Loss. that was all he felt. Her snow white feathers falling with the blueish flames from the dragon they killed only moments before, he looked down, his wing beats matching his heart rate. "Gilda!" He shouted as he dove fore her limp body. she hit the snow covered ground with a muted icy crunch. He landed near her, tears flooding his silver and gold eyes. She was a fallen angel in his arms. He was kneeling next to her, her head cradled in his arms, his tears staining her feathers gray. "G-Gilda please don't die!" Blake Grimfeather shouted as he brought his beak to hers. He kissed her and held himself there, hoping to breath some form of life back into her. She stayed limp. he broke the embracing kiss and ran his talon down her cheek, feeling how soft her feathers were, several were charred black from the fire. He carried her body back to the Griffin kingdom, his eyes soulless and lonely. he was still sobbing when her brought her body to the chapel. he was still crying as he set her body on the altar. He grabbed his necklace, two rings, a solid gold ring and a stunning silver ring with a blood red ruby in it. He took the silver ring and slid it onto her finger, he collapsed again as he placed his head on her chest. Tears darkening her brown fur to a deeper brown. several footsteps were heard as he closed his eyes still weeping for his loss. The skies raged with thunder and rain during the ceremony. she was in a solid oak coffin, he was dressed in black and gray. his eyes bloodshot from no sleep, his voice horse from crying. the casket was open, she was dressed in a pure white dress, her eyes closed and a smile on her beak. Grimfeather let out a quiet sob, his love was going to be lowered soon, his heart broken. the priest finished his reading from the book and stepped back, the casket closed and lowered slowly to the ground. He sobbed again. the mound of earth and snow growing on the place the casket once waited. He drank all that night, pain and sorrow in his broken heart. his soul crying for her, tears and snot ran down his beak, several thoughts plagued him. "Would did she have to die. It should have been me." Grimfeather thought to himself as he drank again. He had stopped crying, out of tears and the sobbing had shaken him to where he hurt to breath. the alcohol burned his raw throat as he looked down to his talon, a gold band on his ring talon. He didn't sob anymore. Days went on, he still clung to her memories. His heart broken, he tried to fill the void with one night stands, but it never was the same. Grimfeather, a Mercenary with a heart of steel, was nothing more then a shell of his past glory. he turned on a dime and walked off, he was ruined without his love. He stood by her grave stone again, he looked down at the words written on it, "Friend, Lover." Two words he would never hear her say again, he missed the times with her, when he sat with her next to a fire, or when they first made love, he started to sob again, after weeks, he started to sob again. The pain he felt was unbearable, he wanted it to end, his friends Bass and Solace came to see him, but he never paid them any heed, he just drank and slashed his wrists. He isolated himself, only left to get more booze or a cheep harlot, he lose all care for the world and himself. He was truly broken. Rehab. that's where he was now, sitting in a circle with other griffins, some zebra's and a pony or two, he was beaten and ragged, he didn't bathe or eat much, just drank and cut himself. other griffins and even some ponies wanted to help him, but he turned them away. "I don't need help to fuck up." Grimfeather would tell them, Crime, drugs and even hate. all these were what took Grimfeather over. He robbed stores and even mugged others, he couldn't even look in the mirror without seeing a monster. he gave up long ago and he just looked at himself as a failure, a pure failure. He took to drugs, heroin and other things, he was high strung and oblivious to his surroundings, he stayed stoned and when he ran out, he would steal more. He skipped rehab to drink, he started to puke violently as he finally stopped drinking, he couldn't take the pain. The drugs only masked his pain, his arms cut and stabbed, eyes heavy and breath ragged, he thought about this all the time, the fastest way to end things. A quiet Friday night was broken by the sound of a gunshot, the police found his body near a picture, his gun not to far from his body, blood splattered across the glass of the picture, Grimfeather and a female Griffin, his love to the end. Gilda. His snow dove. His serves was short and quiet, everyone looked to his casket, half a mile from Gilda's. he was dressed in a suit coat and his guns across his chest. His friends lowered the casket. they started to shovel dirt into the grave as it started to snow, in July, it snowed. a gift from his snow dove.