//------------------------------// // Yup, definitely puzzling... // Story: Minty Pie // by Wild_Beats //------------------------------// "An-And there was this freaky dragon dude, and then he was gone!" Sunny Daze adjusted her sunglasses and took a deep breath. "And then I went to get you guys." Kimono nodded as she scanned the room for magic with her horn. "There is defiantly traces of strong magic here, i'm in the dark about what kind though..." "Maybe she was ponynapped by aliens!" Kimono rolled her eyes. "Ha ha, very funny Masquerade, this is a serious situation!" Masquerade landed and sat down next to Sunny. "Kimono, I'm being serious, this is as serious as I can get" Kimono rolled her eyes again. "Hopefully, this is just a prank, because this magic could rival Mimic's" Sunny Daze tilted her head. "Seriously? Dudes, we have a maaaaajor puzzle here." Before Kimono could respond, the sound of a door opening interrupted her. "I'll go see who i- " *Slam!* "DID SOMEPONY SAY PUZZLE?" Puzzlemint closed the door behind her to reveal a smashed Masquerade. "Oops! Terribly sorry Masquerade, didn't see you there!" Kimono stifled a giggle. "Puzzlemint, just in time, we need some help-" "Ya, the aliens got Minty!" Kimono rolled her eyes again. "Minty has gone missing, your good at finding things right?" Puzzlemint nodded and started scanning the area with her horn. "Yes, this IS a puzzle, the magic used here is extremely strong, who knows what Minty could be dealing with!" "Almost...Done..." Twilight hovered carefully over the top of her book sculptor as she placed the last book on it. "YES! It took all after noon but i did it! A model of Canterlot made entirely out of books!" "TWI GUESS WHAT?!?" Twilight let out a yelp of surprise and fell into her book Canterlot, sending books flying in every direction. "PINKIE!" She snapped as she emerged from the book heap. "That took all afternoon to make!" She crossed her arms (legs? Hooves?) "This better b-" "Twilight! This is my long lost sister Minty! She ran away when we were little, but now she's back!" Twilight turned her head to the mint green pony next to Pinkie who was waving cheerfully. "So, wait, your sister who you haven't seen in years just happens to show up and your not suspicious at ALL?" "Nope!" Twilight mentality face hoofed and made a fake smile at Minty. "Would you excuse us for a moment?" Minty shrugged. "Sure" Twilight nodded and pushed Pinkie into the kitchen. "Pinkie! What are you thinking?" Pinkie tilted her head. "What do you mean?" "For all we know she could be a changeling!" "pffft, Twilight I think i'd know if my sister was a changeling" "No, what i me-" There was a loud crash form the other room. "i can fix that!" Twilight and Pinkie looked in the other room to see Minty piled under the remaining library books "Uhhhh, I can fix this...." Discord was laughing so hard he almost choked on his popcorn. "DISCORD! Are you messing with mortals?" "Maybe..." Celestia rolled her eyes. "Honestly i thought you were reformed!" "Ok fine i-" "Why did you only make enough popcorn for you?! I want some too! Now stop taking up the whole couch and let me sit down"