//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Long Road Home // by Wheller //------------------------------// Chapter 3 “Data tape reel two, this is Doctor Emerald Sparkle again. If you’ve discovered this reel, then you’ll have listened to the instructions on the previous reel. So, now where was I? Thank you Doppler, nuclear weapons, if I’m to guess what the world is like now, you’ve never heard of nuclear weapons before now, and by my description of them, they sound terrible. I’m not going to lie, they are. Nuclear weapons release energy as ionising radiation. That radiation does nasty things to a pony. When we tested the first bomb, we had no idea what it was going to be like afterwards, nopony did. Some of the project members went out to the blast crater to inspect their handy work. They’re all dead now... I mean from my point of view. From your point of view, I’ve been long dead. Dear Gaia, that’s a scary thought.... Thank you Doppler, I’ll try to keep on track. Oh! I haven’t introduced you to Doppler! Doppler is a handy little program that sits inside the Mainframe. I’m sure you’ve met some of the complexes’ robots. Doppler is kind of like them... except, oh what’s a word to use? Not as stupid. We’ll go with that. Don’t get me wrong, the robots aren’t exactly stupid, their programming is just simple, they’re meant for menial tasks like cleaning the floors, changing a light bulb, we don’t need rocket scientists to do that! I should know, I am one! A rocket scientist I mean. Yes Doppler, I know data tape is expensive, but it’s not going to matter considering that EPMB won’t be buying anymore...” Vinyl Scratch stopped the recording for a moment, and looked over at Twilight, grinning like a madmare. “You know? This egghead we’re listening to reminds me a lot of you... I bet she had the sexy nerd thing going for her as well.” Twilight Sparkle looked at her friend with disdain, rather than responding to it, she just rolled her eyes and giving her a look that told her to play the tape. “... won’t be buying anymore. So... that’s nuclear weapons. Don’t get me wrong! Yes, I worked on the weapon, but weapons were only the first step! No. My real goal was nuclear power. Generate electricity for ordinary regular ponies. After all, it releases energy when you split an atom, that energy can be used to better the lives of everypony in Equestria! Or at least, that’s what I was hoping for. Not going to happen now since that bitch decided that everything needed to go. This Princess Celestia... she’s going to be the death of ponykind. I’ve probably just lost you. Uh... well, there’s kind of a lot of history, and it would take fifteen data tape reels for me to tell you the story. Listen: I’m running out of tape on this reel. Tell you what, I’m going to give you access to my system account; you’ll be able to access it from any terminal in the complex. Please, please please PLEASE! Do not lock it out! If you do, all of Equestria’s history will be lost to you forever. The user name is ESpark.0012, the password is lemonlime123. Don’t ask; I’m not alive to tell you. Look through the history files, fill yourself in on what happened, and when you’re ready, the next data tape reel is hidden in the air vent on the far side of the room. Fair bit of warning: you may not like what you read.” Vinyl Scratch looked at her friend and gave her a small shrug. “I think we’re going to have to save that for later, Sun’s about to come up. Last thing I want is for Scootaloo to wake up and freak out when nopony is home.” “How do you know what time it is? You’re freaky spatial senses tell you that too?” Twilight asked. “Of course not! That would be silly,” Vinyl said with a grin, holding back on her explanation for thirty seconds for comedic effect. She opened her saddlebags and levitated out a small pocket watch on a chain. “One of the few things my father ever did for me was telling me this: ‘never leave home without a timepiece.’” “Do you have to be the oddball right now Vinyl?” Twilight asked with a sigh. “Yes. If I don’t I’ll go insane,” Vinyl said, her voice filled with seriousness. “What do you mean by ‘go’?” Twilight asked, a small smirk forming on her face. Vinyl grinned back at her. “I will have you know! I have lived the last fortnight with perfect sanity... though it might be time to change that.” Twilight giggled slightly as they walked out. Vinyl smiled back. Laughter, along with time, heals all wounds. ... It was eight o’clock by the time they made their way back into Ponyville. Trooper Willoughby and Corporal McNair were washing the Lord Stuart, parked just across the northern bridge. “Hey! Benny-boy and Driver Steve! How’s it going?” Vinyl asked, causing both kangaroos to groan at Vinyl’s nicknames for them. “Aw come on!” “Early morning stroll in the woods, ladies?” Willoughby asked, shrugging off Vinyl’s use of his given name, which he disliked for reasons unknown to the mares. “Oh you know, just trying to keep the mind off the obvious,” Twilight said. Both Willoughby and McNair frowned. Rainbow Dash had been their friend too. “Hard to believe she’s gone,” Willoughby said. “Don’t suppose you’ve gotten funeral arrangement’s set up? Lef-tenant Tebbs wants her buried with full military honours.” “No... not yet,” Twilight said. “Tell him that I’ll let him know when I do, and we appreciate it.” Twilight and Vinyl bid their goodbyes to the kangaroos, and walked back off towards Vinyl’s house. Twilight looked as if she was about to cry. “Vinyl I hadn’t even thought about it,” Twilight said, trying to hold back the tears. “I think Rainbow Dash would understand, she wouldn’t want to think about it either,” Vinyl said, trying to console the grieving pony. Vinyl unlocked the door to her home and they stepped inside. “Scootaloo? You awake?” Vinyl called out. “Scootaloo ain’t here,” said a familiar voice from the main room. Twilight and Vinyl froze in terror. It was Applejack. “What have you done with Scootaloo?” Vinyl cried out. “Scootaloo’s fine, Ah didn’ lay a hoof on her.” Applejack said, her unnatural blood red eyes glowing at them in the darkness of the unlit room. “Applejack... you told me the last time you were here that if you had to come back here that I’d regret it, but I did what you asked!” Twilight said. “We went to EPMB! We went inside!” “Relax Twi’ Ah ain’t ‘ere ta hurt nopony. Ah know what Ah said, but things change. Overdrive’s felt that yer gonna need somepony ta watch over ya while ya work,” Applejack said. “So what? You’re going to be looming over us as the ever present eye of totalitarianism?” Vinyl asked. “Me? Nah, Overdrive don’t want to have to watch over the one doin’ the watchin’ it ain’t a good use of time. Time is somethin’ we’re all runnin’ short of,” Applejack said. “Here is what ya’ll need ta know: There are three kinds o’ ponies that serve Overdrive, ones he controls directly, ones that think they’re in control, and ones that serve him willingly. Ah’m an example of the first, Pinkie Pie’s an example o’ the second... The one that’s gonna be watchin’ ya’ll is an example o’ the third... She’s around here somewheres...” Vinyl looked around the room and noticed something that had not been there before. It was a large cardboard box. The box snapped open, and out of it burst a white coated Pegasus pony with a bright yellow mane and a cutie mark of three purple balloons. “SURPRISE!” the Pegasus called as she leapt from the box and tackled Vinyl and Twilight to the ground. The Pegasus was not one that they were familiar with, but as they looked into her eyes, they discovered that they too, were Blood Red. “Hi! I’m Surprise!” the Pegasus said. “And we’re gonna be the bestest friends EVER! Whether you like it nor not!”