Bullets of Fire

by BlackWater

26 - That Look in Your Eye

A few days flew by as if time itself was making a get-away. That was just the sort of thing that happened when one worked hard without interruption by unusual happenstance. The upcoming Wonderbolt performance had been planned well in advance, as such large events usually were. Still, the time was drawing near and Spitfire knew that she had to tie up some loose ends. Lightning Streak was out of the hospital and warming back up to the regular routine. Fire Streak and Blaze were practically tripping over themselves in training. Something had gotten them fired up, but the captain didn't question it since the enthusiasm was a good thing for her team.
The other mares were acting different but not necessarily weird. Misty was spending her time with High Winds when she was not in training for the Bullet. Surprise was acting more giddy by the day. Maybe it had something to do with being her wingmare in the upcoming event. At least the male 'Bolts were more predictable. They didn't seem to change as much as the females and they only rarely had any mood swings (to her knowledge). Soarin' was definitely more fit and serious than she had ever seen him - even taking into account how he was in the "old days."
Of all of her Wonderbolts, Spitfire had to say that Rapidfire was the one that had changed the least. He was still a solid flyer and a tad on the quiet side. He talked most with Silver Lining when the two stallions actually had the occasion to meet up, but that was only judging by what Spitfire witnessed after training hours. The two must have come to some understanding with each other because they seemed opposites in every imaginable respect. Rapidfire wouldn't wear flashy accessories or clothing if his life depended on it. He wouldn't style his mane or tail to be suave and he wouldn't flirt with a mare on the best of days. Not if Celestia herself requested it of him.
Rapidfire had been on the team for a while now, or at least long enough for Spitfire to get a handle on him. But now that she thought about it, she knew less about Rapidfire than probably any other pony on her team. He just didn't talk. Not to her anyways. Maybe she could pry something out of Silver Lining later.
Spitfire reviewed her team roster in the blazing heat of the Canterlot race track. It was always ordered in terms of physical ability, flight position, and personal status. The exact formula used to arrive at the order of members was a Spitfire trade secret. However, the order did seem to change at least three times per week. She used a lot of paper.
Unsurprisingly, she also used a combination of sloppy writing and terminology that only she could hope to understand...

Spitfire: REG 350
Surprise: REG 350
Misty: REG 290

Soarin: FOR 240
Blaze: FOR 190

Silver Lining: REG 240
Rapidfire: REG 100

Fire Streak: FOR 180
Wave Chill: HANG 90

Fleetfoot: BACK 100
High Winds: BACK 120

The list reflected her most recent changes and she felt confident enough about them that she considered keeping it for the big event. Full-team stunt shows didn't happen every day, so she had taken care to pair the "wings" according to the best possibilities. A captain had to know how ponies flew together and that meant more than just considering pure wing power. Pegasi each had their own timing for maneuvers, which was a critical factor. Not as critical as emotional connection, though. Pegasi who were in good standing with each other were capable of feats far beyond what either one could do individually or with somepony they didn't know. Call it phenomenon or some psychological theory, all Spitfire cared was that it mattered and she had to arrange her team with it in mind.
Almost unconsciously, the orange mare noticed that each "wing" was gender-matched with the exception of Soarin' and Blaze. Those two are pegasi of the same feather, she laughed to herself. They were headstrong and self-determined if always on the side of arrogance. Soarin' less so than Blaze but the stallion was growing his ego to be sure. If he made trouble for it later then she would have to put him back in his place. He was a good flyer but not always a good leader.
Some members of her team had come and gone on the track as they practiced for the pending event and it pleased her to see that times had not changed so much that they weren't giving their all. There was not much for her to do at the moment since everypony was in order and special training had concluded for the day. Her records were in order and she had finished the necessary correspondence for future event planning. The roster was set and all she had left to do for the day was relax. So, she let the clipboard lay beside her as she settled into the grass of the outer track. The green blades were cool from being recently watered and it was a pleasant sensation. Sometimes it was the simple things like a fresh breeze or crystal night sky that refreshed her spirits.
Like an afterthought, Spitfire decided that she would have to plan her special team's first practice of the Bullet stunt.

The performance was coming up ever faster and it had become an unspoken goal for High Winds to set up her two fellow Wonderbolts before the event occurred. Perhaps it was just a matter of testing herself or, to Misty's advantage, an eagerness to solve the mare's situation. In any case, High Winds thought that Silver Lining and Misty were a good match for each other. They were strong enough to take care of themselves, weak enough to accept each other's assistance, alike enough to understand each other, and different enough to spice things up.
High Winds shook her head as she walked down the road that would take her to the Canterlot track. She was getting too wrapped up in the fantasy of it. Maybe there was some truth to her being a "big sister" character to her other female Wonderbolts. She swelled with happiness at the thought that one of the girls might find a happy relationship.
Poor girl has bravery in the air but not in the heart, High Winds thought sadly. Well she was not going to waste time in setting things up. As the off-white mare finally stepped onto the first green of the outer track, she calculated her first move. Misty and Silver Lining were each engaged in their own agendas at the moment but the mare knew the whereabouts of each of them. The troubled 'Bolt would be taking a break at one of Canterlot's grand waterfalls but the stallion would be coming to the track to knife in practice for his final maneuvers. He'd arrive in less than an hour.
That was the chance High Winds needed to drop the first seed of interest. It would be easy because Silver Lining was already a bit of a flirter. He hadn't been doing much of it lately since a good amount of his free time was being eaten by additional training but that would just make for an easy conversational segway. It would also give him more drive to hit on Misty when things got to the breaking point.
It was a solid forty minutes but Silver Lining finally arrived. He had a darkness about him that proved he was getting pushed past his limit. That and his build had improved since before the "special" training. It was gradual and only noticeable if one was particularly attentive. High Winds was one such pegasus that had a tendency for details.
"Good afternoon, Winds," he hailed cheerily while failing to cover up the weariness in his voice.
"It has been some time hasn't it," she responded and slowed her pace around the track to let him come up beside her.
He didn't speak up so she prompted him, "Need a couple flight rounds before..."
"Yeah. Warming back up for the gyros," he answered. The Gyro was one of the tricks that the Wonderbolts had all learned for use in their high-ticket shows. It was a complicated and difficult maneuver that required high speed and sense of balance. Simply put, it was a mid-air tumble that spun the pegasus in every imaginable angle.
"Well maybe you can spill the beans while we fly the rounds," the mare suggested.
The male 'Bolt didn't catch on though. "What beans?"
The two pegasi turned at one of the track's far ends and traded spots in-out to out-in. "The beans behind your missing ear clip."
"The silver cloud?" he asked in amazement. "You notice every little thing I do..."
"Fashion, honey," she replied in a purely platonic sense.
He scrunched his face up as if he didn't want to talk about it but eventually relaxed. "I guess...I'm just too busy these days..."
The uncertainty in his voice and the definite implication was all the room that High Winds needed to plant the seed of conspiracy. "I think I know that look in your eye."
"What look?" he countered defensively.
"The look that says you're sad about your personal life, Silver. I'm sure it's had an affect on all four of you."
The stallion knew that she was referring to the special training group. The Wonderbolts already had enough to do to keep in shape and prepare for events, but the additional training was the last straw. He never knew how much those few hours of free time meant for him on a personal level. "I guess it has..."
High Winds laughed in a soft and gentle manner that wasn't of Silver's expense. "You're starting to dress down again because you're losing confidence in yourself. You don't think you spend much time with the mares anymore, right?"
Silver Lining stuttered in his flight and his tone was almost annoyed. "Where do you get this stuff?"
She sighed, "I grew up here in Canterlot. Ponies here have a tendency to dress up or down depending on their self-confidence. Outsiders have a hard time telling since even the 'downers' dress like they're a million bits."
The male's annoyance turned to amusement. "You certain your cutie mark isn't for acute observation?"
High Winds smiled but let it pass as they made their next turn. "You're not spending any less time with mares, Silver."
"I know what you mean but you guys are my teammates. Not my love interests," he commented neutrally.
"Really? You're spending additional time now in the company of three mares."
At that, Silver Lining laughed. "I never thought about it that way but it's certainly true."
"It's good to be professional with your teammates but that doesn't mean that you should consider them less than real ponies. We all have feelings the same way you have them. And you're not the only one to feel down about personal matters."
The stallion gave a particular glance to the mare flying beside him. "Oh?"
Knowing it was an indication for her to continue with details, she denied him that. Instead she only dropped the seed of interest that she needed to. "Spitfire and Surprise sure seem set though. Those girls will probably wait years to get a stallion - if they ever do. Mares like that are married to the job, so to speak."
Silver Lining didn't say anything or else gave a "hm" that was lost in the sound of their energetic flying. High Winds gave him the out he needed to take, "You better get into those gyros before your body gives out."
At that, he nodded and flew gracefully out of the track loop. He had to get into some clear flying space to practice the tumbles before he was too tired to manage them. The near-white pegasus hoped that she had played things right. Silver Lining could be pretty slick with the mares when he wanted to be so she had confidence that he'd come to the proper interest based on what she had said.