Apple Bloom and the Golden Apples

by Animegx43

Apples In The Forest

Chapter 7: Apples In The Forest


This is the part where I actually started to get myself involved in everything.

While Applejack, Apple Bloom and her little friends were enjoying their golden apple, me and Big Macintosh were having a little party of our own, and the timberwolves were invited, apparently. We were defending the farm from the pack the best we could, but there was twelve of them and two of us. Since I was probably even weaker than Apple Bloom, we were in some big trouble. Basically, it was twelve against one.

"Well, this is certainly no good. Big Mac, get back into the barn!" I ordered.

As we were being overpowered, we had to run into the barn to stay safe, and as a result, we trapped ourselves inside. But it’s much better to be stuck inside than to be outside with a pack of timberwolves. Big Mac was really strong, so he was able to keep the door closed for a while to keep the wolves from getting in, although even Big Mac had his limits, and with time, the timberwolves would've broken through. Hopefully, you've never had to defend yourselves against a timberwolf attack, but if you have, then you'll know how quickly they can wreck things, and a wooden gate isn't too hard for them to damage.

"YEE-HAW! Come and get me, you wooden mutts!"

We suddenly heard Applejack shouting outside the barn. I had sent Winona off to try and find her to help protect the farm, and I knew right away that she came through for us. I had Big Mac open up the barn door so we could see what she was doing. Applejack had managed to get the timberwolves to chase after her, getting them away from the barn, allowing Apple Bloom to get to me.

"Big Macintosh! Applejack needs you now!" Apple Bloom said.


With Applejack now distracting the timberwolves, the tides quickly turned. To help his sister, Big Mac grabbed a rope and ran back outside, chasing the timberwolves. The twelve timberwolves were all grouped up together as they chased after Applejack, all of which was part of Applejack's plan. She turned her head and saw Big Mac catching up. As both were raised on the farm, herding animals is a skill they've mastered.

Using his rope, Big Mac spun it around in the air, and as soon as he had a clear shot, he tossed the spinning end of the rope towards the pack, pulled the rope back hard, and trapped the timberwolves within, keeping Applejack safe. I heard that Big Mac once moved a whole house without effort, so naturally, it was easy for him spin the timberwolves around and around before letting go, sending the wolves back into the Everfree Forest.

"YEEHAW! We got ‘em good!" Applejack said as she gave a hoof bump to her brother.

Feeling proud of themselves for protecting the farm, they went back inside where Apple Bloom and I waited for them to return safely, but based on the things they had learned, Apple Bloom and Applejack both knew that the timberwolves would come back. As the timberwolves didn't make an immediate counter-attack, they decided that it was the best time to talk to me.

"You know, Granny, Apple Bloom told me the darndest thing today," Applejack said.

"Maybe later, dear. We've got to prepare in case them timberwolves come back," I responded.

"Are you sure?" Apple Bloom asked. "Because this morning, me and the girls had happened to’ve been walking around in the Everfree Forest and we happened to find a rather interesting tree. One that was really tall and had grey leaves."

Hearing that she found a tall, grey tree certainly grabbed my attention. Only one type of tree like that existed, and those were the Orphan trees.

"Do you mean...?

"That's right, Granny. I found where the golden apples are," Apple Bloom answered.

"Did you take one?" I asked in horror. "Please tell me you didn't, Apple Bloom!"

"I sure did, and since I know where they are, maybe you'd be a bit more willing to let us in on why it's suppose to be such a secret."

That last bit I didn't even hear. To me, my worst nightmare was anypony else but me discovering the location of the Orphan trees. I was supposed to be the only pony in Equestria to know where they were hidden, and yet Apple Bloom had ruined it all. It also made me realize why the timberwolves had attacked in the first place. I hadn't been as stressed as I was in that moment in a long time, for a billion possibilities were entering my head. I knew that I should've told them the truth, but I still had something more important to do first.

"Alright everypony, I need you all to stay here and hold the fort," I said to my grandchildren. "I think I know why the timberwolves are attacking us and I think I may be able to stop them."

"Oh, no you don't!" Applejack said to me. "I already had to pull Apple Bloom out of a jam today, so there's no way I'm going to let you get into one yourself."

"Applejack, you stay here and keep your brother and sister safe, or I'll make you massage my hooves for a week!"

Nopony likes rubbing old pony hooves and I knew that, especially after seeing Applejack's reaction when I threatened her. They knew that I was angry at them, so they couldn't think of an argument to keep me from going back outside, without me forcing them to do something like giving me a sponge bath. I know how to be cruel if I need to be.

As soon as I left the barn, as well as making sure nopony was following me, I went straight to the Everfree Forest. I knew the extra chores I mentioned would keep the kids from following me, and I trusted that the responsible ponies, who were Applejack and Big Macintosh, would keep themselves, and Apple Bloom, from following me into the forest like I asked them to.

"We following her?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Eeyup," Applejack answered.

"Hey, that's my line!" Big Mac complained.


Completely ignoring my orders, the youngins went after me. As they all figured that I was going to where the golden apples were, Apple Bloom showed Applejack and Big Mac the secret path that she had found which took her and her friends to the apples in the first place.

Much like Apple Bloom did with her friends, the three of them made sure that they were close together due to the danger that the Everfree Forest had to offer. Ignoring the creepy bug sounds, the crows cawing, and the fact that there were timberwolves hiding in the distance, with deathly glares pointed at them all, I think they enjoyed the walk.

"Seems odd that the timberwolves aren't chasing us," Applejack said. "In fact, it seems weird that they're hiding so poorly."

"Maybe they're not trying to hide at all," Apple Bloom said. "I don't know why, but I have the feeling that they aren't the dangerous ones in here. Don't suppose there's a manticore or something around here, do you?"

"No, I think this area is mainly inhabited by the wolves, but they’re normally so... territorial. Something is definitely not right."

After a very disturbing walk through the forest, they reached their goal. Ahead of them was the giant tree that Apple Bloom had seen earlier, meaning the Orphan trees and the golden apples were just ahead, which therefore meant that I was ahead.

"This is where the Orphan trees are," Apple Bloom said.

"But where's Granny Smith?"

The three of them moved towards the giant tree, trying to spot me, but at the same time, they lost sightings of the timberwolves, which made them a bit nervous as they could no longer see the danger itself. Despite the fact that fear had built up, they heard something that made them forget it.

"Pando, I swear that this was an accident."

They heard me talking. They knew I was steps away from them. After walking around the giant tree a little, they saw me. They didn't see who I was actually talking too, but all that they cared about was that I was safe.

"Granny Smith!" Apple Bloom shouted as she ran towards me.

"Apple Bloom? Wait, what are you-"


A loud familiar voice came out of nowhere, which froze Apple Bloom in fear. She then recognized the voice belonging to Pando Everfree, and remembered what happened the last time she heard him.

"I-is that...Pando?"

In a matter of seconds, a giant tree root bore its way out of the ground in an upward spiral, encasing Apple Bloom inside and elevating her twenty hooves up into the air. It started to crush her tiny little body, making her unable to move it, and to keep her from wanting to move her head, the very end of the root was wrapped tightly around her neck with the tip of it being pointed towards her throat.

"APPLE BLOOM!" Applejack screamed in horror.

Being horrified by the sight of his little sister in danger, Big Macintosh was rendered completely speechless, and for somepony who never talks anyway, that's really saying something.

"Let her down, Pando! She means no harm," I said to him.

"This is the child who entered my sanctuary and stole one of my golden apples," Pando's voice answered.

"Granny Smith, who in tarnation are you talking to?" Applejack asked.

It took Applejack and Big Mac a moment to figure out, but from Apple Bloom's point of view, she already figured it out. The worst she expected Pando to be some big buff stallion with an apple cutie mark or something like that, but after being held up in the air by the root, she found a part of the giant tree she had never noticed before, since she only saw it from the one side. Forced to look in one direction, Apple Bloom saw the the pitch-black holes on the tree's surface, two of which were in the shape of angry eyes.
That's right. The giant tree in the Evergreen Forest, that was surrounded by the Orphan trees, was Pando Everfree himself.