Fairy Tales From Equestria

by Princess Glitzy

I`m Back/Love

Chapter 9
Nurse Redheart checked her patients Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. She was checking their heart rates when she noticed that Twilight`s eyes were beginning to open. She looked at the others and their eyes were opening too. "They`re waking up! THEY`RE WAKING UP!" She said and then ran happily to Doctor Stable.

"They`re waking up!" she yelled. He smiled and then walked over to the room. A bunch of other ponies walked in too. The main six had many friends and just about all of them were there. He walked over to their room and then opened the door.

A bunch of ponies flooded into the room and smiled when they saw them, some cried tears of joy, some sighed a sigh of relief and others couldn`t help, but beam brightly.

By now Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy`s eyes had opened and they were awake, but just because their awake and healthy does not take away the really bad headaches they all had.

"Ow... my head." Twilight muttered quietly. Fluttershy glanced up to see a bunch of happy ponies staring at them.

"Umm... hello." The crowd responded with many forms of hello.



"Hey!" etc.

Doctor Stable walked up to them and said "You have been in a coma for a few days. You should feel better soon. Oh, and also, you should try to get a good nights sleep tonight and avoid doing anything that could really hurt your fragile bodies."

Pinkie Pie sat up, but found it very painful. "Hi everpo- OW!" She looked at the crowd happily and then slowly laid back down. "It`s like a party!"

Rarity looked at how happy Pinkie was and then said "Yes Pinkie Pie, just like a party! Except there are no cupcakes."

Suddenly, Mr and Mrs. Cake sprang from the crowd and shouted "Yes there is!" in unison. They thrusted a large box of cupcakes into Applejack`s arms and then stayed still, waiting to see their reactions.

"Yay!" whisper shouted Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash was strong so she wanted to test her body. She got up off the bed and then slowly flew over to the cupcakes, snatched one and flew back.

To her that was pretty weak, but to everypony else it was astonishing that she could do something so hard right after waking up from a coma. The crowd began to cheer and just like that Rainbow Dash was back to normal.

Snowflake came out of the crowd. He was so awesome when he was a giant. Super scary, but if I don`t respect that then I`m... uncool. "Hey dude! You're pretty cool!"

"Yeah! I am!" he shouted loudly.

She high hoofed him and then said "Snowflake, we need to hang out some time!" He blushed which made his white coat turn into a red that was just a little bit lighter than Big Mac.

"Like... a date?"

She hadn`t thought of it that way, but why not. I`m awesome, he`s tough and a pegasus. It works.
"Totally!" she yelled kind of loudly. He walked up to her and brohoofed her.

Pinkie jumped from the bed grabbed about four cupcakes and downed them in one swallow. She pulled her party cannon out of no where and then shot it.

The whole room was covered in confetti and balloons. "C`mon everypony! Let`s par-tay!" She started dancing and singing like she was never in a coma. The crowd was getting more and more astonished.

She saw her Caramel out of the corner of her eyes and ran right up to him. Pinkie Pie kissed him and then quickly asked "Will you be my special somepony?"

Caramel was usually ridiculed for messing up like he did during Winter Wrap Up. This was a change, a good one. He barely needed to think about it before saying yes. "Cool!"

Applejack got out her trusting whip and then used it to 'catch herself a cupcake'. She grabbed the apple one and then thought of her Apple family. "Ya here Big Mac, Applebloom, Granny Smith?"

The Apple family came out of the crowd and rushed over to hug her. "Yeehaw!" said AJ. A bunch of 'awwww' s escaped from the crowd.

Blues walked over to her and handed her her hat. With all of the excitement she had completely forgotten about it. "Well I give you a mighty thank you pard`ner!"

He looked at her as she put on her hat. She was happy and her eyes were sparkling. She was just beautiful. "I hope you feel okay and umm... I was just wondering if you would... liketogooutiwthme?!"

She could not make out the second part. "What in tarnation are ya sayin` sugar cube?" He tried to calm down. She is just a beautiful pony with an awesome accent. I just made it worse!

"Would you like to go out with me?" he said as calmly as he could.

She looked at her family and they all gestured a "YES!"

"Ah guess we can see how it works out sugar cube." she said. Was that a yes? He looked at her a look that said 'So yes or no?' "That`s a yes." she said sweetly.

"YES!!!!! I mean um... that`s awesome."

Fluttershy perked up when she heard the sound of birds and bunnies. "Angel? Birdies?" Angel sprang from the crowd and into Fluttershy`s arms. Birds of all kinds sang her a song and danced around her.

She was suddenly alarmed. "Who`s been taking care of them?!" she said in a voice louder than the average pony by at least 10%. Her prince Time Turner stepped forward.

"It`s you." she said in a happy yet quiet voice. He smiled.

"Yes, I took care of your pets for you. I wanted to volunteer for such a kind pony while she was in a coma."

She was almost as happy as when they won the fairytale. She sat up and then very slowly made her way over to him, grabbed him and hugged him.

He returned the gesture. She looked up into his eyes and then flew up slightly so they were looking directly at each other. She was no stunner like Rarity, but she was the most adorable thing ever. She is really... pretty.

Fluttershy was not one to go around kissing ponies, but maybe her dream romance could become reality. She leaned in and kissed him. Time Turner was surprised, but VERY happy.

Twilight and Rarity looked through the crowd, but their stallions weren`t there. Discord was the master of chaos (though he is changed now) and Snowdrift is a prince. They wouldn`t show up to something like that. Rarity and Twilight looked at each other and then they both teleported away to get their stallions to fall in love with them.

Rarity was in the royal castle. He`s probably here. She walked around and looked in every room until she was almost ready to give up.

*HUM HUM HUM* I hear somepony humming, perhaps it will be Prince Snowdrift! She ran into the room and was totally sure that it was him.

"Who are you?!-" He turned around to look at her. "You aren-" he stopped mid sentence. She`s beautiful. She chose to be funny as opposed to ladylike in her response.

"So, my looks leave you speechless?" Rarity said in a playful tone.

"..." She smiled.

"I guess so." she said again in a playful tone. She batted her eyelashes and he melted like butter.

"...W-Why are you in m- my room?" he asked slowly.

"No reason! Oh, well there is one reason... you." she responded.

"For me." Snowdrift said in a sarcastic/confused way.

"I wanted to know if you would be my special somepony." Rarity said. He nearly fainted.

"You want me to be your special somepony?! Why?!" he asked/shouted. Rarity was confused as to how he didn`t know how great he was.

"You are a prince, you`re handsome, shy, alicorn and nice. Also, you seem pretty smart and you like me back so it works. I happen to know that you`re a nice guy Snowdrift."

What she said warmed his heart. "I will be your special somepony." he said softly. She ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. He`s perfect.

Twilight ran up to the forest near Fluttershy`s cottage. He`s got to be here! He`s probably spreading small amount of chaos or playing with animals that Fluttershy introduced him to. Twilight saw a little bit of Discord`s grey coat and she galloped towards that area.

"Discord! Discord!" Twilight shouted. Discord turned around and looked at her.

"Hello, Twilight." he said as kindly as he could. She toppled him over and said

"Hi." in a tired voice because she had galloped so far.

"Twilight, I love chaos and doing odd things, but running crazily towards me and then toppling me over is pushing it." he said with a funny tone.

"Sorry." What do I say to him?! I`m logical and smart and I know many words so why can`t I think of anything to say?!

"How are you?" asked Twilight hesitantly. Discord was thrown off by this statement.

"Why do you want to know? You don`t seem to like me, well other than today that is. You`re acting weird, even weirder than this." He turned into a balloon like he did with Pinkie Pie.

"I don`t hate you!" she said defensively and nicely.

"What? Did I hear that correctly?" he asked sarcastically/confusedly.

"I don`t hate you! I love you!" Twilight said. Did I just say that?! He`s not ready for that!

Discord`s mind was blown. It was completely blank. He was 100% confused. She loves me? "You are in love... with me?" he said. Twilight nodded.

I can`t change what I said now. Discord looked at her in a weird way. I`m losing him! She got frantic. She wanted to do something drastic.

She levitated herself so that she was his height and then kissed him deeply. Discord didn`t stop it, in fact he welcomed it. He kissed her back happily. If you had told Discord a week ago that he would be kissing Twilight and that she was in love with him he would have called you crazy.

"I like like you Twilight." Discord said with the same enthusiasm as a colt. It`s not love, but if he like likes me already then things are going well. She hugged him and they stayed like that for a while.