The King's War

by Priceless911

Ch3 "Someday Soon"

The exhausted convoy slowly made its way up the steep mountain road; Major Bolt spoke as he was trying to catch his breath, “Commander? Are you sure this is the fastest way to Javelin Falls?”
Commander Mist sighed, “It would be a lot faster if you would stop complaining and keep moving.”
Sergeant Major Storm flew up and landed next to Commander Mist, “Sir, we have a problem, one of the wagons in the back couldn’t handle the rough terrain. The axle broke while going over a rock and we need to hold the convoy to repair it”
Commander Mist turned towards Storm and asked, “Can we just leave it behind?”
“I'm afraid not sir, it’s the wagon with our food supply.”

Commander Mist sighed then called out to his soldiers, “CONVOY HALT!!! Take a break then we will continue on our route in a few hours or so. Major, do a quick fly by and scout the area. I don’t want us to get snuck up on while resting.”
Major Bolt nodded his head and replied as he took off into the sky, “Right away sir!”
When he reached, a high altitude Major Bolt looked around the area, first close by, then into the distant horizon. As he looked into the distance, he could see not only Javelin Falls but he could also see something just outside the city. He didn’t know what it was but from this distance, it seemed very dark. Maybe it was the cloud cover or the shadows from the nearby hills, but something about this portion of land seemed… eerie.

While trying to identify the distant object, Commander Mist called to Major Bolt, “SPARKY! Do you see any enemy soldiers nearby?”
Major Bolt knew that whatever it was in the distance, it wasn’t moving, so he replied, “No sir! No enemies in sight. But I can see Javelin Falls from here… it’s only a few miles away.”
Commander Mist replied, “If no enemies are in sight, then get down here and take a break! I want you to be well rested when we move out.”
Major Bolt smiled and mumbled to himself, “That old stallion still likes to treat me like a colt doesn’t he?”
Major Bolt landed but rather than taking a break like the commander said, he decided to help his soldiers change out the axle on the damaged cart. While he did this Commander Mist and Sergeant Major Storm were talking at the front of the formation, “Commander? Why are we in such a hurry? You seem uneasy about something.”

Commander Mist replied, “I don’t know… I just have a bad feeling about something. I can’t quite put my hoof on it… but something is really eating away at my mind.”
Storm replied, “Do you think the enemy may be close?”
Mist replied, “No, Sparky said himself that the area is clear. He may be undisciplined, but he won’t lie about something like that.”
“Then what? What is it that is making you feel so nervous?”
Commander Mist replied, “I just don’t know. It feels like something bad has, or is going to happen, but I guess all we can do is press on until we reach our destination. Speaking of which, we better go check on the wagon’s repairs."
Both Commander Mist and Sergeant Major Storm both made their way to the back of the convoy as Major Bolt was overseeing the final repairs on the wagon.

Major Bolt turned towards Commander Mist and spoke, “Commander… repairs are complete.”
Commander Mist smiled at the repaired axle then he gave Major Bolt a serious expression and spoke, “Major! My instruction was to get some rest! Not to go and oversee a project that the soldiers could have completed without your guidance.”
Major Bolt felt a little confused, as he replied, “What? I only wanted to help get this finished quickly! Why are you getting annoyed that I did a little more than expected!”
Commander Mist sighed, “You just don’t get it do you? Do you know when we will be fighting our first battle?”
Major Mist thought to himself and replied, “Uh… no…”
“EXACTLY!!! For all we know we could get ambushed the second we leave here, and if you don’t have your rest then you're useless in combat. Tell me… what would you do if we were quickly surrounded?”
“I would probably use the lightning o…”
“And what if you don’t have the rest needed to generate the Lightning Orb… what then?”

Major Bolt quickly tried to think about his answer before replying but his mind drew up a complete blank, “… Well… I… all right you got a point. I promise I'll get the rest I need if it will get you off by back.”
Commander Mist turned around and spoke as he trotted away, “See that you do, I'll send for you in about an hour, in the meantime, get some rest… That’s an order!”
As Commander Mist left Major Bolt to follow, his instructions Sergeant Major Storm continued following Mist as he spoke, “If I didn’t know any better… I’d say you were proud of his actions.”
Mist replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Storm smiled, “You can deny it all you want commander… but I'm a father too, so I understand what it’s like to see your foal do something that both disobeys you and betters others. You’re proud that he didn’t get any rest and help the soldiers repair that wagon aren’t you?”

Commander Mist continued trotting with an expression less reply, “First of all I only raised him, I'm not his father. Furthermore, I'm happy that for once he took initiative, but he doesn’t realize that now we are in a combat environment, stuff like sleep, and rest will be a lot more scarce. I just don’t want him breaking down due to stress and fatigue when an actual battle begins. Not to mention I want him to have full focus if he decides to use the lightning orb. With the power of that ability, it could easily turn into a dangerous tool for both sides. I just want to make sure his aim will be accurate and he won’t hurt any of our own soldiers.”
“And the fact that you raised him has nothing to do with it at all… does it?”
Dodging the comment completely, Commander Mists turned to Storm and replies “Have the soldiers ready to move out in one hour. I'm looking forward to seeing Commander Shriek again.”
Sergeant Major Storm didn’t ignore him dodging the comment, “Changing the subject? Ok I can play that game. Tell me the truth… exactly how do you know Commander Shriek? Wait, did you and her share a certain something?”
Commander Mist looked at Storm out of the corner of his eye and spoke, “Drop it Storm…”
Sergeant Major Storm smiled as he let Commander Mist trot away into another direction, “Well… that’s a yes if I ever did hear one.”

About an hour later, Commander Mist and Major Bolt met up at the front of the formation of soldiers as Sergeant Major Storm announced, “Commander! All soldiers are present and accounted for!”
Commander Mist Replied, “Good then let’s get moving. ALL SOLDIER MOVE OUT!”
As soon as the convoy continued up the steep mountain trail, Commander Mist started picking up his pace while slowly increasing his distance in front of the rest of the convoy. Major Bolt had to say something, “Commander? Is everything ok? You seem anxious to get to Javelin Falls for some reason.”
When he realized how fast he was trotting, Commander Mist slowed his pace and replied, “Sorry Sparky… I guess I'm just wanted to get there as quickly as I can.”
Major Bolt replied, “Well you're traveling fast enough to get to Gryphus before nightfall and that’s easily another forty miles away. Is something the matter?”
“I don’t know. Maybe… I just have a bad feeling.”
Major Bolt nodded his head, “Yea… or you could be interested in seeing this Commander Shriek again.”
Commander Mist shook his head, “Drop it Bolt… there are some thing’s that you shouldn’t know about.”
Major Bolt shrugged his shoulders, “And why is that? Do you have something to hide?”
“Look anything you want to know you had better ask her when we get there… I'm not saying a word… but I'll make you a deal… you tell me about yours and I'll tell you mine.”
Major Bolt sighed, “Once again I haven’t a single clue as to what you’re talking about.”
Commander Mist shook his head, “As soon as you tell me about you and Luna, then I'll tell you what happened between Shriek and I.”
Major Bolt shook his head, “I guess we will never know then.”
Commander Mist replied, “I guess so.”

The two avoided the topic of discussion and continued on their path to Javelin falls. When they were in view of the town Commander Mist called to his soldiers, “There it is soldiers! When we arrive I want you all to be respectful to the griffin community, am I clear!”
As they got closer and closer, Sergeant Major Storm spoke, “Um… sir? Does something seem strange to you?”
Commander Mist replied, “Yes… I’ve noticed it too, how about you Sparky.”
Major Bolt replied, “Where are the residents? This place seems… deserted.”
The convoy of soldiers made its way down Main Street looking at the seemingly empty town, when Sergeant Snow trotted up from the main formation and asked, “Sergeant Major? Why douse this place seem… silent?”
Storm replied, “My question exactly… what’s going on commander?”
“I… I don’t know? Form the soldiers up outside the town hall, I'll go in and discuss this with the mayor, I'm willing to bet that’s where I'll find Commander Shriek too.”

The large convoy started gathering up outside the town hall then Major Bolt got nervous, “Sir… I don’t like this at all. It’s way too quiet here. There isn’t even a curious cub watching from a window anywhere… I have a really bad feeling about this.”
Commander Mist replied, “I agree, hopefully the mayor will be able to shed some light on this subject. Major Bolt you will come with me to meet the mayor. Sergeant Major Storm, Stay here with the soldiers and wait for further instructions.”
Sergeant Major Storm replied, “Yes sir!”
Commander Mist and Major Bolt then started trotting into the town hall. As they went through the large deserted lobby, passed the empty help desk and into the silent corridor to the mayor’s office, Commander Mist was completely convinced that the room he was going to enter would also be empty. He knocked on the door, waited a few seconds, then entered after there was no reply.

As soon as he entered the office, Commander Mist looked around and called, “Mr. Mayor?... are you in here?”
The large office was silent. On the desk where a few official documents for the town… but nothing else was visible from the door. Major Bolt started trotting through the office as he spoke, “This place is as quiet as the streets outside. It seems very strange it’s as if the town was de…”
As Major Bolt made his way around the mayors desk he paused, “C-Commander?”
Commander Mist trotted around the other side of the desk, only to see a dead griffin lying on the floor with his throat cut.
Commander Mist looked down at the griffin clothing and spoke, “This is… the mayor!”
Major Bolt spoke, “But what ha…”
Before Major Bolt could finish his question, Commander Mist rushed to the office door then he raced through the corridor and out the main doors to the soldiers waiting outside, “Sergeant Major Storm! Have your soldiers search each and every building in town! Homes, Stores, EVERYWHERE! If you can find any living griffin then notify me immediately!”

Sergeant Major Storm didn’t know what was going on but with the expression on Commander Mists face, he didn’t bother asking questions, “YOU HEARD HIM SOLDIERS! SPREAD OUT AND SEARCH THE TOWN FOR ANY RESIDENTS!”
Without answering, the soldier scattered in all directions towards the closest buildings. Commander Mist turned to Major Bolt and spoke, “Take to the skies and scout the area! If you see anything around us, enemy soldiers, tracks or any living citizens then notify me as immediately!”
Major Bolt nodded his head as he jumped into the sky, “Yes Sir! Right away!”
As Major Bolt flew into the sky, Sergeant Major Storm approached Commander Mist, “Sir… what happened in there? What’s going on?”
Commander Mist lowered his head as he replied, “The mayor is dead. Killed behind his desk. If the city is this quiet then I would guess every griffin in town is dead too. “

Sergeant Major storm turned to a few soldiers who were exiting the closest house, “YOU TWO! Are there any griffons in there?”
One replied, “Yes Sergeant, but they are dead, a husband and wife!”
The soldiers exiting the home next to them added, “Here too Sergeant! A family of five, a husband, a wife, and three cubs… one of them is an infant.”
A third group of soldiers leaving the next house also added, “Same here! They are all dead!”
Sergeant Major Storm sighed, “This can’t be right… usually when a civil war breaks out the rebel forces don’t hurt the civilians unless they fight back. Why would they kill all th…”

Sergeant Major Storm stopped talking when, Major Bolt landed next to him with an expression of horror on his face, “Major? Is everything alright?”
Commander Mist stepped forward, “What is it Major? What did you see?”
Major Bolt looked at Commander Mist and replied, “C-Commander… you… you might want to see this.”
As the two stallions followed Major Bolt out of the city, Sergeant Snow approached them, “Commander! They’re dead! All the residents are dead in their homes! Both male and female griffons… even their cubs, all deceased. I have nev…”
“Follow me Snow…”
Sergeant Snow, was confused about Major Bolt’s interruption but rather than argue he just decided to join the group to whatever it was that Major Bolt found.

Not far outside of town, Major Bolt led the three ponies to the top of a hill. When they looked out into the distance, each one was horrified by what they saw. At the bottom of the hill was the remains of a fierce battle, in other words, a mountain of corpses all piled up and twisted in horrifying ways, showing clearly that each one fell fighting with all their might. The uniforms were unusual, the Griffin Royal Forces wore their basic silver armor while the armor on the other army was either leather, or battered bronze. Sadly,… most of the corpses in the battlefield were in silver armor. As the four ponies started trotting through the field, Major Bolt tried to prevent himself from vomiting due to the stench of the blood and bodies. As they continued Sergeant Snow sighed in disbelief, “This… this is… this is horrid. I… I can’t even describe how terrible this is… is… is this real war?”
None of the ponied replied, they only continued trotting through the unearth graveyard that was once a beautiful meadow. As they continued, Major Bolt looked at Commander Mist who was at the base of the next hill staring at one particular corpse. As Major Bolt approached him, he noticed a spear sticking out of the corpse with a strange banner connected to it. The banner was white fading into a red color with a black circular object that kind of resembled a saw blade.

Major Bolt looked back at Commander Mist, as he kneeled down over the griffin’s body and closed her still open eyes, “Rest in peace… Jasmine. I'll find the stallion responsible… and I'll kill him.”
Major Bolt was a little nervous, he was raised by Commander Mist since he was a foal and never in his life has he ever heard such anger in his voice. Sergeant Major Storm approached them and spoke, “Commander… I'm afraid there are absolutely no survivors… both in… and outside the town, every griffon, and cub was found dead in their homes the rest… are out here.”
Sergeant Snow approached and asked, “What kind of monsters could be responsible for thi…”
“The Cutters…”
Snow, Bolt and Storm all looked at Commander Mist as he stood staring in rage at the banner that was flapping in the wind, Major Bolt asked, “What did you say comman…”
“The Cutters… that’s who is responsible. This banner… any king, minister, emperor, commander, and general knows this emblem… it’s the calling card of The Cutters. I’ve only seen it once in my life, but I still know it.”

Major Bolt asked, “Commander? Who exactly are The Cutters?”
“A team of ruthless murders and traitors who have passed themselves off as Mercenaries. The most feared mercenaries in the world no less.”
Sergeant Major Storm spoke next, “I heard of them. They say they are composed of three members. A fierce flyer who has wings sharp enough to decapitate her foes, an earth pony who has the strength to break swords with his bare hooves, and the grim reaper herself.”
Sergeant Snow spoke, “Good heavens… it sounds like something from an old pony tale.”
Commander Mist replied while looking at the banner, “No… it sounds like something from a horror novel… unfortunately… this story is non-fiction.”
Commander Mist pulled the banner from the spear using his magic then he placed it in his hoof. After starring at the banner for a few second, he mumbled to himself. “Traipse… this time you have gone too far. I'm going to find you… and I'm going to make you pay.”
Commander Mist folded the banner up and placed it in a pocket on the back of his chest plate, then he turned to his solder and spoke, “Gather the soldiers and prepare to make camp in the town plaza. There isn’t any more we can do for Commander Shriek and her soldiers. The sun is going down and the soldiers need to rest before we depart in the morning, so let’s head back.”

As his three soldiers nodded their heads, Commander Mist started trotting back to the town until he accidently kicked a broken sword on the ground. He reached down, picked up the broken sword, and began to study the design on the hilt. Major Bolt could have sworn to see a tear roll down Commander Mist’s face as he put the now useless sword in his saddlebag and continued trotting back to the town. When the four soldiers got back into the town, they assisted the rest of the soldiers to set up a camp and wait for the night. That night the small ghost town was lit up by multiple campfires throughout the streets. Major Bolt sat on a small lookout point at the top of the town hall as Sergeant Major Storm flew up and spoke, “You see anything major?”
Major Bolt sighed and replied, “Other than the lifeless battlefield… I see a whole lot of nothing.”
Storm replied, “Well I'm here to relieve you so you can get some rest.”
Major Bolt shook his head, “Thanks but no thanks Storm, you go ahead and take the rest you need… I'll be fine.”
Storm shook his head, “No can do major. Commanders orders, in fact his exact words are, you will get some sleep… or I will put you to sleep.”
Major Bolt smiled, “Well I better get some rest then. I don’t want him to do that again.”
“Again? Exactly how many times has he put you to sleep.”
“Let’s just put it like this, Fool me once… shame on you, Fool me six times… well that’s just plain rude.”

Sergeant Major Storm laughed as Major Bolt jumped from the top of the the hall and glided down to the campfire that Commander Mist sat beside. When he landed, he saw Commander Mist holding the broken sword in his hooves. As Major Bolt approached him he asked, Commander are you ok?...”
Commander Mist didn’t reply, he only sat there staring at the ruined sword. Major Bolt wanted to say something to cheer him up… but since he didn’t know the relationship they shared, he couldn’t think of anything. He didn’t know if it was the senseless murder of the town, the Griffin royal forces, or if it was the loss of Commander Shriek. Major Bolt tried to take his mind off of the war, “Hey Commander, when we get back… do you think Major dusty would teach me a little about fighting with a sword?... oh that’s right, my weapon… is going… to be a… shield soon… and… um… she doesn’t like me... so she probably… would say no… anyway.”
Major Bolt felt completely useless, Commander Mist didn’t react to a single word that he said, in fact, it seemed like he wasn’t even there. All Commander Mist did, was sit by the fire staring at the broken sword with a depressed look on his face. Finally, Major Bolt gave up, “Well commander… I guess… I'm going to get some sleep… try not to stay up too late sir. If we want to be in Gryphus by noon tomorrow then we got to get up early. Well good night sir.”

Major Bolt turned around but stopped suddenly when he heard Commander Mist Speak, “It was about ten years ago. Princess Celestia approached me and asked that I start training a griffin soldier who happens to be the daughter of one of the griffins in line for the throne. Her name was Jasmine Shriek, and… she was my first real love. She was skilled, but very impatient. It took me weeks before I broke her of that. By then I didn’t realize that she had fallen in love with me. It was on hearts and hooves day that she confessed her feeling. I honestly had no idea how to react. A griffin… with a unicorn? The idea seemed completely absurd… but slowly I realized I had the same feelings for her. It wasn’t long afterwards that our so-called training was actually just a ploy to spend time together away from judgmental eyes. However, one day her father approached me and asked about her training, so… I had to tell him the truth. I told him that, her training was already over and we have been seeing each other. Never in my life had I seen such anger in a griffin’s eyes. But rather than removing me from the picture so suddenly, he allowed me one more day with her before they were to return to the Griffin Kingdoms. When she asked me if we would ever see each other again, I took her sword from her… and did this…”

Commander Mist handed Major Bolt the broken sword. After taking the sword Major Bolt looked at the writing on the sword’s guard, etched on it were the words, “Someday Soon.”
Major Bolt’s expression went from intrigued to depressed as Commander Mist continued, “I put that phrase on her sword to remind her that if she continued to remember our training and our time together, then we would meet again and then become an official couple, no matter how many would judge our love. I can’t believe after all these years… she still carried that sword. I… I was too late to save her… I… I missed my chance.”
Commander Mist started to tear up as Major Bolt replied, “I had no idea… I know it wouldn’t make a difference… but I'm sorry commander… I wish we could have gotten here on time to save her.”
Commander Mist wiped the tears from his eyes and replied, “Its ok Sparky… but please… don’t make the Mistake I did. If you fall in love, don’t watch and see how long your chance will be available… take it, and never let her go.”
Major Bolt sighed and replied, “Yes sir… I won’t let my chance pass me by… I'll do what I can to avoid that. Well… good night commander I'm off to get some rest now.”
Commander Mist smiled as he replied, “Sweet dreams Sparky… tell Luna I said hi.”
Major Bolt shook his head as he turned around and continued to his tent, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

As Major Bolt made his way back to the tent, Commander Mist smiled, “That colt is going to let his chance fly by too… I just know it. Oh well at least he can see the pony he cares about every night in his dreams.”
Then Commander Mist pulled out the banner and looked at the emblem on it… “The Cutters… I wasn’t expecting this at all. I know Traipse won’t be expecting me neither. Nevertheless… I can’t let him get away with Jasmine’s murder. That crystal traitor will pay for this… even if I have to die in the process.”
Commander Mist put both the banner and the broken sword back into his saddlebag and went to sleep.

The next morning as the soldiers woke and took down their tents Commander Mist went to the town hall and into the mayor’s office. While he was there, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the letter that he was supposed to deliver to the mayor. Then he sat the letter on the mayor’s desk and mumbled to himself, “If anything, I'm a stallion of my word… I only wish this letter would have gotten here sooner.”
Major Bolt slowly peaked through the doorway and spoke, “Commander? The soldiers are ready to move out.”
Commander Mist nodded his head and trotted outside next to Major Bolt. When they were outside, the convoy was already in formation and lined up to move out so Commander Mist announced, “Remember what happened here soldiers! Bear witness to the heartlessness of our enemy! If we fail… this is what awaits the rest of the Griffin Kingdoms. So pray to Celestia, that we succeed on our mission! CONVOY MOVE OUT!!! Our next stop, the capital city of Gryphus!”

Commander Mist led the convoy of soldiers out of the city and over the horizon until Javelin falls was no longer in their sights. About three hours later, a lone stallion approached the city and began trotting up the street until he reached the town hall. The stallion casually trotted through the corridor and into the mayor’s office as if he owned the place. Then the stallion looked at the dead griffin on the floor and shook his head as he sat down in the mayor’s chair and picked up the letter. The stallion opened the letter and read it quietly to himself. After he finished he put it back into the envelop and mumbled to himself, “Hmm… fifty solders eh… I’d expect more from those worthless princesses… hmm it doesn’t say who is leading these soldiers… no matter, we will soon see. I guess I should give this letter to my employer, I'll just add this delivery to his… Tab.”