A Common Interest

by Greenblaze

The new colt

Apple bloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo all sat in Ms.Cheerilee’s class. They talked while they waited for the class to start.
“So Cutie Mark Crusaders, what are we going to do today to get our cutie marks?” Apple bloom asked.
“We will be the Cutie Mark Crusader mountain bikers!” Scootaloo said, trying to keep her voice down.
“Are you sure ABSOLUTELY sure your parents will be okay with us using their bikes?” Sweetie belle asked Scootaloo.
“Yeah my parents are really cool with it…or at least I think so.” Scootaloo hoped.
“Well I think we should ask them first.” Sweetie belle felt nervous. Just then, Ms.Cheerilee walked to the front and spoke up.
“Good morning class, before class starts, I want to introduce a new student to our class.” Then a colt came into the room. He had a light blue coat, baby blue eyes, black mane and tail; he was also a Pegasus and a blank flank.
“Um, hello, I’m Midnight sky. I’m from Cloudsdale my parents got a job in Ponyville and we moved here around two days ago.” Midnight sky said.
Apple bloom had this odd feeling in her chest. She felt as if somepony released a pack of butterflies in her chest. She felt unsure, happy, excited and nervous about the new pony. It was something about this colt that made her feel so….weird. Apple bloom wasn’t sure if she liked or disliked the feeling.
“Okay well Midnight sky, do you want to take a seat so we can get our lesson started?” Ms.Cheerilee asked. Midnight sky looked at the class, trying to find a seat. Soon he found one beside Apple bloom. He walked up to the desk and sat down. Apple bloom blushed noticing where he sat.
“Why did I just blush because he sat beside me?” Apple bloom asked herself.
As class went on, Apple bloom found it harder and harder not to look at Midnight sky. It was something about him that no other colt had. Apple bloom was distracted the whole time. He was on her mind the whole class.
“What’s wrong with me?” Apple bloom kept questioning herself.
FINALLY class ended. Apple bloom got up and walked out of the class. She stood by the door and waited for Sweetie belle and Scootaloo. Then Midnight sky walked out. Apple bloom turned around and blushed. She waited for him to pass before turning back around. And when she did there stood the other two crusaders.
“What were you looking at Apple bloom?” Sweetie belle asked.
“Oh nothing, look I need to talk to you two. Is it possible we could go to one of our houses?” Apple bloom replied.
“Yeah I wanted to talk to you two as well.” Scootaloo said.
“It must be a coincidence; I wanted to talk to you two, too. Here, why don’t we go to my house to talk about it?” Sweetie belle offered.
“Sure, its sounds like a plan! Let’s go!” With that the CMC ran off to Carousal boutique.
As Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo ran to Carousal boutique. Apple bloom couldn’t stop thinking of Midnight sky and being excited to go back to school tomorrow.
“Was this normal when a new pony comes into your class?” Apple bloom asked herself.
Sooner than Apple bloom had expected, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had arrived at Carousal boutique. The three sat on the grass trying to get their breaths back.
“We need to stop doing that.” Sweetie belle said, in between breaths.
“Well at least we know we aren’t; Cutie Mark Crusader Olympic athletes.” Scootaloo said, taking a piece of paper from under wing and scratched out the possibility.
“Why did we have that on the list anyways?” Apple bloom said standing up.
“……You never know….maybe we were meant to be Olympic athletes.” Scootaloo stood up, helping Sweetie belle to her hooves too.
The three crusaders walked into Carousal boutique and up to Sweetie belle’s room. They all took a seat on Sweetie’s bed. They sat there for a minute or two, unsure who’s going to talk first. Eventually, Scootaloo spoke up first.
“So, um, what did you want to talk about Apple bloom?”
“Oh it’s nothing, why don’t you go first?” Apple bloom replied.
“Well YOU brought us here so why do you want to talk about?”
“Well you and Sweetie belle also wanted to talk, so why don’t you two go first?”
“Yeah but you said you wanted to talk, first so-” Scootaloo was cut off by Sweetie belle.
“FINE I’LL GO FIRST IF YOU TWO DON’T WANT TOO!!!” Apple bloom and Scootaloo looked at Sweetie belle for the random outburst. Sweetie belle blushed. Sweetie belle took a large breath in.
“I think I may have a crush on the new colt, Midnight sky.” Scootaloo’s mouth dropped.
“That’s what I was going to say.”
“Yeah that’s colt’s been making me fell weird too.” Apple bloom said.
“What do you mean …weird?” Sweetie belle asked.
“Well whenever I’m around him, I feel nervous, shy, excited and my chest has this odd tightness, like somepony released a pack of butterflies in my chest.” Sweetie belle’s mouth dropped.
“Apple bloom, have you ever had a crush on somepony before?” Sweetie belle asked. Apple bloom shook her head.
“Well we found out what it is…” Scootaloo said exhaling.
“But I don’t think I have a crush on him…” Apple bloom disagreed. Apple bloom never thought she had a crush on Midnight sky.
“Trust me Apple bloom; I had a ton of crushes before, I KNOW what having a crush is like.”
“Oh really, then who are these colts?” Scootaloo asked with a devilish smile. Sweetie belle blushed.
“Oh, you know, just colts from … out of town.”
“Do you still have a crush on them?” Apple bloom asked.
“CAN WE CHANGE THE TOPIC PLEASE?” Sweetie belle yelled.
“Okay, Can we meet these colts you had/have a crush on?” Scootaloo teased. Sweetie belle hit Scootaloo. She didn’t hit her hard, just enough to say: “Shut up.”
“Hey now Sweetie belle, colts don’t like it when you hit other ponies.” Scootaloo laughed. Sweetie belle was about to hit Scootaloo again, when all of a sudden .There was a SMASH followed by a scream. Sweetie belle screamed.