//------------------------------// // Happily Ever After // Story: Fairy Tales From Equestria // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// Chapter 10 This chapter takes place after about six months on Heart & Hooves Day. "C`mon ponies! It`s Heart & Hooves Day! Let`s par-tay!" Pinkie Pie shouted happily. The main six and their special someponies danced and laughed. "Discord, I love you." Twilight said lovingly. "I love you too." Discord responded. "Hey Snowflake, you rock." Rainbow Dash spelled out in the clouds. Snowflake then wrote "You too." on a cloud. "Fluttershy, you are so special to me." said Time Turner. "Love ya." she whispered softly. "Hello, my prince." Rarity said. "Hello, my beloved princess." Snowdrift said in a sweet voice. "Ah, think that you er mighty cute Blues." Applejack said. "You are the prettiest mare in Equestria." he responded with. "I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU CARAMEL!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "You are my favorite pony ever." Caramel said. Everypony hugged and kissed. This was a great day and every couple had already gotten pretty serious. Love is everywhere in Equestria.