Miraak's super fun time extravaganza in the Land of Equestria

by BlackShadow94

Meet some ponies and flip out like a madman part 1/2

Darkness swelled over Miraak, his soul stretching the far reaches of the afterlife where ever it would lead him. His stagnant soul passing by many realms. His soul was at rest, but Herma-Mora would beg to differ. He would not allow the one who betrayed him to rest in peace. No, Miraak would suffer a fate worse than a thousand arrows to the knee and a serious case of brainrot. His punishment, would be ponies.

Miraak awoke, darkness all around him, even in front of him. "Ooh, my aching cranium," said Miraak. "that's the last time I work for a daedric prin...wait a minute, aren't I supposed to be dead?" A few seconds, everything was silent save for the strange noises that he heard.
"How is this even possible? I was defeated by...him, that damned false dragonborn. If it weren't for him I would be in Solsteim right now, ruling in all my powerful glory. But then, he wasn't the one who killed me. It was Herma-Mora and his tentacles. And I do not wish to revisit that memory." Miraak shuddered. Realization has hit him, he is indeed alive. He blinked, saw only darkness. Again, and still darkness. Again and again he blinked and still the same thing. Darkness. "Oh gods...I've gone blind."

Inside the local library of Ponyville sat, Twilight Sparkle, who was reading an odd book labeled How to make friends and influence Changelings. Her eyes were half-closed, dark half-circles hanging below her eyes. Feeling about to fall to sleep, she made her way over to the fridge with a warning: Twilight's fridge, property of Twilight. Do not use except for Twilight.
She cupped a hoof around the door's handle, pulling it wide open. Inside was a slice of half molded cheese, several bottles of water, a carton of milk, a picture on the right side of her view depicting an image of Derpy. Above the picture was a 'have you seen this mare?' sign. Ignoring the bottles, the milk carton and the smelly cheese, Twilight, lowered her head and pulled out a can of Coffee. Why she refrigerates coffee is beyond even Pinkie pie's reasoning. If she even has one.
She pushed the door shut with her right back leg, placing down the can onto a counter top she materialized with her magical horn that stuck out of her head. She poured the contents in the coffee pot filter with already filled water in its tank. She pressed the magical device called, a button. The coffee was being made, now she just had to keep herself awake until it was ready.

"I've gone bloody blind!" Miraak panicked. "Now now, Miraak, you've been through worse, calm down...it's not working!" Trying to reassure himself was not working, just like his ugly step sister trying to be pretty. "Why? Why me? Why did I have to go bli...oh, I can see." Miraak stood up tall, actually able to see. "I was just laying face first...on the cold, wet, muddy ground." He grimaced. His robes were soaked in wet mud, along with his brass skinned boots and his mask. Looking around himself, was a dark forest, eerie sounds emanating from within the jungle mess of vines, moss and trees. Yellow sordid eyes staring back at him from the darkness.
Though he did not know it.

There was a loud scream, a very girly scream. It woke every pony in Ponyville up, angry and tired. Inside the library, Twilight rose her head up high, woken by the wimpy screaming, the angry shouting and howling. She looked at the pot containing her coffee. It was ready and hot but Twilight didn't need it now. She trotted out her door hastily, everyone was outside yelling at one another, accusing the other of causing the noise. Only five ponies were not shouting at each other, and they were Twilight's best friends.
She pushed her way through the angry crowd of raging ponies, only to find her friends just as angry as everypony else. Except Pinkie Pie, she seemed awake and full of energy. Girl probably doesn't sleep, but that's beside the point of the matter at hand.
"What the hay is going on, Twi?" said Applejack. "What's with all the screamin and the howlin?" Applejack's brow furrowed, her mouth hung like a upside down horseshoe. Rainbow dash was no happier.
"Yeah, what's up with that? I'm just minding my own business and trying to sleep and suddenly," Said Dash "I hear the worst imitation of a girl's scream come from the forest. Waking all of us up. Maybe even the princesses." Twilight's mind went through her cabinet of worst fears locked deep inside her brain and her eyes shrunk immensely. He friends stared at her worriedly for a moment. She shook off the thought and tossed it with the others. Inside her memory trash can.
"Well how should I know? I was asleep myself when I heard the screaming," That, and you should know what the howling was, Applejack. You live close to the Everfree forest anyway." said Twilight.
"Okay, yeah maybe ah do. But they aren't prone to attacking the farm at this season. But there was yelling in the forest, like Rainbow said, and I don't think anypony was out at this hour."
Then they saw it.
Or actually him.
Miraak, who was being chased by five, six no twenty timber wolves. Twenty. An odd sight he was. Covered from head to toe in dark blue robes, zig-zag borders lining the robe. Tan colored dragon scales sitting on his robed gloves and the upper most part of his arms. A brass, articulate band wrapped around both arms that were flailing about. His head covered by a hood and a oddly shaped mask.
Their jaws stretched wide open and long wise, pointing to the ground below them. A snail crawled by Rarity's front foreleg but her attention was focused on the strange man. Everyone was.
"I'm dead! I'm so dead! I'm going to...wait," Miraak said, coming to a halt of his running. "I have magic!" He turned his body opposite from where he was heading, looking at his predators charging at him. He bellowed "Please enjoy my bright, red, fiery balls!" Lifting his hands up, he charged powerful fire in his hands and let the fireworks begin. Blast after blast sent the wolves scattering apart like stone after an explosion. literally. Their wooden, moss covered, vine entangled hides scorched by the destructive element. He destroyed every last one of them, and struck a victory pose. "Glorious! My victory is glorious! None can stand the might and power of Miraak! The first dragonborn!" He shouted. However, his victory would be short lived.
"I feel like I'm being watched." He turned around and witnessed the very thing he hated the most. Ponies, bright, technicolor magical, horned and winged ponies.
"Oh what fresh hell have I landed in."