//------------------------------// // Lumbering Beast // Story: Dead Space 1.5, A Forgotten Tail // by shadowpheon //------------------------------// (AN: (Edit) Chapter update! Sorry it's been a while, but, Government sucks... Now, I'd like to begin with something important. 300 Views. Serriously guys? Thanks! We're on our way to the top, (Or maybe anywhere between 75% to 80%) Now, this isn't finished yet, but do keep an eye out, as I do have more time, and can work on it a bit more. Not this weekend though. I'll be getting high at work.(Edit(Edit)) Chapters done! Enjoy!) Celestia was the first to wake that morning. She blinked a few time. Luna was sitting beside her, lost in her own thoughts. “Good morning Luna.” She smiled. “It is almost morning sister. Night still lays over the lands.” She replied. Celestia smiled. “Well… I’ll take care of that soon. You won’t believe the strange dream I had…” Luna turned to face her. “Would it happen to involve you sending Twilight to a hostile world, where she met up with a human named Vandal, and with whom she and her friends, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are fighting for their lives on a place called the Sprawl?” Luna cracked a small smile before it faded. “Because that was not a dream dear sister. It was not a dream…” Luna looked back to the two orbs, one showing a group of sleeping ponies. “Wha… So… I really did it?” Celestia was dumbfounded as she stood. “Yes… And fortunately, nothing too bad has happened.” Luna told her, rising as well. Celestia sighed and walked for the doors. “Right. Well, I guess I must go raise the sun now.” * * * Vandal had dozed off. The ponies’ body heat radiated out of their suits and to his as he lay on the cold floor. He snapped awake as the tram came to a screeching stop. He shook the ponies. They had only been able to get roughly an hour’s rest. “Come. It’s time to move on.” Vandal told them. He stood and opened the door. The three ponies yawned, and two stood. “Now entering, Water Processing” Vandal yet again lift Twilight on to his back. She seemed to be getting better, but he did not want to chance it. The four then stepped onto the platform. “Alright. We are closer, but we still have a ways to go. Is there any concerns any of you have before we move on?” Vandal asked. “I have one small one…” Apple Jack spoke up. “What if we get to the seal, and it’s too late? What if we can’t get to the Public Sector?” “Well… I guess I can cover you all enough for you to teleport somewhere safer. Then you can try to go.” Twilight gasped slightly. “But what about you Vandal? Won’t that mean you’d die?” Twilight had genuine concern in her voice. It made Vandal feel a little more attached to her. “Probably… But if it means you all can escape, then it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to do.” The group sat in silence for a moment. Vandal finally broke it. “Now let’s move. We’ll face these problems when, no, if they show.” The group made their way to the door, Vandal picking up some more ammo from the store and getting fresh bandages for Twilight’s leg. As they opened the door, Tyler came over, “How you hanging in there Vandal? You coping?” Vandal sighed, “Sure. I guess… Just exhausted. This is not how I expected today to go.” “Me either, but you’re doing fine. Just get back safely, ok? That goes for all of you.” “We’ll try Tyler.” Twilight confirmed. The group made their way down the long halls, which in fact, were quite large. They descended a large hall which kept turning as they went down. They finally got to the end and opened another door. “There should be a Line Gun in one of these lockers. Go get it.” Tyler informed. Vandal did so, inspecting the room before he saw the locker. He picked up the weapon. “The IM-822 Handheld Ore Cutter Line Gun is recommended for cutting operations that require more power than a Plasma Cutter can provide. Standard mode is horizontal-only, and a secondary mode ejects a timed explosive plasma charge.” “Well well well. This will sure come in handy… Hey, uh, Apple Jack. Come here.” Vandal looked to the orange visor pony. “What? Are ya’ gonna put that thing on me so I don have to get close to faght?” She asked, removing her helmet. “Yes. It will be tricky, considering there isn’t a bench, but, I’ll make do.” He knelt to her. After a few minutes of work, and some small talk, Vandal had successfully mounted the Line Gun to Apple Jack’s suit. He went over the instructions with her, and then stood back up. They continued on beings as there were no bodies to target with. They entered a long hallway, and that familiar quarantine lock engaged. “Here you go Apple Jack. Try it out before we die.” Vandal said a bit to calm. Two monsters growled from the end of the hall and made their way to the human and ponies. Apple Jack stepped forward, and let off a round. The bright line slowly traveled, cutting both monsters clean in half before it continued down the rest of the hall and hit the door. They left the hall, proud they had another piece of equipment that may lead them to survival. They came to a maze of hallways, and Twilight activated her locator. The fine purple line led them right through the maze. After killing a few more monsters, they found the door. A few more short doors and locks, and they entered a massive room with a river in the middle. “Woah…” Commented Rainbow Dash. “Now this is big…” “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Vandal commented, whom of which was probably smiling under that helmet that never left that head. The group made their way across the river, and down the other side to the door. Vandal decided to make small talk in the massive, eerily quiet room. “Hey Tyler. You never told me where you’re from.” “I shouldn’t really say, but I guess secrecy’s hardly important now… I was born on Mars. Couldn’t wait to get off-world. How about you?” The small chat seemed to lighten the mood slightly, and kill some time from the long walk. “I was born in space. Colony ship to Borealis. I’ve never been to Earth, or Mars… What’s it like?” “Mars? It’s a shithole. You’re not missing anything. Hey, how about you ponies? Where you all from?” Twilight started in, “We don’t exactly have a name for our planet… But we come from Equestria.” Vandal looked over his shoulder to Twilight. “Equestria? What’s it like there? Nothing like this, I’ll guess.” A chuckle was shared by all. “No. It’s nothing like this. Heck, we don’t even have half the technology you humans have. We’re still on only our planet. Our ruler Celestia keeps the peace and harmony for us all to live happily.” “Sounds like vacation.” Tyler laughed. “Maybe we could visit if we make it off this hellhole.” Vandal added. “Yeah! That would be awesome!” Rainbow Dash input. The group had reached the door by now. They entered the door and came to a long tunnel. Making their way down, they came to another new monster. This one was pretty big, fat, some may say. Rainbow Dash leapt forward, letting loose a Ripper blade on the creature. Its stomach tore open, spewing out the little fleshy creatures, who in turn, jumped on Rainbow Dash. “Gah!” She cried in surprise. Twilight blasted them off her, while Apple Jack ran over to help stomp them to the ground. They left the tunnel and entered another massive river room. But this one locked down. “Oh come the fuck on…” Vandal growled. The group cornered up, engaging what they could. Apple Jack laid mines, Vandal and Twilight shot what they could at a distance, and Rainbow Dash tore up whatever came too close. After a bloody fight, they had cleared the room. They left and found, yet again, another large room. But as they entered, they heard a terrifying growl. Not no normal monster growl. This one sounded very, very mean. “Stick close…” Vandal warned them as they continued on. Suddenly, from a catwalk above, came flying down a body. It hit the ground hard, and the group looked up. A massive monster swung from the catwalk and hit the ground, causing the group to stumble. It grabbed the body in its mouth, shook it like a dog, the threw it into a wall once it saw the group. Tyler came over, “Alright guys, listen up. I already met one of these things. Just stay calm, and focus. The front’s covered in plating, so you need to get behind it and cut it up. You can do this, I know you can.” “Split up!” Vandal ordered. He saw the two other ponies run to the sides, and then noticed the monster charging. Right at him and Twilight. * * * The group had fully awoken once the monstrous roars of this new creature had come forth. They watched in terror as it began charging. They saw Vandal throw the injured Twilight aside. She yelped in pain, but not nearly as much as Vandal when the creature hit him, and grabbed him. “Shoot the bastard with stasis! Don’t worry if you hit me! Just freeze this bastard and kill him!” Vandal yelled as he was lifted up and slammed back down. Twilight focused her magic and froze the creature. “Go! Now! Kill it while I keep it immobile!” Twilight hollered. She was straining, for this monster was gigantic and very hard to keep still. Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash moved in unison to open up on the exposed back of the monster. Quite a few blades and mines later, the monster broke Twilight’s hold, and glared at her. It tossed Vandal like a ragdoll, and began charging at her instead. Twilight did all she could to not scream. She was helpless. It was getting closer. Closer. Thirty feet. Twenty. Ten. A loud shot rang out from Vandal, who had sat up with the plasma cutter. He scored the kill shot, and the monster toppled over, skidding to a halt right at Twilight’s hooves. * * * It howled a dying growls, raising an arm to swipe at Twilight, but falling motionless as it died. Twilight lay there panting. She was terrified. Everything they had put into that, and it kept going. She hoped dearly they would meet nothing else like it… “Twilight!” The concerned yell broke her trance. Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash stood next to her, asking if she was alright. “Yeah… I’m fine… Just a little shook up.” Vandal limped over at this moment. He knelt and gently pat her head. “You did good Twi… You all did good… “ He coughed. He scooped up Twilight, and returned her to his back. They moved on, leaving behind the corpse of this beast. They left the room, and continued on down a hall.