//------------------------------// // Confessions At The Boutique // Story: Diamonds and Butterflies // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// Rarity brushed her long, violet mane. She then styled it and put in her favorite mane spray, Mane Fashion. Then, did her make up. She put on her signature light blue eyeshadow and some lipgloss. "Fluttershy is coming over, so I need to look nice." She cleaned her 'inspiration room'. "This is so messy! How did it even get this way?! Good thing Sweetie Belle cleaned it up a bit!" After that, she decided to do some reading. She was reading this great story about these two friends who fell in love while they were on an adventure to find out what happened to both their parents. She had just read 'She walked in as usual, but she looked radiant. At that moment, my feelings clicked. My best friend is the one I love.' when Fluttershy walked in. Rarity looked at Fluttershy and then at the book. The one I love. She walked up to her and hugged her. "Hello, Fluttershy! It's so nice to see you!" "Hello, Rarity! You look great!" "Shall we work on your dress?!" Fluttershy nodded. "Fluttershy, just stand over there and I will get the supplies!" Rarity walked away and came back almost immediately with measuring tape and sewing supplies. "I just need to get your measurements." Rarity began measuring Fluttershy. Fluttershy felt hot right when Rarity started touching her. She blushed, but Rarity was too busy to notice. Rarity accidentally brushed against her flank and Fluttershy's wings shot straight out. Rarity couldn't help, but laugh. "It's not funny!" "Sure it's not darling." Rarity had gotten about half the measurements done, so she figured that she should just end it there and use the pony model and her fashion sense to figure out the other measurements. "What color what you like your dress to be?" "Um... purple, blue and pink." "Ooo! I can make a purple dress with hot pink buttons and lace. I will make a dark blue sweater with lavender and baby blue butterflies to go with it!" "That sounds lovely Rarity!" Rarity began drawing the dress design. Simultaneously, she used her magic to grab the proper fabric and special supplies for the job. Fluttershy sat petting Opal. She looked around the room and then got up to look closer at the fabrics. "There are so many pretty designs and colors." She looked at all of Rarity's paintings and sketches that she found on the table in the corner. Fluttershy was filled with wonder as to what Rarity had in inspiration room. Fluttershy proceeded to look at dresses that Rarity had made. Once she was finished looking she felt bored. She looked over at Rarity drawing. "Rarity, I'm bored." Oh no! I- I mean... "Oh, then let's begin! I haven't totally finished drawing, but I have my ideas in my head." Rarity grabbed her fabric and put it in the sewing machine. She used her magic to speed up the process. "Fluttershy, I need some more fabric, could you get some?" Fluttershy flew over the the shelf and grabbed the purple fabric Rarity wanted. "Um... here you go." "Thank you!" Fluttershy once again returned to her seat, but this time Fluttershy was super bored. She lied down and took a nap. "I can add three buttons here. I can put the lace here and then go around the base. Oh! I will put one purple butterfly in this right corner and the other can be down here..." All of Rarity's rambling woke Fluttershy up. She woke up to see Rarity's blue eyes. What a great way to wake up! "I'm sorry. I was so busy working with the dress that I forgot about you! Let's do something! We could..." Fluttershy stopped her. "I'm having a great time here with you." Rarity walked over to put the final touches on the dress, while Fluttershy got up to get some paper and quills. She began sketching Rarity. Rarity walked over to see how Fluttershy was doing when she saw the drawing of herself. "It's beautiful! Wait right here!" She ran over to her desk and returned with a piece of paper. Fluttershy smiled. "I use art to express my true feelings. The day I drew this I was very happy because of you." She thought about Rarity's words. I need to 'express my true feelings'. She looked at Rarity. I need to show my feelings. She stood up and walked towards Rarity. Fluttershy looked into Rarity's eyes and then kissed her. It was not just a little peck on the check, but a deep, heartfelt kiss. Fluttershy held Rarity close and waited for a reaction. She then pulled away from Rarity to see what she was thinking. I just kissed Rarity! I JUST KISSED RARITY! Rarity looked at Fluttershy lovingly and then she kissed her back. The two of them stood close to each other, their two hearts beating as one. They were in love, it was as simple as that. "Fluttershy, I've liked you for about a month now, I really realized that it was more than a crush about a week ago." Fluttershy smiled. "I've liked you since about the same time, but only realized how strong my feelings were a couple of days ago." The two of them stood their with their muzzles touching. They cradled each other in each others hooves. It was a moment of serenity and a world without issues. It was perfect. "Fluttershy, would you like to go on a date tomorrow afternoon?" Fluttershy smirked. "Are you asking me out?" Rarity smiled and then pulled her in for another kiss.