Fallout Equestria: Cloppenhagen chronicles.

by neoxxx666

Leaving the stable.

Fallout Equestria: Cloppenhagen chronicles.

My little pony: Friendship is magic is Copyrighted by their respectable owners, and is used without permission. The Fallout: Equestria universe belongs to Kkat. I only own the OCs and original locations used in this story; if you want to use them, send me a message, and we can talk about it.

Chapter 1: Leaving the stable.

I yawned loudly as I leaned back in my chair at the clinic reception desk; it was the last few minutes of my shift and I was looking forward to getting out of there so I could get home and relax. I looked at myself in the mirror; I was a bleach white earth pony, who was wearing a white nurse’s uniform with a nametag that said ‘Stable 169 nurse: Amora Rosa’; I had a scarlet mane that was hanging down in front of one of my light blue eyes.

I was about to reach under the table to grab a romance novel I read when there wasn’t anything to do, when the terminal beeped, signaling an incoming call, I hit the button and spoke into the microphone “Welcome to the stable 169 clinic, this is nurse Amora Rosa speaking, what can I help you with.”

“Hello Amora, this is the Overmare, and as for how you can help me I wish to talk to you.” A soft, friendly voice sounded from the speakers.

“Oh, hello Mrs. Overmare, what do you wish to talk to me about?” I asked, feeling a little nervous that I unintentionally had done something wrong, but I quickly shook the thought out of my head, no need to be nervous if there was nothing to be nervous about.

“Do you remember a month ago, when you made an application for an adventurer license?” The Overmare asked.

“Yes.” I said excitedly. In the months after the year had started, me and my marefriend Sky Haze had become tired of our monotone life in the stable, and so we had decided to do what many of our fellow young ponies did; apply for an adventurer license that allowed them to come and leave the stable as they wanted, unlike everypony else, who had to fill out forms days in advance to go on a trip outside, while they explored the wasteland to their heart’s content, and hopefully bring home treasures beyond their wildest fantasies.

“Well, your application has been granted, all you have to is come by and sign it.” The Overmare said, sounding happy on my behalf.

“Really, that’s wonderful; I’ll come by as soon as I’m off work.” I said excitedly. Now I couldn’t wait for my shift to end.

“Yeah, about that…” The Overmare’s voice sounded a little embarrassed “Is there any chance you can come over any sooner?”.

I winced “I’m afraid I can’t do that; Doc has asked me not to get early off work, since I’ve been doing it a bit much lately.” I said and scratched the back of my head. Doctor Blazecut was one of the friendliest ponies in Equestria, most of the time anyway; but he was also very stern when it came to work hours, and he didn’t like it when his associates slacked off. I had been slacking off quite a bit in the months after I had placed the application for the adventurer’s license, and the Doc and given me a powerful reprimand. I had felt really bad after said reprimand and decided to give it my very best until the application was either approved of declined.

The Overmare sighed and said “I understand. Anyway, once you get off from work, could you bring your tools over, I accidentally locked myself out of the office when I went to get lunch; I’m calling you from the security office.”.

“Sure, I will.” I said before disconnecting the call. I waited the last couple of minutes, and went to the locker rooms to change into the dress I had been wearing when I arrived that morning. I took a moment before sliding into the plain, red dress to look myself in the locker room’s large mirror wall, just admiring my body, smiling as my eyes reached my cutie mark, which was a red rose, growing around a red cross.

It had appeared during my fifth school year. It was after the end of the day’s classes; two of my classmates had started fighting in the atrium, and to say the least, it ended pretty badly, one of them ended up with a bloody nose and open wounds on his body and face; the other lost a few teeth and also had a lot of wounds on his body. I don’t really know why I did it, but as the fight was going on, I rushed into the clinic and asked for help, and helped the medics out with treating my classmates, and it turned out I was actually pretty good at it; when I got home, both me and my parents were surprised to find that it had appeared, and once I left school, I became a nurse.

I put on my dress and my saddlebags, which held some bits and caps, along a box of bobby pins, a screwdriver and my trusty baton, which I always had with me, just in case. Stable 169 wasn’t normally a violent place but from time to time, there would come a few violent types who wanted to get in a fight no matter what, and thus every adult in 169 carried some sort of melee weapon with them for protection. I snug past the Doc’s office, so I wouldn’t disturb him, and went to the entrance terminal and punched out, before I headed for the Overmare’s office.

“Ah Amora, good that you came so quickly.” The Overmare said with a relieved sigh when I arrived at her office. She was an indigo unicorn with a navy blue mane, and a cutie mark with a scroll, a quill and a stack of bits; she was wearing a brown business suit and a pair of large, round glasses sat on her nose.

“Thank you Overmare, I hope you haven’t waited too long.” I said with a smile, I felt exited to get my license, but first we had a little problem that was keeping me from getting it.

“Of course not darling, I’m just glad you came as quickly as you did.” The Overmare said with a smile.

I couldn’t help giggling a little at what Overmare said, but I quickly cleaned my throat and said “Well, let’s take a look at that lock, shall we.” I sat down my saddlebags, and pulled out my screwdriver and a bobby pin, and started working on the lock.

The Overmare looked at me weirdly and asked “What’s with the giggling?”.

I pulled away from my lock picking and said with a slight smile “I was just thinking about what Sky would say to what you said before.”.

“And what would that would be?” The Overmare asked, motioning for me to elaborate.

“She would probably say something about how fast she could make me ‘come’, so to speak.” I said with a grin and went back to work.

The Overmare snickered lightly at the comment and said “She’s such a naughty little thing, isn’t she.”.

I giggled slightly and finally unlocked the door; I put my tools back in the saddlebag and said “Well that’s why I love her as much as I do.” I felt my cheeks flush a bit as I talked.

The Overmare nodded understandingly, I knew from the newspaper that the Overmare had a husband that she loved more than everything in the world “That’s very sweet. Now, let’s go and fill out the last of your license, so you can go and get ready to leave as I’m sure you want to.” She said and pushed the door open, so we could get into the office. It was a simple matter of filling out the license, I just had to fill out my name and any companions I wished to take with me; so I jutted my own and Skys name down on the license, and after having it placed in a plastic holder, from which it could be taken out if more names were to be added later on, I said my goodbyes to the Overmare and headed to the cantina for our lunch and dinner.

“Sky I’m home!” I called out happily as I entered our apartment.

“In here!” The voice of my marefriend called out from her work room; it was actually a second bedroom that we had stripped the bed and dresser out of, so we could sleep in the same bedroom, and give Sky a place to make her sculptures, we had even gotten some of the technicians to make the door wider and higher, so her larger sculptures could be transported out and be laid down in the much larger living room to be brought to its destination.

I walked into the work room to see Sky Haze stand in front of what I knew was a covered up sculpture, which either meant that she either wasn’t done with it yet, or wanted to show it to me. Sky was a clay red pegasus, with a cutie mark that looked like a sculpture of a pegasus; she had a mane with a mix of dark blue and light blue, and light blue eyes, which at the moment was covered by a pair of security goggles, which in turn was covered in a light coating of white dust; in fact her entire body was covered in dust “Hey sweetie.” Sky said as she lifted the goggles and smiled lovingly at me.

“Hey cutie.” I said as I went over to Sky and nuzzled her cheek, with her nuzzling back, which turned that part of my head a shade of darker white; I stepped back a bit and asked her “What do you have under the cover?”.

“Oh it’s the sculpture that Jasmine ordered for the spa, and I finished it a few hours ago; wanna see it?” Sky asked. I nodded, and Sky pulled the cover away to reveal a statue of a stallion, washing the back of a mare who was lying in a pool; the stallion was erect and rather large, and the mare was in possession of an udder and you could clearly see her genitals “What do you think?” She asked with a big smile on her lips.

I tilted my head from side to side, admiring the piece of art for a few seconds, before I asked “Isn’t it a little risqué for a public place like the spa?”.

“Well, that’s what Jasmine wanted; hay she even paid out of her own pocket, to have some scavengers find the large lump of marble to make the sculpture out of.” Sky said and patted the edge of the pool, looking at it proudly.

“That’s amazing, and gracious of her.” I said as I went over and felt the marble, which left more fine dust on my coat “And I think you’ve done an excellent job, it truly is a beautiful piece of art.” I said and nuzzled her once more.

“I’m glad you like it.” Sky said as she nuzzled back.

We stood like that for a little while, just enjoying the feel of our fur rubbing against each other; I finally pulled away and said excitedly “Guess what happened today.”.

“You found pouch of bits.” Sky guessed.

“Nope, though that would have been nice.” I said and snickered as I pulled my adventurers license out of my saddleback and showed it proudly to my marefriend “Tchadaaa.” I said through my teeth.

Sky gave off a squee of joy when she saw the document, and eagerly asked “When do we leave?”.

I put the license into my saddlebag again and answered “In a few days, just so we can prepare some supplies, and you can get your sculpture to the spa, and I can quit my job at the clinic.”.

Sky nodded and said “Sounds like a good idea. Now, let’s get a shower and get something to eat, I’m starving.” I nodded and we walked to the bathroom to get a bath and talk more about our plans for our trip out of the stable.


“Okay, is everything set?” I asked as I pulled on the blue and black security barding, that I bought from a trader a few months back, along with a small magical energy gun and some spark packs to go with it; it was now in a holster on the barding’s left side, and my baton on the right.

“I think so.” Sky Haze said as she secured her mother’s Enclave armour onto her body. Skys mother was a former Enclave soldier turned Dashite that escaped from her life in the clouds, but got captured by slavers and sold to a rich trader, whom she killed; she then went to Cloppenhagen and started a new life in stable 69 “Did you get all our bits converted into caps?” She asked.

“Yep.” I said as put my saddlebags on.

“Did you remember to ask your mom to come over from time to time and clean up the apartment?” She asked as the last piece of her armor snapped into place.

“Yep, and I made sure to hide our ‘toys’ so she won’t ask us questions about what we’re doing, when we’re alone.” I said with a giggle, before bumping my flank against Sky Hazes.

“Where?” She asked, bumping back with her own giggle.

“In the vent behind the bed.” I answered as I started to look through the inventory in my pipbuck, just to make sure we had what we needed for the trip.

“Good place.” Sky admitted as she secured her own saddlebags, and checked her own pipbuck inventory. We both knew that my mother had a habit of snooping around if she happened to be alone in a place, just to find something that she could ask embarrassing questions about when the person returned; and her finding our sextoys and asking us about it was something I’d really like to avoid.

“Yeah, she might be a snoop, but she’s not going to move around our furniture to find something to make us embarrassed about.” I said as I finished checking my inventory. I suddenly remembered something and asked “Did you remember the altar figures, just in case we have to camp out?” We both prayed to the goddesses Celestia and Luna, a faith that had originated in stable 173, one of the 6 known stables in the Cloppenhagen area, of which 169 was the only one that was still in use; the others, 168, 170,171,172 and 173 had all been dismantled and used to create much of the settlement of Cloppenhagen. The Sun Moon religion, as it was named by the 173 dwellers, was mostly praying to Celestia and Luna for better times, mostly at bedtime, and send a small prayer if you killed someone, to help his or her soul on its way to the goddesses, at least it was for those who was casual about it.

Sky nodded as she finished her own inventory check ”Yes I did, and I made sure they are secure in a blast container.” She opened one of the bags to reveal a small, rectangular metal box, which held the 2 metal figurines of Celestia and Luna, which usually had their place on the altar in our bedroom. She closed the bag and said “Well, if we have everything, then let’s get going.”.

“Agreed, let’s go.” I said and we made our way out of the apartment; after locking the door and turned the key over to my mother, we went straight to the atrium, where we browsed around the traders for a little while, just for fun, before we trotted in the direction of the stable door.

“License or papers please.” A heavily armed unicorn guard said when we came to the control point a few meters from the door. I fished the license out of my saddlebag, and the guard used his magic to levitate the license from my mouth; he scanned the paper before handing it back to me and said “Your license check out okay, but you can’t leave at the moment, we got a situation on our hands on the outside.”.

We both nodded, knowing the rules of the stable fully well, we knew that a trader from the outside, had failed to produce his or her trading papers in the proper fashion, and that meant that the trader’s wagon was to be searched by the guards. Sky and I turned away to talk about what to do until we could get out “I think we should help them out.” Sky said.

“Why, they’re used to this, and they certainly have the man power.” I said as I gestured to the guard corps squad that was standing by to ‘greet’ the trader.

“Come on, it could be fun, and a good start to our adventure.” Sky said, before pulling out her almost patented puppy dog eyes, and said in her most sugarcoated voice “Please.”.

I face-hoofed, I never could say no to those eyes, and they had led me into many naughty situations over the years “Aughh, Okay, but then I get to pick what we do next, deal?” I said as seriously as I could with those eyes looking at me, holding out my hoof so we could seal the deal.

Sky looked like she was thinking about it for a moment, before she extended her hoof and pressed it against mine and said “Deal.” She then walked over to the guard and asked “Can we help you guys out in any way?”.

The guard put a hoof to his chin, looking thoughtful for a moment, before he walked into the control point’s office and talked to someone; he returned not long after and said “Go down to squad, and tell the guy with the green and gold stripes on his barding…” He pointed to a green unicorn buck that was standing in front of the squad “That you’re temporary reinforcements, he’ll tell you what to do.” He then went back into the office and began working the controls for the large, gear shaped door.

We walked over to the squad and Sky addressed the squad leader “Hey, I’m Sky Haze and this is Amora Rosa, we’re temporary reinforcements.”.

The buck looked us over for a moment, before he gave us a brief smile and said in a friendly, but firm tone of voice “Then welcome to the stable guard, go to the right side of the squad and follow my orders.” He then returned his gaze to the stable door, which had started to open.

We quickly found our spots in the squad and waited as the door opened; I drew my gun, and Sky charged the nova surge rifles on the back of her armor, and the security ponies lifted their high powered rifles and machineguns, ready to shoot if necessary.

The door rolled to the side, to reveal a red buck, shrouded in a cloak with the hood up, pulling a wagon with him as he entered the stable “Please halt and get ready for inspection.” The squad leader said loudly enough for everypony in the room to hear. The buck stopped and the leader stepped towards him, keeping his distance “What are you carrying, and how come that you didn’t present your papers in the proper fashion?” He asked.

“I’m carrying machine parts and canned food.” The trader said, his voice sounding like he had been drinking about a 1000 sandpaper martinis.

As the trader started to explain how he had lost the lockbox, which all traders received along with their permit to trade in the stable, something started bugging me about the trader; through my work at the clinic, I had developed a keen eye for details, which I now used it to study the suspicious trader to try and find out it was that bugged me about him. Suddenly it hit me, it was the skin close to the Trader’s mouth, it looked like his coat had been replaced with lizard scales; I holstered my gun and called out to the squad leader “Squad leader, something’s not right about this trader.”.

The green buck turned and asked “What’s not right about him, private?”.

“I think he’s a mutant, the skin at his mouth doesn’t look right.” I said, before I drew my gun again and pointed straight at the trader.

The squad leader raised an eyebrow, but turned non the less and studied the trader thoroughly; he quickly discovered what I had seen, and his horn flared to life, quickly releasing his magical energy rifle from his back, which was equally quickly pointed at the trader in no time, the safety clicking off, along with every other safety in the squad “Take off your hood before we turn you to dust.” He ordered harshly, not wanting to risk having something dangerous in the stable. The trader was taken aback by the sudden change of the situation, and he started muttering silently “Do it!” The squad leader ordered louder, his voice echoing off the walls.

The trader slowly reached a hoof up and removed the hood to reveal his face, and it was definitely a face only a mother could love; scales covered most of his face, and he had strange, rainbow colored eyes with a reptilian slit pupil in them; his hooves looked razor sharp and his mane had mutated into two sets of bony spines down his back, making him look very much like a dragon; everypony, myself included, was stunned by this reveal; as stable ponies we had only ever heard stories about the monsters and raiders that lived in the wastes, we knew that this guy was from the raider gang called the Drake claws, ponies who willingly mutated themselves, but actually seeing one of these ponies in real life was very different from hearing about them.

A smug smile appeared on the Drake claw’s lips, revealing his razor sharp teeth, as he said with his hoarse voice “You just made your biggest mistake maggots.” He took a deep breath and unleashed a bestial roar; the covering on the wagon was ripped to shreds, as 5 more Drake claws got out of the wagon; they didn’t waste any time and started galloping towards us.

“Fire!” The squad leader shouted and as one, we opened fire on the mutants. The shots ricocheted off their thick hides and only managed to slow the monsters down a bit. When they reached us, they started pouncing the nearest ponies, trying to rip the throat out of their victims.

I jumped out of the way as one of the mutated ponies, a bright green mare, tried to pounce me, but even though I managed to move out of the way, one of her hooves still managed to cut through the fabric of my barding and into the flesh at my shoulder. I grunted at the pain, but I refused to let the gun fall from my mouth; I quickly turned to face my opponent, who had gotten to her hooves, and we started circling each other. The mare was the first to make a move, she bend down and jumped at me in an attempt to get on top of me, so I could become an easy kill, though before she reached me, Sky Haze, who was standing nearby, fired her nova surge rifles at her; the mare gave off a pitiful little squeak when the red beams hit her, before she turned into a pile of glowing, pink goo; sky trotted up me and said “Seems we’ll have to get close to them, before our weapons can do any serious damage to them.”.

“Right, now letsh go help the othersh.” I said, Sky nodded and went off to help 3 of the security, who were holding a crimson Drake claw stallion at bay with their batons, while I made my way to the squad leader, who was holding his rifle to the cloaked Drake claw’s throat with his hooves, to keep him from biting him.

The raider was too preoccupied with trying to rip the squad leader’s throat out, so I could literally walk right up to him and put the gun to his temple “Hey dude.” I said, gaining the attention of the raider; he looked at me dumbly, before I pulled the trigger and sent a green bolt of energy into his forehead, reducing the raider to a pile of green glitter.

“You okay sir?” I asked after holstering my gun, and started helping the green buck to his hooves.

“Yeah, I’m fine private Rosa.” He said as he picked his rifle up with his magic; he quickly assessed the situation quickly and said “Private Rosa, go to the wagon and make sure that we don’t have any more surprises in store.”.

“Yes sir.” I said before drawing my gun and ran towards the wagon; as I ran, I took a quick look back and saw the squad leader take care of another Drake claw, reducing him to green dust as well ‘Good job sir.’ I thought before refocusing on my own task. I reached the wagon, and downed a healing potion, to get rid of the injury from before, before I used my hooves to remove the rest of the covering; luckily, there weren’t any more Drake claws in the wagon, just a few machine parts, some empty cans of pears and an empty glass bottle. I decided to help myself to some of the machine parts, I could sell them later in the Cloppenhagen market and get some caps; I also took the bottle, it might be a clue of some kind.

I returned to the guards, who had managed to kill off the last Drake claws with the help of their numbers, and the knowing that they had to get close to the mutants before their weapons could do damage to them, and trotted up to the squad leader “There was nopony in the wagon, only some machine parts, empty cans and this.” I said and held up the bottle.

The squad leader nodded and took the bottle from me “Good job, we’ll get the bottle analyzed, it might be important.” The green buck said and put the bottle in one of his saddlebags; he then reached into the other bag with his magic and pulled out a few spark packs and said “Take these as small token of the corps’ gratitude; this may not have turned out so well if you hadn’t noticed, that the guy had scales around his mouth.” He then saluted me, and I did the same.

I placed the spark packs in my saddlebag and walked over to where Sky, who had lifted the visor on her armor, was talking with some of the other guards “Ready to go Sky?” I asked my marefriend.

Sky said goodbye to the guards and walked over to me “Yeah I’m ready.” She said with a smile. I smiled back, and we started walking out of the stable. Both of us took a deep breath when we exited the cave that served as entrance to the stable; we stood for a bit and looked down at the rebuilt city of Cloppenhagen, which bustling with life. I looked over at Sky, who looked back at me “Race you to the city?” I asked with a grin.

Sky grinned back and said “You don’t stand a chance.”.

“We’ll see about that.” I said, and without warning I started sprinting down the road towards the city.

“Hey no fair.” Sky giggled, before she spread her wings and gave chase, slowly catching up to me.

A/N: Well, that was the first chapter in my Fallout: Equestria side story, I hope you liked it. The reason why I started this fic, was because I thought that not all stories from the wasteland would start with the heroes having to go through some kind of tragedy, in order to start their adventure. But don’t worry, they’ll get to go through their fair share of disturbing/sad/tragic/dangerous situations, but I just wanted them to start out a little different than the other Fallout: Equestria fictions I’ve read. Once again, I hope you liked this first chapter, and I’ll try to put up the next chapter as quickly as possible.