Southern Skies

by Jondor


"Ugh! The reception's going to be totally lame if we can't find any kind of entertainment!" Dash whined as they trotted down the street. "What the hay is everypony's problem with two mares getting married anyway?"

"Ya got me, sugarcube. Maybe it’s just ‘cause we ain’t home town folks here in Canterlot. 'Least Granny Smith didn't make a fuss, an’ we got just about all of Ponyville ta back us up." Applejack gave her a reassuring nuzzle.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But I wanted some flashy entertainment for the reception and Ponyville just doesn’t really have anything awesome enough.” Rainbow was feeling a little better now, but still sulking for the most part.

"Well, how about that DJ Pinkie recommended?"

"Are you kidding? The last time I listened to Pinkie Pie, my tongue was green for a week!" Dash pulled a grim face with her tongue lolling out.

Applejack chuckled. "Well, we ain't got much choice left. Might as well give ‘em a shot while we’re here, right?"

"I guess so." Rainbow sighed and looked around to get her bearings after checking the address Pinke had given her. "At least the place isn't far." She said, pointing to a small building just down the street sporting neon lights of a cello and several vinyl discs above the entrance.

"So, a wedding reception, huh?" The snow white DJ mare grinned at them from behind her trademark purple glasses and electric blue mane. Dash and AJ recognized her as the DJ from Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding and their doomed fashion show from ages ago. "No sweat. You guys the bride and the maid of honor?"

Dash huffed and started to speak, but AJ cut her off. "Actually, we're both the brides."

"So, double wedding or..." Vinyl Scratch started to ask, but Dash cut across her.

"No we're marrying each other, so go ahead and kick us out like everypony else has." The pegasus fumed. “Should have stuck with Ponyville ponies, stupid stuck up Canterlotians..” She mumbled, trailing off in anger.

"Whoa! Chill out, dude. Fillyfooler wedding? That's cool with me." Vinyl lowered her glasses and winked her ruby eye. "Heck, I'll even give you a discount."

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Y'all don't have ta do that." Applejack took Rainbow's hoof in her own. "We're just glad ta find somepony ta take the job."

"Nah, I totally do. I know what it's like." Vinyl pointed through the window to the other office in the small building. The grey earth pony mare with the elegant charcoal mane gave a small chaste wave of recognition. As Vinyl blew her a kiss, her eyelids dropped to a very seductive half-mast and she returned it. "Now, let's make this party one to remember." Vinyl clopped a determined hoof on the desk.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash grinned at each other and shared a kiss. Entertainment problem solved.