Twilight Gets her Own Student

by Mr Anomalous

Choices, choices...

Choices, choices...


Princess Celestia had agreed to advertise the fact that her own student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, was looking for a student of her own. Word spread quickly, and that word reached all of her friends. All of them had approved in their own way. Pinkie Pie, of course, had thrown a party.

Later on, though, Twilight had scrapped the idea of interviewing her potential students. Though it was more organized, she had decided that it would be far easier and faster to choose based on what she noticed about ponies that she met. The purpose of the advertising was solely to let everypony know, and, perhaps, have them on their best behavior.

Princess Celestia had decided to help too, and did some searching of her own, rooting out all of the potentials and sending them to Twilight. The purple mare had rejected the few that Celestia had already sent her. None of them had seemed fit enough for the position, Twilight had thought.

Three days later, after all of this, Twilight was still student-less. She had actually considered trying Trixie, but nopony knew where she could be found. None of the school fillies were old enough either, which unfortunately meant excluding Sweetie Belle. Twilight would have liked to take her.

So, here we find Twilight, in her library, still searching for a potential student. It was dark out, the crickets were chirping and the lightning bugs were flying about, little specks of light in the dim light of Luna's moon.

"Ugh..." Twilight rested her chin on her desk in defeat. Her eyes found their way up out of the window and at the moon and stars.

Spike looked up from a paper he was writing.

"Twi'? You alright?"

The purple alicorn just sighed and said, "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit overwhelmed. I had no idea that finding a personal student would be this hard..."

Spike scratched a scale on his head while he thought for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes widened and one would not have found it very difficult to imagine a lightbulb appearing over the top of his head.


Twilight looked back towards the sound of her assistant's voice and then back to the wall.

"What is it?"

"I have an idea! Did the Princess limit you on where you could look?"

Twilight's brow furrowed in thought, then she lifted her head from the wooden surface of her desk and turned to Spike.

"What are you suggesting, Spike?"

"What I'm suggesting Twilight, is that you look somewhere not in Equestria!"

Twilight clicked. That...was not a bad idea at all. The purple mare smiled down at her assistant.

"Say, Spike, that's a pretty good idea!"

Then she sulked a bit again.

"But that just means a lot more ponies the sift through..."

A necessary workload. She needed to find a student soon.

"Well...where do you suggest?"

"Well, let's see. There's Germaney, there's Gryphus-"

"Princess said no Gryphons; to war-like."

"Oh, okay, well then there's Caneighda, Glascow, Ibex..."


"Oh, and Stalliongrad!"

Twilight perked up. Stalliongrad huh...? A smile grew across her face. She hopped from her chair and beamed.

"Uh, Twi'? What're you doing?"

"Pack your bags, Spike, we're going to Stalliongrad!"



Dear Princess Celestia:

I am writing to inform you that Spike and I will be searching for a student elsewhere. Stalliongrad, to be exact. If there is some reason that you do not want me to go there, write now, for I am already packing.

-Twilight Sparkle


Dear Princess Twilight
First off, from now on I suggest you sign your letters as "Princess Twilight Sparkle." It is a tradition and you need to get into the habit.

Next, I have no objections to you taking a trip to Stalliongrad. In fact, I am pleased that you are willing to broaden your horizons. There are just a few things about the nation you must know before heading out. Stalliongrad is quite different than Equestria. They are militaristic and can come across as gruff and rude, Do not let that foal you, for the Stalliongradi are actually quite a hospitable group of ponies and are always willing to help there "comrades". I have sent a letter to the Prime Minister to let him prepare for your arrival.

You must also know that Stalliongrad has been at war with the Nazi State of Germaney, No this war isn't in any of your books and i never taught you about it because it has not come to effect our country, Equestria has and will remain neutral so don't let the Prime Minister talk to you about the war. Crime at Stalliongrad is also significantly higher than in Equestria due to a majority of the police and guards being out on the front, so as a precaution I have also dispatched a pair of my own personal guards to keep you safe.

Always remember Twilight that the Stalliongradi ponies are quite hospitable, nice, and most can be trusted. They are all very patriotic as well. But beware, they are much more war-like. And be wary of thieves.

Best of Luck and with love,

-Princess Celestia.

Twilight rolled up her scroll in thought. That was interesting. And she was excited to meet her bodyguards.

"Twilight, do we have to go now?"

"Yes, Spike, I need to find a new student as soon as possible."

The purple-green dragon only moaned in response.

"Don't worry, you can take a nap on the train."

The baby dragon perked up and began to pack.

Soon, as expected, there was a heavy knock at Twilight's door. She went over and opened the heavy oak piece with her magic. Two guards looked at her and smiled. One was noticeably bigger, but not by much. He was obviously older and more experience as well. The other, smaller and a younger face.

The large one spoke, "Greetings, your majesty, I am Captain Ironhoof, and this is Private Golden Justice. We are to be your bodyguards for the following trip to Stalliongrad," His voice was low, and quite majestic-sounding, actually.

They both bowed and Twilight invited them in to wait for Spike to finish packing. It did not take long and soon they were all on the night train, on their way to the great Motherland of Stalliongrad.