Apple Bloom's Weird New Life

by Princess Cadenza

Chapter 3- Magic

"Okay, Apple Bloom, time to start," Sweetie Belle said. "First, I want to show you one of the simplest spells of them all: Levitation. Levitation is a breeze for the average unicorn, which is why it's the perfect topic to begin with as a beginner."

"Mm-hmm," said Apple Bloom.

"So what I'd like you to do is start with that. Let me demonstrate for you." Sweetie levitated a cube off of a shelf. "See? All I'm doing is imagining what I want to do with the cube, which is levitating, in my head, and softly letting my horn do the rest. If you really focus, you can levitate anything." Sweetie levitated the cube in front of Apple Bloom. "You try. Remember: Focus."

"Focus," Bloom murmured. Her horn lit up a red aura. She closed her eyes. She imagined levitating the cube back on the shelf. She didn't seem to do anything next, except when she felt a tingle in her horn, she knew she was doing it. She opened her eyes. The cube was back on the shelf. "Did-- Did it work?"


Apple Bloom let out a sigh of relief. Magic wasn't as hard as she thought it would be! Even if it was hard, she was sure she could master it quickly with the help of Sweetie. Scootaloo walked over to Sweetie Belle and said, "I'm going to find Rainbow Dash to help me teach more flying help to Apple Bloom. I'll see you later."

"Okay, Scootaloo. Be back by sundown."

"Okay, so what's the next spell I have to learn?"

"This one is the slightest bit harder, yet simple enough to learn. It's called the flying spell! I know you do not need it since you have wings, but it's useful to learn because it's practice for... Um, practice. Anyway, it's a spell that is very similar to the levitation spell, but allows you to lift yourself in the air. In case your wing is sprained or something. So go ahead try it. Remember, it's the same thing as the levitation spell, except try to get yourself in the air this time." Sweetie paused for a second. "Hold on a minute, let me show you how I do it."

Sweetie's horn glowed as she closed her eyes. The white mare's body shone with blue aura and next thing Apple Bloom knew, Sweetie's eyes popped open and was flying all over the place. Sweetie shut her eyes closed again and tried to get herself down safely. After setting herself on the ground, she opened her eyes again. "Now you try."

"I-- I don't know about this, Sweetie Belle."

"Come on, Apple Bloom! This spell is so awesome!"

"Well, okay." Apple Bloom shut her eyes and tried to imagine her levitating herelf into the air. Her horn glowed. She could feel her warm red aura surround her Alicorn body. She felt herself slowly floating into the air. She opened her eyes to find herself flying through the air without using her wings. She closed her eyes again and slowly floated back down to the ground. "How did I do, Sweetie?"

"You... Did... AWESOME!"

Apple Bloom was proud of herself. She seemed to ace these levitation spells. She was really starting to get the hang of magic.

"Now, for a way harder spell," said Sweetie.

Uh oh, Apple Bloom thought. This shouldn't be good.

"A teleportation spell!" Sweetie seemed so excited about this one. "This one is more, like, for a unicorn a higher level than the average unicorn. I really shouldn't be giving you this one, since you are only a beginner, but I thought it would be kind of like a test. A test to see how good you are at magic already. If you get this spell good, I will know whether to give you those measly beginner ones or ones that are really a challenge to your horn!"

"Ohh no..."

"This is gonna be so awesome!"

"Iiiiffff you say so..."

"So, it goes like this: You imagine where you'd like to go. Then you--"

"That's it?"

"Nope. After you imagine where you'd like to teleport, you have to make sure you let your horn let out the right amount of power. If you allow your horn to put too much magic into this spell, you could burn."


"Yes, burn. If you put too little magic into it, it will just teleport you to some random place. If you put enough energy into this spell, not too much, not too little, you may be able to get this spell perfectly. Allow me to demonstrate."

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and tried to imagine teleporting to behind Apple Bloom. Her horn lit up. To Apple Bloom, Sweetie's blue aura was surrounding her horn, almost perfectly. Sweetie's body was soon outlined by her own light and in a flash, she was behind Apple Bloom.

"Um, couldn't you have just walked behind me?"

"If you didn't want to see this awesome magic, sure. But yeah, that's how you do it. How about you try to teleport to in front of the shelf there?"

"Um, okay."

"Good luck! Try not to burn yourself."

"I, uh, won't."

Apple Bloom imagined teleporting to the front of the shelf. She closed her eyes while her horn lit up. She didn't know this, but it didn't light up as strongly as Sweetie's did. In a flash, Apple Bloom was at the shelf. Except, she wasn't in front of it, she was on top of it.

"Close, Bloom," Sweetie said. "Really close! That's so good for your first try."

"Thank you." Apple Bloom flew down. "How do I perfect this?"

"Well, try using more power from your horn this time."

Apple Bloom closed her eyes and imagined teleporting to the front of the shelf again. Her horn lit up, but this time so bright that she did not teleport anywhere. Instead, she was on fire.


Sweetie used a water spell on Apple Bloom. The water put the fire out.

"It's okay, Bloom," said Sweetie. "You're fine."

"Thank you Sweetie! You saved my life!"

"You're welcome. Waaiiit a minute. If you're an Alicorn, wouldn't you live for eternity and never die?"

"Oh. Right. Anyway, this spell is hard!"

"I know! The first time I tried it, I practically set myself on fire!" Sweetie looked out the window and saw that it was nearly sundown. "Looks like the lesson for today is over. Maybe tomorrow we can practice some more."


"Sweetie! Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo said, bursting into the room. "Come on, it's almost sundown! Let's go have dinner at a restaurant tonight."

"Okay," replied Bloom and Sweetie. They followed Scootaloo out of the building.