//------------------------------// // Greed // Story: Seven Deadly Sins, Applejack // by Half Baked Apple //------------------------------// “Hey girls, what are yall doing here?” a very chipper Applejack asked, bouncing over to the group. At that moment, wherever they were, it seemed like a road with many twist and turns. “Hello, Applejack, were looking for the deadly sin’s, know where we can find them,” Rarity asked hesitantly as the Applejack looked confused. “Just follow the red road, um mind if I ask why you want to see them? Are they in trouble,” each pony looked to each other as if trying to figure out if they should tell her or not. “O no worries, were just making sure everything is hunky dory,” Pinkie said, before the others could say a word. “Okie dokie, have fun,” Applejack bounced off down one of the other roads. The five elements shrugged before walking down the red road and instantly the word felt uneasy. Even Pinkie started to wilt as they continued down the path in search of the first sin. “STOP,” a loud voice sounded, each pony jumped up in shock, as another Applejack came over to them, “what busyness do you have, Are you trying to steal my treasures?” Unlike the first Applejack, this one was covered in gems, fabric, and other nice pretty things, “well answer me, for I am Greed-jack, and no one steals my treasures.” “We are not here for your treasures, we just want to pass,” Twilight tried to reason but Greed-jack held her ground, with a gold staff. “LIARS,” she bellowed, spooking poor Fluttershy, “that was what the last one said and now I’m down a good third of my treasures.” Each pony gasped, despite it not spoken each girl thought who it might be, “no one shall steal my treasures again.” “Please… let us pass,” Fluttershy squeaked as Greed-jack shot a glare at her. “We Pinkie promise we wont take your treasure,” Pinkie said, going threw the motions but was confused when Greed-jack laughed in her face. “Where do you think you are, the virtues? A Pinkie promise doesn’t hold any ground here,” Pinkie’s left eye twitched in annoyance, “no the only thing I will except is a toll.” Each pony searched herself for anything, but each of them came up empty handed, “we don’t have anything.” “Then goodbye, you don’t have anything then you do not pass,” Greed-jack stated, crossing her hoofs and pointing down the road, but none of the pony’s moved, “well, shoo, get out, adios, au revoir, addio, goodbye, see you never.” “Look, Greed-jack, we need to get bye, so let us,” Rainbow snapped, getting into the pony’s face. Greed-jack glared at the pony before noticing something on the ponies. “You don’t have anything you say? Well I do believe that counts as something,” each element of harmony gasped as Greed-jack pointed to the backs of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. “Give me and you can pass.” “No way, I rather get stuck in here forever than let you have them,” Rainbow snarled as Greed-jack shrugged in indifference. “As you wish,” the elements looked on in confusion as Greed-jack took a step back and put her hoofs to her mouth. “WAKEY WAKY EGGS AND BACKY, TIME TO PLOW THE FIELDS AND BUCK THE APPLES” Greed-jack yelled, causing the entire world to move and rumble. Outside “She’s waking sister, what should we do?” Luna gasped as Applejack started to slowly come out of sleep land. “I don’t know, sing her a lullaby or something,” Celestia panicked, not quiet knowing what to do. Each attempt Luna did at singing a lullaby proved ineffective as the farmer just continued to turn in her sleep. “It’s not working, and we cant try my spell, it only works if she’s completely awake,” Luna reasoned before getting an idea. With practiced magic, she summoned an MP3 and placed it delicately over Applejack’s ears. Soon the farmer was back asleep. “Amazing sister, what was on that MP3? Some calm river sounds? Chirping birds?” Celestia asked with amazement as Luna shook her head at each one. “No, we fear that might wake her, no what’s playing is…” Back inside Applejack’s conscious Greed-jack seemed annoyed that Applejack stopped waking up as the sound of last royal court meeting sounded threw the world. “Where were we?” Greed-jack asked before remembering, “Right the toll, now gimmie.” “No way, we will not give you them,” Rainbow yelled back, protectively holding her wings against her back. “Then no passing, simple as that,” Rainbow was about to protest again but Fluttershy stopped her. “Rainbow, it’s not like they will be gone in real life, right? It will just be while were in here, and we need to pass,” Rainbow opened and closed her mouth like a fish for a few moments before relenting. “Fine, take them you scum bag,” Rainbow spat at Greed-jack, turning her back to her, same as Fluttershy. Both Pegasus felt a pinch of pain before being allowed to pass. “Go on, get, and don’t take anything,” Greed-jack snapped, holding six feathers in her hoofs before placing them in her clothes, “yes these feathers are so pretty.” No one spoke as they walked threw the pile upon piles of stuff; they didn’t say a word till the junk was a good ways behind them. “She just wanted some feathers? I was worried she was going to take our wings.” Each element nodded, each of them thinking that this material driven version of Applejack was looking for their wings. Each one feared what the next was like.