Ponies and Portals.

by DropDee

Chapter 1

Jamie wasn't an average guy. He was different but nobody knew it; not even he knew. Soon, his and his friends' lives will change.

Jamie is 21 years old and works as an engineer in the Space/Relativity Manipulation (SRM) wing of the United Kingdom Science Association (UKSA). He is a talented guitarist and considers himself a Brony. He is below average height, fairly thin and has medium length, swooped hair. His eyes are a deep grey with a burst of gold around the centre.

He lives with four of his closest friends: Joe, Tom, Iwan and Flynn. they shared a large house with a single floor but mad up for that with space in each of the many rooms. The outside of the house was red with the colour of bricks that made up the walls whereas the inside contained rooms with varied colour schemes and furniture.

Joe is tall and slender with blonde scene-style hair. He is loyal and a genuine friend to most.

Tom and Iwan are twin brothers. Both are average height and fairly thin. Both have long mop-like blonde hair, both similar to each others yet, distinguishable by few details. Both are witty and comedic in different ways but are fine friends.

Flynn is a little shorter than average height and very thin. He has short, curly, black hair. Flynn is one of the best friends that anyone could have. He is smart funny and always there when you need someone. There are not many faults with Flynn; He is just a really great guy.

One night, Jamie stayed at work later than usual... much later. He was on to something. he was finishing off some work on a device that could create portals. If he could get this device to work, he would revolutionise the world. this was the most intensive project that Jamie had ever worked on and was determined to get it finished.

Jamie worked into the early hours of the next morning, unaware of how long he had been working. All around his workspace were empty cans of energy drinks and an empty pitcher of coffee. There was a lingering smell of caffeine and sugar, but this didn't phase him.

it was finished. After hours upon hours of non-stop work, he had finally finished the prototype. He took it to the testing area to see if it worked but, unfortunatly, it didn't work. All the time and effort that was put into the creation of this device, was it all wasted?

Disappointed, Jamie went home. During his journey, he couldn't help but go through everything that could have gone wrong. His walk home was a long one; he used this time to work things out or ponder new ideas.

He reached the door to his house and proceeded to search around inside his pocket for the key. He opened the door after finding the key and stumbled inside, closing the door behind him.

As Jamie approached his room, the feeling of drowsiness grew more intense. Being awake for so long was a bad idea. He threw off his jacket and slipped his shoes off and collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Jamie awoke to the sound and smell of someone frying some bacon. He sprang out of bed and went to see if the bacon he could smell was not an illusion.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," said Flynn, jokingly.

"What are you talking about?" Jamie replied with a confused look. He was unaware that he had been asleep for a whole day and a half.

Jamie Grabbed a plate and was served some bacon by Tom. He then went and sat down next to Iwan and Joe on the sofa.

The smell of bacon flew through the air as more bacon was added to the already heated pan. The smell overpowered everything in the house but on one seemed to be bothered by its lingering odour.

"The newest episode of My Little Pony is on next, Jamie," said Joe, informatively.

Tom let out a sigh of annoyance.

"That show is for little girls! Can't you three watch something a little more... manly? said Tom.

"My Little Pony is the manliest show since He-man: Masters of The Universe," Iwan replied, mockingly.
