Light in the Shadows

by Shadowbot739

Another Chance?

Luna’s eyes widen “That is coming here?!”
“Hold on, don’t get your nerves up” I held up my hooves, “it’ll come, I can’t say when. Think of this, it wouldn’t matter if you knew or not”
“How did your world stop it?” Luna asked.
“First time, we blew up the strongest source of magical energy we had. That was over ten-thousand years ago” I responded “forget about them until the time comes”
“Umm there is a pony over there” Krelas said pointing at a white pony with a purple mane.
I locked my eyes with the pony and realized it was one of Twilight’s friends, “I better corner her or knock her out before she gets away”. I stepped back and enveloped myself with the shadows.
The White pony gasped, and turned around as to make a run, but I shadowsteped to block her. She clearly did not see me and bumped into my invisible from.
“I cannot let you leave” I said while making myself visible again.
“ you do that?” the mare asked me.
“None of your business as you being here is not, but now that you are here, I need to do something about this”
“Leave Rarity alone” Luna said walking up to us.
“You know this one?”
“Please let me go, I will not tell anypony” Rarity said.
“Too risky, what you think Krelas?”
“Ey, don’t bring me into this” Krelas responded while holding his hand up.
“Fine, I will silence her best way I know how” I said while grabbing my double pronged blade.
“NO” Luna yelled.
“Well what you think I should do?” I asked lowering my blade slightly.
“Let her go, if she promises not to talk”
“I promise!” Rarity almost yelled.
“You expect me go to off of words? You ponies are too trusting, far too trusting” I said.
“You live off of lies and deceit, I can not expect you to understand trust” Luna responded.
“Oh you think I live off of other’s misery?” I said while letting my form change to my true form, this earning a gasp from Rarity. “I may be a rogue, but I’m not evil. I am not good either, for what I do. You are right, I am used to lies, to deceit, for it is what keeps me alive. I have few allies, and those few hardly trust me, how can I trust them in return?”
“Lady, please be easy on the poor lad” Krelas said. “As I hope you can tell, he have horrible trust issues. It took him three years until he started to talk deeper feelings to me. He doesn’t exactly have much to show him where trust helps”
“He have to trust Rarity or he will have to deal with me” Luna said.
“Fine, I’ll let her go, but by Elune’s light I’ll not give you a chance to even blink if you betray me”
“I will not allow you to harm her even if she speaks out”
“Then what is keeping her from speaking? if the fear of death is not it, is it pride?”
“I’ll make it so that her work will never be seen again in Canterlot”
I chuckled a bit “oh, I see threat to lose part of ones life work, that is motivation alright” I sheath my weapon, and let Rarity run off. “If someone came up to me and said I would never be a rogue again, I’d laugh in their face and possibly stab them on the spot”
“So it is clear you’re not going to change your ways, but if you are going to blend in better, you got to stop using that armor”
“Stop using my armor? Not a blasted chance, besides my mark would bring about even more useless questions. Also to top that off I would no longer be able to properly conceal my weapons”
“What is thy cutie mark?”
Krelas suddenly burst out laughing “thats what those things on your flanks are called?” his laughter died down, “another thing to add, what am I supposed to do?”
“Well if I have to say anything on that, I would want you to go back to that forest and keep the Alliance from coming here, and thus Hellscream” I put my hand on Krelas’ shoulders, “we both know what would happen if he discovers this place”.
“So I’m going to go stop em from coming here even though I have no clue how to get back?”
“Correct, you understand portal magic more than I ever would, so I know you can do it”
“And if I can’t convince them?”
“Then we better hope something comes along and forces them to work together, although something like that would have to be deadly considering, the two sides functions on kill on sight and destroy their bases. Quite disappointing, there is a few races apart of the Horde that I’ve once been able to travel in peace with”
“Stop talking about your ridiculous lifespan, I get it, you been around a long time”
“I asked you a question rogue, what is thy cutie mark?” Luna asked me again.
“So we are on a profession basis now? Ah, who cares what you call me, I don’t”. I turned to Krelas “this is your cue, try and stop em from coming. Send an imp if you need backup”. Krelas simply nodded to me and ran off back into the forest.
“Stop ignoring my questions” Luna said with irritation.
“You want me to slap you? I’ll let you know that I’m an experienced diplomat”
“I highly doubt anypony would trust you to negotiate with other nations”
“They throw me into messes that is expected to go downhill anyway, expect me to get killed. My mere presence sometimes is enough to scare whatever I am dealing with, or drive them into a blood filled rage to rip my head off. Now that I think of it, I am really bad at peaceful negotiations.”
“You get in trouble a lot don’t you?”
“Mainly because of my life style choices, more or less”
“Will you steal from the ponies here?”
“Will I? I make no promises, considering I already had. Also to consider the fact that my other and more honest side of work wouldn’t exactly sit well here, I be bored to death”
“You could try and make friends”
“Friends? What good will that bring me?”
“Isn’t Krelas your friend?”
“Uhhh...sort of. We have what some might call...a mutual understanding. We both been accused of things we did not do, for simply on our choices in our paths. The both of us sometimes do some work together, team up if you wish to say”
“From what I heard, you two began as rivals, known each other for a bit, do things together, admit it or not, your friends”
“I...ummm, no...we’re just partners”
“Call it whatever you want, but you need to try to make some friends if you’re going to stay here.”
“So you’re going to let a known assassin, thief, and trespasser stay? That is the most outrageous and idiocy move I seen since... actually nevermind, I seen worse...”
“I am giving you a chance to have something you clearly don’t back in your world, and besides, your pony form is not a known criminal”
“Rarity knows”
“She will not say anything”
“I still say you put too much trust in this, but then again I don’t know your pass relations”
“Those matters aside, what of this Alliance you speak of?”
“Oh that? I have several ties with them, the Alliance itself I believe is fine, but this is not the time for them to be discovering a new and strange land, for there is already one they are trying to keep from the grips of the Horde, it will only bring more problems”
“So you're having your friend-”
“Partner, go back and keeping them from discovering this place?”
“Exactly, both sides is not really evil at all, just that their hate for each other is the problem. The pandarians are right, it is a ‘race’ war”
“You stand by the Alliance?”
“Well my people in general, I can’t say I am going full charge for them, but it’s a better choice above the way the Horde is currently being runned”
“I see, well I have duties to attend to. I do hope you heed my advice” Luna then vanished with a flash of light from her horn, leaving me alone to my thoughts.
“Make friends...why do I need friends, last time I really went and considered that...I nearly got my left eye ripped out” I looked over at the still sleeping Dashio “if it wasn’t for him coming along, I would’ve been dead.”
I focused my energy and transformed back in my pony form and then I picked up Dashio and set him on my back. “Having friends never helped me for long, they always get used against their will, to strike out against me, sure the one who do this I kill, but most of the time my friend die in the process or never want to see me again” I sighed “Krelas has yet to experience that, but it will happen, it always happens.”