//------------------------------// // The Start Of It All // Story: Dark Stars' History // by Death Night //------------------------------// It has been a few years since the great spells were set off covering the entire world with radiation killing just about everything, but a few small groups of ponies were able to survive by hiding in underground structure's called stables, but some of them went wrong and the residents were either killed or released into the world before it was time. Even though alot of time has passed the world is still full of radiation and everypony struggles to stay alive everyday , even though someponies live in towns together, even with defenses set up they still could all die any day. As they all cling to life everyday, they find hope to keep on fighting for tomorrow, but each pony fights for a whole different reason and while some may be for personnel gain, some fight to defend others. It is those ponies that are hard to find, but they will risk it all just to keep what they vowed to defend alive and well, even if it cost them their lives. Dark Star is a unicorn, with a dark grey coat and both a black and red short mane and tail, that fights to protect the ones he loves, no matter how much he hides it, he loves his family and would kill anypony that tried to hurt them. His colt hood was not normal but he still had a good life, his parents, Sure Shot(Dad) and Star Sight(Mom), ran a caravan company called Star caravan, they hated it when the left Dark and his sister Glimmering hope, who was also a unicorn that was light grey, with a long sky blue mane tail. It was the largest caravan company in all of equestria, reaching from every main town to every small city and no matter what trouble they ran into the caravan always made it to its destination. It was just half of the families tradition along with a book, this book wasn't normal though, it was given to the star family by the royal sisters and it has been the families job to protect the book at all costs. The reason this book is so important is that it contains not only some of the most powerful spells anypony could learn, but it was also a prison for an ancient pony that wants nothing more than to kill everypony he sees. This ponies name was Death Night and he used to bring shadows to equestria, until he learned that his spell could be used to cause harm to other ponies and he started to test it out on ponies. When the Royal sisters learned about this they quickly banished him from equestria, but he vowed he would return one day and kill them, upon his day of return the sisters were ready for him and sealed him inside of the book and there his soul would remain forever. And when the time came for Dark and Glimmering to take over for guarding the book, they both wanted to learn a spell. As they look through the book Dark found a shadow manipulation spell, which would allow him to use any shadow as he sees fit, he could turn shadows into solid mass and even kill a pony from the inside. Glimmering ended up finding a light manipulation spell that was just like Darks, except she could heal some wounds on ponies with her spell. Dark was sitting at home one day with his family around him when a crazed pony burst into their house with a gun, as his Dad moved to get his pistol the pony shot him. Glimmering rushed over to her Dad, but the pony grabbed her and tried to leave, but as Dark saw this he looked around and saw his Dads pistol sitting on the ground so he picked it up and shot the pony in the arm causing him to release Glimmering. The pony tried to grab Glimmering but Dark shot him again, and he didn't stop shooting till the magazine was empty, his Dad walked over to him and took the pistol from him and then proceeded to take care of the body. Ever since that day Dark has wanted to be town guard so ponies like that couldn't get into the town, he trained everyday spending hours at the gun range shooting and then rest of the time he trained himself in hoof to hoof combat. IT has been a few years now and he had finally reached his dream, he started out as a basic town guard but now hes the best town guard and he stands above the gate stopping threats before they even get near the town. The sun was rising over the town and he stood there watching as the streets started to fill up with ponies, he looked towards the hospital where his sister was working. He would protect this town from the dangers but mainly he would protect his sister, he looked over the wastes to see a few radgators in the distance but they weren't heading towards the town. As he stood there he heard a pony coming up the stairs, he looked at the pony and saw a brown earth pony with a rifle on his back. "Kid you're not supposed to be here so get down before i kill you," Dark faced the pony. The pony looked behind him, "Wait is there a pony behind me," Dark looked at him with a blank face,"Oh you mean me, I guess you weren't told then, I'm the new guard the will be working with you." He stuck out his hoof, "My names Trail Blaze, whats your name?" Dark looked over the pony, he was brown from his mane to his tail which were both short and his cute mark was a camp fire, he turned away from Trail, "Kid I'm not here to make friends or get to know you, all you need to know about me is my name is Dark Star and I do this job to protect this town and I'll kill anything that posses a threat to this town. So if you start acting funny, I'll kill you and I won't think twice about it." Trail walked up to him, "You sure are cheery aren't you, but I can't blame you having to kill other ponies and all could really change a pony." Dark put his pistol in the ponies face. "Listen to me and listen good, I don't act like this cause I've killed ponies, I've always been like this and that's what makes me the best guard ever, I first killed a pony when I was a young colt and I liked it. Ever since that day I've wanted to kill other ponies for a job and to protect the ones I love and so I wanted to do this, you're probably one of those ponies that doesn't want to be a guard. If so I won't make you kill, but when the time comes if you have to kill the live and don't I'm not going to save you, I'll wait for the pony to kill you and then I'll shoot it." "Guard we have a caravan heading out," Dark looked over the railing to see a caravan ready to head out, he looked at the caravan for a while then went and opened the gate. As soon as the caravan got out he closed the gate and went to the other railing to see the caravan, "Be safe and be sure to be home on time." "Dark was that all about," Trail walked over to him. "If you ware smart you would have put two and two together, my name is Dark STAR, and that was a caravan from the STAR caravan HQ," he just looked at Trail. "Oh that was your families caravan that just left," Dark was glad he finally got it. "Yes you got it, my family runs the caravan company and right now they're heading to Stableton to make a delivery of medical supplies." Trail looked at the caravan as it went out of sight, "So your doing this to protect them?" *Sigh* "Yes it's not just them, I'm also protecting my sister, she works at the hospital and I don't want anything to hurt her." "Heh its kinda funny Dark, you act all tough but you're really just like every pony here, you are nice in your own way." "Listen, Trail, I'm not nice ok, I just act not so mean sometimes, don't confuse the two or you'll end up regretting it." Dark Stood there looking out to the wastes as he looked for any signs of danger. He looked back at his families caravan HQ, "They will die out there" he heard a voice say in his head, he just shook his head and looked back over the wastes. Knowing that the voice wasn't there and it was just him having too much stress, but something in him believed the voice, he was hoping the day would go by faster so he could talk to his boss about this partner.