Let the Silence Sing

by Aegis Shield


Let the Silence Sing
Part 8: Sing

One Week Later…

“This is it, here.” Celestia said gently, gesturing. A few doors down from the royal apartments, a new doorway had been created. “It will only open for you, I promise.” She smiled, pointing to the little apple symbol painted next to the doorknob. Leaning, she opened it to reveal a wall beyond. Stepping aside, she let him try.

Big Macintosh reached for the door, closed it, and reopened it. The whoosh of warm summer air touched his face. He blinked in wonder, sticking his head through. Beyond the archway was Sweet Apple Acres! Turning his head this way and that, he found that the magical archway had attached itself to the side of one of his family’s seed silos. He smiled broadly.

“Now you can come visit me, whenever you like, without having to take the train or a sky chariot.” The Alicorn waited for him to lean back. “Nopony else may pass through it, so you don’t have to worry about any shady sorts coming through to the palace. Its protected.” She chuckled merrily. He smiled up at her, and they shared a quick nuzzle after he shut the door. “Do you like it?” she asked.

“Yup.” He said, nodding rapidly.

“Then let’s go to brunch. My sister is eager to meet you.” The white alicorn turned. Both waiting guards saluted, then fell in line behind them. The couple walked the palace halls together, getting curious looks from everypony they passed. Maids cocked their heads at Big Mac’s massive hooves, then tutted at the trail of dirt he seemed to leave in his wake. Nobles and Statesponies stared curiously, unsure of what to make of such a thing. They murmured back and forth conspiratorially. The great red stallion was clearly something special, pulling their Princess’ eye like that. Now and then a servant would wave or smile at them.

Big Mac felt overwhelmed at all the fancy, high-ceiling’d halls and intricate filigree. The palace was a different world than his own. He felt small and insignificant in it all. But then he remembered Celestia was right there beside him and he felt better. He caught her eye and smiled. Her eyes lidded into a cute, earnest sort of grin.

Princess Celestia’s mind was already projecting the future. Suppose things… you know, worked out between them? Then what? She’d made no assumptions, but suppose they really and actually did?

The Alicorn Amulet had been recovered, after centuries of being lost. She could extend his life as long as he wished and she could keep him as a proper companion. Shining Armor had received a dose of its magic a few months after his honeymoon. Cadance had been elated when Twilight Sparkle had recovered it from Trixie of all ponies. Shining Armor was slated to live until age 1200 or so… then he’d probably get another dose of it. The trinket was designed to emulate the powers of an alicorn for anypony that wore it. A unicorn would grow stronger in magic. A Pegasus would split the sky in its flight. An earth pony, however, would live forever. Why something so specific? Earth ponies represented the never-ending cycles of the earth, of the birth and rebirth of all things living. Alicorns lived forever, and that facet of their power had been imprinted into the amulet as the earth pony side of things. However! If an alicorn wielded the Alicorn Amulet, she could bestow its gifts on another pony like a tattoo. A fixture to the core of their beings that would last centuries. He or she wouldn’t have to wear it all the time. In all technicality, if Celestia or Luna wanted, they could have husbands. The amulet itself had been created some centuries ago when Luna had fallen in love with a stallion, very deeply. Sadly, it hadn't worked out and she'd passionately discarded it into a rushing river. She’d even colored it to match his fur and mane, so she couldn't look at it at the time. (His name was Sombra.)


Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Prince Blueblood, and Prince Shining Armor fidgeted in their seats a little. The royal dining room was rarely occupied by all of them at the same time. But, so rare was it an occasion that Princess Celestia had a very special somepony, well—wouldn’t YOU come rushing to meet him? I thought so.

They perked up when the double doors were opened by servants. Celestia glided into the room with all her usual grace. Next to her plodded a red earth pony stallion. Everypony around the table beamed. They hadn’t known what to expect, but they were glad it wasn’t a stuffy lord or something strange.

“Come in!” Offered Blueblood, lighting his horn to pull back a chair for him. Big Mac smiled politely, slipping up and into the seat. “I’m Prince Bloodblood, you must be Big Macintosh!” he said, shaking his hoof firmly. He gestured around the table, introducing everypony. “It’s so good to meet you.” He gave his perfect, blonde mane a toss. He liked Big Mac already. A humble, farmer-looking stallion? Excellent! He himself had to beat off gold diggers with a stick, practically. Countryside ponies were known to be noble, humble, upright sorts. He was glad his aunt had chosen such a good stallion. Good for her!

Celestia took her seat at the head of the table. Luna smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. The white alicorn knew her sister was still sulking a little. Ambassador Doppleganger had returned to the southern badlands, back to the hive. He was a diplomat, after all, and his visit had come to an end. He would be back in a few months, with counter-offers and other reperation talks from Queen Chrysalis. But, it wouldn’t keep Luna from missing him (and writing him lusty, giggly love letters). The white alicorn touched her sister’s hoof, smiling gently. Luna returned the smile.

<He seems very nice, sister.> Luna’s thoughts touched Celestia’s mind. Thought-speak was for private, royal conversations. Celestia gave her a look, though, to make her speak aloud instead. It was rude in such good company.

Even Celestia’s coltfriend was not above being cross-examined by the eager family sorts. They wanted to hear all about Big Macintosh, where he came from, what he did, and so on. He wasn’t much of a stallion for long conversation, but he gave them answers and shy smiles when they asked if they’d kissed or anything yet. Nods were appropriate there.

“Mine sister is aglow with happiness, that is all I care for.” Luna said firmly. There was nodding, and Big Mac blushed a slightly darker red. Reaching, the night time Princess clinked her glass with a fork a few times. Servants came with soup and salad for them, along with aromatic garlic bread and sweet water. It was a light-food, conversation-heavy sort of meal. Early brunch, considering the time of day.

Big Mac was thankful when the spotlight slid off of him for a bit and they accepted him. Blueblood was supposed to be in a horn-fencing tournament soon. Shining Armor and Cadance were still trying for a foal or two. Luna had just finished eliminating over forty-seven outdated tax laws from the books, streamlining the process in certain places. Despite the table he was sitting at, the crimson stallion felt like he was watching a normal family. Celestia caught his eye and smiled lovingly. He put a massive hoof briefly over hers before pondering over the seven forks and spoons in front of him. He was thankful for the portal-door Celestia had made for him— he knew he wouldn’t survive long in such a fancy place if Celestia wasn’t next to him at all times.

He entertained the thought for a few moments. Celestia next to him at all times. He blushed a little. They were just starting dating. Sort-of-dating anyway. Who knew if it would work out or not. He liked things how they were now and if they went further than that, well… they’d cross that bridge when they came to it. No doubt the newspapers and other riffraff would get ahold of this news soon and they’d have to be careful where and how they met, but— “Oh, pardon me, sir.” A servant had appeared with the morning paper. “The morning paper, your majesties.” He bowed to the five royals and Big Macintosh.

Big Mac set it to one side, smiling to himself as he reached for another breadstick to dip in his soup. But, his hoof froze. He unfolded the paper. Plastered across the front page was a candid shot of himself, ontop of Celestia, making out like the world was ending! His mouth fell open in icy, gut-wrenching embarrassment.


The headline was positively blistering. He went pale. In the photo Celestia was splayed out on her back under him like a mare in heat, her mane looking wild and alive. His barrel was pressed to hers so hard he looked like he owned her. He was thankful they’d only been kissing, holy cow… Judging from the angle and such, that pony must’ve been very close by. But who? The sub-header gave it all away and Big Mac’s eyes widened.


Bucking. Featherweight. He must’ve been hiding in the loft the last time they were there! Luna saw what she thought she saw on the front page, snatching up the paper and bringing it to her nose. Her eyes locked on the photo, her mouth making a perfectly scandalous o-shape. Then she burst into uproarious laughter, turning it over to show the others. Celestia turned as red as a… well… apple. This was certainly an interesting way to start out in a relationship!