Cloud Vicious Begins.

by whatisthis11


Life was good. At least, as good as it could get for Cloud Vicious. Another week had went by since his encounter with God, and since then hes being killing deviants of all kinds non-stop. From the descendent of King Sombra, Heavy Matter, to the ever annoying rockstar, Zino Xenon. Nobody was innocent. Not anymore. At least, not in the eyes of Cloud. In his eyes, all these beings had to be purged.

Not only this, but his feelings of satisfaction of a job well done had returned. As if purging Lord Anders from the very fabric of reality was enough to bring it all back. It did not matter though. Even if it hadn’t returned, Cloud Vicious would still be out there, stalking, killing all he could.

In fact, he was just about to set off on another assassination, when something rather odd happened. Two weeks ago he had transformed himself into a Zerbracorn, a cross between a Zerba and an Alicorn. However, he had never switched back. At least, not until just now. It happened all on its own.

What is this? The greatest user of magic in all of Equestria, the one who decides when anything happens if it happens, but just now his form switched back all on its own! Not only this, but his other many powers had left him as well. It made no sense! Had... had Lauren abandoned him? Had she left him to die like she did the world of Equestria? It didn’t matter in the end though. He was powerless. With his last ounce of strength, he once again chanted in an old language:


And with that, he once again killed himself. He once again appeared in the world of the undead. But that was not enough. No, he was useless. No reason for him to exist. He wanted to end it all. He again ended his life. Or his death. Or whatever.

Now, he appeared in the UnderUnderWorld. A world reserved for the most vile, evil beings to exist. Beings like Matthew Ward and and that one douche from High School, Billy Carlson. Beings so vile that not even Cloud Vicious could stomach his hatred for them.

His hatred grew to absurd lengths, so absurd that his powers miraculously came back. It all became clear now. Lauren wanted him to go to the UnderUnderWorld, to purge the unclean here. Within two seconds, he took over the UnderUnderWorld. He spawned minions made of pure darkness to massacre the beings that inhabited it. He wanted them all to be purged, all but one.

Lord Anders.

For him, he thought, would be a special treatment. For if it were not for Lord Anders, Cloud Vicious would have never realized his true potential. Thus, he was to never be truly killed. Instead, they would murder him over and over, allowing to reincarnate for eternity. A fitting end to the once “Element of Darkness”. As he sat on his through, thinking to himself that he was truly the price of the UnderUnderWorld, the true prince of Darkness and Evil, he waited to see Lauren come before him, and thank him like she did the last time they talked.

To his surprise however, rather than a glorious goddess, a simple Zerbracorn appeared before him, emerging from a bright purple portal.

“Hello, Blood Cloud.”

“What is it that you want?”

“I have come on behalf of Faust and the African Republic.”

The Zebras, oddly enough, stem from a nation known as “Africa”. Nobody is quite sure where the name comes from, not even the Zebras.

“I wish to tell you that your efforts in cleansing the world of filth have not gone unnoticed.”


“Fear not, for I have come to grant you a single wish as your reward. Keep up the work, and more goods may come your way in time...”

Cloud Vicious had to ponder this for a moment. There was not really anything he cared enough to want. Anything but one thing.

“I wish to be Princess of the Zebras.”

The Zebracorn had to give pause at this... odd request. Part of him wanted to question why. The stronger part of him however, knew asking that would be a really bad idea. Thus, kept his tongue, and with his Zebracorn magic, he turned Cloud Vicious into a female Zebracorn.

The clothing he wore, however, hid all the changes of his physical form. He looked just the same as before from the outside, albeit a more feminine eye from his one eye whole.

“Know this, Zebracorn. I am to be addressed as a female from now on. Call me a male once, by any means, and I will make you regret it.”

“Yes, my princess.”


With that, Cloud Vicious made his way back to the Purple Dimension. He once again plotted the demise of the scum of the world.