//------------------------------// // Settling In // Story: Once Upon a Time; Failed Spell // by DADERPSTER //------------------------------// It was soon decided that, instead of being in separate houses, it would be better if the newcomers stayed with the six other ponies. The royals, which included Mary, Regina, and Charming, stayed with Twilight. Rarity took Blue to Carousel Boutique with her, insiting that she make a dress for the blue unicorn as a welcome gift. Gold went to stay with Applejack, Henry with the CMCs (who, fortunately for her, were staying with Pinkie Pie that night) and Emma, happy herself of this, went to stay with Rainbow for the night. Rainbow had patiently pushed a few clouds a bit lower for Emma to half-jump, half fly to, in order to get to her own house made of clouds. "Thanks," she panted as she reached the topmost cloud. "Don't sweat it," Dash said, only then realizing what a terrible joke she had just made. She mentally slapped herself for not making a funnier one. Emma barely took notice of being able to walk on clouds; she had already done it before, climbing up a beanstalk to get a useless object and nearly getting killed in the process. She knew she was quite safe in the blue pegasus' home, however. She trusted this mare as she had when she had first seen her. "You'll be staying in the guest room," Rainbow said, leading Emma to a large room with a fluffy cloud bead, a window, and actual furniture. "I built it for Scoots originally,but because you're staying and I really have nowhere else and the Crusaders are staying with Pinkie and in their own clubhouse, I just assumed I could let you use it." she shook her head. "It'll be just my luck if they get in another fight." Emma looked at Rainbow. "I should hope they don't! With Henry with them-" "Oh, don't worry about it. I doubt they'd get into a fight when they JUST got a new member. Ask Applejack." Emma made a note to do so. She had soon made herself comfortable in the guest room. Really having nothing of her own except a hairclip that had somhow stayed in her mane during the short transformation from human to pony, it had taken her only a few minutes to settle in. Rainbow had told her about some sort of practice for these famous ponies called the Wonderbolts, she had dashed off. no pun intended, Emma thought herself. Rainbow had said that she could help herself to some food, or go outside and practice flying, or even go exploring the cloud-mansion. "You have to know your way around the place you're staying," the cyan pegasus had said. But Emma wanted to think. What had Regina taken so much interest in, with that page in the book? What was the Alicorn Amulet? Emma reflected on what little she had read on that page before turning to discuss with the others. She had definitely seen the word "corrupted" come up more than once in the sensatnces. She had also seen once sentance, in purple-black writing, dotting the bottom of the page; The Amulet is back in hiding. Locations only known to the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, including the shaman in the Everfree Forest, Zecora. Emma breifly considered going to the Everfree Forest to ask this so-called shaman, but she cancelled that thought. She didn't know the forest and it would be a bad idea going there without a guide. But she needed answers. When she got a chance, she would ask Twilight about the Amulet. She wasn't going to trust Regina.