Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight

by TDR

“... the moment 'two' fight ...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight

“... the moment 'two' fight ...”

“In the beginning there was naught but the wilds, the races that exist today were nothing like they are now, they were little better then animals frightened by the very nature that they were born from. All of that changed with the coming of the first god.” Jade glances down to the little dragon rather curious that he was writing all this down. “ Each race will claim their own as the first though going by the simple age of the races, it was most likely that the first god was not anything like any of us. That is not the point. This first god shaped the others and gave them their place in the world.”

Spike glances up at Jade not sure where he was going with this, but at least it sounded cool.

“The god gave all the races a gift to aid them in their place, those to watch the waters were given fins and gills, those to watch the air were given wings and those to watch the land were given the power to shape it and to cultivate life. At that time the ponies only tended the earth. However unlike the other races, the ponies were not content and went before the first god again. They were jealous of the other races abilities to fly, and swim, and even of the gods power over every thing.”

Spike tilts his head as if considering this, that sounded a bit greedy though he had seen such actions from a number of ponies, like Flim and Flam, of course he himself had fallen into that too.

“The god was amused by the audacity of his subjects to question him,though for some reason he granted them snippets of the power they craved, he made the first sea ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. He gave them these powers with the promise that they would aid others in tending the lands. They did not, and soon the four pony types split. The pegasi and unicorns treated each other as rivals and often went to war with each other,both subjugating the earth ponies they came from. The sea ponies left those of the land to fend for them selves and vanished into the waters. The wars raged to the point that other races entered into the conflicts and learned magic from the ponies with which to kill. The god watched the conflict and was disheartened.

“What does this have to do with dragons? “

“Patience whelpling, I am getting to that. The first god decided that he could not live with his mistakes and set out to leave the world, though he created a last race to watch over the world and attempt to restore the balance where his lone voice could not. He made the dragons. We were given the magic of the land itself, forms impervious to most damage, the wisdom and intelligence to aid the other races into following the proper path, and the power to make them listen if they refused. There were many colors of dragons made, one for each of the land types that was in the world. The reds were given charge of the high places, the mountains and volcanoes. Unlike the other creatures of the sea, the green dragons could live and thrive on land as well, though in the oceans they were masters of their domains. The black dragons took the swamps, rivers and fresh water of the world, while they could not breath the water as the greens, could they were nearly as good swimmers. The blues took the plains and deserts preferring the wide open spaces and the air above it, they rode the storms and were the best fliers. The aloof whites took the places no other dragon wished all of the cold places of the world the icy mountain peaks and the frozen north and south of the world.”

Spike blinks jotting it down though a glance at his own purple and green coloration stalled him a little in wondering. Jade did not seem to notice and continued on.

“The god also gave us the powers he had used to alter the heavens. The first race to move the sun, moon, and stars were the dragons. Unlike the ponies the dragons did not fight among themselves, they knew their place in the world and they knew their task. It took time, but peace was brought to the world , one that did not last long. Even the threat of with holding the power of the sun and moon did not stop the conflicts that came about when the new gods came into being.”

“The new gods?”

“The first god had long since left the world and in the absence of his power new deities began to be born of his children. With the powers of these new gods the dragons protection of the world was threatened. Each bore strange powers that had never been seen before, calling the stars from the sky, controlling the storms and the sea, there were as many strange powers as there were new gods. Nearly every race had a god born to them. Those races that were a mix of the two, such as the hipogryphs, and the harpies had no gods, as the first god had not created them. Thus, perhaps, they were not deemed worthy of their own deities. With the new powers the watchful rule of the dragons was ended as in the time it took for the dragons to mature from eggs the other races had raised their gods to warriors and set about the conflict again. It was during this time that control of the sun and moon were taken from us.”

“Was sort of greedy to try and keep the sun and moon from the other races, they should have expected others to have problems. It is one of the reasons Princess Celestia never brings that up in any of her negotiations.”

Jade looks down at Spike curiously.

“You know the pony Princess?”

“Yeah sorta, I’m the assistant of her favorite student and growing up in Canterlot we got to sit in on a lot of meetings. Boring, but you pick some stuff up. I also know the pony take on this same tale, it is really different. They say there was a whole bunch of gods who wrote out how the lives of the creatures in the world would unfold and what challenges would befall them, all under the lead of one larger deity that was called by a bunch of different names.”

“Yes well, every race has their own take on the tale, even I am skeptical that the dragons of old did not play up their part in things. At any rate, with what you said about greed. Greed does run in a dragons nature. It is a survival trait, what we horde is also what we use as a food source and bedding. Gems and precious metals have always been a dragons primary diet, and the compulsion to horde things we find precious is quite strong at times more so than our own common sense.”

Spike thinks back to his last birthday and sighs.

“You can say that again...”

“Do I need to?”

“No, no.. it's.... never mind. How's the cake?”

“Not quite enough of it to satisfy fully, but quite tasty regardless. I am however under the impression that you are not hear to listen to old tales of the creation of the world. You have something specific you wish to know?”

“Yeah...... you said before that the dragons now were what was the term... not true dragons? What was that supposed to mean?”

“Ahh that. Exactly as it sounds. Many if not all of the current dragons have been raised after the downfall of the dragon empire so long ago. They are no longer taught, they are no longer trained, there is no culture or appreciation for any sort of art, music, or natural beauty. They literally are barely above beasts that think only of filling their bellies and of mating. The ignorant migration they preform is something best left to birds and yet it happens still even after a thousand years. They mimic what has been ingrained into them since the fall of our civilization, run and do not stop. They do not even know why they run, just that they think they must.”

“The fall of Cindervale... they were hunted and told if they wanted to live they needed to keep running only a claw full made it out with some eggs. I guess that was all the survivors passed on was to keep running.”

Jade raises a brow at the little dragon.

“That is not common knowledge, lest of all to ponies, how did you come by it?”

“I errr..... I do work in a library... I probably read it some where.”

“Hmmmm a bit of a scholar as well?”

“Well I do kinda like to read, not as much as Twilight, but I get enough.”

“I gather Twilight is the one you are bound too?”

“Yep raised me up from an egg...... then practically works me to death while she runs about doing her own thing.”Spike grumbles.

“Not a very decent arraignment I would have to say. No matter we are not here to talk about what choices your life has presented you. We are here so that you may learn something.” Jade comments.
“ Let me know if there is something specific you wish to know … I can start from that point. If nothing else I do enjoy hearing myself talk.”

“Actually I do want to know something, you seem like you might know about it.”

“Oh? Ask away.”

“Why did the dragons go to war with the ponies? The first dragon war I mean.”


Dawn was just cresting the horizon when the ships moored in the river, the new dawn casting the shadow of the monolith across the moored ships.

A mad rush of activity had brought many of the supplies to the shore and a number of engineers that started setting up the primary base camp and medical tents. A small scout forces pushed into the swamp trying to find the best path to the volcano before the enemy took notice of them.

Applejack curses yanking her hoof out of the mud looking up at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hovering above the muck.

Fluttershy was still in her heavy armored and flitted around more like a bumble bee than anything else. Dash kept having to catch her from crashing into things as AJ sloughed though the mud at the rivers edge trying to get to drier ground.

“Good thing Rarity isn't here, dun think ah'd be able tah handle her complaining.”growls Apple Jack, yanking herself the last bit of distance out of the mud along.

“Your doing enough complaining for her as it is AJ.” Dash smirks flying up a little higher to watch the pegasi and griffons ferry some more of the gear away from the long boats and up to the drier ground.

Applejack was not the only one sloughing through the muck. All the earth pony Guards and the Diamond dogs were in the same situation. Not as if the fliers were getting off easier as they were stuck carrying the gear over the muddy river banks.

Pinkie Pie, Zecora, and the medics were already working on setting up at the medical base camp that was positioned behind the beach head head quarters.

Fluttershy lands next to Apple Jack looking around nervously before giving the earth pony back her hat.

“This is much closer then I ever wanted to be ..”mutters Fluttershy looking up through the canopy of trees at the towering monolith.

Thanks sugar cube.” AJ states putting her hat back on after trying to shake clear her armor of the mud before following Fluttershy's gaze.

The volcano looms above them, this close it was easy to see the green icor that appeared to pour from every crag and cranny on the surface of the mountain.

“Huh... kinda surprised they haven’t noticed us yet. We practically parked on their door step...” begins Rainbow Dash, her words cut off by a loud droning noise as if hundreds of wings were flapping in unison.

The sky darkens as the predawn glow is hidden by a swarm of bodies flying towards them from the volcano.

“INCOMING!” shouts a voice from the camp.

Apple Jack glares at Rainbow Dash as Fluttershy whimpers.

“Yah had tah say somethin, didn't yah?”


“What is going on?” Chrysalis hisses at the darkness.

“My queen, there is a sizable invasion force from the Griffon, Pony and, Diamond Dog empires on the banks of the river. We had been tracking them for a time while they were at sea though all our intel suggested that they were headed elsewhere for a training exercise. Before we could react they sailed up river. We had just enough time to gather a force to repel them, though we are recalling all of the drones from their hunting and gathering to aid us.” A changeling grunt mutters looking up at Chrysalis.

“And my husband?”

“The king has recovered enough to travel and is being guided here as you requested my queen.”

“Good..... capture all of the attackers you can, my current meal is almost done, some other flavors would be nice.”

“He is no longer fighting?”

“No, once I figured out what he wished to see all I needed to do was set it up and his own mind trapped him in the vision.” Chrysalis grins looking up at the cocoon hanging from the ceiling behind her throne and the gray unicorn within.

“Pity he will not be ready for this fight, but when we take the lands of the fools that dare attack us he will be a perfect weapon.”


“So that's the one Bleu?” Starfall mutters.

“Yep. Smelled it following us all the way from the train station.” Bleu mutters looking up at a figure clamoring up the side of the volcano.” Seriously, who wears a cape?”

“It's definitely a mare.” mutters Rhede. “Look at the way she moves.”

“Not a bad idea doubling back like that Velkorn, that put her in front of us.” mutters Starfall as the zebra nods.

“What are you three talking about Twilight grumbles trotting up to the group looking up at the volcano.

“Hmm? Oh Sparkle, you have any idea who that is?” Starfall points up to the side of the Volcano.

Twilight follows the direction Starfall was pointing, seeing nothing at first but groups of flying changelings in the early morning light.

“Who what is, I don't see any one but...” Twilight squints spotting the movement over a rock as the figure takes a last few hops up the slope and vanishes into a cleft in the rock. Twilight's jaw drops in confusion.“Mare-do- well? What in the world?

“So you know her?” Rhede questions.”She's been following us since the train station.”

“It's can't be. That was just a costume that we put on to stop Dash's ego from running unchecked.... who the heck is wearing it now?”

“Rarity maybe?” Starfall questions.

“No, she never made a costume for herself, besides shes still in Canterlot.” Twilight exclaims.” She wouldn't be trying to sneak around like that either, there would be no point in her trying to hide who she is from us.”

“So we have to assume it's a changeling who is going to tell the queen we are coming.” Starfall curses.
“Bleu be prepared to go loud.”

“No, wait a moment, she went in at the top up there for a reason. If she really was a changeling why would she be sneaking into the volcano like that? It's time for us to start following her. Velkorn and I will follow and leave markers, you three follow behind us when you can.” Rhede states. “Stay quiet though it might still be some sort of a trap.”

“Fine we'll do it your way to start Rhede. You have five till we follow, make it count.” Starfall directs.

He nods to Velkorn and they both pull their cloaks from their bags pulling them over their heads and vanishing.

“I really want to study that spell.” mutters Twilight.


Spittle flew from the changelings face as a orange hoof connected with it. The drone lets out a cross between a whimper and a screech before spinning away to crash into a tree. Apple Jack didn't bother stopping watch where it landed as a number of drones were banging on the armored cover Fluttershy trying to get at the whimpering pony under all that steel.

“Oh you are messing with the wrong pony now yah idjits.” AJ snarls gripping her rope and lassoing the group around Fluttershy yanking it back squishing the four changelings together. She jerks her head pulling the group off their hooves and over to her. Spinning around as the bound drones tumble towards her she lashes out with both rear hooves bucking the group sending the whole mass of them flying through the air to crash into the river.

Her ears perk as a small group moves up behind her and as she turns to deal with them another changeling is knocked out of the sky crashing into the group advancing on her sending them all into the mud. Dash smirks as she looks down at her hoof work.

“Buck it, there's too many.” hollers Dash as another boom from Pinkie Pie's party cannon echos across the swamp.

Another changeling body falls past the hovering Dash along with a white pegasus in Guard armor. The creature struggles from the impact before the butt of the Guard spear knocks it out cold.

“You three alright?” A bruised and bloodied Peach Blossom looks up at the three, whirling his spear and belting another drone across the face with out really looking at it. “They are not doing anything but charging in blindly trying to over run us. There's no tactics here, it's just numbers.”

“Yeah, we kinda noticed.” grumbles Dash.

“Mustn’t run away, I mustn't run away.... “chant's Fluttershy in a rapid fire mantra as she shakes under her armor like a turtle in its shell.

AJ looks down at her and then up at seemingly endless swarm in the air still pouring from the volcano.

“Dash, remember tha book, you practice any of that stuff yah read?” shouts AJ driving another Changeling into the mud.” We could use something like one of them area of effect attacks Starfall did.”

“Awww yeah! I got that no problem, I just need a couple of fliers that can keep up with me.” Dash glances to Peach Blossom. “ Hey cap' Hows your wing power? Think you can keep up?”

“ That's kinda a personal question..errr. Keep up with what?” The white pegasus leaps back as a half dragon crashes into the mud before him skidding to a stop just before a tree. “Lionheart! What?”

The half dragon growls rising from the mud, opening his mouth wide. A trickle of flame spills from his maw before billowing forth to engulf a larger changeling that seemed to have once been a buffalo setting the creature ablaze and sending it shrieking towards the river. The half dragon coughs turning to spit into the mud as if hacking up a foul taste.

“Gah … I hate that...... What the buck are you doing over here Peach, they are going for the ship!” hacks Lionheart looking up at the white pegasus.

“That was awesome! Alright you two will do perfectly both of you follow me and try to keep up!” Dash shouts shooting off into the air.

“What the heck is she talking about?” Lionheart questions as Peach Blossom shrugs.

“Best you two follow her, she's an ornery sort if she don't get her way.” Applejack responds. ”Side's this should help out if it gets done right, show you Guard types we ken hold our own and don't need no special treatment either. Though the Diamond dogs ain't gonna like it I reckon. Now GIT!”

The two Captains look from Apple Jack to each other then to the rising figure of Rainbow Dash, before they launch themselves upward after the cyan pegasus.


The swift crack as the changelings neck snapped was the only sound in the hall before the body vanishes into a shadow. A wide brimmed hat on a masked figure peers out of the shadow ears perked seeing if any one noticed.

So far she had no luck navigating this place, there were quite a number of signs of heavy wear on the floors and drag marks, she hoped those lead to what she sought.

Her cloak flutters a little as she moves deeper into the volcano.

A white chalk arrow suddenly appears on the wall by where she had been, pointing after her.

“Seems she might be on our side after all.” mutters the invisible Rhede looking down at the body.

[“ Or she knows we are following her.”] responds Velkorn.

“In any event lets keep after her. There's something about this place … “

[“What do you mean?”]

Rhede shakes his head following after the masked pony. “I dunno this places seems familiar somehow. Not sure why.”

[“Have you been in many volcano strong holds?”] Velkorn jokes.

“A couple, lets go.”


Rainbow Dash loved this.

After reading about Starfall preforming this move she had wanted to try it so bad, but she had never found any pony that could keep up with her long enough for that to happen. When Starfall showed up it was one of the first things she asked about. Most of the trip up to the empire they had been practicing. Starfall was thrilled to show her some of what she knew and Dash was excited to pick up some new tricks, though the whole thing still turned into a who could out do who by the end of it.

Still while she wouldn't admit it she was glad for the things the older pegasus was showing her, almost felt like she had a actual parent for once. Not that she would admit to it.

“Alright guys, tuck your wings and lets go.” Dash orders, folding her wings against her back, letting the momentum lift her up higher into the air before gravity catches her and she starts her decent back to the ground. The two guard Captains looked a bit nervous though they followed suit.

“Wait, isn't she supposed to be following our orders?” mutters Peach Blossom.

“Bank off when I tell you, but you need speed If you don't get enough speed to keep up your gonna wind up burrowing into your own grave when you hit.” Dash orders as she falls through the clouds the volcano and battle far below. She smiles looking down at a group of Changelings that was flying up after them, they were just in the right spot to be hit by the first shock wave. “ Keep up with me and this'll be awesome!”

She grins kicking her wings forward and stretching out starting to build speed.


Starfall pauses at the cave mouth looking off into the distance at the white streak falling from the sky a high pitched whine echoing across the rocks of the dormant volcano. She grins looking up at the streak as the first boom sounds, changelings already starting to fall out of the aim from the effect. Another pair of booms follows as the ponies that were on her tail break the weakened barrier as well.

“Oh she's going to do that.” Starfall beams. “Best pegasus I ever trained right there.”

“She's doing your moves already? You haven’t even known her a week yet, she is quick.” comments Bleu poking her head into the cleft in the rocks spotting the white chalk arrow.

“Well she does kinda take after your side of the family I suppose, granted I am not even sure what the other side of her family was like, but if Cyan was correct it was likely a rather strong flier as well to be in the first group of Wonderbolts… I should look into that.” mutters Twilight.

Bleu pulls her head back as Starfall turns to look at the armored unicorn as Twilight struggles to get up to the cleft in the rock.

“My side of the family? What are you talking about?” Starfall questions glaring at Twilight.

“Huh? Didn't she tell you? Rainbow Dash is your direct descendent, I mean the pair of you are the only ponies ever who have been able to preform the sonic rain boom, I thought that might have been obvious.... where are you going?!” Twilight begins not noticing the panic starting in Starfall's eyes. Thankfully however Bleu did spot it and tackles the Pegasus before she got off the ground.

“Let me go hand bag, I have to stop her from doing those damned tricks... gah I put her in danger my own great..... however the buck many years granddaughter gahhhh let me go!!” Starfall yells as she flails.

“Sparkle Butt there is such a thing as a time and place for information such as that .. and that time WAS NOT RIGHT NOW!” shouts Bleu dragging the struggling Pegasus inside.” The sooner we rescue boss the sooner you can go play mother hen, OW, stop biting me you fool feather duster!”

“Aheh..... sorry.” mutters Twilight sheepishly following after the pair.


Celestia looks at the closed door of her sisters room and sighs, knocking lightly once again.

“We told you we did not wish to be disturbed.” shouts a voice from the other side of the door.

“Lulu this is far below what should be expected of you. Even if you are mad at me you have subjects who need to speak with you at you Night Court and there is no reason to be upset with them.” Celestia sighs. ”You need to come out.”

“No, go away and cease bothering me.”

Celestia frowns. “ I am not leaving, in fact I am coming in to drag you out by your tail, I detest this sort of pouting from you I always have. I will have none of it now.”

There was little more than a light squeak from the other side of the door and some rapid scrabbling of hooves on the wood floor.

Celestia's horn glows as she checks the lock, Luna had set some sort of spell on it that looked far too time consuming to bother with. Her horn glows a bit brighter as she pulls all the pins holding the hinges to the frame and moves the entire door to the side to allow herself entrance.

“Luna this is for your own good that I am doing this, sulking will not help and …. what in the world?” Celestia mutters looking over her sisters room.

Nearly every dress and gown that Luna owned had been removed from her closets and chests and lay draped over various parts of the room, a small mending kit lay on the floor in front of some of the more damaged older dresses including the one she had worn to the ill fated Gala a millennium ago. The sound of movement drew her attention to the bed and to a large white Persian cat sitting atop it with seemingly no care in the world about being spotted.

Celestia looks at Opalescence who simply yawns and waves a paw down to the bottom of the bed. Celestia's magic grips the blankets lifting up to see a white unicorn with a purple styled mane hiding under her sisters bed.


“Umm hello Princess.....” Rarity mutters sheepishly sounding exactly like Luna. The unicorn seems to notice this and quickly takes off a necklace she was wearing her voice returning to normal.” Umm yes hello Princess Celestia.... ummm how are you? Something I can help you with?”


A shadowy form slips from the rocks above the cavern mouth tossing two changeling bodies off the side of the volcano. The masked figure looks down at the opening shifting the wide brimmed fedora atop her head and hops down to the hole.

Her ears perk listing to the complaints of the ponies and dragon that slipped in before her, before she sneaks in herself following after them. There was a powerful presence here in this place as well as a familiar tinge of madness that she could not identify.

She spots one of the arrows on the wall though the feeling was coming from another path. She opted to chose instinct this time and trotted down the divergent hall, leaving the others to look after themselves.


“This is a bit of history that is quite a strong focus for me as it is the downfall of our civilization. The first dragon war happened for one reason and one reason only. Revenge.” Jade explains.”As a species ponies are a traitorous and cowardly lot. Like all races there are exceptions to that stereotype, though for the most part it takes very little to make the average pony freak out over nothing. I am quite sure you have witnessed it”

“I have first claw experience with that.” grumbles Spike thinking of both Pinkie Pie and how the ponies in town panicked over anything.

“This is also quite true in their leaders. The current Princess, Celestia, is no exception to this. It was because of her and the other pony god, Aviana that the seeds of war were planted at all.”

“Wait, I know Celestia, she's not any kind of coward or traitor.”

“Hmmm, I will admit I have never seen any traces of that from her either in my studies. Perhaps she was an unwitting dupe as many others were in history. Though perhaps cowardice is why she refuses to fight even though what was done to Discord's forces is proof she has the capacity to fight. The draconequus likely would not have even bothered with an army if she had not been so Tartarus bent on destroying him. Then again, he was quite mad as well so there is no direct way to tell, however this is not a lesson on Discord, this is a lesson on the First Dragon War, and to learn about that you must know of the one who started it, a great dragon god named Forgescale.”

Spike perked up, he had been curious about this dragon from the get go as he seemed to be the source of all the troubles between ponies and dragons.

“Now this is only what my father told me, though I have no reason to disbelieve him and there is proof in history itself. Forgescale was once an ally to Equestria, a strong supporter of the races working together. To this end he even lent his aid to the ponies in the Sky King War.

“The what?”

“ The Sky King War happened in a time were most history was passed on by word of mouth and very little of it was written down. I am unsure of all the details, dragons have very long memories but this event was ages before even most of our gods came to power. There are certain gifts granted to the gods that are coveted because they effect things other than what is of this world. The power to control the sun and the moon are two such powers. While once held by dragons they were stolen by ponies. The unicorns of old in fact used to raise and lower them for ages after the Pony Gods hid themselves away to try and simply watch over their subjects without getting involved in their lives. After the Ponies left the north, a great wizard, Starswirl the Bearded, well one of them any way, it seems the name has been used by a number of pony wizards in history, but I digress. He found a way to simplify the spells that gave control so that it only took one individual to move the celestial bodies rather than a gathering of them as was the norm.”

Spike tilts his head knowing Twilight would love this sort of thing.

“The problem was the spell was too potent for a normal unicorn to use with out burning out all the magic in their bodies. He realized that a god was likely the only creature with enough power to do so and despite the protests from the unicorn nobles, he granted the spell to a creature he thought trustworthy and honorable enough to not abuse the power as his kin had been doing. The Sky King, a griffon god of great power and respect,The Sky King was leery at first though he was also intrigued that this unicorn would put more faith in a creature of another race then his own kin. In time he accepted and the world progressed on. With the power to raise the sun and moon taken from them the unicorn nobles were forced to ply their powers in more menial tasks and with their aid the fledgeling nation of Equestria grew more prosperous, just as Starswirl had anticipated.”

“See even that history shows ponies are not all bad.”

“I said that before whelpling, if I thought all ponies were bad I would not trade with Lodestone. I simply say most because those that are not out only for themselves are much rarer than you think. For a time the Sky King used the power as he had promised though after Starswirl's death greed started to get the better of him. He studied the spell and devised variations of it that could alter the stars and call them from the sky, going so far as to bond the spells to himself so that no other would be able to use the spells even if they learned what was needed to cast them.”

“A griffon god made the spell to call meteors?”

“And others so I have been told. He used the abilities to rule harshly over everything. It was the Elements of Harmony that finally put an end to him. A group composed of several nations banding together to end the threat. Two from Equestria, one from the sea, one from the zebra, one from the dragons, and one from a nearly extinct race of creatures called draconequus ....”

“Draconequus ? The only one I know of is Discord..... wait?” Spike questions.

“Yes, Discord was a Element bearer, the bearer of Laughter, which is rather fitting of him. He was also thought to be the very last of his kind. The one from the sea was a Sea pony Goddess named Aqua, she bore Generosity, Loyalty was a pony named Andrew, Compassion was a zebra named Ruin, Magic was a pony named Aviana, and the dragon bore Honesty, his name was Forgescale..”


“Indeed, the group of them defeated the griffon though the beast scattered his spells to the corners of the world in the hopes that the world would pay for ending his tyranny. However it did not work like that. When he was killed all his powers were lost save the ability to move the sun and moon,since they were granted to him by a spell created by a pony, these instead went to his killer. Ruin gained control of the sun and the moon after dealing the deathblow to the Sky King. The other powers the griffon created appeared in other gods as they were born so the celestial skills were never lost. Ruin decided he did not wish the powers and offered them to the others. Aqua and Aviana refused to allow each other to have it and neither wished for Forgescale to have the powers. None of them wanted Discord to have them and thus it was decided that they would be granted to the next griffon god that was born. He would be properly raised and then the abilities would be given to him and he would be watched closely to prevent another Sky King. When the time came the powers were given to the griffon chick.”

Jade downs the last bit of the gem cake Spike had brought before continuing.

“Quite good though we perhaps need to make a bigger one. Any way, peace was achieved for a very long time, all nations thrived and enjoyed this time, but then the goddess Aviana fell to her own greed. She used her own friends to steal power from her sister, a goddess that had ruled the ponies fairly if from the shadows. She was one who had secretly guided the ponies to their new lands from the frozen north, with the aid of the Windigo. It was Aviana who convinced her sister to rule over the ponies rather than guide them from afar, and it was Aviana who tricked Forgescale into helping destroy her sister so that she may claim full control over Equestria.”

Spike's jaw drops wondering how this dragon knew all of this, so far a great deal of what he was saying matched up with things Twilight had found out, but this was far more information than he expected any one else to know. Even Twilight had only come across it recently. Jade was speaking as if this was all old news to him.

“Being the Bearer of Honesty Forge Scale was furious when he found he had been tricked and went to confront Aviana directly. During that time Celestia came into being and the pair of them used the Elements of Harmony to seal the malignant force Aviana created, along with Forgescale in Tartarus. My father claimed the last things Forgescale saw before the gates closed were the triumphant looks of the two ponies goddess as he was locked into a torturous hell for thousands of years.”

“Celestia did that? That matches the book, but I don't think she knew...”

“It really did not matter at that point. No one knows what Forgescale endured while in that realm and he never spoke of it. When he was trapped, he was young by a dragons standards and nearly a child by a god's. When he returned he was a scarred monster of a dragon that wielded powers from the very pits of Tartarus themselves. I cannot fantom the amount of power and hubris it must have taken to tear apart the very fabric of reality to enact revenge. All for naught as after he emerged, he found the source of his ire, the very creature whom he wished revenge on was already long gone from the world, yet the other who sealed him remained alive and was ruling a land far larger than had existed when he was last free.”

Spike tilts his head a little feeling the strange passion Jade spoke with as he spoke about Forgescale, it was rather odd the amount of emotion he was placing into it.

“He returned home to find his seat of power was gone taken up by a upstart dragon god whose power was little more than show. A draconian civil war broke out, and was over in less than a year as Forge Scale claimed leader ship of all dragon kind, whether they liked it or not. He sired many whelps during his time and with so many females it is a almost sure bet that any dragon with even a hint of red in them are his kin. Once his children reached a proper age, my father raised them up to be his generals, for he felt it was only those he sired that could be trusted with his goals and legacy. Those who did not meet with his expectations were killed or simply used as fodder in battle. Unlike most he did not consider any dragon to be below another simply in terms of their coloration or mixed breeding. If one could prove themselves to be worthy of a position, they were granted it. Those who did not wish for war, but did not fight against him he let be, the rest he banded together into the first Flame Party and launched the attack against Equestria. “

Spikes eyes widen as the green dragon seems to get a bit bigger as the rather passionate rant continues..

“Again he was betrayed by one of his own, a trusted general of his forces tricked by a pony into turning on Forgescale, and when my father fell so too did his army, so too did the force seeking to cleanse the taint of the betrayers and the curse they brought to the land...”

Spike steps back, swallowing hard, looking up at the now massive dragon before him, the green fades slowly from the figures scales turning to a cherry red that seems to flicker with its own internal flame. Ashen gray claws that are almost silver, each larger than he was, dig into the ground as the dragon towers above Spike fire burring in it's eyes.

“....sss.....Silverclaw........” Spike whimpers.....

“Ahh, you have heard of me... nothing good I would expect...” chuckles Silver Claw settling back on his haunches.” Perhaps that was a bit too dramatic of a reveal.... oh do calm down, I do not harm my own kind unless they instigate a conflict.”


Rarity cowered under the bed, wishing she knew Twilight's teleportation spell so that she could be any where but under the gaze of the alicorn Princess of the Sun. It had seemed such a good idea at the time too, Princess Luna had even suggested she could look through her closet and see if there was anything she might like to have.

All she needed to do was use the voice changing necklace if any one came to the door while Luna went along with the others and tell them to go away.

Granted that all looked much better before, she was sure neither of them expected the ruse to be found out after barely a day. Rarity did not think anything terribly bad would happen, though that may depend on how mad Princess Celestia was, Luna had put on a rather convincing show of indignant anger the day prior.

A low rumble sounds from Celestia's throat that had Rarity covering her face with her hooves. She yelps as she was yanked out from under the bed by Celestia's magic and lifted up to hang upside down before the Princess the frown on her face enough make a hydra flinch. Wait... she was laughing?

Rarity yelps again as shes flipped right side up, still floating before Celestia for a moment before she is set down atop the bed, the frown clearly a rather wide smile from this angle.

“Hehe, she actually managed to fool me this time, she is indeed getting better.” Celestia chuckles.

“Umm, not to wonder about your mood Princess, but you are not mad? Rarity questions hesitantly.

“No, not in the slightest, granted I will of course need to give that impression of anger when she returns, but that she went out of her way to go help her friends is by far a greater step towards her recovery than I thought her capable of. And she risks defying me as well to do so. She is starting to be the sister I remember again.”

“But you told her not to go... What about all of the risk of her returning to Nightmare Moon?”

“There is that risk yes, but it is not so high as my sister likes to think. Besides my little pony, as clever as you are, surely you must understand that sometimes the only way to get some pony to do something is by telling them they cannot do it.”


Dash was sure one of the ponies behind her was screaming... maybe both, it was hard to tell. The pair were caught in her slipstream and were doing their best not to be pulled out of it.

The ground was getting closer by the second. With the way the pair behind her were flying they wouldn't be able to turn as well as she could so best to put them at the heaviest part of the fighting. She shifted her course angling to a spot just before the HQ base camp. She banks suddenly letting the two behind her drive towards the target while she alters her own course just enough to hit a spot closer to the river.

The two ponies behind her panicked as she suddenly turned away. The wave of concussive force from the rain boom pulling them along to impact the ground with a rainbow colored mushroom cloud.

Pinkie Pie had somehow gotten most of the other flying Guards to land and brace for the impact so the majority of those hit were the changelings, and the diamond dog's ears.

Fluttershy looks up and had enough time to tackle Apple Jack into the mud. She hunkers down over AJ in her armor before the blast of concussive energy washes over the clearing. Fluttershy's thick plate armor rattles loudly as the changelings are bounced about the clearing crashing into each other and the trees and rocks.

Three massive explosions of color and sound erupt from the points of impact where the three winged ponies hit. Dash grins feeling the sudden jar under her hooves as the sonic wave hit the ground before she did, cushioning the landing and sending a wave of force out from the point of impact. It was still a hard landing, hopefully the other two were smart enough not to try and land with their faces.

The impact sent the changelings flying and sent most of the diamond dog forces into howling fits clutching at their ears. It was not a victory over the changelings, but it would give them all a bit of breathing room before they recovered to try and swarm again.

She shakes out her wings looking at Fluttershy as AJ crawls from underneath the armored pony to retrieve her hat from a nearby tree.

“Why tha heck did yah crash over here Rainbow!?” snaps AJ.

“You two looked like you could use some help, besides the Captains had the rest of it down pat...” Dash smirks.” I think”


Pinkie pie leans over the edge of the crater, down at a pair of dazed pony Captains laying at the bottom. Zecroa peers over the edge of the crater from the other side curiously.

MEDIC!” Pinkie screams out.

“You need not yell into my ear, if you pay attention I am right here.” winces Zecora.

“Yeah but I always wanted to yell that.” Pinkie smiles.

“PRESS THE ATTACK GET THE BASE CAMP UP AND PUSH ON. WE KNEW THIS WAS NOT GOING TO BE EASY, GET TO WORK YOU DOGS AND STOP SNIVELING” a griffon with an excessive amount of ribbons on his uniform bellows, drowning out the sounds of the whining Diamond Dogs and the echos of the shock wave off the volcano..

“OOOOH he looks like he knows the value of a good shouting. I'm gonna go make friends, you help these two out okay Zecora?” Pinkie Pie bounces off towards the griffon as Zecora sighs looking at the cursing Captains at the bottom of the pit.


Rhede leans over looking into the room where the masked pony had gone. To be perfectly honest the costume was a silly looking, seriously, who wears a cape?

Movement behind him drew his attention to the group of slightly less quiet ponies and dragon slinking up behind him, he spares them a small glance before before pulling back the hood and fading into view. Bleu spots him and runs through a rapid fire set of coloration’s that made his eyes hurt, but was enough to prove it was her the same as his cloak.

“You find anything fluffy rump?” mutters the dragon peering around the corner.

“Dammit Bleu stop calling me names.....” growls Rhede quietly.

“Well I know you are you now... whats the masked pony up too?”

“Not sure she seems to be digging around for something.” Rhede sighs.

Twilight leans around the corner peering into the room. Floor to ceiling of this chamber was filled with stuff. Gear packs, books, treasure chests, gems,various odd items, weapons, and piles of other bric a brak filled the large room. In the middle of the room digging though a half rotted chest was the masked pony. The outfit was a fancy looking costume of dark gray and purple with a wide brim hat, a billowing cape and a M clasp at her throat.

It was decidedly Mare-Do-Well.

Twilight frowns stepping out into the door way despite the others silent protests.

“Who are you and why are you in that costume?” Twilight questions loudly.

The masked pony slowly turns glaring back at the armored Twilight before whirling around fully, sending a mass of daggers at the purple unicorn. Twilight yelps falling back over her own hooves as the daggers bounce off the armor. The masked pony snatches up a book from the chest she was looking into sending a pile of papers flying as well. She tucks the book into a saddle bag under her cape and turns towards the floundering Twilight.

“What the heck did you do that for? I only asked a question.” grumbles Twilight.

“I thought that armor looked familiar.” comments Mare-Do-Well. “ So where are the others then?”

“Now that is a voice I recognize, granted I should have realized it was you just from the daggers.”

Rhede steps around the doorway his eyes narrowing as he stares at the masked mare.

“Well well, now you are here too, I expect your little striped pet is not far behind.” Mare-Do-Well snarls.

“Of course, every one who want's your head on a stick is here.” Rhede growls. “Been a while Scarlet.”

“Not long enough Pelt.” snarls the masked Scarlet.


“Why should I believe that. You.... you attacked all those Guards... and Shining Armor....!!”

“No little whelping, they attacked me first and I defended myself.....” Silver Claw holds up a fore claw showing the large gash across it.”They managed to strike a blow too, honestly there were a hundred or so of them after only me. It is with no small amount of swallowing my own pride to say that had they been better trained I would be dead. Right now.”

“Yeah right, except those two working for you nearly killed Big Mac and Fluttershy! That’s why the guards showed up in the first place!”

“At the moment I cannot be too picky with whom I associate with. Those two were only told to recover a certain book so we might know what happened while we were in stone. The attempted rape and murder were all their own ideas. More proof of ponies true natures.....”

“But..... wha, what are you going to do to me.....?”

“Do? Why would I do anything? You came here to learn the history of your kind did you not?” Silver Claw smirks lightly.”If you wish for the lesson to end you may simply leave. Though if you inform any one of my location I will be gone by the next time you arrive. I have a feeling though you will not, simply from what I have taught you thus far.”

“But that had to all be lies..... how..”

“My father told many of us why he hated the ponies, for certain there are those that might be worthy within the races ranks. No species is truly worthless, but as a whole, as I stated before, ponies are a greedy and cowardly lot. They are willing to strike down their fellows to save themselves or make themselves stronger. I have seen it in the wars and I have seen it in the life here, our meeting was not chance whelping.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I have been watching you for some time, it was quite fortuitous I met Lodestone, as this made it all the easier to finally contact you.”

“Watching me? “Spike mutters glancing around as he hides behind a rock.” Why?”

“Do stop cowering,it is unbecoming for a dragon. I have stated I will not harm you. “

“I don't trust you....”

“As well you should not at this juncture all you have is my word, despite what you may have read that is a rather strong bond with in certain dragon groups. I did reveal myself to show I have no reason to lie, my father was the Element Bearer of Honesty after all, he did try pass that to his hatchlings as a matter of principle. Besides if I had wanted to harm you why would I have bothered with all of this conversation and history? I could have ended you as Jade when you first arrived with Lodestone or again when you came by yourself.”

Spike swallows still behind the rock though the massive dragon had yet to make a move closer.

“I can tell that you believed much if not all of what I have said and that is fine as well. I admit some may be colored by a dragons take on things, and most history tends to be written by the victors. After all why would Celestia do her best to hide all knowledge of her sister and the disaster that was caused by her? It is just something again that proves my point.”

“That doesn't answer the question. Why were you watching me?”

“Ooh yes, I suppose not, you will have to excuse me it has been far to long since I have had a chance for any sort of scholarly discussion. I have have been watching you young whelping for one reason that you clearly are unaware of yourself, but that I can sense from you quite easily. You are exactly the type I need to help me with my goals.”

“I won't help you destroy Equestria.”

Silver Claw sighs. “That has never been one of my goals. My main goal is to free my father, he was... well is, the only family I have and this is twice he has been unjustly imprisoned by the pony gods. I do not need your aid for that. Even if I did you are far too young for the conflict freeing him would entail.

Spike glances back to the woods wondering if he could run or if he should listen. Silver Claw was right at some points. A great deal of what he said matched up with some of Twilight's research and that book Bleu had found about the changelings and the love potion.

“Yea so what is it? Why are you watching me?”Spike questions, curiosity having won out.

“With the dragons in the current bestial state they are in, even with the help of my father bringing, them back to the heights of civilization would be a long arduous road. The aid of another dragon god such as yourself would speed that process along quite nicely...”


The clang of daggers connecting mid flight fills the room along with the barely audible clatter of hooves, as the two assassins dart around the room in a flurry of flying steel and frantic dodging.

Rhede's brow furrows in concentration, though the masked pony seems to simply be smiling under her mask.

Bleu checks on Twilight as she shakes off the shock of the attack while Starfall watches the corridor in case something comes up behind them, Velkorn was somewhere, but still hiding under her cloak. Rhede knew that Scarlet was at a disadvantage here, so why was she still smiling?

“What the buck are you doing here Scarlet?” snarls Rhede losing a bit of his mane to a dagger that got past his defenses.

“None of your business Pelt, though as soon as you are out of my way I can get out of here, my jobs done.” chuckles Scarlet hopping back through the piled items in the room, using statuary and the treasure piles as cover.” You being here might be considered a bonus, though I don't have time to play with all of you.”

A blast of magic knocks the hat off the mares head turning it to stone as twilight gets back to her hooves.

“Well that's a dirty trick, no fair throwing spells at a poor little earth pony...yeep!” Scarlet ducks as another blast turns a bag of scrolls to rock.

Rhede and Bleu both look at Twilight who seems quite pissed, both of them rather shocked at the sudden aggressive turn of the purple unicorn.

“So she's the one who nearly killed Big Mac....”Twilight growls.” Do you have any idea how much that upset my friends?!”

“Holy crap, Sparkle Butts being useful?” Bleu exclaims.

Another blast from the armored Unicorn sends Scarlet diving for cover, she sends a slew of daggers at the unicorn only to have them bounce ineffectively off the armor barely even causing Twilight to flinch. Scarlet mutters to herself planning to try for the mares eyes or exposed mouth in the next shot, when her cover explodes from a blast of lightning. Before the masked pony can offer a retort another pair of daggers is flung her way forcing her to move again, things were getting bad.

Scarlet scrambles for cover franticly kicking gems and piled items about as she tries hiding behind other objects barely avoiding getting blasted, stabbed, or turned back to stone by the skin of her teeth. The mare curses, risking behind a massive pile of treasure as a blast of lightning strikes the pile.

Rather than scattering the massive pile of coins and gems with the blast, the mass instead screams out in pain and rears up with a massive roar and a crash of items tumbling from it. All of them stare a moment as the pile of treasure flails and thrashes before the glitter and golden disguise fades from the figure. A massive chitinous form of what might once have been a dragon slams its claws to the ground staring down at the group in the door way with bulbous insetiod eyes.

“Bout time he woke up.” Scarlet states drawing the attention of the dragon.

The masked pony grins snapping a gold wire around her foreleg and with a sudden flash of magic turns into a changeling, though her saddlebags and cape remain the same.

“The queen says to kill the intruders!” Scarlet orders the dragon. The beast blinks at the changeling before turning to look at the others in the room with a low growl.

“Oh you incorrigible bitch....” growls Rhede.

“Oh you know you love me... have fun.” Scarlet laughs as the dragon rushes the group.


The masked figure perks her ears looking back down the tunnel at the roar. That must be the dragon changeling. It was close where ever it was, perhaps only a hallway over. It was a little worrying that the Queen might have more than just one of those creatures.

Granted that was not the point of her being here. The point of her being here was before her, the Queens throne room.

She peeks around the corner, wide brim hat falling low over her eyes as she scans the room. The place was a mess of green ooze and broken green pods. It oddly looked like it was once a great feast hall as there was a icor covered stone table stretching the length of the long room. At one end was a opening that seemed to lead out side judging by the daylight streaming in the doorway, at the other end a rather elaborately carved throne sat at the head of the table. A variety of old chairs of wood and stone ringed the table and a plethora of old silver ware and cutlery covered it. A large collection of slime and a number of strange pods ran along the walls and ceiling of the room.

The high ceiling and walls of the chamber were covered with these pods, some were broken open though most were still closed and seemed to be pulsing softly.

She trots over to one wiping away the green gunk from the corner of the pod to look in. A griffon of some kind rests bundled up in the strange sack its feathers having already turned black and its body seemingly emaciated, its fore legs already developing a chitinous growth as well.

She moves around checking some of the others finding a few ponies, some cows, diamond dogs, and a cockatrice of all things. It seems the Changelings were not limited to just the intelligent races. Though it was just behind the throne she found the pod she was looking for.

A emaciated gray unicorn pony that that barely seemed to be moving hung suspended in some sort of fluid.

“Jer'rahd.....” Mare-Do-Well mutters.

She glances around again before tapping lightly on the casing of the pod, then smashing her hoof into it sending a crack across the egg shell like surface. A few more blows shatter the pod letting the strange liquid inside rush out along with the sodden sickly looking form of the gray unicorn.

The masked pony crouches to check on him as smirk crossing her hidden muzzle as he coughs a gush of the fluid escaping his lungs as he drew in air though remained unconscious. He was still alive and had not started to undergo any visible changes yet.

“I will not allow you to take that one, I am not done feeding from him yet.”

She looks up quickly leaping to the side with the unconscious unicorn as a massive blast of energy rips apart the throne and vaporizing the pod he had been in.

“Oooh a little too much kick there, been feeding on that one a bit too much, he's chock full of tasty nutrients a growing changeling needs.” Chrysalis cackles stepping in from the path that led outside. “But it looks like someone ordered delivery for dinner tonight. Guess I can savor him a bit longer and just eat you!”

Mare-Do- Well sets the unicorn down behind the edge of the table and turns to face Chrysalis.

“We think that thou shall only be eating our hoof and thine own teeth foul creature.” Mare-Do-Well growls, rearing up on her back hooves, dark wings unfurling from under her cape. “Have at thee, cur.”


Sickly green flame envelopes the floor where Rhede had been a moment before as the changeling dragon fires off a breath weapon that seemed to be a mix of fire and acid. It growls at the failure and lashes out with a claw at Twilight sending the encumbered unicorn bouncing out the door and down the hall way. A string of curses in several different languages manage to bring a laugh from Bleu though the changeling dragon just seems more pissed that it couldn't kill anything.

“You alright Sparkle Butt?” shouts Bleu.

“Oh just fine, I was only smacked by a freaking dragon!” shouts Twilight trying to pull herself out of the rubble.

“Oh whine whine whine, get up and blast this thing already..... bugger.” yelps Bleu as she dives out of the way of the beasts tail.

“Sparkle watch the hall, I'm going in.” states Starfall.

Starfall seems to blur zipping past the creature, a thin blue line whipping across where she passed. She skids to a stop holding the strange crystal blade in her mouth. At first nothing seemed to have happened and Bleu wondered if she had missed. A roar of pain from the beast proved other wise. It lifts its tail and only half of the length of it raises in a bloody clean cut stump.

“Oh I love these things hehehe.” giggles Starfall flicking the blood from her new sword.

“Nice... I need to get me one of those. Maybe not as sharp so I don't have to wear a scabbard three times the blades size to stop from cutting myself but still.” Rhede mutters. “ Bleu get this thing out of the way so we can get to Scarlet.”

“On it Dainty Hooves.” Bleu growls her size increasing to nearly match the changeling dragons size. The large blue dragon grins and a odd coloration that looked like a fancy mask that donkey wrestlers wore appears on her head.

Twilight slams her forehead with a hoof nearly braining herself even in the armor.

“Pinkie showed you that Pedro wrestling league thing, didn't she Bleu?” curses Twilight.

“No Bleu here, I am El Super Mega Draco YEHA!” Bleu shouts tackling into the changeling dragon and sending them both crashing into the piled treasure.

“I do not even want to know.” mutters Rhede.


Chrysalis had not even seen the masked pony move before it was in her face and had landed at least three blows. Chrysalis bounds back wards her wings propelling her quickly away, barely dodging a strike that hits one of the chairs, shattering the stone furniture as if it was glass. She lashes out with her hooves only to have the masked pony effortlessly flip away with a flap of her wings and land atop the table.

The Queens eyes narrow realizing this was not a normal attacker. Her horn flares firing off another massive blast of energy that rips a hole though the middle of the table vaporizing it and a few of the pods on the wall. The masked pony stood on the table still, having stepped aside from the blast effortlessly, the only damage done was the destruction of a small portion of her cape, though as Chrysalis watched the material slowly repaired itself back.

The masked pony lept off the table spinning in the air so that the flaring cloak masked her outstretched wing. The changeling Queen ducks the blow though the outstretched wing strikes her horn jerking her head to the side and throwing her to the floor from the force. She rolls out of the way as the masked ponies fore hooves crash into he ground where her head was turning the stone to dust.

Chrysalis snarls skipping back, her form changing to resemble a Timber wolf more than a pony, her claws and fangs dripping a green icor.

“An interesting trick, though it shall avail you not. Were I to have been the one to challenge you at the wedding rather than mine sister your head would be adorning a wall some where.”

The changeling queen flattens her ears realizing who this was.

“The Princess of the Night....” growls Chrysalis lunging at the masked pony.

Luna easily sidesteps though by the time she realized the attack was not meant for her the queen was past her. The queen smashes open one of the egg cases letting a small half formed changeling fall free. She slashes it with her claws splattering Luna with the blood from the creature.

Luna flinches despite herself though the blood does little more than stain her costume.“Tis not acidic? What was that supposed to do. We are not intimidated by your willingness to kill your own, that simply means less work for us later.”

“I know a thing or two about you mare.” Chrysalis grins shifting her form again to look just like Princess Luna. A smile crossing her face as her horn glows gold before zapping the prone form of Jer'rahd.

Luna's eyes widen under the mask as she leaps forward to stop the Queen though a pair of Changelings she had not seen plow into the side of her sending her crashing into the table scattering silver where across the room. She dispatches the pair quickly enough though in the scant moments that took Jer'rahd had risen to his hooves.


The screams roused him from his slumber. He winces falling from the bed and struggling to free himself from the sheets. He stands shakily to his hooves for some reason a odd lethargy settling in, he felt like he had slept for weeks rather than just the night, it was a uncomfortable feeling. His gaze shifts over the room, was the bed room always this big? He looks to the bed seeing Luna was not present though as his eyes sweep the room again he spots her on the other side of the room with a strange masked pony in a cape and hat, splattered in blood.

The fuzziness vanished from his mind as he saw the blood. His eyes focus on Luna seeing a number of scuffs in her dark coat that might mark where she was hit though no open wounds, she was panting hard as if she had been fighting, though the masked pony did not seem injured or even winded. Where did the blood come from then … ?

He takes a step forward his fore hoof nudging something on the ground. His gaze lowers spotting the small shredded form of a foal strewn across the stone floor. His eyes widened as he looks down to his hooves, tears welling in them at the severed leg that lay before him, and the dark fur that covered it.

“Jer'rahd... she killed Venus....” Luna chokes out pointing at the masked pony. “ Help me!”

A low growl escapes the gray unicorns throat. As his head lifts to glare at the masked figure the wall to his left lights up with a blood red coloration as the glow from his eye flares to life.

He roars out charging across the room towards the masked figure, revenge the only thing filling his mind.


Luna was not quite sure what was going on though she still knew the warning sighs of Jer'rahd losing it when she saw them. The gray unicorn had looked at the changeling Chrysalis had killed as if he recognized it and then went into a full beserker rage rushed her with a roar.

She dodges to the side barely avoiding the unicorns lashing hooves. A brief flash of light was the only warning she had to throw herself flat to the ground as a beam of energy lanced through the air where her head had been, losing the fedora from the wave of force. She leaps back into the air wings fanning to pull her out of the way as a stone chair smashes into the spot she had been, courtesy of the furious unicorn.

She had not considered this would happen, beating Chrysalis would have been little trouble if things had continued as they were, though with Jer'rahd practically throwing himself at her with no regard to his own safety it would be much harder to get to the queen without hurting or killing him.

Luna fires off her own blast of energy at the changeling only to have a green shield block the shot. The green shield cracked under the blow though Jer'rahd did not seem to notice.

Chrysalis cackles firing off blasts at Luna with no regard to the pods on the wall or Jer'rahd. The Princess of the Night raises her own shield blocking a shot that was going to strike the raging pony and was rewarded with a pair of hooves impacting her side.

She gasps tumbling across the ground and catching herself before she slams into the wall. Jer'rahd was on her before she could even assess the damage done to her. Chrysalis cackles and starts directing more of her attacks at Jer'rahd forcing Luna to block them with her own magic and try to dodge the things the rampaging pony was bringing at her. With out the Waning Moon she was unsure if he could kill her, though with the power Chrysalis was flaunting the changeling queen likely could.

“Hold still cretin and die!” shouts Chrysalis blasting a series of energy bolts at Luna as Jer'rahd rips the remains of the throne from the ground and swings it at the dodging figure.

She fans her wings drifting up over the chair, to have her rump bumps into the wall, before she can react a series of green shields forms around her trapping her in place and Jer'rahd rushes the boxed in masked alicorn.

“Stop General it's me....”Luna begins, though she is cut off by a roar and a loud shout from above.


The vaulted ceiling explodes as a massive black reptilian form crashes through the ceiling with a equally massive blue scaled form atop of it wearing some sort of vibrantly colored mask. The pair smash into the unbroken section of the long stone table.

“WHERES THE REF START THE COUNT!” shouts Bleu just before the changeling dragon flings her off of him.

Jer'rahd looks up as several stones impact slam into him and he slumps to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut.

The others look down through the hole at the mess as Bleu grabs the other dragon in some sort of choke hold and starts throttling him. Luna stands up straight as the green shield fades around her, the very thing that boxed her in protecting her from the falling rocks.

“Chrysalis!” hisses Twilight.

“General Kaisur!” shouts Starfall.

“ Scarlet...” snarls Rhede glaring at the masked pony.

“Twilight Sparkle..” growls Chrysalis.

“Oh buck.” mutters Luna still disguised as Mare-Do Well.

“GANGWAY!” shouts Bleu as she and the changeling dragon crash through the door way leading out side to a crumbling balcony, the dragons breath weapon setting fire to a number of the pods and and melting them at the same time..

Velkorn darts in from another door flinging back her hood as she skids to a stop in the middle of the chaos.


Twilight glances back at the Velkorn with them, then to the one who just ran in. She pulls the Brilliant Dawn from it's scabbard slapping the one with them in the chest with the flat of the blade. The Velkorn shrieks and starts to flail tumbling through the hole to crash into the ground landing with a sickening thud at Chrysalis’s hooves. The real Velkorn winces a little watching herself die from a fall before the changeling was fully revealed.

“Alright Sparkle, you can't kill them directly, but you can do that?” snaps Starfall.

“If they were smart enough not to fight the cancellation it wouldn't hurt them.” grumbles Twilight looking down as a swarm of changelings rushes into the room from all sides.”As much any way.”


“Luna!?... Venus!! …. Guards?” Jer'rahd shouts looking around the flat gray expanse he was in.

There was nothing as far as the eye could see. No bodies, no assassins, nothing it was a open expanse. One he had seen before however, though the last time he was here Andre had shown up soon after to fight.

“What the buck is this place?” Jer'rahd mutters.

>“My prison, where else would it be host....”< snarls a deep booming voice from behind him.

Jer'rahd whirls winding up facing little more than a massive claw, lifting his head up his eyes follow the reptilian spiked arm, covered in mismatched scales and spines to a wide thick muzzle full of teeth larger than he was. The creature growls staring down at him, chains of star metal wrapping around the massive thing. Jer'rahd's jaw drops as realizes he is looking up the muzzle of The Beast itself.

“>Hello host, I think it is time we talked.<”


Pinkie Pie bounces over to the large imposing griffon to try and get his attention, though the gold feathered and silver furred creature seemed to ignore her at first, shouting orders to the others as the medics work to pull the Captains from the crater. Pinkie Pie bounces up and down in front of the massive griffon and his fancy outfit trying to gain his attention. The large griffon continues to ignore her as it whirls it's massive claw ripping a changeling from the sky and smashing it into the muddy ground.

The bird twitches a little with every rambling shout of hello from the hopping pink pony before he finally had had enough.

“What is it !!!?”

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie... who are you?” Pinkie looks up smiling.

The griffon blinks looking down at the earnest expression on the ponies face as if expecting some sort of joke or another. If this one was a changeling , it was the strangest one he ever met.

“You're kidding me?” he mutters.

“Nope I have no idea who you are and you seem interesting so I wanna know.” Pinkie states.

“We are in the middle of a battle here and you want introductions?”

“Well yeah it's the best time to do it, Dashie knocked them back for a while the unicorns are turning the ones who are unconscious to stone and the Diamond Dogs finally stopped whining. It's the perfect time to meet new friends.” Pinkie responds.” On top of that most of them seem to be running away to head back into that big volcano thingy.”

The griffon blinks looking up and watching the changelings doing exactly what the pink pony said they were doing.

“Pfft, you are a strange one pony.. wait...Pinkie Pie you say? Hmmph if you really are that one then I will grant you my name if you manage to survive this.”

“Oh Okay.... see you when we win then.” Pinkie hops off leaving a very confused griffon behind her.


“What the buck do you mean talk? What the heck would you want to talk to me about?” snaps Jer'rahd backing up a few paces unnerved by seeing this side of himself face to face.

The beasts shifts, the chains groaning as they barely seem able to hold him.

“>I always get bound to the ignorant fools, though I suppose if they were smart they never would wielded Loyalty, let alone have used the books . Those two things require a special sort of stupid.<”

“What the buck is that supposed to mean?”

“>Fine. I will explain this, it is far easier than just assuming you will get it and it is likely faster than waiting for you to ask the proper inane questions to do what needs to be done. I will lend you some of my power so that you may remove the love cursed queen from existence.<”

“I can do that with out your power.”

“>Not in the state you are in, she has been draining you for the last three days and it is only though your connection with me that you are even still a pony at all.<”

“Better I die that allow you to be free.”

“>You truly are a fool, I did not say I stopped you from dying, I said I stopped you from no longer being a pony. She would have you join her swarm and I would be drug along for the ride, forced to be a slave to another fool who knows not what they are dealing with. At least with that reluctant goddess you follow there is a small chance of my finding my freedom, with the Love Cursed Queen there would be none.”<


The beast rolls all six of its eyes and glares down at him.

“>You truly are dense mortal. It is rare I bother to converse with my hosts at all, though this is a dire matter. It does not hurt that the aspect that made you an bearer of the elements is the strongest I have felt in a long time. The stronger the loyalty, the stronger the slave the books make out of it. You tie yourself to others with your loyalty, I would kill them so I may be free. Your goddess has limits to the power she has, magic is nothing with out the others and weakness in the others leads to a weakness in magic. Only you and the zebra were even truly worthy of that which you claimed. Bah, None of this is the point, though your ignorance of that which affects you has distracted me from the crux of the matter.<”

“Then what is the point, why tell me this crap?”

“>So you would listen host, something which you are still not doing. The point, is that the Love Cursed Queen has been feeding you a false reality to keep you subdued as she fed on you. You are nearly depleted of energy now. You will not survive much more with out my aid, and I would not be enslaved by another creature.<”

“Whats with the chains then?”

“>Your will was quite strong at first and as I was forced to devour the mountain, these chains were forged of that accursed metal to contain me.<”

“I don't recall doing that.”

“>I don't care what you think you remember host... accept my power and destroy the queen before she enslaves me, I will not even try to free myself for the duration so long as you are not defeated again. That is my offer and I will only give power with out consequence once host.<”

“So if I stay here what happens?”

“>Your body will likely go comatose and die. With no soul present as you are here the Queen will have to feed on and she will likely discard it.<”

Jer'rahd grins.

“Sounds good to me... not who I wanted to keep me company in the end , but you'll do.”

“>You think your death will stop me? So long as the books and the Elements exist so do I. Harmony and Entropy, law and chaos, death and life. One cannot exist without another and your life will be meaningless.<”

“Yeah, but you will be stopped and my friends will never worry about your sorry ass escaping due to me. So it's still a good deal.”

The creature chuckles, a rather creepy sound by no stretch of the imagination.

“What's so funny?”

“>Your friends will die before you do, they came to save you and are now in a failing conflict against an army they have never faced before. Add to that they wish to kill their greatest ally because she wears a mask and are combating a goddess who is surging with the power she has stolen from you. Though if you are alright with their deaths as well as Twilight Sparkle's, the force of Guards Celestia sent and perhaps the entirety of the world when the Cursed King reunites with his Queen then by all means. Feel free to stay here and listen to me call you a fool in several thousand languages. Perhaps I might even teach you zebra to pass the time as everything you care for dies.<”


“Scarlet....” a dagger is flicked from Rhede's tail punctuating the name, as he slides down the rubble with Twilight their focus on the masked pony. Rhede skids to a stop as his dagger is blocked by a dark blue glowing shield that forms between the masked pony and her attackers.

“What? Twilight looks at the shield as it drops suddenly. “ A shield spell? I thought Scarlet was a earth pony?”

“She is grumbles, this may be Nocturne however.” Rhede mutters taking note of the dark horn on the now hat less ponies head.

Bleu flaps back inside from the hole firing a blast of lightning at the flailing changeling dragon outside.

“You wanna peicea me come on tall dark and drooly come get some!?” snarls Bleu making a rude gesture at the changeling dragon outside.

“Enough with the theatrics fools, destroy them!” Chrysalis shouts as a swarm of changeling rushes out of nearly every crevice rushing towards the group.

An explosion of rock, pods, an changeling bodies erupts in the rooms center. A battered and slime covered gray unicorn flings the remains of the stone table off of him crushing a number of the changelings as he drops it with a exhausted sigh. He shakes himself off, half lidded gaze looking between Bleu and then Chrysalis who quickly changes to look like Luna again.

“Oh shit he's up.” mutters Mare-Do -Well. ”Be careful he was under thine enemies control a moment before.”

Twilight's eyes narrow as she scrutinizes the costumed pony “So he is under the queens control... just like my brother was.”

“Boss?” questions Bleu.

The gray unicorn turns trotting over to Chrysalis seemingly not noticing the swarm around her. The changeling Queen grins evilly As Starfall utters a string of curses that made several of the changelings blush.

“Umm Starfall you can still beat him right?” mutters Bleu.

“Sure if we were in a spar, you know how he gets when hes out for blood.....” complains Starfall gliding down with the others.

“Destroy them Jer'rahd, they attacked your love and killed Venus how can you allow such assassins to live?” snaps Chrysalis.

“Pretty easily since they didn't do shit.”

Chrysalis glances down as a pair of rear hooves slam hard into her face clearly shattering her jaw and perhaps even her skull though the damage had healed by the time she hit the ground.

Twilight yelps loudly as shes lifted into the air by the Waning Moon's scabbard and yanked towards the mass of changelings. A quick jerk yanks the blade free of the scabbard sending Twilight flying off in a arc to crash into another wall. The blades whips down towards the prone Chrysalis only to be deflected by a changeling griffon throwing itself in the way of the blow. Before Jer'rahd can attack again a massive buffalo like creature plows into his side sending him tumbling across the room to skid to a stop at Bleu's feet.

“Son of a bitch that hurt.” snarls Jer'rahd.

“Boss?” Bleu questions.” Are you alright?”

“Don't worry I'm fine, the WALL BROKE MY FALL!” hollers Twilight from the other side of the swarm

“I will have your head for that peasant” hisses Chrysalis.

“Bring it you vile whore, after what you put me through, I am going to decorate this room with your insides!” thunders Jer'rahd galloping across the room and plowing into the mass of changelings before the queen.

“Oh for Celestia's sake does he ever stop?” grumbles Starfall.

“Nope, and I for one am glad to see that.” smirks Bleu.


A mud covered Applejack and Fluttershy trudge into the camp as shouts of soldiers fill the air and groups of Guards of all types rush past the pair.

Pinkie Pie bounds up looking the two of them over before pointing and laughing at them. Applejack flicks her tail splattering the pink pony with mud snorting in annoyance at her laughing. Pinkie looks down at the splattered mud covering her, giggles, and somersaults off making pig noises.

“Ah am never gonna understand that mare...” mutters AJ.

“I think she is trying to do what Bleu did in the past and keep moral up... though it seems like we don't need it.” Fluttershy mutters as Rainbow Dash flies over.

“This is awesome, they are fleeing in terror from my might HA HA!” Dash exclaims.

“What in tarnation are you talking about?”

“All the changelings are running back to the hive, the forces are sweeping forward capturing any they can get their hooves on. The main brunt of them are probably cowering in a corner of the volcano already. All because of my awesome skills.”

“Not to be a downer umm Rainbow Dash, but I don't think that's it at all......” Fluttershy mumbles.

“Huh then what is it then?” Dash snaps seeming insulted.

“Well with ants and bees, when the hive or the queen is attacked they all rush back to protect it.. so I think, though I am not really certain, Twilight and the others might be fighting Chrysalis at the moment and the drones are going back to help.”

“Not a bad guess sugar, but we dunno fer sure.” Apple Jack comments before a roar fills the air.

Looking up the trio see a chitinous black dragon burst out from the side of the volcano. A large blue dragon with a brightly colored mask on stands in the hole that was made for a moment before shouting something at the other dragon and slipping inside. The black dragon rights itself rushing back before having to dodge a blast of lightning from the hole.

“Looks like proof to me.” says Pinkie sagely popping up behind Fluttershy. “ Looks like Super Mega El Draco really took those videos I borrowed from Cranky to heart.”


The bellow of rage and mad attacks did not seem to sway the resolve of the drones and warriors surrounding the Changeling Queen, but then the wall of bodies pressing on the furious unicorn only stopped him from moving forward for the moment.

As the sound from the first impact of the battle died in the room the air was quickly filled with the flash of magic, the whistle of daggers, and the blast of flame and lightning from breath weapons.

Mare– Do-Well darts around Rhede running up Bleu's back and leaping over the Changelings to land crushingly atop a group of them attempting to attack Jer'rahd's flank. The Gray unicorn spares a glance at the masked pony before returning his attention to the fray.

Starfall grins drawing both her thin blades and shedding the bulky scabbards, seemingly quite content to be rid of the only things that her new weapons had yet to cut though. She darts among the changelings Blade sweeping through the attackers like scythes through wheat.

Twilight keeps her back to the wall she had hit, her horn glowing hot as she blasts the approaching drones turning them to stone and slowly building a small wall around herself.

Bleu pops up behind a Changeling Chimera her claws sinking into its sides as she lifts the flailing beast up over her head and falls backwards bringing the creature down to smash head first into the floor and its fellow drones.

Rhede rushes back up the rubble flinging daggers about and felling changelings with each shot. His smirk fades as he flicks his tail and no daggers fly out. Cursing loudly he rushes up the rubble back into the room above followed by a group of changelings.

Velkorn bounces about striking vital points on the creatures she recognized letting their unconscious forms fall to the floor and letting the ones she didn't recognize take themselves or others out by dodging when they tried to hit her.

Chrysalis fires off energy blasts trying to hit the attackers in the midst of her swarm, shouting out orders to the drones as even more of the deformed insectiod creatures pour into the room.


Twilight winces, pressing tighter to the wall as the forces kept coming, her head was starting to hurt, threatening to make the scar she received teleporting to Canterlot that much bigger.

The waves of changelings suddenly stop climbing over the wall of stone bodies, she looks up seeing the top start to rock as the changelings push the precarious stone statues over atop of the unicorn.


Rhede curses rushing back into the treasure room grabbing up anything that even remotely looked dangerous on the way and slinging it at the changelings chasing him. Several more fell to the edges of plates and broken chunks of rock though many were simply knocked out by the impromptu weaponry the earth pony was using.

“Damn it what sort of bucking language consists of just screaming kekekeke over and over? I don't get these damn things at all.” snaps Rhede bounding up a pile of the treasure as a massive blue scaled tail whips though the changelings sending them flying.

“We need to construct additional pylons.....” shouts Bleu laughing as the changelings try to swarm over her only to get flung to the sides as she shakes like a dog drying off from a swim.

“What the hell are you talking about.... INCOMING!” Rhede shouts as the changeling dragon plows into Bleu's side sending them both through another wall.

“This is ridiculous..... wha....?” Rhede blinks as the dust from destroyed wall settles showing a room filled with statues on the other side of the wall, all of them either mounted or floating at odd angles, and all of them of Discord.

“What the buck is going on here?”


“So Twilight let slip that Rainbow Dash is descended from me, like my great great great or whatever granddaughter... how the heck do I bring this up? Is it even a thing?” states Starfall flicking her wing and nearly cutting a changeling in half as she spins the second blade sliding along her other wing to impale a changeling diamond dog causing it to fall back into it's fellows.

[“I do not know why you ask me. I have no idea how to bring something like that up.”] states Velkorn as she leaps into the air landing all four hooves on the head of a changeling manticore driving it into the ground and rendering the beast unconscious.

“Isn't that Zecora your niece or something? How did you manage to ask her about that?” Starfall asks ducking under a changelings attack severing the creatures foreleg for its trouble before spinning and slamming her rear hooves into its chest flinging it back into another mass of them causing a whole pile up of the creatures falling over themselves.

[“No, she came to me, evidently I was famous enough to be recognized by her. I suppose it helps I am a doctor and wrote all those books.”] Velkorn states, her fore hooves bringing a pair of changelings heads together hard enough for impact to sound like coconuts colliding before they fall.

“Crap .. always considered writing a book on flying skills, but its hard to write about something like that, flying is more a physical experience, it's easier to teach the skills then write them down.” grumbles Starfall blocking a changeling griffons claw and severing the beasts hand with a flick of her wing.

[“I am sure there is some one who can help you breach the subject, perhaps one of the Apple's I have heard they are close. Perhaps even lovers if what I am hearing is correct.”] Velkorn comments flinging one changeling into another and sending the pair tumbling through a doorway.

“Crap, here I was hoping she had better taste then one of Rhede's relatives.” Starfall sighs tossing some small unknown creature over her head with the flat of her blade sending it into another changelings head.


Jer'rahd blocks an attack with the blade gripped in his mouth trampling a changeling under hoof before gutting another attacker and trying to push forward only to have two of the bug creatures replace each one he killed. Every step towards Chrysalis was met with another wave of these infernal bug creatures.

Several of them had tried to take the form of Venus, his friends, or even Luna. After he beheaded a few of the copies and sent others falling to the ground screaming just by blocking with his sword they stopped trying to disguise themselves.

He was not sure the deal with that, but when they didn't try to take on another ponies form just smacking them with his sword did little more than annoy them. He was not in the mood to be simply annoying.

The issue right now was his magic, the surge of power the beast had loaned him was rapidly waning against the tide of bodies before him. The malnourishment from days with out food or drink was wearing heavily on the rest of him.

He turns as a changeling screams behind him, a hoof caving in the side of its face as the masked pony hits it and whirls to take out another one to clear a spot to land. A blast of magic from her flash fries a small group of them giving the pair the first breathing room he had seen since the fight started.

“Not bad assassin, or what ever you are.” mutters Jer.

“You are weak, you need to fall back. After what was done to you, you should not even be standing.” Mare-Do -Well comments some strain in her voice as if she was trying to speak a language unfamiliar to her. She whips about, her tail clotheslines a changeling that was moving up behind them.

“You don't know me very well then do you, gonna take more than these idiots to make me retreat.” growls Jer'rahd.

“Honestly I expected that, I also expect that you are barely standing, your movements are far more sluggish than what they should be. All that energy you are missing the queen has...” Mare-do Well was cut off as a beam blasts from the horn of the aforementioned queen at her only to impact hard against a green glowing shield that forms before the pair.

The shield slowly starts to crack due to the energy, though the beam fades before it does. Jer'rahd pants around the grip of his sword dropping the shield and looking to the rush of changelings.

“Pay attention mare, this is battle, not some sort of game.” snaps Jer'rahd rushing back into the fray with a roar.

“Oh you did not just scold me......” grumbles Mare-Do-Well darting after him.


Pinkie Pie hops along with the charging Guards staying within sight of the large griffon she had targeted. The few changelings that got near enough to her were either dispatched by her party cannon or some how managed to miss her catastrophically and knock themselves out with their own hooves.

She glances up at the volcano looming above her with a large smile on her face as the allied group pours into caves, taking out the changelings as they progress.

She had been waiting for her hoof to go itchy, but so far nothing was happening. It had stopped for a time and no one had died that she knew of, though it picked back up again right before Fluttershy had been attacked and continued to twinge every few days with no sign of any pony even being in any danger until now. Fluttershy's animal friends being killed might have been why it was going crazy that day, as they were losses that truly bothered her friend. Normally her Pinkie Sense only told her of immediate events with in the hour or so, the itchy hoof however was never tested enough to see how long it would take. At least it had been quiet the last few days.

All her other Pinkie Senses were going strong. Her tail twitches and she flips the party cannon to point upward as she takes a step to the left. The changeling trying to drop from a tree to surprise her instead lands in the cannon. Pinkie spins the weapon as the creature tries to claw out of it, its head poking up from the end of the cannon to hiss at her as she points the party cannon and mashes the button launching the changeling into its fellows with a loud boom and a shower of confetti.

“STEEEERIKE!” Pinkie shouts as the group is knocked down like bowling pins.

This was fun.


Twilight looks out from behind one of the few still intact pods around the edges of the room. The teleport had given her a headache, though she would have to suffer through it, for the moment the changelings all seemed preoccupied with other targets and had not noticed she was not buried.

Most of the changelings were rushing over to Mare-Do-Well and Jer'rahd trying to protect Chrysalis. Bleu and Rhede were back through the hole in the other room and Starfall and Velkorn were fighting around a growing pile of bodies, though the pair were being forced towards one of the doorways.

Twilight sighs looking about trying to figure what to do, the moment they noticed her they would be all over her again. She couldn't cast anything big at that point.... unless.

Her horn glows brightly as she bites her lip pushing through the pain. Starfall and Velkorn vanish from the middle of their pile reappearing next to the armored unicorn.

Velkorn catches her balance rather quickly though Starfall lands shakily looking rather green as she tries to make sure she doesn't see her lunch again.

“I need you two to keep the changelings off of me for a bit, I have an idea.”... states Twilight trying to rub her aching head through the armor.


A blast of lightning cooks a number of the changelings trying to swarm Rhede though the changeling dragon takes the distraction to tackle Bleu ,its claws digging into her scales. Bleu shrinks in size suddenly slipping free before returning to full size and grabbing it's stump of a tail and yanking it off the ground to throw on another pile of Changelings that was rushing in.

“Rhede much as I am sure you like to do nothing more than stand there and look pretty, would you mind doing something? Rhede...? Rhede? What... Oh COME ON!” Bleu growls glaring down at the lump of gold and old gear that was propped up and draped with a robe and a swath of red cloth to look like the earth pony.

“Damn it where the buck did he go?”


Captain Peach Blossom steps back yanking on his spear and kicking the changeling that had become impaled on it off with a fore hoof. He was still a little shaken by the impact with the ground, though like the Night Guard Captain, Lionheart he was uninjured and rushing back into the fray.

It did not make him less annoyed with the Element of Loyalty however.

Even that bit of addling did not slow him down when the push towards the hive began. No one was sure why they were all falling back, but the gathered forces were not going to miss the opportunity.

Knocking aside another changeling with a small squad of troops at his back he was greeted with the sight of half a dozen changelings beaten unconscious or imbedded with daggers. That there were bodies was not odd, that they were arraigned into an arrow pointing further down the hall however was decidedly so.

Lionheart tosses his head, flicking the blood off his halberd as he trots up beside the pegasus looking at the arrow.

“Think it's a trap?” mutters the half dragon.

“Maybe, though it may also be Miss Sparkle's group.” Peach Blossom responds.”In either case it's a lead, I'm tired of running around in this maze of tunnels, lets go.”


A beam of energy blasts apart a group of changelings trying to swarm over Jer'rahd. The unicorn growls at the masked pony who seems to smirk under her mask.

“That is twenty three to nineteen, my lead, now then what was that about this not being a game?” Mare-Do-Well chuckles.

“I warned Bleu not to keep score, I am warning you the same.... GET DOWN!” Jer'rahd tackles the masked pony as a long glowing whip like beam of light slashes across where they were beheading a changeling that was sneaking up behind them.

I am tired of playing with you foals!” The queen shouts as another tendril of sickly green energy forms from her horn lashing out with a crackle of electricity and a wave of heat. The beams rip apart the ground near them sending body parts and rock every where.

Jer'rahd raises a shield wincing as it was cut in half by one of the energy whips. Mare-Do-Well yanks him aside by his tail before the beam hits him as it cuts through his shield. He mutters a halfhearted thanks before the pair split, rushing away from the lashing energy whips.

The masked pony fires off a small grouping of dark energy bolts most of which get knocked out of the air by the whips, though one strikes the changeling queens wing searing the appendage as if it had been doused in acid.

Chrysalis screams out, the mass energy tendrils growing ticker as she pours more power into the attack. The whips acting more like snake heads striking out at movement and destroying anything they touched, including the ground, bodies, and changeling drones stupid enough not to move.

Jer'rahd glances to the queen as he dodges, the Waning Moon gripped in his teeth as he could not muster the energy to even levitate it right now. His eyes narrow as he watches the bug like wing grow back.

“I hope you have something more up your sleeve assassin, that didn't seem to phase her much.” Jer'rahd growls around the blade's grip as he finds himself standing next to Mare-Do-Well again.

“She is destroying more of her forces than we are, I would say this is a advantage for us.”

“If we live though this freaking attack at any rate.” grumbles Jer'rahd getting ready to rush forward again when the flash of a spell lights the whole room in a purple glow.

The pair risk a glance back at the armored purple pony standing on a pile of statues flanked by Velkorn, Starfall, and a mass of fallen changelings.

The energy wave blasts across the room causing the pair to wince though nothing happens to them as it washes over them. However every changeling that it strikes, alive or dead, rapidly turns to stone. The wave of power breaks over Chrysalis, her flesh quickly hardening to gray rock starting from her legs.

The hydra like whips vanish as the stone that was encompassing the queen begins to slow, the mares insect like body rapidly changes to other forms, the effect disrupting the spell and slowly reversing it.

“Something as simple as this will not be enough to stop ...... oh shit...” Chrysalis begins before the forms of Jer'rahd and Mare-Do-Well fill her vision, as both leap at her partially bound form with intent to kill.

Chrysalis screams in terror as the two swing hoof and blade, seeking to end her reign for good.

The attack never lands however, as both of them are knocked out of the air by a tendril of black smoke and a wall of mist rising between Chrysalis and the others glowing eyes forming a a ponies head solidifies in the mist.

“You shall not touch her peasants.” Sombra commands.

A crash from the door announces the arrival of the main force bursting into the chamber lead by the group of crystal ponies. Upon spotting Sombra they all immediately level pure white crystalline pikes at the smoke monster.

Starfall notes the pikes, Sombra's reaction to the sight of them, and grins, brandishing her own crystalline blades with her wings as if waiting for a excuse.

The smash of stone announces Bleu's return as she flings the remains of the dragon changeling across the room and into the last undamaged wall. She looks over the room her eyes locking on Sombra and she grins lightning crackling about her teeth.

“None can defeat El Super Mega Draco!”announces Bleu triumphantly.

Both Mare-Do-Well and Twilight's horns glow even though the purple unicorn seems greatly pained to do so.

Jer'rahd musters enough energy to lift the blade from his mouth glaring at Sombra.

“Buck you, I do what I want Sombra.” he snarls taking a step forward as if to attack the cloud though he barely manages one step before the Waning Moon clatters to the floor followed by it's owner.

“Not at the moment it seems.” Sombra glances back at the struggling Chrysalis who was still fighting Twilight's spell to a standstill.”Bluster will only get you so far Element Bearer.”

Jer'rahd struggles to push himself back up to his hooves glaring at the shadowy pony.

Sombra looks around the room with a sneer floating back to hide Chrysalis in the smoke.

“I should take my advice as well, there is no easy win at this point.” Sombra mutters.

“This thing is your queen then? You must be one desperate stallion.” Jer'rahd quips.

“She was not always like this.” Sombra responds sadly, backing up further.

“Enjoy what time you have then, because once I have gutted Silver Claw and that lot, I’m sticking around to rip you and that mare of yours apart.”

“While you do not carry honesty, I believe your words.... Though I do not believe you will manage to follow through with all of them.”

The form suddenly solidifies and rushes forward past all the ponies, carrying Chrysalis out the hole punched in the wall leading to outside. The smoke cloud soars up into the clouds gathering around the volcano and vanishes.

“We should have ended it, there was plenty of time to stop them once and for all.” Mare-Do-Well scolds looking at the guards as Twilight sits down hard and Jer'rahd slumps all the way to the ground not even able to lift himself out of the gore covering it. Velkorn and Bleu rush over to him knocking aside a few of the diamond dog and griffon guards who were unsure of what was going on.

“Awful haughty for an assassin.” Jer'rahd mutters. “Who are you?”

“Rather curious about that myself.” Bleu mutters standing over Velkorn and Jer'rahd as if protecting them from the masked pony.

“No one of consequence. Though it was nice to do this once more.” the masked pony states her voice taking on a fillyish twinge. She glances behind her noticing a curious Twilight, an angry Starfall ,and a large gathering of Guards moving about her.

“Umm thanks for the help and all but Who are you? Not Scarlet I assume by the horn.....” Twilight mutters as the masked pony glances around for her hat and fails to find it in the mess.

“I am exactly who I appear to be Twilight Sparkle. I am Mare-Do-Well” the masked pony states rearing up suddenly her horn glowing brightly.

“Like we are just going to take that as a answ.. Auugh!” Starfall winces as a bright flash of light pulses from the masked ponies horn, when their vision clears Mare- Do-Well was gone.

“She teleported away?” Twilight blinks looking at the spot the masked pony had been and the half circle burned into the floor.

Bleu sighs, spotting Mare-Do-Well's hat and scoops it up sniffing lightly, her eyes widening as she looks at the hat and grins. “ Well mission accomplished any way. Let's get boss out of here before he falls asleep. This is not a good spot to nap.”


So guess we won huh?” Pinkie Pie chirps peeking over the shoulder of the massive griffon as he tried to scan over some notes his troops had brought him.

“That seems it is the case.” mutters the griffon. “ Though I was unaware there was another strike team.”

“Yeah that's just Twilight, Bleu, and the others, though that's not important right now. Sooooo then … whats yer name, huh, huh, who are you huh?” Pinkie pesters her grin widening

The griffons feathers puff up in annoyance as he glares at the pink pony. Pinkie Pie seems not to notice the glare popping up all around him looking at the map or batting at his head feathers or wings and at one point rearranging his medals into a smiley face

“Enough already, go away pony, I do not have time for you inanity.” he snaps.

“But, but, you said when we won....”Pinkie pouts, her eyes getting wider as she mimics Bleu's cute face, doing it far better than the dragonling did.

The griffon winces at the look, glancing at his subordinates who were doing there best not to look at the pony either.

He looks back to the map only to see Pinkie sprawled over it facing up at him, her bottom lip quivering.

“GAH fine just stop it already. Persistent pest...” the griffon snaps. “My name is King Sharp Talon the Second, member of the Holy Trinity of Sky Watch Aerie, and one of the ruling deities of the griffon kingdom of Worlds Rim.”

“ OOOh, long name... can I call you Taly?”


“How bout Sharpy?”




“Do you mind if I call you Fred?”

“NO!!!... wait what?”

“Okay Fred.”

“GAH Whatever just cease your chatter.”

“Okay Fred, that is a rather long long name to be saying quite a mouthful any way I'm ...” Pinkie 's face suddenly gets serious as she breaths in deeply.

“I'm Pinkamenia Diana Pie, or just Pinkie Pie. Head baker at Sugar Cube Corner, professional party pony, and Pony-Ville's officialll greeter .. umm oh yeah and Bearer of the Element of Laughter..umm of Equestria,, oh yeahI’m'm also thofficialal evenannouncerer for the Running of the Leaves, and …...”

The griffon's eye twitches as Pinkie starts listing off other titles as well, showing no signs of stopping and likely inventing a few things to call herself here and there.

Sharp Talon sighs, if this was truly the sort of creature that was needed to hold an Element of Harmony, he was quite glad to let the ponies have that honor.


Rhede shifts through the rubble and the half destroyed relics that fill the room, the statues of Discord grin madly down at him. The room that Bleu had broken through into seemed to be sealed up before the changelings arrived as it was clear of any sort of green goop or evident wear and tear. Minus the damage a couple of dragons did. With the way the place was designed and the presence of those statues it was clear this was not a dormant volcano. This was one of Discord's castles, though apparently a dead one.

Of course none of that mattered at the moment, what mattered to him was to figure out what Scarlet was doing here. While much of the room was destroyed, thankfully the chest Scarlet had taken the book from had been flung against a wall and was undamaged.

Now that the fighting was over he could check it out. Digging through the contents of the chest he was hoping for at best just a clue to what she had grabbed. What he found however was better than that.

There was another book in the chest, a journal of some sort written in common pony, along with a few scattered papers that had not fallen free of the box. He looked over the papers first finding what he was after on one of the pages.

Sketched onto the loose sheet of paper was the image of a closed book, even with just the image Rhede felt uneasy, the description sent a shiver along his spine.

It was a quote, possibly from the one who drew the charcoal print.

“When the book first spoke to me it requested that it be known by it's proper name, The Silver Script...”