//------------------------------// // Proving Trust & Other Things // Story: Guardian of the Light // by DawnCrusade //------------------------------// Chapter Two: Proving Trust & Other Things Wryn was amazed at the bounty of books that Twilight had at her home, bookshelves lined the walls, and books that didn't fit on the shelves were neatly stacked up next to them. Wryn's library back at home didn't have a fraction of the books Twilight had on display. Wryn was so excited that he forgot how tired he was, dashing between bookshelves listing books he would read one day. "Excuse me?" Twilight asked. Wryn stopped mid-stride and walks back to the group of ponies at the front door, "Sorry if I'm a tad over zealous, we never had this many books where I was from," Wryn admits. "That's not what I ment," Twilight yawns, "We were going to ask if sleeping on the couch was ok with you." Wryn flashes a smile at her, noticing how exhausted everypony was. "I don't mind, thank you for letting me stay with you for the night," he says, bowing slightly. At that point the ponies made their way up the stairs while Wryn made himself comfortable on the couch, coiling up into a ball. The next morning, Wryn woke up to a cyan pagasus jumping up and down on his back. "C'mon sleepy head, wake up," she grumbled as she tried to roll him off the couch. "Alright I'm up! I'm up!" Wryn says as he raises his hands up in surrender, "This couch was more comfortable that I thought." As Wryn picked himself off the couch, a delicious smell was swept past his muzzle, "What's cookin'? It smells great!" "Better get there before Pinkie does, or there won't be any left," the cyan pegasus chuckles. "Hey, before you go, what's your name?" Wryn inquires. "I'm Rainbow Dash, best flier in Equestria! Well, besides the Wonderbolts," Rainbow Dash proclaims with a grin on her face. "Nice to meet you," says Wryn, "One day you'll have to show me your skills," giving her a wink. They both stroll into the kitchen where pandemonium has broken loose. Smoke was billowing from the oven, the faucet was out of control, and five ponies were tripping over each other covered in pancake mix. "I got this!" Wryn shouted as time seemed like it was at a standstill. Wryn raised up his clawed-hand towards the oven and the smoke dissipated, he then halted the flow of water that was streaming out of the faucet and used it to clean up the pancake mix. Wryn collapsed in a heap on the floor, blacking out temporarily, "I guess I put too much energy into that," Wryn whispered. "How did you do that!" exclaimed an intrigued Twilight. "Yes, how did you?" Rarity joined in, "I thought only unicorns and alicorns had the ability to use magic." "Do it again! Do it again!" Pinkie shouted as she started to hop up and down. "Dragons from my world are far more powerful than in this world," Wryn coughed, the power he exerted obviously tiring him out. "The Divine Dragons were part of the Celestials, one of our kind was selected to serve on the Council to rule over certain things, and were given powers to do so." He continued, "Needless to say we were given the strongest powers to serve as the Guardians." Fluttershy poked into the conversation, "The food we made before the oven overheated is still good." "Thank you for solvin' our little dilemma Wryn," says Applejack, "Who knows how bad it coulda' gotten?" Before Wryn could say anything, Rarity spoke up, "Don't say anything Darling, we know you're here to help." After they had eaten breakfast, each pony went off to do their work, Twilight asked Wryn to help her around her library. He happily obliged and assisted her in locating books, and offering information when needed. "Wryn! Help me find 'Magic Self-Protection Volume IV: Barriers and Shields'!" Twilight yelled through a mass of books. "I'm on it!" Wryn shouted back as he scanned the spines of the books until he found the volume she needed. He bolted down the stairs and weaved through the stacks of books that she had him already bring. "Thank you very much," Twilight says as she begins to flip through it, "You can take a break if you want you know? I've been running you around all day." Wryn stopped to catch his breath, sweat glistening on his forehead, "Hey," he asks, "Is there any chance that I'll be able to meet your leader to discuss about what is coming this way?" "I could request an audience with them if you'd like," offered Twilight. "I would appreciate that immensely, thank you," Wryn says, "Do you need any more help?" "I have all the resources I need, but I think Applejack needs help at Sweet Apple Acres, she said something about BigMac getting sick," Twilight responds. "I'll be off then, and I hope you'll come to the meeting with me later, it would be tough to describe how I got here," Wryn calls as he steps out the door. As Wryn approached Sweet Apple Acres, he could see a group of ponies pushing along a cart filled with apples varying in color. When he got closer however, he could hear the complaints that seemed to rise and fall with the movement of the cart. "Hey what seems to be the trouble here?" Wryn asks, saying it loud enough so that the ponies before him could hear. Applejack trotted through the crowd to Wryn, "Wryn you came at the right time, we need to haul this cart to pick up the last of the apples and bring it back here," she pauses for a second, "You think you could help us out?" Wryn walked over to the front of the cart and strapped on the leather harness, "Let's do this," he announces. Wryn dug his claws into the sun-baked earth, slowly propelling the cart forward. Cheers went up all around and the ponies began to finish up loading the last of the apples. When Wryn had hauled the cart back and recieved many 'thank-yous' from the ponies, Applejack walked up to him. "Ah guess this is the second time you've helped me out of a jam," said Applejack grinning, "Thank you." "It was my pleasure, I've been trying to help out as many ponies as possible," Wryn groaned, trying to massage his sore muscles. "By the way, would you like to attend the meeting that I'm going to? I need to show your leader that I'm telling the truth." "I would be happy to join you!" Applejack exclaims, "Oh, and I think Pinke was lookin' for ya, said somethin' about the Sugarcube Corner and needin' some extra help." She didn't have to repeat herself as Wryn was already running down the road. Wryn was gasping for breath once he finally found his way to the Sugarcube Corner, the store's front was pasted with frosting and batter, it looked as if a cake-bomb was set off. As he entered the store, he saw the damage that wasn't visible from the outside. Tables were scattered on the florr, the ovens were smoking, and cupboards were knocked open. Pinkie appeared next to him covered from head-to-hoof in icing and asked, "Think you can fix this?" Wryn looked at the chaos before him then turned to face her, "I'll see what I can do, I'm still drained from this morning." He clears up a section on the floor where he could prepare himself. "This may not be the best idea, my energy is already low as it is," he mentions before getting started. Alright, don't over extend yourself, one thing at a time, he thinks to himself as he focuses on clearing away the frosting and batter. Ok, now on to the ovens, gritting his teeth Wryn makes the smoke vanish, and one by one affixes the ovens back to their appropriate places. Wryn's vision blurs as he repositions the tables, and quickly finishes his work. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" Pinkie squeals as she jumps around the dazed dragon. She offers him a cupcake as a thanks, and he eats it in one bite. "Pinkie, tonight there is a meeting to discuss my purpose here, and I would like to have you come along," Wryn asks. "I don't want to be the only one there with a smile on my face," he confesses while smiling wildly. "Tou can count on me!" she chirps, "Oh, and Rarity said something about needing 'More magical expertise,' so I assume she was looking for you." Wryn was out the door in a flash, creating a trail of dust behind him. Wryn found Rarity outside the Carousel Boutique fiddling with a clear glass medallion, and it seemed to him, that she was frustrated. "You needed my assistance?" Wryn questioned as he stood next to her and began to examine what she was doing. "Oh thank Celestia you're here!" Rarity exclaims, "I need to design a specific necklace for a client, she wants it to be a combination of fire and ice." She stops and looks down at the circle of glass before her, "This is the last one I have though, all the others shattered." "Here let me try," Wryn asks as he puts himself in front of the glass. Concentrating some energy into one of his hands while draining energy from the other exhausted him. He brought his hands to each side of the disc, channeling the energy into it. Wryn slumped back onto the ground after finishing his work, loooking back into the glass to see fire and ice swirling around. "My dear you are a lifesaver!" Rarity says as she admires the disc with awe, "Thank you ever so much!" "I would never let a friend down," Wryn coughs trying to stand back up, but finding himself unable to do so. A blue glow surrounds him as he finds himself levitating in midair. "Let me give you a hand dear," Rarity insists, "You have been working hard, I've heard of what you've done from ponies all over town." "Really?" Wryn utters in bewilderment, "I had no idea that word spread so fast about these sorts of things." Just as Rarity was about to respond, a scream split the air. "That doesn't sound good," Wryn states as he starts to walk to the source. "Darling, are you sure your healthy enough to do this?" inquires Rarity. Wryn looks at the ground, "No, not at all, but somepony is in need of help, and I would be neglecting my job if I didn't help." He broke into a sprint, I won't get there fast enough like this, he stops and wings suddenly form out of his back, suprising Rarity who was following him. Wryn flew to where he believe he had heard the scream, and found a circle of ponies on the ground. As he descended he could hear sobs coming from a pony on the ground, it was Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was next to her, trying to comfort the cyan pegasus, holding Dash's head between her hooves. Wryn approached the two, noticing that Dash's wings were positioned at odd angles. Oh no, he thought, if I don't do something she may never be able to fly again. Wryn kneeled beside Fluttershy, "Please stay calm, this might hurt a bit, I'll try to make it as painless as possible," Dash nodded, blinking away tears as she gazed up at the dragon. Wryn took a deep breath as he laid his hands on Dash's wings, she let out a small cry of pain, but let him do what he needed to. Wryn used his magic to feel along the wing, and discovered several fractured bones and a dislocated joint. He then started to mend the smaller bones before moving on to the larger ones. Wryn's brow was furrowed in concentration, using the last of his power to relocate one wing, and let out a final breath before collapsing. When Twilight got word of what happened to Rainbow Dash, she convinced Princess Celestia and Luna to come help. When thy arrived however, they found Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash around Wryn. Rainbow Dash explained how he had used nearly all of his energy to fix her wings, and that he isn't in good condition. Twilight sat down on the grass, and cried.